
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Subtitle Edit 3.5.3


Subtitle Edit to darmowy edytor napisów wideo - edytor napisów :)
Z Subtitle Edit można łatwo od podstaw utworzyć nowe napisy do filmu, można też oczywiście edytować i poprawiać istniejące napisy. W programie można także - gdy zajdzie taka potrzeba - dokonać synchronizacji "rozjeżdżających" się napisów lub np. dokonywać konwersji napisów pomiędzy różnymi formatami (program wspiera konwersję na ponad 200 różnych formatów).
Program Subtitle Edit to klasyka wśród tego typu programów.

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SHA1 Checksum: 02b298424d293ea7dd17877ccea514ca6c6e2754

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SHA1 Checksum: 5f4979f887e6d1fedeb2ee67dad18eb42333b1f2


Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Subtitle Edit 3.5.4
  • NEW:
  • New subtitle format JacoSub
  • New subtitle format Lamda Cap (basic support)
  • New subtitle format
  • New shortcuts for frame forward/back with play
  • Persian translation
  • Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!
  • Update Spanish + Mexican + Argentinian translations
  • Update Russian translation
  • Update Brazilian translation
  • Update Basque translation
  • Update Korean translaton
  • Update Chinese Traditional translation
  • Update Portuguese translation
  • Improve language auto detect
  • Add "Whole word" in "Replace" window
  • Use system default font for all windows
  • Add semicolon as possible shortcut key
  • Add 60 fps to export settings for several formats
  • Google translate can now use google.cn (for Chinese ppl)
  • Export margins can now be percentage or pixels
  • Add more subtitle formats to command line + batch convert
  • If input file is unknown + plain text, "Import plain text" will open
  • ASS allows decimals for outline/shadow
  • Add "actor" to custom text export
  • Improve RTL support
  • Add "Persian" Tesseract OCR dictionary
  • Change some combo boxes to allow for better searching
  • Make "sort by" more consistant
  • Add "Bridge gaps" (in durations) to "Batch convert"
  • Minor improvements for "Binary image compare" OCR
  • Make "Status log" window non-modal
  • Add undo/redo for single line auto-br/un-br
  • Add image resizing when re-exporting image based formats
  • FIXED:
  • Fix memory leak regarding "mpv" + subtitle change
  • Fix missing space in format WebVTT
  • Fix support for combined Arabic characters in PAC
  • mpv frame stepping now updates position
  • Fix issue with TTML and namespace
  • Fix possible crash in "Statistics"
  • Fix for Arabic spell check word split
  • Fix for reverse RTL start/end
  • Add to name to language list is now culture neutral
  • Maintain cursor position during unbreak/break
  • Fix for "disable auto open" of video files
  • Fix for rare large font issue
  • Fix for PAC language auto-detect
  • Remove colon now leaves first letter in uppercase
  • Fix ASS font tag with space
  • Fix possible crash in expand ocr match
  • Allow for large unknown subtitle formats
  • Fix auto-detect Arabic encoding
  • Fix time code reading for format FCP/Image
  • Keep styles from ttml draft to ASS
  • Fix minor issues for format DVD Studio Pro
  • Fix some issues regarding format TSB4
  • Fix "Translation mode" Shortcut not working
  • Fix waveform performance for long texts
  • Improve handling of advanced ASS tags
  • Improve handling of zlib compression in Matroska
  • Fix some broken spell check dictionary links
  • Fix reading of ASSA with not normal section order
  • Fix some ASSA issues in export to images
  • Fix for first line in cmd/batch OCR
  • Fix Microsoft translator via API key
