
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Secure File Deleter 5.07



Bezpieczne usuwanie plików

Jak wiadomo, po usunięciu pliku lub folderu, nadal można go łatwo odzyskać nawet po opróżnieniu kosza . Aby zapobiec odzyskiwaniu usuniętych plików, należy zastąpić fizycznie zawartość usuniętych plików dowolnymi danymi. Oczywiście odbywa się to przy pomocy specjalnych programów, a nie ręcznie.

Jak zapobiec odzyskiwaniu usuniętych plików?

Istnieją dwa typy programów, które mogą wyzerować wcześniej usunięte pliki bez możliwości ich odzyskania (nawet przy użyciu specjalnych narzędzi odzyskiwania). Pierwszy typ takich programów zastąpi całą wolną przestrzeń na dysku twardym (to tzw. tryb "blind mode" czyli "tryb niewidomy"). Zazwyczaj takie programy pracują przez 3-10 godzin (bywa jednak że i przez kilka dni i jest to zależne od różnych czynników), starannie niszcząc wszystkie możliwe pozostałości po usuniętych plikach. Drugi typ tych programów usunie tylko wybrane pliki ale za to w krótszym czasie - zwykle kilka minut - zapewniając taki sam poziom bezpieczeństwa. Nasz program należy do drugiego typu i jesteśmy pewni, że jest to najlepszy typ.

BEZPŁATNY program Secure File Deleter

To bezpłatne narzędzie jest w stanie trwale wymazać zawartość usuniętych plików, aby nikt nie był w stanie odzyskać ich nawet przy użyciu specjalistycznych narzędzi. Zawartość usuniętych plików zostanie zastąpiona losowymi danymi; można wybrać wiele bezpiecznych algorytmów w celu zniszczenia danych. Program może zapisywać kombinację jedynek i zer lub dowolnych znaków w dowolnym sektorze dysku twardego. Zaprojektowaliśmy prosty interfejs użytkownika, ale program jest bardzo profesjonalny i wydajny. Dzięki temu programowi nie ma potrzeby nadpisywania całego wolnego miejsca na dysku, co zwykle trwa wiele godzin; wszystko odbędzie się bardzo szybko. Program został opracowany we współpracy z Center for Magnetic Recording Research of the University of California w San Diego.

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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Secure File Deleter 5.08
  • Our new version includes several improvements that related to user interactions with the program:
  • Less clicks! You can skip one step during work of the program. From now on you're not required to confirm security options every time you delete some file. You can now skip this step and continue directly to the deletion process. But don't worry, access to security options will appear as additional button on th confirmation screen. To enable or disable this option please visit preferences of the program. Also note that enabling or disabling this option requires program restart.
  • We have added 1 second delay before program quits, if you choose auto-exit. Thus, you will notice that the work is done, and the program not crashed.
  • Added feedback system, please leave your vote! You will see small link "Tell us the truth" at the final window. Click it ;)
  • Added link to leave feedback about our program to the window "About the program".
  • Some other minor changes to the code.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Secure File Deleter 5.09
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• 13 Sep 2017

This is a minor release that adds huge function! Now you have 4 ways to securely delete your files!
• Today we're introducing "Burn_It" folder! Yes, the folder on your Desktop inside which all files and folders will be automatically securely deleted as soon as you'll move them to that folder. This is a small addition can make huge change in your life. You can enable this option in the settings area of the program. And, after restart of Windows OS, you will see special folder "Burn_It" on your Desktop. Just move any files or folder to that folder and they will be securely erased using recent security settings. No need to launch our program again and again. This action is equivalent of the same procedure which you did with the program, but it works on background. Just try it, you will like it!
• Corrected bug with the encoding during submission of feedback.
• Procedures on the program startup was optimized. Startup of the program should be quicker.
• Corrected problem with empty window which may appear after closing our program.
• Some other small bugs fixed.


