
super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Volume² to program do zarządzania głośnością dźwięku w naszym systemie który zastępuje nam mikser wbudowany w system .

Volume2 to doskonały zamiennik dla systemowego mechanizmu do zarządzania głośnością dźwięku, który daje możliwość regulacji głośności przy użyciu myszki, klawiatury oraz specjalnego paska ulokowanego przy krawędzi ekranu.
Program wyposażony został w bogaty zestaw funkcji i opcji konfiguracyjnych, których próżno szukać w jego systemowym odpowiedniku. Pozwala on definiować m.in. szybkość i czułość regulacji, przyciski myszki oraz klawisze odpowiedzialne za zmianę głośności, a także harmonogram zadań, zgodnie z którym głośność będzie automatycznie zmieniana o wyznaczonej porze.
Na tym jednak zalety Volume2 się nie kończą. Ogromnym atutem aplikacji jest wyświetlanie na ekranie dodatkowego wskaźnika poziomu głośności. Jego wygląd, położenie na ekranie itp. konfigurowane mogą być w oknie programu. Do dyspozycji użytkownika oddano zestaw kilkunastu naprawdę ciekawych motywów (skórek) z pośród których każdy znajdzie odpowiedni wygląd dla własnych preferencji.
Volume2 działa z poziomu zasobnika systemowego, nie przeszkadzając użytkownikowi w codziennej pracy.
Źródło: dobreprogramy.pl

Strona Programu

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Fixed bug with hang system when connected USB device (on some PCs with Win7 x64)
Added function disable Volume²
Added mode OSD «gadget» (OSD always shows)
Added feature repairing the volume when you start the program (for Win7, when the some users on single PC)
Added one more place volume control with the wheel: Anywhere on the screen
In the system tray added option set default device
Added function Mute all except active application on hotkeys
Added OSD skin options
Added new parameter for command string DEBUG (All errors shown on screen)
Added option auto restart hooks
Added new function to hotkeys: Set brightness percent
Added feature Peak Meter on OSD
Added keys wiche you can set as hotkeys in Volume²: Win+Up, Win+Down, Win+Left, Win+Right
Add events on hotkey: Power off PC, Reboot PC, Turn off monitor(only for StandBy)
Fixed bug with volume control in application list(x64)
Fixed: PeakMeter placement on the second monitor
Added PeakMeter binding to the device by default (automatic switching)
Added ability to control the recording devices(Win7/Win8)

OSD Skins 1.1.3

Just unpack the archive to folder Volume2Osd Skins

należy wypakować archiwum do folderu Volume20sd Skins


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

+ Full support for Windows 10
+ Added a new tag for tips in the tray / text OSD -% DF - device (sound card)
* Fixed disabling the volume control in full-screen applications
+ Added new OSD skin Windows 10 to display the name of the device
* Fixed the default device functions and device management for Windows 10
+ Added the task on / off volume in the schedule
* Fixed task start time starts when the end of the big time
+ Added option to turn off the time range in the Schedule
+ Added support for system colors (Windows 7/8/10), to select the System Settings interface
* Fixed: Error creating schedules to perform every ...
+ Added: Hide the control window at the edge after a specified time
* Fixed: Setting volume Timetable
+ Added events Shortcuts, level out the volume for all applications
* Fixed display of information about the personal license
* Fixed volume control on the second tray (on the second monitor) did not work in full-screen applications
+ Added a new size for the tray icon 20px
* Fixed horizontal scrolling function KatMouse
+ The new look of settings, as well as updated application icon
Fixed function vocstanovlenie volume at startup
+ Added function to control audio devices (tray menu)
+ Added a Sleep Mode hotkey
+ Added events hotkeys for volume control of the active application
+ Added options in the Schedule: Start in the ending (to perform the task in the time range), number of starts
/ Removed banner Donate
* Fixed loading skins with an error in the structure (in the log file, which is added to the error)
+ Added an expanded list of classes for the function KatMouse (only Config.ini)
* Fixed: Opens the program settings after rebooting the PC on Win8
+ Added option to exclude full-screen program on a mask (or folder)
+ Added ability to change the size of OSD (right-click)
+ Added option OSD stuck at the edges of the screen
+ Added function disables the middle button, the volume control when we are at the edge of the screen
* Fixed: reinstall the hook after leaving the sleep mode
+ Added: turn off the screen display (OSD), hot key, mouse wheel management and control at the edge of the screen in full-screen applications
+ Added a new hotkey combination for: middle mouse button + wheel
* Fixed run applications with the parameters in the schedule and hotkeys
In Schedule + adds the ability to set the volume for the device
* Save option Disable Volume² (mouse, keyboard)
* Fixed audio playback on Windows 8
* Fixed the appearance of the Start menu after the change Volume
+ Added option to run as administrator