  • Fix Greek encoding for format PAC
  • Fix minor issue in "auto-break line"
  • Fix import time codes in translator mode
  • Remove save dialog after "Save as..." + "Save"
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Subtitle Edit 3.5.5
3.5.5 (26th January 2018)
* NEW:
* Add new subtitle format - thx Karim
* Add new subtitle format - thx Wojtek
* Add new subtitle format - thx yumiko
* Add new subtitle format - thx Frank
* Add support for fcpxml 1.6 - thx Julius
* Add sync options when re-exporting image formats - thx Music Fan
* Add new shortcuts - thx darnn
* Add shortcut "Go to prev scene change" shortcut - thx Ingo
* Add more image based formats to batch/cmd-line convert
* Add advanced fcpxml 1.5 export
* New plain text import format "Final Draft Template" - thx Wolfgang
* Update Bulgarian translation - thx Maknol
* Update Hungarian translation - thx ZityiSoft Team
* Update French translatin - thx JM GBT
* Update Portuguese translation - thx moob
* Update Polish translation - thx admas
* Update Dutch translation - thx René
* Update Korean translation - thx domddol
* Update Simplified Chinese translation - thx Leon
* Update Russian translation - thx Elheym
* Add sort by "Actor" - thx von Suppé
* Add "Description" to "multiple replace" rules
* Add "Apply" button to "Multiple replace" - thx Finduilas
* Add "Total duration of all subtitles" to File -> Statistics
* Add words to English OCR fix replace list - thx anewuser
* Save/restore "Auto continue delay" from UI - thx Hideaki
* Add some extended chars to format SCC - thx jorgemjorge
* Remember settings in "Adjust durations"
* Allow smaller steps in "Adjust durations" - thx Príncipe
* SSA/ASSA styles import/export works with multiple styles
* Fix mpv preview font size (regression from 3.5.4) - thx OmrSi
* Fix many binary OCR issues - thx Jamakmake
* Fix issue with video preview size with libmpv - thx darnn
* Fix crash in "Fix common errors" - thx tormento
* Fix for high hours in HHMMSSFF time code mode - thx darnn
* Fix for creating Blu-ray sup palette - thx Music Fan
* Fix for multiple audio tracks using libvlc - thx bruno
* Fix Croatian Tesseract dictionary download - thx ExYuSubs
* Fix "Find/Replace" with whole word for Arabic - thx OmrSi
* Check subtitle max file size in append - thx Sopor
* Make "Go to next error" work with CPS and WPM
* Fix crash in "auto-br" - thx Mihael
* Fix slowness in "Multiple replace" - thx Finduilas
* Fix missing letters in "Binary image compare" - thx Flitskikker
* Fix bold for batch converting to image based formats - thx nstefy
* Fix some accented characters in SCC - thx thehulk
* Improve Romanian language auto-detect - thx Mihai
* Fix some minor issues with space/translation - thx Jamakmake
* Allow import plain text even if file is in use - thx darnn
* Fix undo after "Import plain text" - thx darnn
* Fix issues with find/replace in translator mode - thx darnn
* Fix "Find whole word" issue - thx OmrSi
* Fix issue in "Find & count" with regex - thx ivandrofly
* Fix wrong text for "split long lines" - thx Christian
* Fix for format "KanopyHtml" "stealing" TTML - thx nathaniel1977
* Fix exporting SSA/ASSA styles with space in name - thx sneaker_ger
* Fix crash in TTML 1.0 saving - thx nathaniel1977
* Fix issue in "Change casing" - thx Chamallow
* Fix batch/cmd extract of multi tracks in mkv - thx Rouzax
* Fix issue with newline/regex in "Multiple replace" - thx mkver
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Subtitle Edit 3.5.6
v3.5.6 (27th February 2018)
* NEW:
* Some support for SMPTE time code (drop frame) in video player
* Shortcuts for moving text up/down in current sub - thx Leon
