Wireshark 2.6.3
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Pobieranie:Wireshark 3.0.4 Release Notes:Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!
Pobieranie:Version 3.0.6 Release Notes
What's New:
Bug Fixes:
- On macOS, Wireshark can now be installed by dropping Wireshark.app onto the Applications folder.
- The macOS installer now ships with Qt 5.12.5. It previously shipped with Qt 5.12.3.
- macOS installer uses wrong user ID.
- Using macosx-setup seems to prevent installing pre-built binary.
- macOS installer package is configured to disallow downgrades.
- extcap: Several issues when capturing from multiple extcap interfaces.
- Expert Infos Incorrectly Displays Info Column instead of comment.
- Wireshark does not support USB packets with size greater than 256 KiB.
- IS-IS: add support for decoding TE TLV Type 138 as per RFC 5307.
- NET-SNMP EngineID Length handling Warning.
- TLS decryption is very slow on Windows when using a large PMS file compared to Linux/macOS.
- wireshark-3.0.5/epan/dissectors/packet-nas_5gs.c:2459: bad test ?.
- ERSPAN Type III over GRE without sequence number not decoded correctly.
- Windows dumpcap -v does not display capture library info.
- [Regression] FT_CHAR fields not supported in Lua API.