
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria to bezpłatne i zarazem potężne narzędzie diagnostyczne do zarządzania i naprawiania zamontowanych dysków twardych. Za jego pomocą możemy przeprowadzić dogłębną analizę dysku twardego. Sprawdzić jego wydajność oraz przeskanować wszystkie sektory i alokacje pod kątem błędów technicznych. Najnowsza wersja programu obsługuje najnowsze dyski SSD!

Oprócz tego Victoria wyświetla najważniejsze informacje o dysku twardym SATA i SSD. Podaje jego model, nazwę, numer seryjny, całkowity rozmiar, a także wyświetla pozostałe funkcje urządzenia – LBA, HPA, DMA itp. Odczytuje stan nośnika danych poprzez wbudowaną funkcję S.M.A.R.T.

Victoria jest niezwykle rozbudowanym i przydatnym narzędziem. W jego zasobach znajdziemy mnóstwo wbudowanych narzędzi i funkcji, za pomocą których sprawdzimy prędkość odczytu dysku i prace procesora w czasie działania nośnika, a także ustawimy odpowiedni parametr AAM (Advanced Acoustic Management), który służy do wyciszania pracy dysku twardego.

Pozostałe możliwości programu:

- tworzenie obrazu dysku,
- testowanie i przeprowadzanie analizy w tym samym czasie aż 9 dysków twardych podłączonych do komputera,
- odczytywanie informacji i danych ze S.M.A.R.T,
- odczytywanie temperatury urządzeń oraz pozostałych informacji o sektorach,
- wbudowany benchmark do sprawdzania wydajności dysku,
- niskopoziomowe formatowanie nośnika danych,
- wbudowany menedżer do zarządzania plikami,
- możliwość wymazywania całego dysku twardego.


Program przeznaczony jest wyłącznie dla doświadczonych użytkowników. Nieumiejętne korzystanie z aplikacji może doprowadzić do utraty danych lub nawet uszkodzenia dysku twardego!
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria 4.99-2
Version 4.99-2 14 Octeber 2019
  • - Fixed a bug with getting negative temperatures through Smart Command Transport in the passport.
  • - Fixed "blasted perfectionist paradise" - the SMART button was a pixel higher than the rest.
  • - A line has been removed from the crack that prevents the instructions for DCO from being displayed normally.
  • - Made a copy of the model / serial in the header of the form when you turn off the bar in the settings.
  • - Some little things are also improved.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria 4.99-3
What's New in Version 4.99-3 (October 14, 2019):

