
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal to nowa, nowoczesna, bogata w funkcje i wydajna aplikacja terminalowa dla użytkowników wiersza poleceń. Zawiera wiele funkcji najczęściej wymaganych przez społeczność systemu Windows, w tym obsługę kart, tekstu sformatowanego, globalizacji, konfigurowalności, kompozycji i stylizacji i wiele innych.

Terminal będzie również musiał spełniać nasze cele i środki, aby zapewnić jego szybkie i wydajne działanie oraz nie zużywać ogromnej ilości pamięci lub mocy.
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Windows Terminal można również spersonalizować, korzystając z motywów i plików JSON.


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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview v0.3.2142.0

  • The UI is now much better.
    • [known bug] The “Maximize” cube won’t turn into the “Restore” icon when you snap or double-click the title bar.
      • This is just cosmetic.
  • double- and triple-click selection now works, with customizable word delimiters!
  • New Panes Features
    • You can now resize panes with the keyboard! First, you must add key bindings for resizePane{Up,Down,Left,Right}
    • You can now move focus between panes with the keyboard! You must add key bindings for moveFocus{Up,Down,Left,Right}. (
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    • Panes key bindings will be set by default once we’re sure the feature is actually ready to ship!
  • When your mouse leaves the window while you're selecting, the selection will continue.
  • Console Host now supports DECOM and DECCOLM! DECSTBM works better.
  • The About dialog now has links to really interesting stuff!
  • There's a new default key binding for closePane
    • Ctrl+Shift+W will close an open pane (or tab)
    • closeTab is no longer bound by default
    • closeTab closes all panes in a tab (without confirmation)
  • There's a new set of default key bindings.
    • Command line applications are important to us, and Ctrl+W and Ctrl+T are important to them.
    • By default, newTab and closePane will be bound to Ctrl+Shift+T and Ctrl+Shift+W
  • There's a new setting for background image alignment: backgroundImageAlignment
    • Values: center, left, top, right, bottom, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight
  • If you leave the guid out of a newly-created profile, one will be generated for you.
  • You can now map OEM keys ({}\_+-=\\|/?\<\>:";') in key bindings!
  • A new profile setting, tabTitle, was introduced for people who really don’t want to write code to set their tab titles.
    • Writing code is the best way to put dynamic content in your title bar! It’s really, really cool. Most shells support it!
  • You can now add key bindings for copy, copyTextWithoutNewlines, and paste.

  • You can now add a key binding for duplicateTab

  • There is a new “Vintage” color scheme!

  • You can now have a background image over top of acrylic or a solid color
* New defaults won't be applied to existing profiles. You can either remove your existing profiles.json or attempt to build a simulacrum of the new defaults.

Bug Fixes
  • You can now open the settings file if you use the one true text editor, GVIM (or any other text editor that prefers the “edit” verb instead of the “open” verb.)
    • If you don’t have an editor bound for JSON files, we’ll mercilessly fall back to notepad.
  • Complicated commandlines need a lot less escaping. Mostly, ones with spaces and quotes.
    • This may be a compatibility concern. Check your profiles to make sure they work!
  • Padding no longer pads the scroll bar. Sorry about the padded scroll bars.
  • The terminal now works if you’re one of the six people who have enabled Use Legacy Console.
  • Pressing escape will only escape once, so you don’t escape twice
  • RTL text looks way less bad
  • You’ll no longer end up with broken Unicode sequences in long runs of emoji or other fancy text!
  • Your window will no longer overhang the edge of your screen in certain monitor shapes (elliptical, mostly)
  • Environment variables are now supported in icon.
  • A number of crashes were fixed.
    • Closing panes, closing tabs, opening tabs, minimizing the window (sometimes)
    • Selecting wide glyphs in the scrollback no longer causes unexpected kinetic disassembly
    • Resizing the window too small
    • Specifying an invalid font
Other Changes
  • Change Campbell's default foreground color
  • Obstruct the user when they try to run WT under WOW
  • Set Starting Directory for WSL profile
  • Fix a couple of the DEC Special Graphics characters
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Krótkie streszczenie możliwości nowego Terminala Windows
Trzeba przyznać, że zmian uprzyjemniających korzystanie z Windows Terminal jest całkiem sporo.

