Windows Firewall Control / Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control - wersje stabilne


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Windows Firewall Control

Fixed: AppGuard and Steam can still create firewall rules at boot time when their services start before WFC. Now, the WFC service initializes first and intercepts properly these attempts.
Fixed: The profile is not reverted by the Install Mode if the system is restarted.
Fixed: Install Mode can change a higher profile to a lower profile which should not be possible. The description of Install Mode was renamed and the profiles available were reduced only to High Filtering and Medium Filtering profiles.
Fixed: When switching between multiple connections in notification dialog, the Protocol and Direction become unchecked.
Improved: When opening a file location from WFC, the file is now selected. In the previous versions the folder was opened but the user had to select the file manually.
Improved: Consecutive notifications are allowed for the same program only after a period of 30 seconds between two blocked connection attempts for the same program. Consecutive notifications are now allowed. Multiple notifications for the same program will not be displayed because many notifications can be generated, but the info for an already displayed notification for the same program will be updated.

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Bardzo aktywny
6 Lipiec 2012
Zauważyłem, że przed instalacją powyższej - nowej wersji ( należy odinstalować poprzednią. Zwróćcie uwagę, co by ewentualne reguły pozostawić nietknięte podczas procesu deinstalacyji, bo potem od nowa ustawianie Was będzie czekać :)


Windows Firewall Control

Fixed: The notification dialog hangs when multiple connection attempts are received for a specific program in a short period of time and the user chooses to create a new rule from the notification dialog.
Fixed: The validation for Program field in Properties dialog of a rule does not work.
Fixed: If the Rules Panel is open and the user uses the system tray context menu to open a different view, the window is focused but the view is not changed.
Fixed: In Windows 8, some group names are not recognized properly in Manage Rules data grid.
Fixed: The Properties dialog is opened if the user presses on the Cancel button with Enter key when the dialog to export the selected rules is canceled.
Improved: The text boxes available in Properties dialog of a rule support now maximum 4096 characters.


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Ta wersja może być zainstalowana jako nakładka, tylko na wersję Jeżeli posiadacie starszą wersję, to musicie ją usunąć przed instalacją najnowszej wersji.


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Windows Firewall Control

Fixed: A new approach is used to determine if an unauthorized rule is added in order to fix the problem with AppGuard and Steam.
Fixed: IPv6 addresses and ranges are not handled correctly in the service, making them to appear as invalid in Properties view of a rule. It is also impossible to export these kind of rules.
Fixed: The scroll position does not scroll to top when the user filters the rules displayed in Manage Rules data grid from the Display and Filter combo boxes or when the Connections Log is updated to a different search.
Fixed: The active state of the notification sound is not preserved in case of an update to a newer version.
Fixed: After creating a new rule from 'Connections Log' or 'New Rules Wizard' the view is automatically switched to Manage Rules.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Windows Firewall Control
Changes in
Fixed: Multiple rules are created for digitally signed programs when Low notification level is used.
Fixed: Rules with no Group defined or with a custom Group defined are deleted when
importing a policy if the "Disable the ability of other programs to add firewall rules" is enabled.
Fixed: Properties of a rule opens if the user exports a single rule and the Enter key is used to confirm the save.
New: Added new keyboard shortcuts in Rules Panel. Use Ctrl+R to refresh the active data grid and Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs. Also using Ctrl+{1,2,3} will switch etween the tabs.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Windows Firewall Control v.
What's new:

- New: "Merge rules" option was added in the context menu of Manage Rules window. This option is enabled if multiple rules for the same program, direction and action are selected.
- New: Multiple selection was added in Connections Log. If multiple connections for the same program are selected the user can customize a merged rule before creating a new rule.
- Fixed: Temporary rules created through the notification dialog are deleted if "Disable the ability of other programs to add firewall rules" is enabled.
- Fixed: The Main Panel window freezes while checking for a new version is in progress.
- Fixed: The scroll bar position doesn't go to top in Manage Rules when the Display or Filter combo boxes are used to filter the rules and a column is sorted.
- Fixed: Temporary rules are not deleted on WFC restart.
- Improved: Ctrl+F will set focus to the Search box in Manage Rules window.
- Improved: The search function from Manage Rules works now also for Group name.
- Improved: The Rules Panel was redesigned from scratch to improve memory usage and allow further extensions. Obsolete code was removed and a lot of code was improved.

Installation notes: Just use the updater to upgrade to this new version.

