
Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
xplorer2 (12 Nov 2015)

xplorer2 to najnowsza wersja bardzo dobrego menadżera plików, uważanego przez wielu użytkowników za jednego z najlepszych na świecie.
Oprócz standardowych funkcji takich jak operacje na plikach (kopiowanie, usuwanie, masowa zmiana nazw, dzielenie czy łączenie pliku itd.), xplorer˛ oferuje także wyszukiwanie tekstu w plikach tekstowych (DOC, PDF itp.), posiada wbudowany edytor tekstowy umożliwiając podgląd plików Text/RTF/Hex/HTML oraz narzędzie do przeglądania formatów graficznych, audio i wideo. Wielkim walorem xplorer˛ jest szybkość działania.
Przykładowo otworzenie folderu w którym znajduję się 7000 elementów zajmuje aplikacji 0.83 sekundy. Program można również obsługiwać z poziomu wiersza poleceń a ilość funkcji dostępnych w menu sięga aż 143 pozycji.
źródło: dobreprogramy.pl


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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
[] 1 Oct 17 ----------------

* EDIT > EXPORT CSV menu command exports also the folder path name and saves the CSV file in the %TEMP% folder to avoid proliferation of X2SCRAP.CSV files
* COLOR TAGS. Right click on any item(s) to assign them a color tag using the context menu. There are 3 predefined tag colors and one that clears tags from the selection. Tagged items are shown with a color border around their name, making them stand out. These colors don't change the actual files in any way; you just use them to mark files for whatever reason you like, e.g. for further processing. They are stored in a database that xplorer² uses to mark files. Use the new color tag filter button next to the addressbar's filter box to show only items that are tagged with specific colors.
NOTE: color tags are independent of any color coding rules you may have (CUSTOMIZE menu). The tag border is drawn on top of any color coding.
* You can color tag folders in the tree as well, but there the only gain is making a tree node stand out. You cannot filter the folder tree elements
* Color tags are only shown in the active folder pane. If you want to see tags in all panes, use the GAOPT_COLCALWAYS advanced option (previously controlling color coding only). In the advanced settings editor search for COLOR in the Global property page.
* color tags are rather fragile. If you rename a tagged file or move it to a different folder, the color information is lost. Likewise they are not very portable as paths in one computer usually cannot be found in another PC. If you need more persistent color tagging, consider the old "manual" method using file comments and color coding rules:
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* [P] remember the spreadsheet rename mode to change attributes? if you enable the Color tag property in detailed view mode, you can also change the color tag by providing a number directly in the item details (slow double-click on the tag column).
* [P] You can search for color tags in 2 ways. Either use the color tag filter button, or use the color tag stock property to define search rules as with any other file property. Note that using the color button is much faster, but the color tag attribute (numeric: 1=red, 2=green etc) can be combined with other search criteria.
* global registry section TAG COLORS defines custom colors to be used with color tagging. Up to 30 colors can be defined. The format is simple, a color name followed by a DWORD value which corresponds to the RGB definition of the color. Note that the red is the least significant byte so the value is (hex) BBGGRR, the inverse of what you see in color pickers.
* [P] Scrap container windows, can do custom grouping by regular expression (extending TOOLS > FUZZY GROUPS menu command). To understand what this funky command does, please see this forum topic:
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Basically you declare a regular expression with some variable token inside it, which is used to define groups. Typically you are matching a part of the filename (or some other text attribute), and this part becomes the definition of the group. Files that don't match the regexp pattern at all go in the UNSPECIFIED group.
* New tips: 93b, 93c, 49a, 35a, 8a, 48a, 160b, 11a (see x2tips.RTF in the installation folder).
* [P] new view mode Detailed thumbs (see VIEW > PANE STYLE submenu and/or Ribbon toolbar's VIEWS button) combines a small thumbnail with item details. The thumbnail size is the same as that of "mini thumbs" menu, which can be adjusted to taste using TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu (Mini-thumb size factor to normal %). To change the size of the normal thumbnails, use TOOLS > OPTIONS menu and then find the thumbnail pixel setting in General property page.
(another way to get details for a regular thumbnail view mode is to turn on the Details pane from VIEW menu)
* TOOLS > OPTIONS menu, General property page has a new button CLEAR HISTORY, which removes all drop-down combo box histories appearing here and there (but NOT global settings like Bookmarks and User commands). If you are privacy conscious you can set the History items maintained setting to 2 so xplorer² will not remember much of what you type. For more information see
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* [P] You can duplicate a user command with CUSTOMIZE > USER COMMANDS > ORGANIZE menu, using the new Duplicate toolbar button or the context menu. Thus you can create commands that differ a little in their arguments etc.
* For fresh installations, xplorer² asks if you want a ribbon toolbar or a traditional menu bar to begin with. This selection can be changed at any later time using VIEW > RIBBON menu command or the ribbon's FILE leftmost tab.
* you can "zoom" folder contents in and out using CTRL+mouseWheel. Each zoom level goes either to larger icons/thumbnails or smaller, all the way to detailed view mode. Equivalent to using VIEW > PANE STYLE menu but arguably more convenient.
* Command finder shows the command identifier number [xxx] for all you script enthusiasts
* xplorer² looks better in high resolution monitors with various touches on default icon and other sizes depending on your DPI
* [P] added file types category COMPRESSED that lists popular archive formats, to be used for filtering by name/type (will only appear for fresh installations).
* [P] search and robust copy logs include information about total time spent in operation
* In the unlikely *cough* situation where xplorer² crashes, it will restart automatically using windows restart manager. If it crashes a lot, it will prompt you to send the crash information email. Thank you for helping with the program's reliability.
* various small bugfixes (e.g. when you delete a network folder xplorer² won't jump to desktop)
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
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Here you will find a brief list of items added in each consecutive build.
For more information please refer to the updated full documentation (press F1 key in xplorer²)