Wśród najważniejszych nowości w nowym Terminalu należy wymienić przede wszystkim obsługę wielu kart. Co ważne, w jednym oknie korzystać można z różnych narzędzi – nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, by obok siebie można było korzystać z PowerShella i np. terminala Ubuntu uruchomionego na Windows Subsystem for Linux. Nowy Windows Terminal oddaje także w ręce użytkownika całkiem rozbudowane możliwości konfiguracyjne.

Przejdźmy jednak do zmian zaprezentowanych
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. Microsoft solidnie przebudował pasek tytułowy, który można odtąd „chwycić” kursorem w dowolnym miejscu i zmienić pozycję całego okna przeciągnięciem. Odświeżono także wygląd paska poprzez ujednolicenie kolorystyki i dopracowanie zachowań przycisków. Co ważne, elementy interfejsu będą mogły być obsługiwane za pomocą ułatwień dostępu.

Pojawiły się nowe możliwości konfiguracyjne. Za pomocą polecenia "tabTitle": "nazwa" można wprowadzać własne etykiety kart. W ręce użytkowników oddano także więcej władzy nad wyglądem terminala. Za pomocą właściwości "backgroundImage", "useAcrylic", and "background"możliwe jest jednoczesne ustawienie efektu akrylu, obrazka tła i wypełnienia kolorem o wskazanym stopniu krycia.

Użytkownicy Terminala mogą już wykorzystywać w tworzonych przez siebie skrótach klawiszowych następujące znaki: {}_+-=|/?<>:”;’. Cześć z nich z entuzjazmem powita także możliwość z obsługi terminala Azure Cloud Shell. Listę nowości w najnowszej wersji testowej Windows Terminala zamyka odświeżona sekcja About, w które można odtąd zapoznać się z notą wydawniczą i dokumentacją.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview 0.6.2951.0
Version 0.6.2951.0 released 2 days ago

