XnView MP


Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
XnView MP 0.98
Changes in XnView MP 0.98:
  • [New] Special label to show rating & color label
  • [New] ‘Use original format’ setting
  • [New] ‘Show sbufolder’ & update
  • [New] Capture: play sound setting
  • [New] Icon when sidecar is used
  • [New] Categories filter (root) expanded state saved
  • [New] Menu item to toggle high zoom quality
  • [New] ‘Save’ as copy setting
  • [New] Left/Right button => Prev/Next file
  • [New] EXIF codec
  • [New] Batch convert: Drop shadow – direction
  • [New] Crop: Center
  • [New] Import: Counter per folder
  • [New] libjpeg-turbo 2.0.6
  • [New] More template for duplicate file
  • [New] ‘Save all’
  • [New] Video loop
  • [New] ‘Select all files’
  • [New] Info pane: Empty tabs option
  • [New] Settings>Catalog – Check folders
  • [New] IPTC: merge option when importing template
  • [New] Search: for non categorized
  • [New] Copy/Move dialog: clear
  • [New] Scan headers setting
  • [New] WebP Animation
  • [New] mm in print size
  • [New] Slideshow: GIF playing
  • [New] Slideshow info position
  • [New] Batch convert: Mono mixer
  • [New] Small toolbar layout
  • [New] Display MWG-Regions and names on image
  • [New] Batch rename: reorder more than 1 file
  • [New] Batch rename: Confirmation to delete templates
  • [New] Color model & Compression as placeholder
  • [New] Random file in edit mode
  • [New] XMP dialog
  • [Bug] Sidecar not deleted when viewing category
  • [Bug] Batch convert should not change global write format settings
  • [Bug] Set category create a sidecar without original XMP values
  • [Bug] Ctrl+Right click in detail view
  • [Bug] ESC to quit
  • [Bug] Settings not propagated to Fullscreen’s browser
  • [Bug] Favorites must not shown files
  • [Bug] MacOS-Linux: File sorting error
  • [Bug] 16bits PNG + color profile
  • [Bug] Extension shown for folder
  • [Bug] Movie & playbar
  • [Bug] Transfer: XPTitle label
  • [Bug] Import: rename video file
  • [Bug] Drop files outside Xn on subfolder
  • [Bug] Change timestamp on video file
  • [Bug] GIF frame by frame
  • [Bug] Copy/Mode Dialog: show hidden setting
  • [Bug] Batch convert: AVIF params not saved
  • [Bug] AVIF settings
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Normalize Ex
  • [Bug] Export: edit colormap crashs
  • [Bug] Rating/color not imported from Classic
  • [Bug] GPS>Satellite crash on Windows
  • [Bug] Favorite: Folder can’t be deleted
  • [Bug] Setting for showing rating
  • [Bug] Edit comment doesn’t update the view info correctly
  • [Bug] Batch convert: change color depth & alpha
  • [Bug] Custom sort –
  • [Bug] Crop: selection size
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Resize slow
  • [Bug] Batch convert: \# => \\# in filename

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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
XnView MP 0.98.1
  • [New] Zoom-in filter (Bicubic, Spline, Lanczos)
  • [New] Batch convert: ‘fill width’ option for text background
  • [New] mm in print size
  • [New] IPTC: merge option when importing template
  • [Bug] Windows: scaling problem
  • [Bug] Print & margins
  • [Bug] TIFF & EXIF setting
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Keep IPTC/XMP/EXIF/ICC
  • [Bug] Collage: spacing not used
  • [Bug] WebP animation crash
  • [Bug] MacOS-Linux: Slow starting with a lot of subfolders
  • [Bug] Convert: Deleting original files on Linux-MacOS don’t work
  • [Bug] Old version of ghostscript not recognized
  • [Bug] Strip: Image orientation problem
  • [Bug] Search similar: Tolerance problem
  • [Bug] Unexpected zoom behavior of selection function
  • [Bug] Paste outside
  • [Bug] Saved selection not kept between session
  • [Bug] IPTC/XMP: Load template
  • [Bug] Info icon display problem on hDPI
  • [Bug] Slideshow: Problem when saving settings
  • [Bug] Slideshow: Text position not saved in .sld
  • [Bug] Tag not working
  • [Bug] MWG not correctly imported
  • [Bug] GIF frame by frame
  • [Bug] Create banner without files
  • [Bug] Batch converter with Animated GIF results in crash
  • [Bug] Video thumbnail crash (MP4)
  • [Bug] ‘Random file’ always enabled
  • [Bug] GPS>Satellite crash on Windows
  • [Bug] Duplicate file dialog
  • [Bug] Rating overwrites categories in .xmp companion file
  • [Bug] No export to .xmp companion file / empty .xmp
  • [Bug] ‘Enhance colors’ crash on big image
  • [Bug] Print scanned document (dpi)
  • [Bug] Crop size in portrait
  • [Bug] Sub-sampling info for 4:4:0 JPEG is wrong
  • [Bug] & in tab title

