
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
RJ TextEd 12.70
Version 12.70
29 jan, 2018
Shell Extension (Explorer context menu)
Wrote a new shell extension in Delphi (instead of C++). It's easier to update, builds into a smaller dll file and the menu image looks better.

Portable version
The portable version is now only available as an install script. The script unpack and copy (or update) the files in the given location.

Settings and used data is not overwritten. And nothing is written to the registry.

The auto update procedure is simpler as well. Just press the "Update" button and the update script is executed after download.

Menu and toolbar image settings
Images used in menus and toolbars are now handled in options (Style and Fonts section).

Any image list you create yourself must end with a size e.g. 16x16.bin. If a size is not found the 16x16 image list is used and images are scaled. E.g. if the program needs the 32x32 images, but are not found.

By default there are now two image lists to choose from.

  • Standard images. These have been in use for some time now.
  • Pure flat images. These are new and may look better when using a dark theme.
New menu and toolbar images
Added new image lists in the sizes 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48. The new image list is called "Pure_Flat_Toolbar" and can be set in options (Style and Fonts section).

The new images looks better when using a dark theme. But you may like them even without a theme.

Underscore should be treated as a word character and dash (-) as a word separator when searching for whole words only.

Document context menu
If you right click on a web link in the document, the context menu will contain a menu item to allow you to open the link in your default browser.

  • Improved RegEx search speed (Find Next/Previous).
  • Improvements to text diff mode when using multiple tab rows.
  • Some visual changes in the search panel.
  • Several minor changes throughout the program.
  • A few code optimizations to speed functions up.
  • FTP download using file commander.
  • Minor changes to FTP upload that should make it more reliable.
  • Issue with command line option /COMPARE.
  • Double click on tool output in message panel.
  • Changes to prevent "Cannot access clipboard" errors.
  • Search issues in Text clips panel.
  • Refresh after replace all.
  • Possible abbreviation issues.
  • Ctrl+leftmouse URL click issue.
  • Modified by external program issue.
  • A great number of minor issues.
Version 12.70 (Jan 29, 2018)
Install Version 12.70 (Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10)

32-bit version only:
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64-bit version only:
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32-bit + 64-bit versions:
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Portable Version 12.70 (Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10)
The file include both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
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Windows XP Version 12.70
32-bit version only:
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Portable versions:
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Local help file (2017-12-17)
If you can't use the on-line help - the current CHM help file is still available for download. Copy the help file to "[AppData]\Roaming\RJ TextEd\Help\". If no Internet connection is available - the local help file is used. Or you can simply add it as a tool and assign a shortcut.
Zip file:
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
RJ TextEd 12.80
Version 12.80
18 feb, 2018
Updated program files

Re-compiled all files using the latest Delphi version. All files are now Windows XP compatible (again). Which means I don't need to have separate install scripts for Windows XP anymore.

Install scripts (Windows XP)
All executable files have been compiled using the latest Delphi version. There is no longer any need to use separate installers for Windows XP.

All install scripts can now be used on Windows XP .. Windows 10.

Reload current document
Added support for remote files. If the current document has been altered you are presented with a save prompt, before the remote file is downloaded.

(S)FTP Save As
You can use this feature to save the current document to a remote server. It lets you connect to a remote server, browse the remote folders and save the file.

I made several improvements in this version.

Install script
Made some changes to the install script to fix issues when using several Windows user accounts.

Document links (URL:s)
Links inside a document can no longer be opened with Ctrl+MouseClick. Instead, use the document context menu to open the link.

This was changed to enable multiple selections and multiple editing on web links inside the document.

  • Visual changes in recent file list and fixed a few issues.
  • Visual changes in navigation history list.
  • Warn if file has been deleted on disk now has "Yes to all", and "No to all" buttons.
  • Send bug report issue.
  • Navigation history issues.
  • Column copy/paste issues.
  • Warn if file on drive has been deleted.
  • Import diff patch file issue.
  • Save diff patch file extension problem.
  • A few open/save dialogs in Windows XP.
Version 12.71
6 feb, 2018
Update function
The update window is now modeless so you can place it in the background, or minimize it, while it's downloading the new version.