A few more improvements:
  • - Added a switch to select the regular or advanced type of Smart Command Transport. Perhaps it will help to solve compatibility problems with old HDDs.
  • - Fixed possible duplication of the passport when trying to get it on the screw with the shaft stopped and repeated clicks on the button.
  • - Improved crack, removed some overlapping lines.
  • - Improved various other little things.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria 5.0
What's New in Version 5.0 (October 17, 2019):
  • The interface has been radically changed:
  • The main menu and toolbar appeared.
  • The form can now be expanded to full screen and the dimensions of its parts can be set arbitrarily. All settings are saved.
  • The speed limit is increased to 9800 MB / s, and the number of graph points is proportional to its width.
  • Rarely used functions are transferred to the main menu.
  • The settings panel is structured. New settings added. For example, you can enable the scan to stop during fatal errors and even change the colors of some elements of the interface.
  • Possibility of translating the interface into other languages. Supported encoding UTF-8.
  • Translated interface elements into Russian. While it may contain errors - this is an experiment. In the future, it is also planned to translate all internal messages. Off by default in the main menu
  • Added more automation, which can be disabled in the settings.
  • Added launch of SMART tests with improved features from the main menu.
  • An attempt was made to adapt the Extended Comprehensive SMART Error log to different Fujitsu HDD models (they have different structure addresses). This was possible on the families MHX, MHW. However, MJA has not yet succeeded - you need to do analysis and write another procedure.
  • Double-clicking on the SMART log opens it in the editor;
  • Added new names for SMART magazines;
  • An attempt was made to automatically set the block size for the NVMe SSD.
  • Added display of temperature in the passport via Smart Command Transport, and expanded the detection of the properties supported by the drive.
  • The program no longer tries to get SMART on flash drives and SCSI-drives.
  • IBM Super-SMART can now be tried to get not only on IBM / HGST drives, but also on any other. This was done due to the fact that HGST drives began to come across under the guise of WD, on which super-SMART can also work.
  • !!! Fixed a bunch of bugs version 4.76, which list is not enough space ...
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Victoria 5.01
What's new in Victoria 5.01
October 18th, 2019
  • Added prohibition of the computer entering hibernation during test execution.
  • On some drives, a glitch is observed when the temperature is received by SCT commands. Temporarily fixed by blocking abnormal values.
  • Emergency exit through the menu is now done with the memory settings.
  • Fixed bug with determining scan time when number of seconds = 0
  • In SMART added multi-selection of lines and the ability to copy only selected to the clipboard.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria 5.03
What's New in Version 5.03 (October 21, 2019):
  • Made management of energy saving functions - APM . Unlike AAM, the screw does not remember the settings after turning off the power.
  • To demonstrate the rapid switching of languages without closing the program , an English translation has been added. You can make it better and / or send it to me for inclusion in future releases.
  • Made separate folders for file reference system of each language . You can write help texts in the desired language, and place them in folders with the name of the language. The folder names must exactly match the name of the .lng file without an extension, then they will automatically connect to the program when changing the language.
  • ! Fixed a bug when resizing the form of SMART tests.
  • ! Eliminated (well, or markedly reduced) the appearance of artifacts in the surface scan map when the form is stretched.
  • ! Fixed creeping of the chart menu to the map when the program starts.
  • During the surface test, the ability to automatically receive SMART, magazines and passports is blocked. To reduce the load on the tested drives in case of their possible malfunctions.
  • In the order of the experiment, automatic scrolling of the lists is done when you hover over the mouse. Disabled in the settings.
  • I returned the ability to automatically stop the scan by code 04 (ABRT) in API mode, except for the already existing types of fatal errors. If it interferes, turn it off in the settings.
  • He made memorization of the logging of "green" blocks.
  • ! Restored the ability to scroll the map after scanning in graph mode. Setting the cell sizes (which interfered) is made disabled in the settings.
  • ! HPA automatically unchecked the LBA to MB transfer daw before receiving the actual volume of the drive in order to avoid rounding errors during conversion (and, as a result, the inability to return the real volume).
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria 5.1
What's New in Version 5.1 (October 28, 2019):
  • I returned a previously disabled thousands separator (there were some difficulties with its adaptation).
  • Added Ukrainian translation of the interface (the author of the translation is Sergey Orlov
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  • Added the ability to translate the names of SMART attributes.
  • The names of SMART attributes are translated into Russian and Ukrainian.
  • Minor improvements in the menu, some items added for more convenient copying of values, etc.
  • In the experiment, a remap and erasure of the block was made using the SCT protocol. This method allows you to not disable MBR under Windows 7 and higher. It erases directly on the living, bypassing all defenses - be careful. The option is disabled by default in the "settings". To work, support for the AC2 standard screw is required, but fortunately, almost all ATA HDDs have it in the last 13 years ...
  • I studied the Samsung Evo 850 SSD a bit , found out the real purpose of the 235th SMART attribute, and adapted the program to it.
  • Slightly adjusted scan timings when detecting SSDs.
  • Added a sound signal at the end of the scan scan script.
  • Many bugs fixed, many cosmetic improvements made.
  • ! Fixed a bug - on screws with a logical sector size> 512 bytes, the remaining time was displayed less than real.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Victoria 5.20
Info o wersji jeszcze brak
What's New in Version 5.20 (November 27, 2019):