  • There's now a setting for launching the Terminal in a specific initial position on your screen or to have it maximized when it starts up
    • Set initialPosition to a string of the format x, y to force the terminal to launch in that position. Like, 100, 200.
    • The position specified is relative to your primary monitor. Negative values will be to the left of (x) or above (y) the primary monitor.
    • Set launchMode to maximized to request that Terminal start up maximized on the monitor it would have landed on based on its initialPosition
  • If you chose a color scheme that didn't exist, you got the wonderful black-on-black color scheme that was excellent for readability. Now instead, you get a warning that the settings couldn't find a valid scheme and we choose the default Campbell scheme instead so you can actually see things.
  • Terminal now also warns you about closing many tabs when clicking the X button on the window frame, like a browser
  • There are new keybindings, increaseFontSize and decreaseFontSize (bound by default to Ctrl+= and Ctrl+-) that help you increase and decrease the font size.
  • We've upgraded to the latest version of WinUI, 2.2! There's a bunch of improvements in our tab bar, including...
    • ... the ability to scroll your tabs with < and > buttons
    • ... the ability to see all of your tabs
    • ... a much more accessible color scheme
    • A KNOWN BUG where the tab bar won't expand when you make the window wider; this is being tracked by
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      • (workaround: open a new tab)
  • Performance improvements
    • We now defer rendering the cursor until we know we're done printing text
      • We got a little excited about updating the cursor and would spend most of our time drawing the cursor blinking on and off or moving through the buffer, even while we were writing more text. Now, we control ourselves and only draw the cursor when done emitting a segment of text. This improves drawing and buffering performance.
    • Things that change color in the middle of a line will now do so less slowly
    • Runs of simple characters will no longer incur an expensive layout pass
      • Re-instates text complexity check during text rendering to make simple/basic/ASCII text skip all analysis phases and render faster (less CPU!)
  • Characters of unknown width are now considered to be one cell wide
    • Improves layout of all glyphs that are "ambiguous" per the Unicode standard by forcing them to be narrow, as most other Terminals do. This should improve table/box drawing.
    • If you see some emoji that have been crushed, smushed or smashed, please mention them by codepoint in
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    • Emoji are almost all ambiguous, so this is troublesome.
Bug Fixes
  • We'll no longer crash if you open a tab, close it, then try to draw some unexpected characters in any other tab
    • Weird enough, this was the same fix as the "ambiguous width" one above. Your homework is figuring out why!
  • Text copied to the clipboard will, in a lot more cases, have the right number of line endings
  • Characters like : and ' will now make their way to legacy applications in a way they can understand
    • (some old Windows applications, or new ones that are written to target consoles that have been dead and gone for tens of years, were trying to read the scancode out of a key event. Terminal wasn't putting the right one in sometimes.)
  • correctly inform connection of resize events
    - Fix for Visual Studio 2019 preview embedded terminal component to relay resizing events correctly.
  • Revert "Patch fix for
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    - See below. We tried fixing full-width characters at end-of-line and introduced a bunch of crashes, so this rolls it back to stop the crashes.
  • TermControl: force all ambiguous glyphs to be narrow
    - Improves layout of all glyphs that are "ambiguous" per the Unicode standard by forcing them to be narrow, as most other Terminals do. This should improve table/box drawing.
  • Replace ExpandEnvironmentStrings double calling with wil helper
    - Cleanliness fix. Turns out we don't need to jump through 12 hoops to expand environment variables because WIL has a nice helper. This makes us use it and stop the hoop jumping.
  • Defer cursor redrawing when writing the buffer
    - We got a little excited about updating the cursor and would spend most of our time drawing the cursor blinking on and off or moving through the buffer, even while we were writing more text. Now, we control ourselves and only draw the cursor when done emitting a segment of text. This improves drawing and buffering performance.
  • You can now use font names longer than 32 characters
    • We used to believe that font names could only be 32 characters or less because 32 characters would be enough for anyone. Now we believe that font names can be any length they choose to be.
  • Two tabs emitting output at the same time will no longer corrupt oneanother
  • If you have a globals object in your settings file, it will no longer cause the rest of your settings to be ignored.
  • VT fixes
    • Alt+Backspace followed by Enter will no longer result in the application receiving Alt+Enter
    • NUL will no longer show up in the buffer
      • Some applications spend a lot of time talking about nothing. We used to listen to them and broadcast their nothingness to the world. Now we ignore them and save everyone from having to hear that. (Applications that used NUL to waste time don't have an effect of inserting space into the buffer anymore.)
    • The terminal will now know when the application wants to hide the cursor. It won't do anything about it, but it'll know.
    • The line above, but for extended text attributes like underline, strikethrough, and italics. Remember, the Terminal won't do anything with this newfound knowledge.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview 0.7.3291.0
Version released 2 days ago:

  • Split Panes! The keybindings for splitting are now included by default. (
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    • Alt+Shift+-, Alt+Shift+= will split horizontally and vertically.
    • Alt+←↑→↓ will move between panes.
    • Alt+Shift+←↑→↓ will resize panes.
    • Right now, splits only launch your default profile.
    • The focused pane now has an accent color border around it (
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    • Track the rest of our plans for panes in
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  • Our window borders have gotten a significant makeover. THE BORDERS ARE NOW GREAT. THE THICKNESS IS GONE. (
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    • Known Issue: If Windows is set to dark theme, and you've got the "use my accent color on title bars" setting turned off, your window borders will be white. Really quite white. Even so, we think this is a significant step up.
    • They will no longer hang over onto other monitors when you maximize Terminal.
    • They will no longer accidentally blow up to gargantuan sizes like "an inch on each side."
    • The resize handles are now, largely, exactly where you'd expect them.
    • Huge thanks to
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      for working tirelessly to bring this one in!
  • All input method editors (Ink, Emoji, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, as well as various others) now appear, appear in the right place, offer input feedback, and actually work. (
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  • You can now turn off dynamic titles with suppressApplicationTitle; when you do so, a tab will retain the name or tabTitle of its originating profile (
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  • RTF data is now copied to the clipboard (
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    • We've finally caught up with the state of the art as it was in 1997, so more applications (usually the older ones) will receive colored content on paste.
  • You can now set the background color of a selection using selectionBackground (at the profile level) (
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  • Tabs can now be reordered! (
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    • Known Issue: You cannot reorder the tabs when running as admin. We're tracking this in
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      • You can try, but it will definitely crash.
  • Fullscreen mode now exists and you can enter it using Alt+Enter or F11 (
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    • You can rebind fullscreen mode with the toggleFullscreen command.
  • Azure Cloud Shell will now be offered on ARM64 devices (
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  • Key bindings now support arguments; check the default settings for some examples of how this works (
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    • As an example so you don't have to crack the settings open: "command": "newTabProfile0" is now better expressed as "command": { "action": "newTab", "index": 0 }. It looks more verbose, but wow is it ever more flexible.
  • A key binding, Ctrl+0, has been added to reset a terminal's font size to "default" (if you've zoomed it) (
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    • Rebind this with the command resetFontSize
VT Improvements
Bug Fixes
  • backgroundImage now expands environment variables (
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  • Increase and decrease font size using keybindings works (
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  • Paste now replaces \r\n line endings with \r (
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    • Pasting content is now at least 98% less annoying.
  • Alt+Arrow-Keys no longer print extra characters (
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  • When you’re scrolled up, pasting now scrolls down to the prompt when using snapOnInput (
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  • Terminal should no longer shuffle off this mortal coil when DWM buys the farm, like sometimes when your display topology changes (
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  • Quickly opening and closing tabs will crash less (
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  • Printing a binary file to your terminal using WSL won’t cause it to misbehave quite as badly (
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    • As a question, though, why would you do this? This came to us as a repro that was legitimately phrased as "Just run cat /bin/*". ???
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Bardzo aktywny
11 Styczeń 2014
To tu to tam....