* Shortcut for "Unbreak without space" (for CJK) - thx Leon
* Split by cursor/video pos - thx Leon
* Add support for FCP xml 1.7
* Update Bulgarian translation - thx KalinM
* Update Hungarian translation - thx ZityiSoft Team
* Update Korean translation - thx domddol
* Update Turkish translation - thx Falcon006
* Update Portuguese translation - thx moob
* Waveform insert sub now works not just at end - thx Leon
* Allow larger "margin" in SSA/ASSA styles - thx von Suppé
* Export to images alignment option "Center, left justify" - thx Shota
* Add "only if on separate line" option for "Remove interjections" - thx darnn
* Start with uppercase letter after title in "Change casing" - thx 791
* Support more formats in "Import time codes from subtitles" - thx Ninelpienel
* Add option to ignore formatting in compare - thx mkver
* Boost volume for vlc/mpv - thx Mohammad
* Import/Export Multiple replace groups
* Add more steps to "Play rate" + shortcuts - thx darnn/Leon
* Fix downloading mpv/plugins/tesseract-dictionaries
* Fix Ctrl+p of time code in "Time code control" (regr. from 3.5.5) - thx Mohammed
* Fix for format "TTML draft 2006-10" - thx thehulk
* Fix issue regarding "Binary image compare OCR ext. matches" - thx SimplyTheBOSS
* Fix issue regarding "Bridge gaps"/selected line - thx btsix
* Fix new-line char in "Replace -> Replace with" text box - thx Leon
* Fix missing char "î" for EBU STL - thx Milenko
* Fix missing color tag for EBU STL - thx Tom
* Fix for null terminated text from mkv - thx taxen/mkver
* Fix focus after Alt+3/4 (previous/next) - thx Jamakmake
* Fix possible crash in "Save original as..." - thx darnn
* Fix BDSup issue where DTS was after PTS - thx Anders
* Fix for time codes in DvdStudioPro + SpruceText - thx Shas2509
* Fix for alignment/italic in DvdStudioPro + SpruceText - thx Shas2509
* Fix wrong "Time code status" in EBU properties - thx doc
* Strip control characters from text field when loading subtitle - thx mkver
* Fix for reading FCP xml - thx Antti
* Fix reading "YouTube transcript" with trailing space - thx Sherman
* Fix issue where "< min duration" was not error highlighted - thx Ingo
* Fix for shortcut "Set end, offset the rest and go to next" - thx Leon
* Set better default style in Sami - thx Jamakmake
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Subtitle Edit 3.5.10
Version 3.5.10 (18th August 2019)

* NEW:
* Profiles - thx philippwr, OmrSi, moob
* Re-break line at cursor position shortcuts
* Reset video speed/waveform zoom shortcut - thx goodju
* Optimal CPS configurable in UI - thx Flitskikker
* Import scene changes from EZTitles - thx Flitskikker
* Add new sub format - thx Matmanamane
* Add new sub format - thx Rob
* Add new sub format - thx Ketan
* Add new sub format - thx thehulk
* Add "remove formatting" via command line - thx JySzE
* Allow binary formats in compare
* Add download link to Slovenian spell check dictionary - thx Milenko
* Add some support for remove spaces and 3 lines - thx James
* Update Portuguese translation - thx moob
* Update Brazil translation - thx Igor
* Update Korean translation - thx domdoll
* Update Hungarian translation - thx Zityi
* Update Japanese translation - thx ScratchBuild
* Update Polish translation - thx admas
* Update Russian translation - thx Elheym
* Update Dutch translation - thx xylographe
* Update Swedish translation - thx Sopor
* Update Romanian translation - thx Mircea
* Update Chinese translation - thx Leon
* Move formatting split to sub items - thx Leon/OmrSi/marb99/cyberbrix
* Auto rename after translate via plugin - thx Sopor
* Allow dash in number for WebVTT files - thx Maksim
* Make export font name dropdown wider - thx Eduard