The update window will be moved to the front and inform you when the update is ready for installation.

Changed the connect timeout values to 15 seconds. If the connection times out a message is displayed.

Save As (Remote)
The menu item "File / FTP / Save As (Remote)" will now open a connect window, to allow a remote connection. And a file save dialog window for browsing the remote site and add a file name.

This works with both FTP and SFTP.

Navigation history
Navigation history should handle remote files now. Even if you have closed them.

CSS highlighter
Made some minor changes to the CSS syntax file which affect the highlighting.

  • CSS highlighter issues.
  • Exit error when option "Close to hibernate" is used.
  • Edit macro issue.
  • Folder option menu issue in search-bar.
  • Code fold issue inside ini files when wordwrap is on.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
RJ TextEd 12.90
Version 12.90
7 mar, 2018
New Chromium Component
Removed the old chrome preview component and replaced it with a brand new one. It's actively updated to use the latest Chromium library version and has some advantages compared to the old one.

All Chromium files are now stored in the "RJ TextEd\cef" folder.

The version included in this release is 64.0.3282.

Updated visual controls
Updated controls (check boxes, radio boxes, dropdown lists...) to the latest version.

Updated SFTP controls
This new version fix a few issues.

URL highlighting and follow link
Added an option to enable URL highlighting and to follow the link by Ctrl + Mouse click. The mouse cursor change to a pointing hand when hovering an URL.

(S)FTP Open (File - FTP - Open...)
This feature allows you to open remote file(s). A file open dialog is displayed allowing you to connect to a remote server, browse remote folders and select files to open.

Made several improvements to the FTP client. It should be able to detect a remote disconnect properly now and reconnect if necessary.

FTP panel drag n drop
You can now drag files to the editor panel to open the remote files.

Evaluate Expression
Added a new menu item to evaluate and replace an expression. I also renamed some menu items to make there function clearer.

Status bar character hint
The current character data hint (hover mouse over status bar line, col and character column) now contain a character position value. The value include line feeds.

Made some minor changes to improve color value identifying.

Import diff file
Replaced the Windows standard input dialog with a custom made. It's larger and can be resized to make reading and editing easier.

  • Several reported issues.
  • Script highlighting and folding.
  • Remote file transfer dialog theme color issues.
  • Highlight colors.
  • RegEx "find" issues.
  • RegEx "find all" issues.
  • Undo issues.
  • Dual document view startup issue.
  • Should startup properly on Linux (Wine, latest version).
  • Fixed some install and update issues.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 12.91
Version 12.91
18 mar, 2018
Toggle browser view
Made some code changes to fix a few issues with the browser view. The IE browser should work now and the Chrome browser should open more reliably now.

IE and Chrome preview
Made some code changes to the preview functions to make sure the document is opened properly in the preview pane.

Fixed a few glitches in all preview panes.

Insert abbreviation and text clip
If the option to insert spaces with tab key is set - all tabs in abbreviations and clips are converted to spaces. Otherwise, real tabs are inserted.

Unicode searches should work properly now using \x{FFFF}.

Ex. To find "€" use "\x{20AC}" as a search string. Or to find any non-ASCII character use "[^\x{0000}-\x{007F}]".
  • Made some internal improvements to the editor background thread.
  • Improved communication between editor and background thread.
  • Documents should close a little bit faster.
  • Heredoc issue in PHP syntax highlighter.
  • Word wrap issues.
  • Highlight selections.
  • Misc issues reported by users or found while testing.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 13.0
Version 13.0 24 April, 2018

Chrome preview

Updated the Chromium preview component and libraries to version 65.0.3325.

Exception catcher
Made extensive changes to the bug report format and added several new items. A new tab was added to the exception window for loaded modules and running Win32 processes.