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview v0.9.433.0
Version 0.9.433.0 released yesterday:

  • wt, our app execution alias, now supports commandline arguments! (
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    ) (
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    • The design is heavily inspired by that of the venerable and beloved GNU screen competitor, tmux
    • You can wt new-tab, wt split-pane, wt new-tab -p Debian ; split-pane -p PowerShell until your heart's content.
    • You can also wt -- ssh my@bastion.server!
    • You can also do
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  • If you're the sort of person who likes
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    , Terminal will now go to even greater lengths to find it on your system. (
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    • If you have so many PowerShells Core that your menu is inundated with them, now might be the time for quiet reflection.
  • There's a new global setting, confirmCloseAllTabs (boolean, default true), that controls whether you get that pesky "Close All Tabs ??!?" dialog (
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  • You can now drag files onto the terminal and it'll do a close first approximation of what you're expecting! (
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    • If the first approximation is too rough, and you wished it was closer, and the way in which you wish it was closer was "if only it worked with WSL", and you file a bug about that: know that it is known.
  • Accessibility: You can now navigate word-by-word using narrator and NVDA! (
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Bug Fixes
  • Terminal should no longer taste clay when you provide a background image or icon path that is totally bogus (
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  • A persistent crash on shutdown has been replaced with a different crash on shutdown (
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  • Our various popup dialogs now have rounded and colored buttons (
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  • The search box now works properly in high contrast (
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  • When an application thinks that the cursor is invisible, we'll still properly update its position (
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  • A deadlock caused by misunderstanding half of a surrogate pair has been repaired (
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  • Terminal should no longer crash if it's launched with Narrator running (
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  • When an application printf CSI 3 J to clear the scrollback buffer, we will now respect that (
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    • This doesn't extend to PowerShell or CMD just yet. They clear the screen in a different way.
  • The console host will no longer crash when you use FillOutputCharacterA with a character that's not representable in your current codepage (
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  • We've fixed the cause of an issue where the scrollbar would not work after you resized the terminal (
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  • Pressing backspace, where it would bring you back up to the previous line, should now put the cursor in the right place (
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  • Bounding rectangles for text ranges, as displayed by Narrator and Accessibility Insights, will not be in the right place on non-100%-scale displays (
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  • Terminal should no longer crash when closing the window (
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    ), and it should crash less when closing a bunch of tabs very quickly (
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Nowy użytkownik
11 Luty 2020
What is the usefulness of the Windows Terminal ?


Bardzo aktywny
11 Styczeń 2014
To tu to tam....
What is the usefulness of the Windows Terminal ?