* Remove empty line between original/current after merge - thx darnn
* Improve language tag handling in WebVTT - thx OmrSi/Jamakmake
* Add stuttering support in "Change casing" - thx techguru
* Add checkboxes to "Apply duration limits" - thx Flitskikker
* "Extend only" option for "Duration recalculate" - thx Flitskikker
* Add track number to cmd line convert - thx sneaker_ger
* Include "Remove native formatting" in convert - thx Jamakmake
* Include more Unicode spaces in "Spell check" word split - thx Greg
* Improve handling of font tags in auto translation - thx Martin
* Allow negative video offset - thx Marcello
* Update in-program-download of Tesseract 4.0.0 to 4.1.0
* Remove dependency on font "Segoe UI" - thx MeH
* Fix for minor change in Google translate V1
* Fix "Change all" for whole text in OCR - thx wtester7
* Fix renumber problem - thx marb99
* Fix for "Split long lines" with html tags - thx moob
* Fix minor issue with quotes in reverse RTL - thx OmrSi
* Fix shortcut searching with "&" character - thx Leon
* Remove "gotta" to "got to" from English OCR fix replace list
* Fix name/abbreviation check in OCR fix engine - thx teodargent
* Make "column->delete text" work in translator mode - thx darnn
* Fix focus issue in "Fix common errors" - thx OmrSi/Ding-adong
* SRT: Allow spaces before/after time codes - thx SirEllert
* Fix issue with music tags/remove text for HI - thx btsix
* Keep format/frame rate/video after merge original/current - thx darnn
* Fix batch OCR issue - thx orbittwz
* Fix issue with reloading subtitle from source view - thx ivandrofly
* Allow multiple blank lines in .srt files - thx Sopor
* Fix listview not going to video position - thx OmrSi
* Fix crash when copy empty text to clipboard - thx OmrSi
* Keep alignment tags first when changing font - thx LeXXuz
* Fix translate italic issue - thx moob
* Fix file ext when importing from mkv - thx innuit
* Fix remove empty lines in "Multiple replace" + "Apply" - thx Kronopt
* Fix rename ass style name bug - thx Jamakmake
* Fix TTML to ASS with multi "font-family" - thx Leon Sk
* Fix crash after going to next/prev subtitle line - thx green-pigeon
* Fix translate shortcuts in adjust/create mode - thx OmrSi
* Fix a few issues regarding RTF - thx Liora
* Fix crash in cmd line when running on Linux - thx xylographe
* Fix bug in "Modify selection": Show time box for "Duration greater than"
* Fix line-break with ampersand in TTML - thx Krystian
* Fix find MPC installed via K-Lite Codec Pack - thx OmrSi/xylographe
* Fix error in FCE regarding Spanish ¿? and ¡! - thx Lokotito/xylographe
* Fix go to next/prev after remove scene change - thx Ingo
* Fix "Bridge small gaps in durations" bug - thx AlexandreMT
* Fix reading name list online - thx splerman
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Subtitle Edit 3.5.16
3.5.16 (xth July 2020)
* NEW:
* OCR method "nOCR" (vector based with auto training) - thx Janusz
* Enable custom color for waveform cursor
* New shortcuts to move start/end one frame
* New shortcuts to move start/end with gap - thx matmaggi/Fhining/btsix
* Add move shortcuts to waveform (arrow left/right) - thx Shaddy
* Add shortcut for "add waveform" - thx Bill
* Add shortcuts for "go to prev/next sub and play"
* Add new subtitle format - thx Matmanamane
* Add new subtitle format "Speechmatics" - thx Rene
* Add new json sub formats - thx Steven
* Add new sub format - thx Luke
* Add new formats - thx Hai-Lag
* Add Bulgarian no-break-after-list - thx Eva
* Add "More than two lines" to "Modify selection"
* Settings: Small helper window to calc gap in frames
* Add "Center, right justify" to image export - thx waelmohammed5
* Add Malayalam spell check diactionary download
