AlomWare Toolbox Beta


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
AlomWare Toolbox​

Bug fix​

For the Dock when Toolbox has been set to use a larger font in its Settings.

Bug fix​

For the "Action: Use icon" step, which broke with the new Dock from the last update.

Bug fix​

Rolling up a window to its title bar now reduces oversized app icons down to 16x16 pixels to fit in the title bar.

Bug fix​

Annual dates in the "Calendar" tab were not refreshing when changing the app's "Toolbox Data" folder in the Settings.


New online manual chapter called "Cloud Data", which explains how to use AlomWare Toolbox with "Google Drive" to store and read its data online.


New action variable called "lorem$", which holds the "lorem ipsum" text for times when you quickly need a block of text for testing something.


Optimised the "Map" feature to show document files in the "Map" tab list very quickly, instead of after a few seconds delay.


Other miscellaneous bug and stability fixes, code optimisations, and cosmetic text changes.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
AlomWare Toolbox

v5.0.0.2 (released 17 August 2024).​

Bug fix​

Restoring maximized windows from a PC state on multiple monitors now restores them to the correct monitor (but you'll need to re-snapshot them first).


Moved the Setting to dim all new opening windows to the "PC Tweaks > Make all windows > Dimmed" menu.


Moved the Setting to dim AlomWare Toolbox's window to the "PC Tweaks > Make all windows > Dimmed" menu.


All references to hex numbers are now shown with leading text of "0x" instead of "$".


The Dock now has more blank space above its icons, making it look much neater and symmetrical.


New menu option called "PC Tweaks > Make all windows > Dimmed" to make all current open windows dimmed.


The Dock now has a light-yellow background color (which you can change in the Settings to something else).


The "Mouse: Show the Dock named" step can now be prefixed with "{RGB:r,g,b}" to set the background color of the Dock.


The "Window: Assign" steps can now have window handles (hWnd) assigned to them in hex, in the format "0xFFFF".


Other miscellaneous bug and stability fixes, code optimisations, and cosmetic text changes.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox

===== v5.0.0.5 (8 Sep 2024) =====

Bug fix: PC state restoration could fail when restoring specs for states created before the v5.0.0.0 release. PC states created from v5.0.0.0 and later are unaffected by this bug.

Enhancement: The Power menu option for setting a window's opening state now has an option to not let the opening window steal the focus from the current window.

Enhancement: The Power menu option for setting a window's opening state now has an option to minimize or roll up a maximized window after it opens.

Enhancement: The "Alert: Show a mouse message" step now shows the message for up to five seconds instead of two, or until the mouse is clicked.

Enhancement: The "Keyboard: Hold key for # ms" now repeats the key as fast as possible, instead of just to the default repeat rate.

Maintenance: Other miscellaneous bug and stability fixes, code optimisations, and cosmetic text changes.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox

===== v5.1.0.0 (22 Sep 2024) =====

NOTE: Actions that auto-type text with "Alt" as part of the hotkey might open a window's menu bar briefly (which interferes with the typing). If this applies to you, you will need to specify "{esc}" at the start of the typed text to close the menu before typing. Screenshot for reference:
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Change: The setting to make Toolbox's prompts open on the main monitor has been moved to the main "General" menu; and is now also the default setting unless changed.

Change: Some "File" variable names have changed for better readability: "filen$" is now "filename$, "filee$" is now "fileext$", and "filef$" is now "filefolder$".

Addition: New variable called "filesize$" for file automation steps, which is the size of the assigned file in bytes; which will be -1 if the file doesn't exist.

Major addition: Optional setting to middle-click a folder's icon in Explorer to pop up a scrollable "peek" view of its contents, which you can then double-click to open/run.

Major enhancement: You can set a window's default opening state by its app name instead of its opening/ready window title. Saved windows that use titles aren't affected.

Enhancement: The "Keyboard: Show auto-complete list" step now centers the list on the active monitor in multiple-monitor situations when the pop-up list can't be shown.

Maintenance: Other miscellaneous bug and stability fixes, code optimisations, and cosmetic text changes.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox

===== v5.1.0.1 (13 Oct 2024) =====

Change: Due to a Reddit post about an oversight with Windows 11, the folder peek feature from the previous release has had to be changed. Instead of middle-clicking a folder to peek inside it, you must now hold down the left mouse button for half a second on the folder's icon (not its text) instead. This change was needed because middle-clicking a folder in Windows 11 will actually open that folder, which interferes with peeking.

Bug fix: The optional setting to open all unsaved windows to a default desktop position now does so immediately (without a delay). Unsaved windows means windows that you haven't explicity set to open at a specific desktop position.

Bug fix: When opening window states based on their app name (from the previous release), now only the initial window is affected, and not any child windows of it. This prevents child windows (such as "About" or "Find" dialogs) also opening in that state.

Addition: Brought back the "Delay is needed" option when saving a window's opening state, to be used with apps that open and/or compose their windows slowly on launch, such as "Media Player Classic" when opening a video.

Addition: New "PC tweaks" menu option to undim all windows ("PC Tweaks > Make all windows > Dimmed > Undim all").

Addition: New setting called "Tweaks for your PC > Windows > Opening behavior > Open into the window zone named 'Default'", so all unsaved opening windows will open in this default zone.

New step: "Toolbox: Do scheduled task after", to quickly create a one-off scheduled/task or reminder from a hotkey, to be done after HH:MM:SS duration. Tasks can be a message, automated action, DOS command, etc.

Enhancement: The two menu options to center all windows (in the main window and system tray) both no longer ask for confirmation, and now also include minimized windows.

Enhancement: You can now press Enter on the reminder/task's "Message or action" text box to add it to the list without clicking the "Add to above" button.

Maintenance: Other miscellaneous bug and stability fixes, code optimisations, and cosmetic text changes.
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