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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
XnView MP 0.98.2
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0.98.2 :: Not yet available for this version
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
XnView MP 0.98.3
Changes in XnView MP 0.98.3:
  • [New] EXIF>LensModel/LensMake added
  • [New] Import&Sort: Sidecar option to write keywords
  • [New] Zoom out filter (Bicubic, Spline, Lanczos)
  • [New] Alphabetically sort
  • [New] Timestamp: option to force update
  • [New] Browser: Statusbar customization
  • [New] Category Sets
  • [New] Export Catalog enhancements
  • [New] ‘Edit XMP’ in context menu
  • [New] ResizePreset.txt in AppData
  • [New] Quick Search: catalog keywords
  • [New] Export Catalog enhancements
  • [New] ‘Edit XMP’ in context menu
  • [New] ResizePreset.txt in AppData
  • [Bug] TIFF Black levels EXIF field
  • [Bug] EXIF date 1900 not correctly sorted
  • [Bug] No warning for a rotation on HEIC
  • [Bug] Crash on .ani
  • [Bug] On HiDPI screen, small images are with 99% zoom
  • [Bug] HiDPI & bicubic-lanczos filter
  • [Bug] HiDPI & b&w image
  • [Bug] JPEG XR
  • [Bug] Edit GPS: Copy/Paste problem
  • [Bug] Crash when moving/selecting category
  • [Bug] Detail view & rating/label with 125% font scaling
  • [Bug] CR2 orientation problem
  • [Bug] descript.ion is missing when moving folder
  • [Bug] Ghostscript 9.54
  • [Bug] Edit IPTC: On MacOS Alt+left/right arrow to change file
  • [Bug] ‘show people region’ should be persistent
  • [Bug] Image always loaded even if preview is off
  • [Bug] Annoying tooltips on category pane
  • [Bug] Region name
  • [Bug] Preview pane: auto image size not saved
  • [Bug] Canvas resize – restore default
  • [Bug] Thumbnail loading crash sometimes
  • [Bug] GEM vulnerability – Thanks to Michael Heinzl
  • [Bug] Print size rounded value
  • [Bug] ‘Use alpha channel’ in browser’s preview
  • [Bug] SPACE to play/pause video in browser
  • [Bug] Slideshow: delay limit
  • [Bug] Default properties dialog in edit mode
  • [Bug] IPTC dialog in edit mode should not change state of image is ‘Write’
  • [Bug] Incorrect value for {DstWidth}
  • [Bug] ‘Save’ confirmation dialog
  • [Bug] PNG & Large iTxt
  • [Bug] Hidden folder disappear
  • [Bug] Category Sets re-assignment via History not possible
  • [Bug] Comment: hotkey for ‘write all’
  • [Bug] Edit XMP: CreateDate should use Exif:DateTaken
  • [Bug] Edit XMP: Field remove
  • [Bug] Crash when AVIF renamed as HEIC
  • [Bug] ‘Only one instance’ & foreground window on Windows
  • [Bug] ORI extension
  • [Bug] Icon on lossless totate
  • [Bug] Import&Sort: Filename not renamed
  • [Bug] Custom order and viewing
  • [Bug] Catalog: Check folders doesn’t remove orphaned files
  • [Bug] Banner & RGBA
  • [Bug] Wallpaper & windows font scaling
  • [Bug] Clip format