Well... this is a very serious question. You see... it is a preview software (current release is 0.9 something). Therefore populating the knowledge about it may cause Microsoft requiring closure of our forum :(

However, you are new... well... let's take a risk and breach the silence this time.
You shall follow
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to a hidden place where you can find answers to your questions.
Good luck!


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview 0.10.761.0
Version 0.10.761.0 released yesterday:


  • Mouse Support(for WSL and Windows applications using ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT)
  • A new profile setting, antialiasingMode, lets you configure whether you want text to be blurry or jagged (
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    • The accepted options are actually not "blurry" and "jagged", they are "grayscale", "cleartype"and "aliased"
    • The default is "grayscale", because grayscale antialiasing is most compatible with alpha blending
  • splitPane learned a new option, splitMode, which accepts the value "duplicate" (
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    • Setting a key binding to splitMode: "duplicate" will make it open a copy of the current profile when you use it
  • Resizing is so much better we decided to call it a feature, even though really it was just a hundred bugs wearing a trenchcoat (
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    ) (
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Azure Cloud Shell:
  • ACS is now insulated from Terminal's relatively poor VT implementation (all our VT magic is in the console host, which is a problem that nags us daily) (
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    • This means that PowerShell works inside ACS
    • A bunch of other things work too, like mouse mode and vim and things people actually want to use
  • ACS has received an input and UI/UX overhaul (
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    • You can now enter tenant numbers greater than 9
    • User-enterable text will be highlighted to indicate actionability
    • When you type before connecting, you can now see what you've typed and confirm it before hitting Enter
    • Things you type after connecting but before you get a shell now get sent across the wire
  • ACS now follows your shell choice set on
  • A keybinding's keys can now be a simple string (
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    • This is intended to reduce confusion regarding key chords, which we do not yet support.
    • All existing settings should work as-is.
  • We've added a number of warnings for unexpected keybinding situations (
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  • snapToGridOnResize is now on by default (
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Input & Interaction:
  • The touch keyboard will now show up when you focus/click the terminal (
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  • Emoji, Kaomoji and symbols should appear during composition (
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  • We now allow IME input in Search Box (
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  • We've made some changes to TSF input to compensate for Korean input methods not behaving the way we expected (
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    ) (
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  • Touchpad and touchscreen scrolling will now go at a completely normal speed instead of jumping straight to plaid (
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    • If you've set rowsToScroll to 1, scrolling will now be weirdly slow for you. Remove that setting; we're considering removing it officially ourselves.
  • When copyOnSelect is on, clicking, right-clicking, and click-dragging in terminals both focused and unfocused should act more reasonably (
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    ) (
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  • Ctrl+Shift+Wheel will now turn acrylic on or off at 100% (
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  • An active selection will be deactivated when the window resizes (
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  • When the pseudoconsole sends something it doesn't understand, it'll now do so immediately so the Terminal can handle it (
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    • VT sequences that we didn't understand but it took us two reads to figure that out will be flushed as a single unit (
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Bug Fixes:
  • When your system is in Dark theme (the one true theme), Terminal's window borders will now behave (
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  • Characters that would have rendered outside their cells are now being kept in line (aggressively) (
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  • When you press F7, it won't be snatched still-beating out of your clutches and taken away to Xaml land (
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  • We had slightly regressed writing UTF-8 to the console if you broke up the lead/continuation bytes, and now that's fixed (
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    ) (
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  • We've fixed the leading two causes of there being a weird gray hole in the titlebar (
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    ) (
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  • When the terminal is maximized or fullscreen, Windows will no longer think we're a game and suppress the taskbar and notifications (
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  • initialRows and initialColumns (if that's what we called them) should now be applied more accurately (
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  • We'll no longer try to cut a hole in a fullscreen window so that you can drag it around (
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  • When the cursor's off the screen, but only by a little bit, we won't try to draw it (
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  • Terminal will now receive RIS (hard reset) from client applications (
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  • Ctrl+Alt+X and Ctrl+Alt+Z will now be received by client applications correctly; previously they would be received with their Alt status stripped (
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  • Sometimes we would decide that your font was 0.00001 pixels too wide and try to shrink it; we now don't do something so silly (
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  • We fixed a bug where sometimes we would break an emoji (or more importantly, a CJK ideograph) in half and render two copies of it, one big and one small (
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    ) (
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  • When we have to shrink a glyph to fit it in a cell, we no longer shrink everything else on that line (
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    ) (
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  • If you like retro scanlines and have a high-DPI display, those scan lines should now be way more visible and not cause visual issues at the right side of the screen (
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  • Fonts with glyphs with locale-specific differences should, when fallen back to, render as though they're in your system's locale (
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  • The VT renderer won't generate a bunch of formatted diagnostic strings unless somebody's really listening (
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  • We won't try to render more than once per frame (
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    ) (
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  • The VT renderer will now keep a format buffer high water mark to avoid allocating and freeing memory tens or hundreds of times per frame (
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  • When an application changes the color but doesn't print anything using that color, we'll silently ignore it (
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    • It turns out cmatrix does this all the time, so now cmatrix runs a lot faster.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal 1.0.1401.0 & 1.0.1402.0 Preview
  • Windows Terminal now ships with
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  • All emoji are now sized as recommended by Unicode 13.0. You will see some emoji that are smaller than you want them to be. That's just a fact of life. (
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  • Documentation for Windows Terminal has moved to
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    • Existing user documentation in this repository will be moving to a nice farm upstate in short order.
It will not escape your notice that there are two packages in this release:
  • WindowsTerminal is the stable build of Terminal.
  • WindowsTerminalPreview is the preview version, which can be installed side-by-side with the stable version.
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview v1.1.1671.0
Version 1.1.1671.0 released this yesterday