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
* Fixed volume setting function for the device with timetables
* Fixed option Reset balance (50/50) in Hotkeys
* Changed the number of steps to adjust the balance (it was 36 became 100)
* Fixed blue screen on Windows 10 FCU
* Fixed bug with launching the program using Hotkeys
* Fixed a bug in schedules (not all tasks were run on time)
+ Added option Turn off sound at zero volume
+ Added option of alternative startup (so far in Config.ini parameter ScheduleAutoRun = 1 section Main)
+ Added information about the mounted disk on the OSD
* Fixed Github bug # 26
* Fixed Github bug # 28
+ Added the ability to set hotkey combinations: MouseX1 + MouseMiddle, Mousex2 + MouseMiddle
+ Added the option to display the hint in the tray when changing the volume (now you can set the hint as in the Standard Regulator% D:% V%)
* Fixed device management in Windows 10
* Fixed: Install the default device for Windows 10
+ Added a new scale for the OSD in 200% (for 4K displays)
+ Added the ability to set the time period when hibernating in Schedules
* Fixed display of the Enhancements tab when opening Playback Devices
+ Added new events for Hotkeys, turning the volume on and off as a separate function
+ Added support for the increased scale of the tray icon (without reboot)
+ Added support for loading parameters into the running program (/ LoadConfig). Can be used in Schedules
+ Added the ability to set the balance percentage using the Hotkeys
+ New Skin for Tray Icon devices
* Updated web access to the program (Config.ini parameter UseRemoteServer)
+ Added emulation of media keys in Hotkeys
+ Added command line parameters / exit and / profilefolder
+ Added option to check beta version
* Fixed brightness management
+ Added display of device icons in the Set default device window
* Fixed management through the standard controller in the tray, the management method Table
* Fixed control at the edge, parameter Start changing volume
+ Added option for color selection for the Screen Indicator
* Fixed: Context menu on the On-Screen Display
* Fixed: Tray prompt for Windows 10
+ Added Indonesian language
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Volume² changelog:
Added option Lock Devices Volume, when you change volume of main device also will be changed volume of alternative and vice versa
Fixed GitHub issue #69
Added option how to detect active monitor DetectActiveMonitorMethod: 0 - by active window, 1 - by mouse position (available in Config.ini)
Fixed problem with the same devices' names, from this version will be stored ID
Added possibility to set OSD position and size for each monitor
Fixed command line parameters
Changed blog address
Fixed balance control Windows 10
Fixed resetting balance on Windows XP
Fixed control volume of selected application
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Volume² changelog:
Added new periods for Scheduler (On Lock PC and On Unlock PC)
Fixed PeakMeter
Added support multiple monitors with different resolutions for Settings window
Added Autorun types: As Task or As Program
Added devices sorting
Fixed dublicating devices
Fixed loading Author name in Peak Meter
Added option Lock Devices Volume, when you change volume of main device also will be changed volume of alternative and vice versa
Fixed GitHub issue #69
Added option how to detect active monitor DetectActiveMonitorMethod: 0 - by active window, 1 - by mouse position (available in Config.ini)
Fixed problem with the same devices' names, from this version will be stored ID
Added possibility to set OSD position and size for each monitor
Fixed command line parameters
Changed blog address
Fixed balance control Windows 10
Fixed reseting balance on Windows XP
Fixed control volume of selected application
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
#US Version (31.12.2020)
*Fixed issues from GitHub #69, #88, #92, #93, #82, #98, #103, #105
*Fixed Smooth scrolling from Logitech SetPoint
+Added possibility to load program without any audio devices(Windows 7 and higher)
+Added ordering to Schedules
+Added new periods for Scheduler (On Lock PC, On Unlock PC, After Idle Time)
*Fixed PeakMeter
+Added support multiple monitors with different resolutions for Settings window
+Added Autorun types: As Task or As Program
+Added devices sorting
*Fixed duplicating devices
*Fixed loading Author name in Peak Meter
+Added option Lock Devices Volume, when you change volume of main device also will be changed volume of alternative and vice versa
+Added option how to detect active monitor DetectActiveMonitorMethod: 0 - by active window, 1 - by mouse position (available in Config.ini)
*Fixed problem with the same devices' names, from this version will be stored ID
+Added possibility to set OSD position and size for each monitor
*Fixed command line parameters
*Changed blog address
*Fixed balance control Windows 10
*Fixed resetting balance on Windows XP
*Fixed control volume of selected application

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


January 1, 2022
  • Added function Turn On monitor
  • Fixed high CPU usage when offline (#162)
  • Moved Interface Settings and User Variables to main Settings screen
  • Added possibility to rename devices using Audio Device Manager
  • Improved dark mode (Windows 10, 11)
  • Fixed view of the context menu in the tray for Windows 11
  • Fixed show text on some OSD
  • Added tray icon for alternative device
  • Fixed issue with Scheduler when .(dot) is use as time delimiter
  • Updated Audio Device Manager
  • Fixed show OSD on RDP and low color depth screens
  • Added the ability to load History from the site
  • Multiple alternative devices can be used in Hotkeys
  • Added possibility to control alternate device from command line (parameter ALTDEVICE)
  • Fixed change volume for main audio device from command line
  • Language autodetection was implemented (Based on System language)
  • Added support for POST request to execute task: /tasks/execute/id=taskId
  • Fixed issues from Github #112, #119, #127, #129
  • Fixed volume control under taskbar on 3 and more monitors
  • Added Action - Run task to Hotkeys
  • Added a new state for 'Mute On/Off' task - toggle
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