Instalator:v2.2.10 (6 Juny 2018)
- added feature to disable special rules group (issue
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!)- revert special rules highlighting
- fixed listview focusing (maybe?) (issue
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!)- fixed switching modes
- fixed reported bugs
- code cleanup
- fixed bugs
To activate portable mode, create "simplewall.ini" in application folder, or move it from "%APPDATA%\Henry++\simplewall".
Język zmieniasz w ustawieniach "Settings/Select Language"Może mi ktoś wyjaśnić jak się instaluje polską wersje językową, bo nie mogę tego rozkminić.
Jak instalujesz to program sam wybiera język polski ,jeśli masz w innym języku to zmieniasz (General - language i wybierasz Polish)Może mi ktoś wyjaśnić jak się instaluje polską wersje językową, bo nie mogę tego rozkminić.
Uruchomiłem wersję portable i od razu pokazał się w naszym ojczystym językuJak instalujesz to program sam wybiera język polski
Instalator:v2.2.12 (6 Juny 2018)
- fixed win10rs4 netevents subscription (win10rs4+)
- fixed double race condition lock (critical)
Install:v2.3 (19 Juny 2018)
- added allowed connections monitoring in dropped packets log (win8+)
- added inbound multicast and broadcast connections logging (win8+)
- added outbound redirection filter layer (win7+)
- added separation for remote/local address/port in rules editor
- added hotkeys for import/export profile
- added win10 rs5 support
- prevent memory overflow for singly linked lists (win7+) (issue #193)
- do not load icons for processes if icons displaying are disabled
- improved multiple rules applying speed in settings window
- increased time limit for displaying same notification (win7+)
- search loading dlls in system directories only (safety)
- check for correct xml data type before loading
- store last notification timestamp for apps
- removed proxy support (win8+)
- fixed dropped events callback crash (win7+)
- fixed applying services filters
- fixed alphanumeric sorting
- improved port scanning defense
- improved loopback connections
- improved boot-time filters
- stability improvements
- cleanup xml atributes
- updated system rules
- cosmetics fixes
- fixed ui bugs
- fixed bugs
Install:v2.3.1 (25 Juny 2018)
- fixed loopback rules (added more reserved ip addresses)
- fixed sometimes system cannot be going to sleep
- fixed applying rules for services (appcrash)
- fixed update sometimes cannot be installed
- fixed services enumeration
- fixed system rules
Install:v2.3.2 (27 Juny 2018)
- added sorting by state for user rules in app context menu
- increased priority for blocking user rules
- fixed loading on startup (issue #75)
- fixed editor apps list sorting
- fixed service names displaying
- fixed skipuac
Install:v2.3.4 (21 September 2018)
- fixed dns system rules when dns service is stopped
- fixed listen filter conditions (issue #213, #222)
- fixed memory referencing bug (issue #221)
- fixed massive handles leak (issue #230)
- fixed thread termination
- various ui fixes
Install:v2.3.5 (14 October 2018)
- added extra large icons view
- use correct function for netevents subscription (win10rs4+)
- fixed forced cleartype font style (issue #233)
- fixed possible buffer overflow
- rerwritten timer engine
- cosmetic fixes
Install:v2.3.6 (16 October 2018)
- added purgen submenu into tray menu
- added more statusbar information
- set extra large icons view by default
- tray menu services counting bug
- fixed app with overdue timer still enabled on profile load
- fixed resetting some data on profile load
- fixed timer resetting on profie load
- fixed listview checkboxes
- cosmetic fixes
- fixed bugs
Install:v2.3.7 (5 November 2018)
- fixed dropped events callbak subscription on latest win10
- fixed notifications sound cannot be played in some cases
- fixed fastlock race condition (critical)
- cosmetic fixes
- fixed bugs