* Improve italic-space-detection in "Binary image comp" - thx tormento
* Many minor improvements to OCR (find/new shortcuts/preview and more)
* Update Bulgarian translation - thx KalinM
* Update Greek translation - thx Lero91
* Update Basque translation - thx Xabier
* Update Romanian translation - thx Mircea
* Update Chinese translation - thx LeonCheung
* Update Polish translation - thx admas
* Update Portuguese translation - thx moob
* Update Greek translation - thx Lero91
* Init no-break-after-list with language
* Make quick-char-list in "OCR Char" window dynamic
* Remember settings for "column paste"
* Make "Google translate" shortcut customizable - thx darnn
* Make teletext lines start with '<' italic - thx borifix
* Improve error msg when drop mp4 file without subs in main listview
* Add mkv "forced" flag to track chooser/batch convert - thx kiwilad-nz
* Clear logs from current line and forward when starting OCR
* Spell check "Auto fix names" option to use suggestions - thx Waldkoenig
* Add preview (Ctrl+P) for OCR window
* Read 890 Arabic - thx Sima
* Make ttml 1.0 extension custimizable - thx Tony
* Allow space for video play/pause toggle shortcut - thx Mike
* Speedup small mkv files in "Batch convert" - thx lambdan
* Fix spell check dictionary download - thx bluesea1401/ksoll4
* Fix freeze after using Win key
* Fix auto-br issue with dialog - thx Kevin
* Fix for sometimes missing last sub in teletext - thx borifax/xylographe
* Fix for sometimes missing images in bdsup - thx Devin
* Fix OCR window after minimize - thx Janusz
* Fix for unstable duration in frame time mode - thx btsix
* Fix for loading Sami styles - thx Jamakmake
* Fix for compare ("..." vs "..") - thx GCRaistlin
* Make "Shift+F9" behave like the old "F9" from SE 3.5.14
* Fix crash in load of profile/continuation-style - thx xy
* Fix auto adjust start via wf for original - thx OmrSi
* Fix updating libmpv (requires SE restart) - thx Bill
* Remember last spell check lang (also) if it was English GB - thx Legion
* Fix zoom combobox after waveform change - thx Meliox
* Fix list view Ctrl+v/selection bug - thx gleaming
* Fixes for Bing translate token endpoint - thx obliver27
* Fix auto br for 3+ lines dialog - thx thejester77
* Don't remove spaces in auto-br - thx thehulk
* Fix crash in compare report - thx Janusz
* Fix "Extend to previous/next" shortcuts w original - thx OmrSi
* Fix for overlap in "adjust durations" - thx JD
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Subtitle Edit 3.5.17
3.5.17 (6th October 2020)
* NEW:
* Add new subtitle formats - thx Holmgeir
* Add new subtitle (Excel) format - thx Jecy
* Add new subtitle (json) format - thx Maksim
* Add new subtitle format FCP Xml 1.8 - thx Maria
* Add new subtitle (dv) format - thx George
* Add new sub format (rtf) - thx m0ck69
* Add shortcuts for Tools menu items Split/Append/Join - thx z3us
* Add shortcuts for "Merge line with same text/time-code" - thx Mike
* Add shortcuts "Set end and pause" + "Export to PAC" - thx Milenko
* Add shortcut for File - Compare
* Add shortcut for "Ext sel lines to next sc - gap" - thx m0ck69/OmrSi
* Add shortcuts for "move selected lines" - thx OmrSi
* Add shortcuts for "Snap to Scene Change" - thx OmrSi
* Add shortcuts for Fixing RTL - thx OmrSi
* Add context menu item for "Set default fixes" in FCE
* Cmd line convert use header from EBU STL file - thx malashin
* Add "ocrengine" parameter to cmd line convert
* Add "Export to FCP+image" in OCR window - thx Marko
* Add alignment support for .scc files - thx madprogramer
* Add "Batch convert" filter for MKV language code - thx OmrSi
* Add "Adjust Durations" to "Batch Convert" - thx JD
* Add "Remove cues with style/actor" to "Batch Convert"