NOTE: Items marked with [P] are only in the professional version and for the ultimate version (whatever is [P] is also for )

If you cannot read this file properly, turn on the WORD-WRAP mode in your text editor (press F2 key if you are using editor²)

[] 15 Feb 18 ----------------

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* [P] You can automate most xplorer² tasks using macros. It is not a full programming language, but a relatively simple means to access menus, toolbars and dialogs and do whatever you can do with the mouse and keyboard. Getting familiar with the notation will take some effort, but there is good documentation and sample macros to get you going. It is possible to debug (single-step) macros, helping you figure out why things won't work as you expected.

Here is a sample macro program, that opens the Copy To (robust transfer) dialog, populates the filter box with "*.PDF", and starts the file transfer:

# macro to copy only PDF files
COMMAND "copy to"
FINDWND filter
FINDCLASS combobox

New installations can start the macro editor with F12 key (CTRL+F12 repeats the last macro), or using CUSTOMIZE > MACROS > NEW MACRO menu command. If you have the ribbon, you will find the macros in WORKBENCH ribbon tab.
Say goodbye to menuhack!

* [P] You can save macros for later use. Once you have a well running macro (after debugging etc), use the SAVE button in the macro dialog to give it a name. Then as you run it, it will be saved in the CUSTOMIZE > MACROS menu list. As with other similar lists, use CUSTOMIZE > MACROS > ORGANIZE menu command to assign keyboard shortcuts and custom icons to your macros, for quick access. Macros can be placed on any toolbar (right click on toolbar to CUSTOMIZE it).
Once you save a macro, you can do minor edits using the ORGANIZE menu, but that won't alert you to any syntax or logical errors. For best results, run the macro, then its code will be available through CUSTOMIZE > MACROS > NEW MACRO menu command. Make your changes and SAVE it again with the same name, overwriting the old definition.

* GIOPT_PERTABLAYOUT registry option turns layouts (see WINDOW menu) into workbenches. You will notice the difference if you are using folder tabs: each tab will save its own settings (instead of the active tab forcing its settings to all other tabs as it was up to now). Restoring a layout/workbench from WINDOW menu will give you the same folders and each folder browsed exactly as you last saved it. If you need a saved layout to open with the same folders every time, you must turn off "save settings on exit" (see OPTIONS menu). Use ACTIONS > SAVE SETTINGS NOW menu command if you want to register changes for a workbench that doesn't save settings on exit.