The screenshot now captures the entire window.

Made some code changes to minimize disk access during startup and moved some functions to be used first when actually needed.

Code improvements and code testing
I've taken the time to stress test functions and analyze classes and code to find possible issues.

Some issues where found using different debug flags. or tools, and others where found using Application Verifier.

I also corrected a few issues found using static code analysis tools and found several minor problems while testing.

Explorer tabs and File Commander tab
Auto refresh should work properly now. And also turning it off in explorer tab.

Script debugging (step over)
Made several improvements and fixed some issues.

  • The executed line is highlighted with a red background.
  • The debugging stops at the end of the script, or when moving focus to the script window, or when pressing the stop button.
  • Added remote file operations (save and save as) to the document tab context menu.
  • Menus can be accessed by pressing ALT then a char code. E.g. ALT+F+S for save.
  • Find highlight issue.
  • Find RegEx highlight issue.
  • Ruler paint issue.
  • Chrome preview issue.
  • Rename remote file and server has disconnected.
  • Project wide class explorer issues.
  • Hex view paste issue.
  • Toolbar image issue.
  • Indent issue with expand abbreviation.
  • Delete multiple selections.
  • PHP tags inside HTML tag issues.
  • TODO/NOTE display issues in code explorer.
  • TODO/NOTE display issues in project class viewer.
  • Toggle browser view shortcut issue.
  • Switch tab from Chrome preview tab using keyboard shortcut.
  • Document tab hint issue.
  • Shutdown issues and issues that could lead to a crash.
  • Misc reported issues.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 13.10
Version 13.10 7 May, 2018

Chrome preview

Made several changes to how preview panels and windows are created and closed. I may have fixed a few potentially random close down errors as well.

Program startup
Prevented the creation of some components at startup if they aren't needed or currently viewed. It may speed up the startup sequence a little.

  • Exception error report should now contain a better screenshot.
  • Found and fixed several minor issues while testing.
  • Several column mode issues.
  • Toolbar hint issue.
  • Local help should work again (if no internet and local help file available).
  • A script issue.
  • C and Cpp code explorer issue.
  • Print issue.
  • (S)FTP upload issue.
  • Find/Replace All issues.
  • Portable install issues on 32-bit Windows.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 13.20
Version 13.20 May 21, 2018

Chrome preview
Updated the Chrome preview component and libraries to version 66.0.3359.

Document map
Changed the appearance of the current page representation inside the document map.

Border and background can be changed in customize themes.

Added a document map hint window. Move the mouse inside the document map to see the hint window. The hint displays the content of the document at the mouse position.

Overwrite mode
Added an option to make paste from clipboard work like most Linux editors when in overwrite (OVR) mode.

The option is labeled "Paste from clipboard should overwrite text in overwrite mode."

  • Annotation bar flicker when switching document tab.
  • Alt+Key issues.
  • Find issue with match whole words.
  • Focus issue with auto-hidden panels.
  • Code explorer issue.
  • Copy as RTF.
  • Select All in search bar.
  • Small memory and resource leak.
  • (S)FTP upload issues.
  • Misc minor issues found while adding new features and testing.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 13.25
Version 13.25 May 29, 2018

Document map
The page marker can now be dragged and used as a scrollable handle and even replace the scrollbar.

Options added:
  • Hide vertical scrollbar when document map is visible.
  • Document map width.
Indent by Fold
Indent by fold is a simple way to format your code. A menu item has been added to the format menu. The function will indent selected code or the entire document, if nothing is selected. Indention follows the code folding and should indent blocks inside a code fold.

For the most part it formats the code fairly well, but some manual editing may be required.

  • Code explorer issue.
  • Toolbar button and dropdown issues.
  • Dual document view issue with compare mode.
  • Close document tab issue.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
RJ TextEd 13.30
Version 13.30
July 8, 2018
Chrome Preview
Updated the chromium component and libraries to version 67.0.