Download location:

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Windows Firewall Control

New: Added support to define custom URLs for checking purposes. Check the Options tab from Main Panel for the new options.
Fixed: Pressing the Enter key in Rules Manager changes the selection to the next row and opens for editing the next rule instead of the current selected one.
Fixed: The validations for local ports and remote ports that contain IPHTTPS, Teredo, RPC and RPC-EPMap don't work properly in Properties dialog of a rule. This allows invalid input and no change occurs when the Apply button is used.
Fixed: Can not duplicate or modify an existing rule if the local port or the remote port is set to IPHTTPS.
Fixed: The status of toggle buttons (Allow, Block, Enable, Disable) is not updated until the user changes the selection in the Manage Rules data grid.
Fixed: The Properties dialog opens if the user wants to export a full or a partial policy and then he confirms the action with the Enter key.
Fixed: IPv4 ranges are not properly recognized in Properties dialog. The override validation checkboxes were removed as the new validation rules should cover all scenarios.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Windows Firewall Control v.

Windows Firewall Control v.

What's new:
- New: Added new columns in Manage Rules for Edge Traversal and ICMP settings. These columns are hidden by default. They can be displayed in the data grid but they can not be modified from the Properties dialog.
- Fixed: Edge Traversal and ICMP setting are not preserved when duplicating a rule from Manage Rules data grid. The same applies to the scenario when a partial policy is imported from a file which contains such firewall rules.
- Fixed: Rules with no Group defined or with a custom Group are deleted when a rule is duplicated and the "Disable the ability of other programs to add firewall rules" is enabled.
- Fixed: The group name is saved with the English name if the user modifies a rule which is located in a default Windows Firewall group.
- Fixed: IP ranges without CIDR notation are not recognized as valid when modifying a rule. For example this was considered invalid:
- Fixed: The icons for context menu items in Connections Log and New Rules Wizard are highlighted even if the menu items are disabled.
- Fixed: A new notification for svchost.exe is not displayed if a block rule for svchost.exe for 'Any' protocol does exist. This prevents the notification for Windows Update if the recommended rule for Windows Update does not exist.
- Fixed: Search does not return valid results if the Program is set to All programs.
- Improved: The searh function was extended to find results in the following columns: Name, Program, Group, Local Ports, Local Addresses, Remote Ports, Remote Addresses. Example: The user can search for '80' to see the rules defined for this port.
- Improved: Added "Jump to rules" shortcut in the Connections Log toolbox and the other entries were added in the context menu.
- Improved: Moved 'User created rules' from Display combo box to Filter combo box. This allows filtering by inbound/outbound for user created rules. User created rules are considered the rules with the group name 'Windows Firewall Control' or 'Temporary Rules'.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Windows Firewall Control

Fixed: Rules created for digitally signed programs when using Low notification level are created as block rules instead of allow rules.
Fixed: Due to the fix for Edge Traversal included in the previous version, the program does not work anymore on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
Fixed: Connections Log does not display any allowed or blocked connections in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
Fixed: Ctrl + Alt + 3 does the same as Ctrl + 3, preventing users with different keyboard layout to insert special characters in the search field in Manage Rules.
Updated: The recommended block rules were removed. Too many questions regarding them.
Updated: The recommended rule for explorer.exe was modified to allow all connections on remote ports 80 and 443.

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Windows Firewall Control
What's new in version (31.08.2014)

- New: Added a new button for creating a blank new rule in Manage Rules window.
- New: The URL text boxes from Options tab in Main Panel were changed with combo boxes.
Where available, multiple providers were included.
- New: Action category with radio buttons was added to the Properties dialog of a rule.
- New: "Customize and allow..." and "Customize and block..." from Connections Log
and New Rules Wizard were merged to a new "Customize and create" function.
- New: Added a new check box in Options tab to automatically set High Filtering
profile on system shut down.
- Fixed: When coming from sleep mode, duplicate notifications are displayed for
System and svchost.exe, even if there are allow rules that allow all connections
for these two programs.
- Fixed: Result dialog after creating a rule from Connections Log is missing if the
Connections Log is launched directly from the system tray context menu.
- Fixed: "Jump to rules" does not work from the toolbox button.