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
XnViewMP 0.98.4
Changes in XnView MP 0.98.4:
  • [Bug] Linux: Drag&Drop copy not move
  • [New] Search: wildcard with ‘contains’ & ‘does not contains’
  • [Bug] Drag&Drop problem with some software
  • [Bug] ‘Only one instance’ & foreground window on Windows
  • [Bug] IPTC/XMP Dialog: ‘No’ & ‘ask again’
  • [Bug] Crash on slideshow
  • [Bug] Crash when delete categories
  • [Bug] Quick Search: Problem if same categorie exist more than 1 time
  • [Bug] Batch Convert: NConvert script
  • [New] Import&Sort: extensions
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Text using # & start index
  • [Bug] Zoom at 99% when loading on HiDPI screen
  • [Bug] Category Sets: Search field not cleared
  • [Bug] 2 identical menu
  • [Bug] Preview not loaded
  • [Bug] Mixed file/folder sorting does not work
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
XnView MP 0.99.0
Changes in XnView MP 0.99.0:
  • [New] Qt 5.15.6
  • [New] JPEGXL 0.5
  • [New] libwebp 1.2.0
  • [New] LibHeic updated, EXIF-XMP output
  • [New] LibJPEGXL updated
  • [New] Libraw instead of dcraw
  • [New] Batch rename: ignore extension for #
  • [New] Set DPI – viewtopic.php?t=42134
  • [New] Batch convert: Environment vars
  • [New] JPEGXL options & export
  • [New] Setting to hide mouse in fullscreen
  • [New] Search: Dialog is no more modal
  • [New] Option to disable two-pass rendering
  • [New] Edit XMP: Fotoware custom field support
  • [New] Button to edit text ‘Add Text’
  • [Bug] No undo after saving a screenshot
  • [Bug] BLP
  • [Bug] Menu items not disabled
  • [Bug] Slow startup on Windows
  • [Bug] Open second image in fullscreen & one instance
  • [Bug] Search similar problems
  • [Bug] ‘Select first item’ not working[Bug] Batch convert: FTP + Keep structure
  • [Bug] Linux: Drag&Drop copy not move
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Bad output for NConvert
  • [Bug] .clip & temp files
  • [Bug] Drag&Drop problem
  • [Bug] Lossless transformations disabled
  • [Bug] XBS button doesn’t work in viewer mode
  • [Bug] XMP sidecar attached to RAW
  • [Bug] Filtering & open view
  • [Bug] PNG: 8bits + transparency
  • [Bug] Preview’s position
  • [Bug] PNG: 24bits + transparency
  • [Bug] Folder sorting
  • [Bug] ‘Rating+Label’ thumbnail label
  • [Bug] Settings>Toolbar
  • [Bug] Setting Filelist-Audio
  • [Bug] Batch Convert: Export all pages into single page file
  • [Bug] IPTC encoding (utf8)
  • [Bug] Automatic crop & 32bits picture
  • [Bug] Write format list
  • [Bug] XMP Create Contact
  • [Bug] Can’t read or write negative altitude value
  • [Bug] Resize must remember previous settings
  • [Bug] XMP fields in Batch rename
  • [Bug] Print in landscape not possible
  • [Bug] {ratio} must show aspect ratio when possible
  • [Bug] Batch convert: WebP export for NConvert
  • [Bug] Edit Mode: Rating hidden when toolbar is on the left
  • [Bug] White Balance in Edit mode
  • [Bug] Info text not correctly aligned
  • [Bug] GIF pause
  • [Bug] Rating-Color label written in sidecar
  • [Bug] Theme on startup wizard & better color for dark theme
  • [Bug] Curve crash
  • [Bug] Invalid {WidthMm} and {HeightMm}
  • [Bug] Invisible text in thumbnail’s labels when ‘Use format color’ is disabled
  • [Bug] Parent category not applied on Enter
  • [Bug] Paint: Shortcut for undo/redo
  • [Bug] SPACE in category pane
  • [Bug] Slideshow: file list is always sorted by filename
  • [Bug] No GPS pane if ‘Preview’ is disabled
  • [Bug] Slideshow: no rating/color label
  • [Bug] Info not showing on entering fullscreen
  • [Bug] Face tags not shown
  • [Bug] Numerical sort (by Date) for files with same date
  • [Bug] Clipboard corrupted at exit
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
XnView MP 0.99.1
Changes in XnView MP 0.99.1:
  • [Bug] Category Sets: Font & remove
  • [Bug] BLP
  • [Bug] Dark Theme & Details mode
  • [Bug] Slow zooming after loading image file
  • [Bug] Setting Filelist-Audio
  • [Bug] XMP-CF writing
  • [Bug] Search file count
  • [Bug] Batch convert multipage file convert one page
  • [Bug] X3F
  • [Bug] PNG: 8bits + transparency
  • [Bug] PNG crash
  • [Bug] Time always changes to 00:00:00
  • [Bug] Play only once animated file
  • [Bug] No auto refresh in Export>JPEGXL
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

XnView MP 0.99.4

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: [Bug] can not delete file when entering in fullscreen -
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: [Bug] WebP ICC profile -
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: [Bug] Mac: 'open in finder' dont select/focus file -
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: [Bug] Overlay icon with DPI scaling -
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: [New] Better FITS loading

