
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Startup Sentinel


Startup Sentinel (SuS) to program który daje pełną kontrolę nad programami które są uruchamiane w czasie startu systemu, co w sposób istotny przyczynia się do szybszego i bezpieczniejszego uruchamiania się i funkcjonowania systemu Windows.
Startup Sentinel wykrywa każdy program dodany do sekwencji startowej dając nam możliwość dodania go do tzw. "Białej" lub "Czarnej listy" w zależności od tego, czy jest jest to pożyteczna i bezpieczna aplikacja, czy też ta niechciana lub/i niebezpieczna.

Startup Sentinel - 1.7.2
Released 2017-08-27View Issues1.7.2Startup Sentinel
0004252: [Refactoring] Notification of "up-to-date" version when manually check using menu item (Kyle_Katarn)
0004423: [New Feature] Menu item for "Bug report" and "Change Log" (Kyle_Katarn)
0004364: [Bug] Google search no longer working (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.7.1
Released 2017-02-03View Issues1.7.1Startup Sentinel
0003773: [Bug] Wrong language file used (Kyle_Katarn)
0004222: [New Feature] ICS shall be set in NO_DEBUG_LOG (Kyle_Katarn)
0004193: [Bug] Update of internal ICS library from 8.06 to 8.34 (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.7
Released 2016-09-01View Issues1.7Startup Sentinel
0003736: [New Feature] Update detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0003876: [Refactoring] Upgrade of internal JEDI Libraries JCL v2.7 -> v2.8 (6000) JVCL v3.49 -> v3.50 (2016-08-04) (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.6.4
Released 2016-05-11View Issues1.6.4Startup Sentinel
0003751: [Bug] Unable to untick "load at startup" if set in HKLM and SuS not launched as admin (Kyle_Katarn)
0003764: [Bug] In Settings, if HKCU/Run set, it is not removed if unchecked from admin mode (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.6.3
Released 2015-12-21View Issues1.6.3Startup Sentinel
0003327: [Bug] Erorr message when trying to put the program in autostart with insufficient privilege (Kyle_Katarn)
0002929: [Bug] Error while saving settings (Kyle_Katarn)
0003322: [New Feature] "List editor" shall indicate black / white in title bar (user awareness) (Kyle_Katarn)
0003313: [Refactoring] Upgrade of internal JEDI Libraries (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.6.2
Released 2015-11-14View Issues1.6.2Startup Sentinel
0003239: [New Feature] ALSR (Address space layout randomization) (Kyle_Katarn)
0003279: [Bug] Windows 10 support in log file (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.6.1
Released 2015-10-26View Issues1.6.1Startup Sentinel
0003075: [New Feature] Shall log if "portable" version is used (Kyle_Katarn)
0003212: [Bug] Typo in logs (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.6
Released 2015-08-09View Issues1.6Startup Sentinel
0003034: [New Feature] it shall be possible to "google search" for a given item (Kyle_Katarn)
0003043: [New Feature] Right click menu (with WL, BL, Remove,....) (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.5.1
Released 2015-07-04View Issues1.5.1Startup Sentinel
0002880: [Refactoring] Startup with Windows using HKLM (+HKCU as backup), not HKCU (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.5
Released 2015-06-07View Issues1.5Startup Sentinel
0002101: [New Feature] Export to text/csv file (Kyle_Katarn)
0002873: [New Feature] Shortcuts for all menu items (Kyle_Katarn)
0002268: [New Feature] Indication of failed removal (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.4.1
Released 2015-04-22View Issues1.4.1Startup Sentinel
0002779: [Bug] GUI problems with 120 DPI (not fixed in v1.4) (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.4
Released 2015-01-24View Issues1.4Startup Sentinel
0002748: [Bug] GUI problems with 120 DPI (Kyle_Katarn)
0002674: [Bug] Misdetection of Windows 8.1 (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.3
Released 2014-08-19View Issues1.3Startup Sentinel
0002266: [New Feature] SuS shall be raised on top of other windows upon new detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0002040: [New Feature] More advanced "popup" with relevant action (accept, ban...) (Kyle_Katarn)
0002588: [Refactoring] List shall be refreshed when settings are saved (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.2
Released 2014-03-22View Issues1.2Startup Sentinel
0002495: [Bug] Item in blacklist.... not automatically removed ! (Kyle_Katarn)
0002496: [Refactoring] "Scanning" shall not be logged (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.1
Released 2013-12-28View Issues1.1Startup Sentinel
0002408: [New Feature] Refresh (F5) action (Kyle_Katarn)
0002411: [Bug] fails to ignore programs in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\AutorunsDisabled (Kyle_Katarn)
0002258: [New Feature] Windows 8.1 support in log file (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 1.0
Released 2013-10-20View Issues1.0Startup Sentinel
0002245: [New Feature] Icons for items in list (Kyle_Katarn)
0002244: [New Feature] Icons for action buttons (Kyle_Katarn)
0002056: [Refactoring] Shall not try to access to reg keys not suitable for a given OS (Kyle_Katarn)
0002232: [New Feature] Log shall indicate if administrator rights are granted (Kyle_Katarn)
0002240: [Bug] Typo "add to whilelist" -> "add to whitelist" (Kyle_Katarn)
0002239: [New Feature] Make window sizeable (due to long file path & names) (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 0.4
Released 2013-08-28View Issues0.4Startup Sentinel
0002086: [Bug] Wrong log indication for blacklisting operation (Kyle_Katarn)
0002085: [Bug] HKCU:Run does not exist, even on 64bits OS (Kyle_Katarn)
0002055: [Refactoring] "unable to open reg key" should indicate which root (HKLM, HKCU,...) (Kyle_Katarn)
0002083: [Bug] Unable to delete/blacklist from registry on 64bits OS (Kyle_Katarn)
0002084: [Refactoring] Improved logging for registry key/value deletion operation (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 0.3
Released 2013-07-20View Issues0.3Startup Sentinel
0002053: [Bug] Not all Startup entries detected on 64bits OS (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 0.2
Released 2013-07-13View Issues0.2Startup Sentinel
0002036: [Refactoring] Make SuS mono-instance process (Kyle_Katarn)
0002041: [New Feature] Log actions (Kyle_Katarn)
0002047: [Bug] Maximize button incorrect managed (Kyle_Katarn)
0002039: [New Feature] White/Black lists editor (Kyle_Katarn)

Startup Sentinel - 0.1
Released 2013-07-09View Issues0.1Startup Sentinel
0002037: [New Feature] Settings / Load at startup (Kyle_Katarn)
0002042: [New Feature] "About" menu and dialog (Kyle_Katarn)
0002043: [New Feature] "Open log" menu action (Kyle_Katarn)
0002038: [New Feature] Delete + Blacklist functions (Kyle_Katarn)

Program jest dostępny w trzech wersjach:

1. Pełna:
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2. Lite:
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3. Portable:
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Startup Sentinel
Version released March 23, 2021
  • [Bug] export to text file results in too many lines displayed and no text file stored (Kyle_Katarn)
  • [Bug] export to CSV files is faulty, resulting in too few lines displayed (Kyle_Katarn)
  • [Refactoring] Update ICS library to 8.65 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1i (Kyle_Katarn)
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