Goto Function/Line/Bookmark... (CTRL+G)
Redesigned the "Goto line..." page in the modal search window and added a search field and a list with all classes, structures, methods, properties and functions found in the current document.

Use the search field to find a code element and, if necessary, the up and down arrows to select the class, method or function you wish to go to.

There are four different keyboard actions to open the goto page.

  • GotoAction - will open the page with the last active option (Ctrl+G).
  • GotoSelectFunctionAction - will open the page with the function option active.
  • GotoSelectLineAction - will open the page with the line option active.
  • GotoSelectBookmarkAction - will open the page with the bookmark option active.
Find/Replace dialog box
Redesigned the modal search window and added a new page for "Find in Files".

All buttons are now placed to the right of the find/replace text fields.

Most combo boxes have been replaced by radio buttons to make option selection easier.

Search bar
Made several changes to the search bar, removed some dropdown lists and added a popup form to the folder option button.

Find in Files
Added a "Find in Files" menu item and toolbar button.

File Explorer Panel
Added navigation history buttons and moved a few buttons to the new "more" button dropdown menu. I also added a favorites button.

History navigation can also be done using the mouse back/forward buttons. But it only works if the explorer panel has focus.

Navigation history
It's now possible to navigate backwards and forward using the mouse back/forward buttons (if you have them).

  • Clear recent list string issue.
  • A few replace issues.
  • Remove item in recent file list.
  • A few issues reported by users.
  • Some minor visual changes.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 14.12
Version 14.12 21 Aug, 2019

Highlight Expressions
Added a new function in the "Search" highlight menu. In the opened dialog window you can add as many text strings or regular expressions as you like. Each expression will be highlighted using a set text and background color.
You can set individual options for each expression, like
  • Case sensitive
  • Match whole words
  • Regular expression
You can also set individual text and background color for each expression.
Hint on auto hidden panels
Added hints to auto hidden panels with no caption (only the image is visible).
  • Minor search bar issues.
  • Theme issue in Windows 7.
  • Add to project with delayed opening of files.
  • Printer setup issue.
Version 14.11 10 Aug, 2019

Dual document view
A prompt is shown when closing the dual document view. The prompt lets you move or close the document tabs.
Replace All in hex view (binary files)
Made some changes to the "Replace All" code and changed how the output is displayed.
Fixed a few issues and improved performance.
  • Issue with minimize if all documents are closed and dual document view.
  • Hex view replace all issues.
  • Several issues (exception errors) reported by users.
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!


Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
RJ TextEd 14.30
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Version 14.30
19 jan, 2020
Chrome Preview
Updated component and libraries to version 78.0.3904.
Remote files (S)FTP
Added menu items to upload current document to a remote server.

You can still save to a remote server.

The difference between upload and save is that if you upload to a remote server - the document is still saved to a local folder. But if you save to a remote folder - the document is then always saved to that remote location.

The option "Save to remote location" should now always allow the document to be saved to it's last saved location. E.g. if you save to a remote server - the document is always saved to the remote location.
Sites panel
Added a new panel to handle web sites. Create a new site by adding a name for the site, add local, remote server and test server locations. The remote and test server locations is selected using a remote folder dialog window. This allows you to select the (S)FTP profile to use with the site. New sites are listed in the drop down menu.
Local site
This is were you store the site on local disk for editing.
Test site
You can use a test server for testing your site before publishing it.
Remote site
This is where you publish your web site.
Active Remote site
On the toolbar buttons you can see a yellow dot marking the active remote site. All transfers will commends between the local and active site. E.g. if the test server site is active - all uploads, downloads, synchronize operations etc. is done between the local site and the test server site.
Site panel toolbar
Open an existing site from the drop down menu. From the site panel you can upload, download files and folders. Or you can synchronize local and remote folders. The synchronize feature will either synchronize the entire web site, except folders you have excluded in the synchronize dialog window, or synchronize the files and folders you have selected.
Context menu
The context menus contain menu items to cut, copy and paste selected files and folders. You can copy and move files between the local folder and any remote location. Or you can copy and move files between locations on the local or remote site.

