
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Vim 8.0.586


Vim to wieloplatformowy i całkowicie bezpłatny edytor tekstowy o niemałej funkcjonalności. Dobrze sprawdzi się w rękach zaawansowanych użytkowników, którzy docenią jego możliwości. Producent oferuje wydania m.in. dla Windows, Mac OS X i Linux.

Niewątpliwą zaletą tego edytora są spore opcje konfiguracyjne, dzięki czemu użytkownik może go dostosować do własnych wymagań. Program zapewnia kilka trybów pracy, wsparcie wielu języków programowania, pozwala pracować jednocześnie na kilku plikach i obsługuje wyrażenia regularne.

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Źródło: instalki.pl

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: Execute mbed CLI commands without exiting Vim!
(0.1) Initial upload - Nabil Elqatib
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: Plugin that provides a convenient interactive calculator inside a Vim buffer
(3.2) Add autoload support: move most of the functionality to autoload directory. - Leonid Fedorenchik
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: Ease your git workflow within vim.
(1.7.2) This is a *not so minor* vimagit update at the end. It adds a nice feature, setting the cursor position on magit buffer opening at a smart position: if you are editing a file, and your cursor is in the middle of a modification, magit will open with he cursor on this hunk. User will also notice that standard mappings (`L` or `E` to cite a few) are no longer broken in commit mode. This may a be a first step to introduce default mappings without `Shift` (see #101) It also fixes some minor bugs (meaning these bugs were not break anything). I also want to advertise that the next major release of vimagit will see 3 new important features. Interested users are encouraged to discuss the best way to design these new features on
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and on opened issues: * git push: push from magit buffer with `<CP>`. magit will detect the default push branch; if there is not default, or if the user used another mapping, magit will provide a way to select remote branch to push #24 * git checkout: checkout a branch with `<CH>`. Like for push, a UI must be designed to select the branch, with completion of course #141 * git stash: stage what you want (files, hunks, lines, exactly the same way as for a commit), and stash them #142 New features ----------------- * Open magit buffer with a smart cursor position. When opening magit buffer, cursor is set to current file file hunk, if any #125 * Disable most of the mappings in commit mode (i.e. when user is editing). For example, user can now use 'L' or 'E' when editing its commit message #101 #106 * Magit now shows more information on top: it shows the current remote upstream branch and remote push branch. This is a first step to the git push feature! * Add VimagitLeaveCommit User autocmd. WithVimagitEnterCommit and VimagitLeaveCommit, you can now set the textwidth when you are editing your commit message (see VimagitLeaveCommit section in vimagit help) #140 * You can now use Enter to fold/unfold a file #71 Bug fixes ------------ * Fix 'quit' behavior to something consistent: if opened with Magit (i.e. splitting the window) 'q' close the magit buffer; if opened with MagitOnly (i.e. using the current buffer), 'q' switch to the previous buffer. If magit is the last opened window, and it does not have an alternate buffer, it quits vim #137 * Fix jump to "file already open" abort #128 * Fix warning when magit is closed with bdelete #130 * Fix .gitmessage template commit duplicate on refresh #135 Contributors ---------------- Users who have contributed to this release: * @argshook - Jerome Reybert
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: Dark (grey on black) color scheme based on on torte.vim and motus.vim.
(1.0.6) * changes (and hopefully improvements) in terminal colors - Patrick Meiser-Knosowski
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: a minimalistic pure vim personal wiki
(0.7) - added keybindings/functions for title level increasing and decreasing (default: <localleader>t and <localleader>T) - several minor bug fixes - minor improvements to documentation - Dalker .
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: complete parameter after select the completion.
(0.5.0) show signature. - tenfy zhong
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: Vim Colorscheme for Terminals and GUI
(6.0.0) Latest Update - Alessandro Yorba
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: Provides sql access from vim to any DBMS
(7.1.2) * updated the doc to specify the `g:sw_plugin_path` variable * fixed the `g:sw_cache` variable bug declaration - Cosmin Popescu
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: A nice popup menu for vim
(1.2.4) supports funcref now. - Wei Lin
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: 1:auto update cscope ctags database2:easy create database 3: auto plugn database
(v3.0.1) Use opt format args change 'normal' to 'not_kernel' - Hidin zhang

Windows: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/pc/gvim80-586.exe
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