Preview has finally diverged from Stable! Rejoice!

  • Terminal can now pass raw modifier keys and other raw Windows input through to the connected application (
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    ), bug fixes (
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    ) (
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    ) (
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    ) (
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    ) (
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    • This enables a number of PSReadline key bindings and the modifier-hold behavior of FAR Manager, ZTreeWin, and tens of other applications that were using traditional Win32 input records.
    • COMPATIBILITY We have specified and implemented a new optional terminal input mode
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      • Terminal emulators on Windows (VSCode, PuTTY, ...) can implement the feature as specified and produce full-fidelity Win32 input messages
      • Terminals that do not do so will not be impacted and should continue to function as normal.
  • You can now right-click on a directory and choose "Open Windows Terminal here"! (
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    • However, due to a bug that's fixed in insider builds you can't do that from the "background" of that directory... (
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      • We're hoping that once this bug fix is tested, we can get it out in earlier versions of Windows.
  • We've added a context menu that will appear when you right-click a tab!
  • You can now open a split pane from the menu by holding down Alt when you click it (
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  • You can now specify the default profile by name (!) (
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    • With this change, you no longer need to visit the
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      to make a new profile. GUIDs are (pretty much) an implementation detail.
  • Terminal will no longer complain if you leave trailing commas in your "JSON" settings (
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    • What even is JSON anymore?
    • Yes, we perhaps chose a poor configuration format given that we expected users to have to hand-edit it.
  • openSettings learned a new argument, target (per-binding, enum "defaultsFile", "settingsFile") (
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    • target defaults to settingsFile
    • We've added a new default binding (finally) to open the defaults: Ctrl+Alt+,
  • You can now opt in to automatic startup with the startOnUserLogin setting (global, boolean, default false) (thanks
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    !) (
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    • The first time you toggle this to true, Terminal will ask again for your permission to become a startup task
    • If you're one of the 0% of people running terminal unpackaged, this won't work for you.
  • launchMode now supports "fullscreen" (
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  • We've added support for a new tabWidthMode, "compact" (
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    • When compact sizing is enabled, only the focused tab will display its title.
  • AltGr/Ctrl+Alt aliasing can now be toggled with the altGrAliasing setting (profile, boolean, default true) (thanks
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    !) (
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    • We learned that while some people want Ctrl+Alt to act like AltGr, others don't. If you're one of the ones that doesn't: rejoice!
  • We now support fontWeight (profile,
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    , default "medium"/400) (
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Command-line invocation, wt.exe
Terminal Basics
  • conhost (and therefore, to an extent, Terminal) is now a more faithful VT52 emulator (thanks
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    !) (
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    • We've added support for DECANM and a great number of VT52 input encodings.
  • conhost now supports 31 VT character sets (up from 2) and the DOCS sequence to switch to ISO-2022 mode (thanks
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    !) (
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    • There was also a persistent bug where tmux would occasionally Shift In/Shift Out for what appeared to be no reason, corrupting the display
      • Better support for character sets = better support for SI/SO = no more tmux graphical corruption!
  • You can now drag and drop snippets of text onto the Terminal and it'll do roughly what you'd expect (
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  • Right-clicking the negative space between the tabs and the caption buttons will now open the system menu (
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  • Windows Terminal (Preview) is now Windows Terminal Preview ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (
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  • We've changed the internal representation for 256-color text (thanks
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    !) (
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    • COMPATIBILITY It is no longer possible to combine VT and the legacy console API to "brighten" text.
    • If you're going to brighten dark colors, do it with FOREGROUND_INTENSITY or go full-VT.
  • Color conversions (24-bit/256->16) are now more efficient but do not take into account the active palette (thanks
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    !) (
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    • It turns out that color conversion was utterly broken for ReadConsoleOutputAttribute and nobody ever noticed, but that's also fixed now too. I expect that of the 0 people who noticed it was broken, 100% of them will rejoice that it's been fixed.
  • The dispatching of SGR sequences has been improved (thanks
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    !) (
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  • Internal work is underway to support a "command palette" (
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Bug Fixes
I'm going to let these changelog entries speak for themselves, as they've done the problem better justice than I could:
Bug Fixes in conhost
A number of bugs were fixed in the traditional Windows Console Host--you won't see them in Terminal, but they'll be coming soon to a Windows Insider Build near you.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Windows Terminal Preview v1.3.2382.0
Version 1.3.2382.0 released 15 days ago:

