
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Swiss File Knife
Version: 1.9.8

Summary: instant web server for mobile image upload now allows folder access. added uuencode, uudecode, xxencode, xxdecode to embed binary files in plain text, e.g. in email or documentation. web client now supports basic authentication. sfk oload can now insert .xlsx sheet headers.
- CHG: sfk webserv: now allows sub directory access by default. use option -nosub for old behaviour. folders are listed in green and can be entered. adding -rw allows upload into sub directories.
- add: sfk uuencode, uudecode, xxencode, xxdecode to convert binary files to plain ASCII text, for embedding in email or documentation.
- add: sfk oload, ofilter: option -subnames to insert header lines with .xlsx sheet file names.
- add: sfk (x)find: option -notnames to list names of files not containing a pattern.
- add: sfk web, wget: options -user and -pw to set http basic authentication.
- add: general option -webuser, -webpw for commands that can acces http:// urls like filter.
- add: sfk pingdiff, find new devices in network.
- fix: sfk webserv: did not support filenames with accent and umlaut characters.
- fix: sfk webserv: -nolist did not work.
- add: sfk web, wget: option -noclose to disable "Connection: close" header.
- add: sfk fromclip: if clipboard is locked by another app then sfk auto retries to access it up to 5 times, waiting up to 500 msec. number of tries can be changed by general option -cliptries=n.
- chg: sfk fromclip: command chain is no longer stopped if no text is available, or access failed. a return code is now set for evaluation.
- add: sfk variables: #(size(v)) now tells the number of bytes in variable v, with text or binary data.
- add: sfk tcping, check if a server accepts connections.
- add: sfk snapto: -pure=2 now drops the :snapfile header.
- add: sfk run: sfk variable run.lastrc now contains the return code of the called program.
- chg: webserv: now drops "?parms" or "#bookmark" from given url to provide a file.
- chg: max filename/url length increased to 1024.
- add: sfk help var: variable expression 'ends' now tells if a string ends with a given text.
- add: run and -to output masks: now supports $relpath to insert sub path relative to start folder.
- add: webserv: more content types.
- add: sfk batch webreq.bat to create an example script with a fully defined web request.
- add: sfk webserv -rw: now shows a minimal progress indicator on file uploads.
- add: sfk udpdump/udpsend -broad for broadcast support.
- add: sfk atow, utow: option -nobom.
- add: sfk ... +calc -sum, add values from chain text.
- fix: better chain input detection with setvar, calc.
- chg: sfk ping: no longer requires admin rights on Windows 10. changed help text on that.
- chg: sfk webserv: now also accepts proxy-style requests starting with
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- del: sfk webserv: -wide listing w/o downloadable links.
- fix: sfk list mydir -tofile out.txt did not work.
- fix: sfk listcodes: examples
- fix: sfk snapto, md5gento: output file could not be read by subsequent commands.
- add: knxsend/dump support for 16 bit values and text.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Swiss File Knife​

September 26, 2022
  • Sum: added clipboard access on desktop linux and mac. copy to clipboard is now faster. detail improvements and bugfixes.
  • Add: sfk fromclip/toclip on Macintosh, through the pbcopy/pbpaste tool.
  • Add: sfk fromclip/toclip on desktop linux, through the xclip tool.
  • Add: "if" now accepts text "1" or "0" to execute or skip the following command or block.
  • Add: sfk incvar, decvar to increase or decrease the value of a numeric variable.
  • Add: sfk unzip -asdir x renames the top level folder from a zip file on extraction.
  • Add: sfk ping: option -noterm to allow writing of ping output to a file.
  • Add: sfk make-random-file: option -char c to create a file filled with character c
  • Add: sfk load: option -force to continue script on missing file
  • Add: sfk calc: -hex to print hexadecimal result.
  • Add: sfk sft ... putx: alias for put -setexec=*
  • Add: option -maxsub=n to include up to n subdir levels in commands like list.
  • Add: sfk knxsend, knxdump: more data types.
  • Opt: sfk toclip: massive performance improvement with larger data, if -trim etc. options are not used.
  • Opt: sfk fromclip: performance improvement if following command can receive binary, like xed or xex.
  • Chg: sfk toclip: now receives binary and text data, to avoid unwanted conversions.
  • Fix: hexfind: -maxdump was ignored in sfk ose.
  • Fix: sfk batch vedit.bat: join of videos now works with ffmpeg 4.4.1 or higher
  • Fix: sfk ... +hexdump -offlen too much output.
  • Fix: sfk data: symbols like $1foo did not reuse.
  • Fix: make-random-file: sometimes added LfLf instead of just CrLf line endings.
  • Doc: more details on -deacc search option.
  • Doc: alias: xclip example for windows.
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