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: [Bug] Face's region & orientation -
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: [Bug] MacOS: Delete shared folder -
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: [New] Shift to draw square & circle -
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: [Bug] Search from context menu -
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: [Bug] Incorrect face tag regions -
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: [New] Batch convert: Text size unit -
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: [New] Batch convert: Clear transparent pixels

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: [Bug] Rating on RAW files doesn't create sidecar -
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: [Bug] Print custom size -
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: [Bug] Batch convert: JPEG XL compression -
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: [Bug] Parent for new category -
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: [New] {Categories} in Batch rename -
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: [New] Color used in properties -
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: [Bug] DDS 12bits -
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: [Bug] Update labels after 'Set category' via menu -
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: [Bug] Video Volume problem -
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: [New] Batch convert: QR Code -
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: [New] Batch convert: paste file list -
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: [Bug] Batch convert: RAW orientation -
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: [New] Windows: 'Acquire into' -
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: [New] Batch convert: settings to disable format color -
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: [Bug] Wrong EXIF value on RAW -
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: [New] Batch convert: ALT+Wheel for previous/next image

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: [New] Open location code for GPS position -
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: [Bug] Convert: EXIF:Longitude/Latitude show decimal value in 'Text' -
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: [New] Cleaner face region -
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: [Bug] {EXIF:Altitude} not shown -
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: [Bug] HEIC filename with unicode -
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: [Bug] Set DPI -
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: [New] 'Lens Model' in template

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: [Bug] Crash on 1x1 bitmap -
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: [Bug] Slow browser when having a lot of subfolder -
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: [New] Menu item to configure panel visibility -
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: [Bug] Rating in detail view

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: [Bug] Paint: ellipse bug -
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: [Bug] JPEGXL & unicode filename -
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: [Bug] Sort folder by comment -
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: [Bug] X3F on MacOS/Linux -
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: [Bug] {EXIF:xA...} fields -
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: [New] lip format -
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: [Bug] RAW EXIF Camera fields -
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: [New] libavif 0.9.2 -
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: [Bug] Similar: Sort -
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: [New] JPEGXL: Compression effort -
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: [Bug] XMP list fields in Batch rename -
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: [Bug] Batch convert: Disable mutli core when PDF -
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: [Bug] Animated webp -
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: [Bug] GPS writing Negative value -
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: [Bug] Image size on RAW -
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
XnView MP 0.99.5
Changes in XnView MP 0.99.5:

  • [New] Album/collection
  • [New] Shortcut settings: filter
  • [New] libJPEGXL 0.6.1
  • [New] Filter Images/Videos without folders
  • [Bug] Viewer -> Browser with a file from category
  • [Bug] ‘Rebuild thumbnails’ and thumbnail caching disabled
  • [Bug] {Categories} and ‘base path’
  • [Bug] Overlay icon with Dpi scaling
  • [Bug] Label not exported in XMP
  • [Bug] Panasonic RAW
  • [Bug] Similar: Crash when closing dialog during a search
  • [Bug] Change timestamp: Date created always changed
  • [Bug] Problem after rename file
  • [Bug] ‘Load defaults’ in Resize Dialog
  • [Bug] 4 thumbnails video should use percent frame setting
  • [Bug] Wrong command for ‘Edit XMP’ shortcut in fullscreen
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

XnView MP 0.99.7

Changes in XnView MP 0.99.7:​

  • [New] Resize: Lanczos2 filter
  • [New] ‘Use checkerboard pattern’ in menu
  • [New] XMP in tooltips
  • [New] Category menu: Parent label on top of submenu
  • [New] Album: Import/Export Bridge collection
  • [New] Batch convert: Antialiasing option for ‘Text’
  • [Bug] Bottom line not visible on HDPI
  • [Bug] Image is not antialiased when zoom % matches HiDPI scaling
  • [Bug] Linux: SaveAs always use original date file
  • [Bug] Join: Need to use sRGB color profile
  • [Bug] Remove/Extract alpha channel on 8bits image
  • [Bug] MacOS: EXIF on HEIC file
  • [Bug] PDF crash
  • [Bug] Slideshow: Close when using timer at the end
  • [Bug] Slideshow & high DPI scaling
  • [Bug] Tag Face: People list not updated
  • [Bug] Fullscreen info truncated (HTML)
  • [Bug] Rating in Edit mode doen’t update browser
  • [Bug] Text in statusbar clipped
  • [Bug] Pan on HiDPI with 1 image pixel = 1 screen pixel
  • [Bug] Batch rename: option to remove diacritic character
  • [Bug] Tag Face: XMP metadata not always written
  • [Bug] Tag Face: Crash with grey images
  • [Bug] Windows: High DPI scaling problem
  • [Bug] Slideshow a animated file
  • [Bug] StatusBar: Bad image size in edit mode
  • [Bug] Resize: Mode not applied
  • [Bug] Temporary file & reuse
  • [Bug] Print Selection: aspect ratio of preview image is distorted
  • [Bug] ‘Print selection’ not enabled in toolbar
  • [Bug] Zoom selection & high dpi scale
  • [Bug] Mac: ‘open in finder’ dont select/focus file
  • [Bug] StatusBar not correctly updated if Preview is hidden
  • [Bug] {File Index} in statusbar
  • [Bug] Remember last selected filename
  • [Bug] Open container on category list
  • [Bug] Edit category’s parent doesn’t refresh tree
  • [Bug] Album: Create first show 2 entries
  • [Bug] {Categories} and ‘base path’
  • [Bug] JXR 128 RGBA
  • [Bug] Multipage create: Bad orientation for files with EXIF orientation