  • Added support for NVMe drives according to the standard v1.0 and partially 1.4. (
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    ). In particular, done:
    • Recognition of the presence of PCIe bus in the drive ;
    • Obtaining an NVMe passport and some data from it (serial number, supported options) ;
    • Support for SMART NVMe. With translation of attribute names into Russian .
  • So far, I managed to check only on the Samsung 970 Pro SSD . As other SSDs appear, the algorithm will improve.
    Attention of those who create bootable disks with Victoria : NVMe support only works if there are drivers for these drives in the system. They are by default in Windows 10 , and for 8.1 and server OS you will most likely have to use additional service packs, or integrate the drivers in some other way. On this site you can
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    .torrent file with a sample of Windows 10 PE , in which the program was checked for operability.
  • Added blocking of Windows screensaver during tests in order to avoid problems with Windows 10, which can disable the USB drive under test .
  • An opportunity has been made to disable auto-parking of heads on WD drives, as well as independently set the time after which parking will be performed. The utility is located in the " Service " -> " Acoustics and Energy Saving" section . At a minimum, it should work on all WD 3.5 ″ and on old WD 2.5 ″ (until 2017, without SMR technology). Some USB devices do not give ATA registers, in this case the utility cannot check the correctness of the result, and will be optimistic to say “OK”.
    It should not work on new WD Passport / Elements , even if it says “OK”
  • An attempt has been added to determine the serial number of USB flash drives and other types of drives that do not have support for the INQUIRY command.
  • Added drive recognition with SD / eMMC interface.
  • At the end of a surface scan, maximum, minimum, and average speeds are now calculated. As well as the number of graph points.
  • Added a message about unsuccessful recording via the HEX editor with interpretation of error codes using Windows.
  • Added a choice of the behavior of the form when it is stretched over the lower edge. Now the log is not stretched, but the main window is more convenient. But you can switch to the previous mode.
  • Added the ability to change the font size and color of the lower right panel in the interface settings.
  • The speed meter is adapted to fast SSDs with NVMe interface. Now he does not twitch.
  • The thousands separator is now everywhere, including eventlog and SMART magazines. I didn’t do it on the menu on purpose, with time you will understand why.
  • The copy line or number is now displayed in the passport menu.
  • In the upper panel with the parameters, the field width is adapted to the length of the model name and the serial number of the drive.
  • I came across a Lexar USB Flash Drive flash drive with a read speed of as much as 320 mb / s (via USB 3.1). In this regard, the default block size in 64 sectors was considered inappropriate. He made an automatic installation of a block of 2048 sectors for removable devices with a capacity of more than 8 GB.
  • I tested the program for the first time under Windows 10. It turned out that the 9SI SCSI command did not work. Moreover, only on some USB bridges. On all previous versions of Windows it works, but on 10-ke hangs 30 seconds, and falls off with an error. Here is such a technical evolution of operating systems. Changed something in the algorithms, and it became much better.
  • This version is for the first time not only compatible with Windows 10, but also created in Windows 10 x64. Compatibility concerns API mode. For work in PIO for now, use 32-bit versions of operating systems.
  • The interpretation of SMART - attributes of the SanDisk SSD is slightly corrected. However, it will be possible to fully overpower these SSDs only after I have a live drive.
  • In SMART, large numbers are now divided into several small numbers, for the convenience of exploring packed attributes. The option is disabled.
  • The checkbox for switching HEX RAW values of SMART attributes to the main form has been moved. In addition, she is now remembered. If you made your own translation files, then transfer the translation of this element to another section .
  • Added a separate interface settings tab. Some elements from the General tab have been moved to the Interface tab to facilitate orientation in the settings.
  • When switching the language and some other actions, SMART is now updated without accessing the drive (data is taken from buffers).
  • Made an "emergency mode" for screens 800 × 600. In this case, the program itself removes all unnecessary from the form, stretches to full screen and allows you to immediately work.
  • ! Fixed a bug due to which the beginning of the buffer spoiled when turning on the bulbs in API mode.
  • ! Bugs were fixed which, under some rare circumstances, led to the issuance of the “ Privileged instruction ” and an abnormal termination of work.
  • ! Fixed a bug in the positioning test procedure, which sometimes could lead to a program crash.
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