* By default each new (named) layout created will have per-tab settings. If you want to disable per-tab settings altogether turn on the global registry switch GAO2_NOPERTABSETT.

* [P] Everybody will need NEW unlock keys for v4.0, but many will get free replacements. To check if you are entitled for a free or discounted v4.0 key use HELP > REGISTER PROGRAM menu, or the equivalent command under LICENSE MANAGEMENT in ribbon's leftmost tab. If xplorer² cannot find your old license key (but you know where it is yourself) you can use this upgrade page
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* New tips 24a, 43a, 126a, 160c. (see x2tips.RTF in the installation folder or use HELP > TIP OF THE DAY menu).

* New programmable stock column with a million+1 uses, similar to the desktop detective panel in DeskRule. You define an expression that combines file properties, boolean and arithmetic operators and a few functions, and the calculation result is the content of the column. It can then be used as any other file attribute e.g. for sorting, filtering even searching. Here are a few examples:

IF(${Modified} = today, new, old)
for files that were modified today, it will show "new" otherwise "old". The components of this expression are:
IF() a function with 3 arguments, separated by commas
${Modified} the modification date
today reserved date constant term
= boolean operator for comparison (equal)
new ,old string constants

${Modified} - ${Created}
will show the number of days difference between the modification and creation dates of a file

IF(FBYTES(1,3)="50.4E.47", png, "")
use bytes 2-3-4 in files to detect if they are PNG format; show PNG if they are and nothing otherwise. To understand what the values 50.4E.47 mean use the xplorer² quickviewer in HEX mode.

${Size on disk} > ${Size} + 5kb
will reveal files with suspiciously large hidden streams (ADS), by comparing the size on disk with the reported size. If the size on disk is greater (">" operator) by at least 5 KiloBytes, it could be fishy. The result of the comparison is 1 (true) for fishy files and 0 otherwise.
File properties in ${braces} follow the usual format as e.g. in mass renaming, using the name of the desired detailed view column.

IF(${Extension}=txt, 1, IF(${Extension}=cpp, 2, 3))
party trick demonstrating the power of the file property calculator. You can have embedded functions and whatever you imagine, like a regular programming language. This example will show "1" for TXT files, "2" for CPP files, and "3" for anything else.

To try it out, right click on the detailed view header row and pick PROGRAMMABLE from the menu. This will allow you to change the expression and will show the programmable column too. The programmable column definition dialog has boxes that guide you to create expressions, and it also supports autocompletion of file property names for the more experienced users. If something goes wrong, it will pop a syntax error with the likely error location.

All file properties can be used in the calculations. It resembles the cell expressions in MS Excel. The rules can also search in files (GREP function) and extract specific file bytes. It is versatile and subject only to your imagination. For more information please refer to the quickstart guide.

You can save expressions you use frequently by supplying a name in the PREDEFINED box in the programmable dialog and clicking SAVE button. This is similar to storing hyperfilters for search commands. Then it becomes available for future use from the history drop-down dialog control.

* The programmable column can be used for file searches and other rule definitions. How you use it depends on the type of the result of the calculation (text, number or date). For example if an expression results in a 0/1 numeric (boolean) choice, and you want to find files that satisfy it (=1), start a search that includes the Programmable property and set its minimum to 1. You can combine it with other properties as necessary. Note that searches that include the Programmable property are slower because they cannot utilize the search index -- which isn't capable of such complex queries.

* HELP > COMMAND FINDER finds all xplorer² commands, even when the plain menu mode is enabled.

* Digital signatures are obtained from items in zipfolders too (for Signed By stock property). Files larger than the zip extraction limit (see General program options property page) are not examined.

* VIEW > ARRANGE BY > MANUALLY menu command allows you to place folder icons wherever you like, desktop-style. This isn't really suitable for folders with many items, but you've asked for it <g>. It can be used with large icon view (including thumbnails). If you try to sort files (by Name etc) they become automatically arranged again. To protect your item placements you may need to temporarily disable autorefresh in the folder using VIEW > HOLD AUTOREFRESH menu command.