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

XnViewMP 1.00.0

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

XnView MP 1.01.0

Changes in XnView MP 1.01.0:

  • [New] MDK SDK instead of QtAV for video support
  • [New] Edit IPTC/XMP: library[New] ‘Save frame as’
  • [New] Capture: Output folder
  • [Bug] GEM IMG crash – CVE Thanks to Danis Jiang
  • [Bug] Abort in Search dialog
  • [Bug] If an error occurs when saving, no message
  • [Bug] Bad mouse cursor in crop
  • [Bug] ‘Show grid’ not always restored
  • [Bug] Lock zoom not kept
  • [Bug] Contact sheet: size not restored correctly
  • [Bug] Acquire into: ISO date
  • [Bug] When saving, cancel in Write settings must not save
  • [Bug] Edit comment: ‘Write all’ must close dialog
  • [Bug] Mac: Slideshow – when choosing color, dialog go to background
  • [Bug] White balance preset
  • [Bug] Wrong video orientation
  • [Bug] ‘Update files from catalog’ doesn’t use settings
  • [Bug] Settings>Info – ‘always in fullscreen’ unchecked
  • [Bug] TTF thumbnail crash
  • [Bug] Export & Icc profile
  • [Bug] ‘Convert to 256’ shuffles colormap
  • [Bug] JPEGXL lossless output file size
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Film simulation parameters
  • [Bug] Edit mode: Bad file information in titlebar
  • [Bug] Message about converting in RGB model
  • [Bug] Bad preview when returning to browser
  • [Bug] IPTC: ‘Replace only…’ should not be used with ‘write’
  • [Bug] Face tag detection
  • [Bug] Two pass rendering setting
  • [Bug] XMP template can’t be loaded
  • [Bug] Picture orientation & cache
  • [Bug] Open archive on unicode subfolder
  • [Bug] Folder view not updated after create folder/rename
  • [Bug] XMP on RAW files
  • [Bug] TIFF 16/32bits greyscale
  • [Bug] Crash when closing thumbnail creation + ICC
  • [Bug] RAW Automatic brightness setting not used
  • [Bug] Edit text in category pane
  • [Bug] Close unsaved view
  • [Bug] Video thumbnail problem
  • [Bug] GMIC
  • [Bug] EXIF panel empty after tag face
  • [Bug] Folder thumbnails – ignore EXIF rotation information
  • [Bug] ‘File>Save’ greyed for capture
  • [Bug] XMP face detection
  • [Bug] Canvas resize – restore default
  • [Bug] EXIF Image unique ID
  • [Bug] .xmp shown, missing rule in Settings>Companion
  • [Bug] Import&Sort: JPG not imported
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

XnViewMP 1.02.0

XnViewMP - 1.02​

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: [Bug] AV1 video file thumbnailing

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: [Bug] Icons in archive file -
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: [New] Libarchive 3.6.1

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: [Bug] Grey tiff 16 bits -
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: [Bug] When saving, cancel in Write settings must not save -
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: [Bug] Slideshow: Filename in sld with = char -
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: [Bug] Grid not correctly restored -
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: [New] Convert: files in NConvert exported bat -
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: [Bug] Search: Category parent always selected & 'apply parent...' -
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: [Bug] Suggested categories & 'apply to parent' -
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: [Bug] Screen capture filename -
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: [Bug] Statusbar 'file date' does not match settings -
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: [New] XMP Acdsee face region fields
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

XnViewMP 1.3.0

September 6, 2022
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