Duplicate allows you to duplicate selected files and folders. Rename allows you to rename any file or folder. Delete allows you to delete selected files and folders. Permissions allows you to change remote file and folder permissions.

Open in browser will open the selected local or remote file in an web browser. For this to work with remote files - make sure you add a web path in the site settings.
File commander (upload, download and sync)
File date and time information is now stored inside XML files. It's now possible to use the same local web site and sync it to several remote locations. This is useful if you have the same site under different domains. E.g.
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You can choose if you want to synchronize the currently opened folders or synchronize selected files and folders.

Made several optimizations. All operations should be much faster now.

Fixed several issues found when writing the new code and when testing.
Site and file commander sync dialog window
Redesigned the dialog window and fixed a few issues. Added a new option to only synchronize selected files and folders.
Enclose toolbar dropdown menu
Added a new toolbar button to the main toolbar that opens a dropdown menu for enclosing selected text. The dropdown menu contain many different quote types and braces.

The same toolbar button is available in the user toolbar.
  • Macro edit window is now sizable and can be maximized.
  • Enabled ALT+UP/DOWN when importing diff file to navigate up and down in the document.
  • Search dialog window should open faster now (made some optimizations).
  • Reduced flickering when resizing the main window.
  • Updated the Pearl syntax files.
Fixed a large number of reported issues.

Size: 69.4 MB

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
RJ TextEd 14.40
Version 14.40 - 16 feb, 2020

Chrome Preview
Updated component and libraries to version 79.0.3945.

Made some changes and fixed a few issues. Both SSL explicit and SSL implicit connections should work better now.

If the server certificate isn't deemed valid during the validation process, a window is opened containing information about the certificate - allowing the user to examine the certificate and except or abort the connection. If the user accept the certificate - the decision is remembered and the certificate window is not presented again.

FTP profiles
Made some minor visual changes in dialog windows.

Document Views
Changed the document view layout. Views are now aligned in a maximum of three columns. Each column can have two views (top and bottom).

It may seem similar to how it worked before and most users may not see any difference. But some layouts are now possible, that wasn't previously. The document view drop down selector should be more intuitive to use as well.

File open dialog window
Added a new option to add opened files to the most recently used list (MRU).

This is, of course, the standard behavior. But the option allows you to open files without adding them to the MRU list.

Added support for markdown files.

  • Toolbar button for Character viewer was added. Enable in "Customize toolbars...".
  • Site synchronize issues.
  • Site synchronize exclude issues.
  • Minor issue in sites options.
  • Minor mouse cursor issue over auto completion list box.
  • Auto completion with array [].
  • Compatibility issue with WordWeb and default shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+W).
  • A few menu language issues.
  • Undo issue in column mode.
  • Run script issue.
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
RJ TextEd 14.41 Update
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Version 14.41
27 feb, 2020
Line number hint
Added a line number hint when scrolling using the mouse. The hint is displayed top right in the editor window. When the document map is visible it's displayed to the left of the document map.
Sites panel
Added a context menu item to display synchronize info for selected file. The message window will tell you if the file on local and test/remote site is synchronized, if the file has been changed on either side, and which one appears to be newer.
(S)FTP synchronize
Fixed several issues with file synchronization in sites panel and file commander.
Recent files drop down list
Made several visual and behavioral changes.
  • Mouse tracking will no longer scroll the list.
  • Check boxes are only visible for the current list item until a check box has been checked and you enter select mode.
  • In select mode all check boxes are displayed.
  • When in select mode (check boxes are visible) you can use shift+mouse or ctrl+mouse to select items. List items will behave as in windows explorer.
  • A single mouse click on an item outside of the check box will deselect all items and exit select mode.
Misc minor issues.

Size: 69.8 MB

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Note! The updates are available using the program update function or as a downloadable update
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