  • We're trying out a new tab switching experience! (
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    ), followups: (
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    ) (
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    ) (
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    • The nextTab and prevTab bindings will now display an ephemeral UI that can be navigated with the mouse or keyboard
    • If you would like to fall back to the original tab-switching UI (or lack thereof), set new useTabSwitcher (global, boolean, default true) to false.
      • We'd love feedback on why the new tab switcher didn't work for you!
  • Building on the infrastructure from the tab switcher, we're also flighting support for a new tab search/jump experience
    • Bind the "tabSearch" action ({"command": "tabSearch", "keys": ...}) to open up a filterable list of open tabs!
  • The "command palette" introduced in 1.2 is now bound to Ctrl+Shift+P by default (
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  • We've added support for a new action, wt, that lets you run any WT commandline in your current session (
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    • Example: { "command": { "action": "wt", "commandline": "split-pane -p Ubuntu; new-tab; split-pane" }, "keys": ... }
  • We've added a new action, sendInput, that can emit text directly into the terminal (thanks
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    !) (
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    • Example: you can bind a so that it sends the VT sequence for "up arrow"
    • { "command": { "action": "sendInput", "input": "\u001B[A" }, "keys": "a" }
  • You can now zoom one pane to temporarily take up the entire terminal with the togglePaneZoom action! (
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    ) (
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  • You can now override the active color of the terminal using the setColorScheme action (
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  • A profile can now specify its default tabColor (profile setting, hex color, default unset) (
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  • Two actions have been added, closeOtherTabs and closeTabsAfter, to facilitate better tab management (
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  • The copyFormatting option and the copy.copyFormatting action argument have been taught finer-grained control
    over the copied formats (
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    • You can now specify an array of formats, [ "rtf", "html" ], a string "html", "all", or a boolean to indicate
      which formats to copy. true maps to all and false maps to none.
  • Windows Terminal 1.3 ships with
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  • The bindings keyword in settings has been replaced with actions in preparation for improvements to the action
    binding experience (
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  • All processes spawned under Terminal will be given a fresh new environment block (
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    • WARNING This may break some workflows, as environment variables from without Terminal will no longer be
      inherited. If you have a broken workflow, please reach out.
  • Terminal is now a little more strict about parsing your settings (
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    ), but it will now actually tell you why
    something couldn't be understood (
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  • Key bindings can now use the app or menu key (thanks
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    !) (
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Terminal Basics
Bug Fixes
  • Miscellaneous performance improvements for handling incoming data:
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