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Secure File Deleter 5.10
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• 22 Nov 2017

Great news! With this update we start new promotional campaign: you can win free professional version! See more information below. Also, in this update we made a many changes to the core libraries of the program. You will notice many visual changes to the system functions, however, basic operations related to the data deletion are the same. Changes are:
• Win professional version! During installation or update of the program you can win professional version. This promotional campaign have no expiration date yet, thus you can be the owner of professional version for a long time! And it's for free! Every time you install or update our programs - you taking part in this lottery. If you won, you will be notified by message on the Desktop. You will not need to provide any credit cards, no personal information needed!
• New interface for general preferences of the program.
• You will notice new links to helpful articles on the web.
• Fixed bug: some supported languages was missing from the list.
• Updates will now be installed using express settings, so you don't need to go thru every step of the installer. You will see the difference next time you will install an update.
• Disabled anonymous statistics. The program will no longer collect basic technical anonymous stats. Privacy is important.
• Fixed bug: empty window can appear after closing the program.
• Optimized procedure on the program load, it will start faster, less bugs.
• Notification about professional version will be displayed less ofter, we don't want to annoy you.
• Other minor changes to the code.
In the next release we will work for some change related to the main purpose of the program (we have plans to add new features) and we will continue working on translations of the program interface. Thank you for using our pograms!
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Secure File Deleter 5.11
Update history
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• 06 Feb 2018

Minor update that fixes issues with translations and security.
• German, greek, polish and french translations was corrected by human.
• Code signing certificate replaced with a new one.
• Few other minor changes to the code.
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Bardzo aktywny
11 Styczeń 2014
To tu to tam....
Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Secure File Deleter 5.12
5.12 • 15 Feb 2018
CRITICAL UPDATE. This update is very important. It fixes critical bug, please install as soon as possible.
• Details about the problem. Recently we have moved to a new server and the new software on our new server was not compatible with old versions of our programs. The problem was in conflict between two security protocols: our programs use TLS version 1.0, but new server accepts only TLS version 1.2. Because of that all programs which we have released before will be unable to communicate with the server. If you will not install this update you will not be able to receive updates in the future, subscribe, activate or anything else that requires interaction with the server. Your program will be disconnected forever. Please accept our apologies, this situation made a lot of pain to us, we really didn't like to update all programs at once, but this is the only one solution.
• Added support for security TLS version 1.2.
• Added security patch for updates, to prevent such situation in the future.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Secure File Deleter 6.00
6.00 25 May 2018

There are few big changes:

1. The program has a new look and style, but don't worry, you will recognize all features of our previous version.
2. All codes were re-written from scratch.
3. Interface was made to be more friendly for user.
4. Added new framework, which is common set of features for all our programs.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Secure File Deleter 6.07
Version 6.07 - 07 Nov 2019

This release improves security of the program. The old code signing certificate is going to expire soon, thus we have replaced it with a new one. This will prevent problems with expired certificate message which you will see in the next month, if you will not update your copy of the program.
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Secure File Deleter Pro 6.08
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• 23 May 2021

This is a great update that includes many performance and security improvements. Please note that all functionality of the app is untouched, we are just optimizing core procedures.
- Removed subscription offer. Since we no longer send newsletter by email we will not disturb you with the screen that offers email subscription.
- The program will not collect anonymous usage statistics anymore.
- Changed interval for checks for free updates, previously it was once per 5 days, and now it's once per 14 days.
- Removed several useless links in the menu of the application, making interface light.
- Removed 2K of programming codes that no longer in use.
- Added new code signing certificate for top maximum security.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Secure File Deleter 6.11

6.11 • 16 Sep 2022

We thank our users who spent some time reporting small bugs to our developers! Thank you so much, guys! Your support helps us notice even smallest mistakes. As a gift, we will provide free Professional license of our product for those who helped us.
This release includes several bug fixes which were reported by our users.

6.09 • 06 Feb 2022

In this update we are cleaning code of our application by removing legacy, not very important functions. For example, we have disabled error reporting completely. Also, a warning that requires you to check for updates won't appear anymore. This is up to you, from now on!
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