* added filename filter category for e-books (see NAMED box in find files and other similar dialogs). Note there are now text filters for most popular ebook formats like EPUB and MOBI (see
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* when searching for text in files, the previewer highlights the matched keyword underlined and bold (more pronounced)

* zabkat.com website changed to secure https:, as per google's commandments :)

* previewer will highlight search keywords when obtained from fast windows search, no matter where they are located in the document

* registry option GAO2_NOVISTATHUMBS(=2) disables reading windows thumbnail cache (affects previewer too). Makes image preview slower but it is necessary for users with corrupt thumbnail cache (e.g. too many images). To reset your cache use Disk Cleanup applet (see
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* global registry option GAO2_LASSOPATCH10(=32) disables lasso selection as a stop-gap "solution" for the nasty windows 10 scrolling bug that micro$oft don't look keen on fixing anytime soon. So you choose the least-bad of 2 evils: jumping mouse cursors or disabled lasso selection :(
PS. I hear that MS are finally going to release a fix about this problem soon.

* Autosize columns command (right click on a view header) when used in thumbnails view mode, will make sure that the headers won't stretch beyond the width of the window. This will make sure there are no horizontall scrollbars when browsing thumbnails

* Color Tag filter menu (next to the filterbar) has an UNTAGGED command that hides all items with color tags

* New icon mode "No icons" for the terse user types that don't need imagery, just the filenames. Accessible through program options (General property page). Thumbnails are allowed.

* [P] plain icons policy also affects icons for bookmarks, user commands etc. If set to PLAIN then no icons are extracted; this will make program startup faster.

* Some settings changes that required a restart now offer to clone a new window instead.

* [P] several commands that create scrap container windows put a window title that describes what happened, e.g. the search criteria summary. If you want something more specific use WINDOW > SET TITLE menu command for your custom text.

* [P] TOOLS > COMPARE SUBFOLDERS menu command asks whether you want to compare folders only, or a do normal comparison for files (default). Useful when you want to do a quick assessment of missing whole subfolders.

* Folders that are not seen (those in invisible tabs for instance) consume less resources. When you switch back to them they may need to refresh their contents. This also improves xplorer² startup times if you happen to have lots of tabs from the previous session.

* [P] when you try to use one of the folder pairs in BOOKMARKS > DUAL menu, xplorer² ensures a dual pane window exists.

* [P] robust copy and delete progress dialogs won't bombard you with filenames you don't have time to read anyway, only once per second. Probably this will speed up the operation slightly too!

* MARK > CONTAINING TEXT and MARK > MATCHING A RULE menu commands allow you to extend the existing selection if you hold <Shift> key as you click on SELECT dialog button. The default behavior (without <Shift>) is to erase any previous selection.

* If your xplorer² appears hung (window not responding but NOT crashed), start another upport for troubleshooting.

* OneDrive on windows 10 gets more bearable. To enable searches and folder sizes in onedrive folders, make sure you tick "Treat folder junctions as normal folders" in TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu command. The fancy status icons are sadly missing but if you need the status use "Availability status" column. xplorer² instance using the desktop icon and use HELP > CRASH INFORMATION menu command in this fresh instance. If all goes to plan it will extract a minidump file explaining the stuck status of the original window, which you can send via email to zabkat support for troubleshooting.

* OneDrive on windows 10 gets more bearable. To enable searches and folder sizes in onedrive folders, make sure you tick "Treat folder junctions as normal folders" in TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu command. The fancy status icons are sadly missing but if you need the status use "Availability status" column.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
[] 5 Mar 18 ----------------

* Added programmable column function INT() that converts a string to a number. Useful for managing bytes returned from FBYTES function

* A few bugs fixed for WCX plugins. If you are using the 7-zip NSE plugin there's a bugfix for that too:
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
[] 21 May 18 ----------------

* [P] drag-drop FROM deep (long pathname) folders into normal folders works (for left mouse dragging only)

* fast desktop search works in removable USB drives, as long as you have them added in the search index (through control panel's indexing options)

* programmable column STR() function works on numbers returned by FBYTES function, effectively extracting actual text from files (instead of hexadecimal data). This is meant for plain text files only.

* $D token for mass rename command always translates to a real date, regardless of any "friendly dates" setting. The lowercase $d version inserts date without time.

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