WizFile 3.05
Pobieramy na stronie:November 22, 2021
- file name search will now ignore character accents (like é and ö) when searching, e.g. searching for "melee" will now correctly match file names containing "mêlée" or "MÊLÉE"
- Not (!) operator was not working correctly when followed by quoted search text - fixed
- some results were not being included when using "?" wildcard and searching entire path - fixed
- File search box and highlighted text were not handling right to left languages like Arabic correctly - fixed
- Window animations settings could be reset when WizFile was running full screen - fixed
- WizFile will now handle screens with very high DPI (scaling >=200%) correctly. Previously title bar icons were too small.
- Light mode header colors were incorrect on Xp/2003 with themes disabled - fixed
- "Explore folder" and "command prompt here" functions were not working on older versions of Windows if "launch applications as administrator" option was not enabled (XP/2003) - fixed
- WizFile would not start minimized on older versions of Windows (pre Vista). Toggle "start with windows" off and on again to fix.
- new file length and path length search terms added:
- Use namelen and pathlen to search by file name and path length
- e.g. to find files with path length greater than 255:
- pathlen>255
- to find file names with exactly 1 character:
- namelen=1
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