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Windows Firewall Control

What's new in version (19.09.2014)

- New: The installer requires elevated privileges only when the installation is
actually done. It can be executed with normal user account privileges.
- New: "Secure boot" was added in the Options tab. It saves the current firewall
rules at system shut down, sets High Filtering profile and restores the firewall
rules at WFC start-up. When this feature is enabled, at system start-up the network
connections are blocked until WFC starts too.
- New: Added a new Copy... submenu in the context menu of the Connections Log window.
- Updated: Added new URL providers: and
- Updated: "Disable the ability of other programs to add firewall rules" was renamed
to "Secure rules".
- Updated: Recommended block rules are available again. If they are not needed they
can be easily deleted.
- Fixed: The color sliders don't not reflect the current color after reopening the
Main Panel window. They show always black color in the Options tab even if the color
is different.

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Bardzo aktywny
6 Lipiec 2012
Windows Firewall Control

What's new in version (20.09.2014)

- Fixed: The new installer does not work on x86 operating systems.

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--== edycja ==--

Swoją drogą, czy mnie coś ominęło jeżeli chodzi o licencjonowanie programu czy kiedyś nie było tego zapisu:
You will receive unlimited access, to My Account area so that you can activate our programs on all of your home computers, for unlimited times
Z tego co pamiętam, to można było w tym samym czasie korzystać tylko z jednego klucza na jednym PC, ewentualnie zdezaktywować jeden i wygenerować klucz na inną maszynę...


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Windows Firewall Control

New: Added support for defining paths of the rules with system variables. However, the path of the rule will contain the full path which is converted by Windows Firewall API. Is this now possible to define a rule like this: "%windir%\notepad.exe" or "%ProgramFiles(x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Updated: If the wfcs.exe service is not available at startup of wfc.exe, it takes 20 seconds to show the tray icon. Now it displays the error icon and retries to reconnect. If the reconnect is successfully, then the status is updated.
Updated: The user interface can now detect if the service is stopped by pooling the service every few seconds.
Updated: Logging was updated to offer more precise info when a problem is encountered. Possible solutions are also provided in the log when an error is logged.
Updated: Some parts of the code were simplified to improve the responsiveness.
Updated: Some misspelled words were updated.

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Bardzo aktywny
6 Lipiec 2012
Windows Firewall Control

What's new in version (15.11.2014)

- New: The profile displayed in WFC is updated now even if the user changes the settings from outside of WFC (e.g.: Control Panel applet, netsh or WFwAS mmc).
- New: The restore profile set in the Profiles tab is reverted now even if the state of Windows Firewall is modified from outside of WFC.
- New: Added a new confirmation dialog when the user switches from Main Panel to No Filtering profile.
- New: The tray icon will display a balloon tip if the profile is High Filtering at program start-up to inform the user that the network connections are disabled until profile is manually switched.
- Updated: Secure Boot was changed to only set High Filtering on system shutdown when it is enabled. From now on, the user has to switch manually the profile at system start-up if this option is enabled in order to enable network connections. The old implementation had very unpredictable results and did not work always correctly.
- Updated: The logging was updated to provide more detailed messages.
- Updated: Event Viewer launched from the Tools tab will open by default the WFC subcategory.
- Removed: The confirmation dialog that is displayed when a new rule is created was removed. From this version, the confirmation dialog is displayed only when a new rule is created from shell context menu.
- Fixed: High Filtering profile can not be switched off in certain circumstances and "Core Networking - Block all inbound/outbound connections" rules can not be removed.
- Fixed: Temporary Rules are not deleted at WFC restart if Secure Boot is enabled and the computer is restarted.
- Fixed: Last used path is not remembered when exporting a partial policy file.
- Fixed: The toolbox horizontal size is not saved when Rules Panel window is closed.
- Fixed: Multiple rules can be merged even if the selected rules are defined for different protocols. This is not allowed anymore.
- Fixed: Properties dialog of a rule does not appear in the taskbar and if the dialog is minimized, the user can't close Rules Manager from taskbar context menu.
- Fixed: When viewing inbound connections in Connections Log, if the user wants to quickly create a new rule without customizing it, the rule is created for outbound direction instead of inbound.
- Fixed: Uninstall dialog appears in taskbar but the dialog is not focused and the user has to activate the window manually in order to see it.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Windows Firewall Control

Windows Firewall Control
Changes in
New: In Connections Log a new filter is available in the toolbox. It is now possible to display only the last entry for an application instead of all consecutive entries.
Fixed: Rules created from the notification dialog don't have the Group name set.
Fixed: Time generated column from Connections Log doesn't display the date and time in the format defined on the local machine.
Fixed: High Filtering profile is not set on system restart event when Secure Boot is enabled. It works only on system shutdown event.

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