* Add hidden "Split removes dashes" option - thx OmrSi
* Add frame mode for "Bridge gaps between subtitles" - thx Jan
* Add some support for CDG Karaoke => Bluray sup - thx Peter
* Update Bulgarian translation - thx KalinM
* Update Hungarian translation - thx Zityi
* Update Finnish translation - thx Teijo S
* Update Korean translation - thx domddol
* Update Portugese translation - thx moob
* Update Greek translation - thx Lero91
* Update Russian translation - thx Elheym
* Update Polish spell check dictionary - thx borifax
* Improve support for transport stream in "cmd line convert"
* Improve support for transport stream in "Batch convert"
* Improve reading of badly formatted srt files - thx Gordon
* Show warning when saving DCinema formats in non-utf-8
* Improve "Import plain text" for small resolutions - thx doquan0
* Improve end-color-font-tag for EBU 3+ lines
* Update Finnish spell check to libvoikko 4.3 (2019-11-24)
* Finnish spell check should now also work on Linux - thx Gitraffe
* Allow higher (1000) max margin for SSA/ASS thx Looi
* Change preferred ANSI code page for Turkish(1254)/Hebrew(1255)
* Allow RTF for "Multiple files" in "Import plain text" - thx George
* Keep italic/bold/u from RTF in "Import plain text" - thx George
* "Modify selection/uppercase" now ignores tags - thx Lokotito
* Spell check: Allow user words starting with dash - thx t2YU2m8l83
* WebVTT: Improved support for style/region
* Better frame info in "Apply min. gap" - thx OmrSi
* Netflix quality check: Customizable and new rules - thx OmrSi/Jan
* Make "Merge dialog" work when one line is selected - thx OmrSi
* Make move words between subs work with original - thx OmrSi
* Fix drop of subs in bd .sup files with overlap - thx mwalimu
* Fix for overlap in "Tools -> Adjust durations" - thx Christian
* Fix bug in EBU STL ms to frames - thx Lucius Snow
* Fix some shortcuts being written to text box - thx rebawest
* Keep bookmarks after edit in source view - thx Ingo
* Fix syntax coloring after replace - thx OmrSi
* Fix minor label issue at startup - thx Bill
* Fix crash on very very long text lines
* Fix bug in export multi-line-bold/box-for-each-line - thx thehulk
* Fix bug in export text with font-size - thx thehulk
* Fix shortcut validation for a few menu items - thx LiMa79#4271
* Fix web color to hex color in DCinema - thx Antonio
* Ignore comments (NOTE) in WebVTT - thx Issity
* Fix for TTML short time code - thx Aylen
* Fix bug in split with continuation style / Arabic - thx OmrSi
* Fix crash in "Add pair to OCR list" - thx jdsanchezii
* Don't leave .ass file in temp dir - thx Janusz
* Renumber after "Merge short lines"
* Fix "Undo" after "Tools - Join" - thx TehBotolSosro
* Fix a bug w max dur in "Extend to next or Max" - thx OmrSi
* Fix issue with space/music-sym in "Remove text for HI" - thx Sam
* Fix waveform delay sync issue in mkv - thx Joel
* Improve reading of broken ts streams - thx maknol
* Fix issue wtih Tesseract "Stop"
* No overlap in insert new sub at video pos - thx m0ck69/OmrSi
* Fix image export issue with align+justify for box
* Fix transparent color in bdsup export - the thehulk
* Fix crash in spell check - thx FeMaster1
* Fix change tracking after translate - thx Sopor
* Fix bugs with export plain text settings - thx raidsan
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Subtitle Edit 3.6.0
3.6.0 (18th February 2021)
* NEW:
* Use dotnet framework 4.7.2 (WinXP/Vista no longer supported)
* Add edit/sync of bdsup with position - thx von Suppé/Janusz
* Add internal store for ASSA styles - thx Leon/z3us
* Add dark theme - thx OmrSi/dvjrickkraft/MuhammadiJK
* Add copy-paste translate
* Add "Delete lines" to "Batch convert" - thx Milenko
* Add two new sub formats - thx Matthew
* Add new ttml/dfxp variant - thx Mikhail
* Add shortcut "Set start and set end of previous" - thx Jeff
* Add shortcut "Play from beginning of video" - thx Kimberly
* Add shortcut for toggle casing - thx LeonCheung
* Add shortcut toggle focus between list view/waveform - thx OmrSi
* Add toggle color shortcuts - thx Jan
* Add optional syntax coloring for textbox w live spell check - thx OmrSi
* Add compare reload - thx Leon/OmrSi
* Add split subtitle by "Time" - thx natasha
* Update Greek translation - thx PMitsakis
* Update Finnish translation - thx Teijo S
* Update Chinese translation - thx nkh0472
* Update Korean translation - thx domddol
* Update Macedonian translation - thx Gorgi
* Update French (Belgian) translation - thx Pierre
* Update French translation - thx Pierre
* Update Turkish translation - thx ismail0100
* Update Catalan translation - thx Juansa
* Add Catalan installer translation - thx Juansa
* Source view is now hidden (more space), use F2 to toggle view, thx omrSi
* Update Tesseract 5 Alpha to "2020-11-27"
* Add more options to Tesseract image pre-processing - thx maknol
* Translate: Refactor + paragraph handling strategies - thx Brummochse
* Add new SE icon - thx LeonCheung
* Add installer graphics - thx LeonCheung
* Add toolbar icons for ASSA style+properties - thx LeonCheung
* Set default subtitle text box font size to 12
* Use "Min gap between subtitles" when loading scc - thx batatop
* Improve SoftNi format - thx EduGomes
* List possible Bing translator token endpoints
* Internal project restructure + readying for .NET 5
* Networking feature now uses REST instead of WCF
* Do not show full file path in title bar - thx Kristo
* "File - Import" grouping - thx OmrSi/ivandrofly
* Allow em-dash for sentence ending - thx Boulder08
* Auto fix mkv subs without duration - thx uckthis
* Optimize writing Blu-ray .sup files
* Enable "Add new" for nOCR char inspect
* Add "Subtitle.Parse" methods for simpler loading of subtitles (libse)
* Change ms to "Seconds" in Karaoke/Typewriter - thx frenchiveruti/OmrSi
* Add toggle preview on video (mpv) - thx LeonCheung/OmrSi
* Focus text box after first insert
* Add FCP xml 1.9 - thx Dvid
* Allow blank lines in DCinema - thx Axel
* Autodetect encoding in .mxf files - thx Markus
* Netflix quality check improved - thx OmrSi/Flitskikker
* Fix frame rate bug in FCP+image - thx Christopher
* Fix issues with ismt format - thx Bersu
* Fix bdsup right align export issue - thx von Suppé
* Fix for "set start" (lmb+shift) for original in waveform - thx OmrSi
* Fix export FAB image script save path - thx rotorwave
* Fix crash loading Cheetah Caption - thx mook1975
* Fix crash in video menu with video without audio - thx GrampaWildWilly
* Fix crash in nhunspell suggest - thx SeproDE
* Minor fixes for bilangual split - thx LeonCheung/OmrSi
* Fix crash on invalid time codes from ts files
* Fix resolution when exporting dvbsub - thx Janusz
* Fix translate with weird new lines - thx MarianTum
* Fix crash in .ASS preview - thx LeonCheung
* Fix crashes in OCR image pre-processing - thx VoodooFX
* Fix list view column auto size w style - thx Jamakmake
* Fix Tesseract lang parameter in cmd line OCR on Linux - thx depeo
* Fix crash in binOcr - thx jpinto0
* Don't log tag change info when no sub - thx Jamakmake
* Fix ANSI writing for a few chars (…/®/©) - thx fr
* Fix case-change issue in nOcr - thx Janusz
* Fix reading SCC with uppercase hex codes - thx Mike
* Fix DCinema SMPTE line ordering - thx user024
* Fix laggy waveform when dragging sub w syntax error - thx LeonCheung
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