
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Basilisk to otwarta przeglądarka (zaprojektowana prze zespół Pale Moon), bazująca na silniku Goanna, najnowszym i wydajnym kodzie Firefoxa, forku znanego silnika Gecko. Do rysowania interfejsu wykorzystywany jest XUL, dzięki czemu program może być dobrą propozycja dla użytkowników, którym nie przypadły do gustu zmiany zaprezentowane w Firefoksie 57.

Przeglądarka posiada wszystkie będące standardem we współczesnych przeglądarkach funkcje: przeglądanie stron w kartach, menedżer pobierania, tryb incognito czy narzędzia deweloperskie. Ponadto elementy interfejsu można wygodnie modyfikować metodą przeciągnij i upuść

Silnik Goanna to tak naprawdę z Gecko w wersji, sprzed premiery Firefoksa 57 i pozbawiony elementów zaczerpniętych z Servo, jak np. nowy system obsługi CSS-ów. Przeglądarka oferuję obsługę rozszerzeń XUL/Overlay, wtyczek NPAPI, standardu ECMAscript 6 dla JS.

Twórcy równie mocno akcentują bowiem to, czego w Basilisk nie znajdziemy: komponentów napisanych w języku Rust, interfejsu Photon czy obsługi wielu procesów. Pod względem interfejsu i funkcji, Basilisk nie odbiega od Firefoksa 56, korzystać można nawet z synchronizacji danych z wykorzystaniem Firefox Sync.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Basilisk 2021.02.06
February 8, 2021
  • This is a development, bugfix and security update
  • Added a preference (browser.tabs.allowTabDetach) to control whether "tearing off" of tabs is allowed
  • Updated some needed user-agent overrides for web compatibility with a few large sites
  • Added support for the scrollbar-width CSS keyword
  • Fixed a javascript performance issue
  • Enabled several platform features by default for web compatibility
  • Removed the use of <menuitem> in page content
  • Fixed several memory safety hazards and potential browser crashes
  • Security issues fixed: CVE-2021-23962, CVE-2021-23953 and ZDI-CAN-12197
  • Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 6 defense-in-depth, 22 not applicable
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Basilisk 2021.09.27
v2021.09.27 Published 2021-09-27
This is a development, bugfix and security update.

  • Implemented promise.allSettled().
  • Implemented global origin on windows and workers.
  • Improved performance of memory allocations.
  • Updated SQLite to 3.36.0.
  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-38492.
  • Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 1 fixed, 7 DiD, 22 not applicable.

v2021.07.19/20 Published 2021-07-19/20
This is a development, bugfix and security update.

  • Enabled brotli compression for http for sites that support it.
  • Implemented EventTarget as a constructor.
  • Updated Windows 10 toolkit styling.
  • Updated the port blacklist (removed 10080).
  • CSS: Implemented calc() and animation support for stroke-dashoffset.
  • Added support for checking boolean preferences to chrome CSS style sheets, to support more advanced theming options.
  • Added support for dynamic dark color capable themes in CSS.
  • Updated ResizeObserver implementation to a more recent specification.
  • Removed a metric ton of Macintosh code.
  • Removed obsolete system theme support from the layout engine.
  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Linux: blocked particularly old versions of Mesa/Nouveau drivers due to issues.
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-30547 and several other issues that don't have a CVE number.
  • Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 3 DiD, 2 deferred (DiD), 12 not applicable.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Basilisk 2021.11.13

v2021.11.13 Published 2021-11-13
This is a development, bugfix and security update.

  • Fixed several intermittent thread sanity issues.
  • Added a preference to enable compatibility mode with earlier TLS 1.3 specifications.
  • Fixed several potentially crashy code issues (DiD).
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-38508 and CVE-2021-38503.
  • Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 5 DiD, 19 not applicable.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Basilisk 2021.12.13​

December 14, 2021
  • Added some extra sanity checks to timers and text fragments.
  • Added a potential crash safeguard in program threading logic.
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-43537, CVE-2021-43541, CVE-2021-43536, CVE-2021-43545 and CVE-2021-43542.
  • Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 5 fixed, 3 DiD, 10 not applicable.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Basilisk 2022.08.06

2022.08.06 Published 2022-08-06
This is a major update.
Very Important: This is the first public release from the Basilisk Development team. As such, the vendor name in the application has changed. This means the profile directory has changed. See
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for more info. You will have to perform a manual update if you are currently running Basilisk 2022.01.27 as it was compiled without an updater.
Note: Many things have changed since 2022.01.27 and 2022.08.06. We've tried to note all changes here but it is very likely something was missed.
  • Fixed several application crash scenarios. DiD
  • Fixed a number of thread locking/mutex issues. DiD
  • Fixed a leak of content types due to inconsistent error reporting. (CVE-2022-22760)
  • Fixed an issue with iframe sandboxing not being properly applied. (CVE-2022-22759)
  • Fixed a potential leak of bookmarks from the exported bookmarks file if it included a malicious bookmarklet.
  • Fixed an issue with drag-and-drop. (CVE-2022-22756)
  • Fixed a potential crash due to truncated WAV files.
  • Fixed a memory safety issue with XSLT. (CVE-2022-26485)
  • Fixed a potential crash issue on
  • Fixed some thread locking issues. DiD
  • Worked around a Mesa driver bug that could cause crashes.
  • Fixed a potential resource access issue in devtools. DiD
  • Security issues with CVEs addressed: CVE-2022-1097, CVE-2022-28285 (DiD) and CVE-2022-28283 (DiD).
  • Implemented Global Privacy Control, taking the place of the unenforceable "DNT" (Do Not Track) signal. Through GPC, you indicate to websites that you do not want them to share or sell your data.
  • Implemented "optional chaining" (thanks, FranklinDM!).
  • Implemented setBaseAndExtent for text selections.
  • Implemented queueMicroTask() "pseudo-promise" callbacks.
  • Implemented accepting unit-less values for rootMargin in Intersection observers for web compatibility, making it act more like CSS margin as one would expect.
  • Improvements to CSS grid and flexbox rendering and display following spec changes and improving web compatibility.
  • Improved performance of parallel web workers in JavaScript.
  • Improved display of cursive scripts (on Windows). Good-bye Comic Sans!
  • Updated various in-tree libraries.
  • Added support for extended VPx codec strings in media delivery via MSE (RFC-6381).
  • Fixed a long-time regression where the browser would no longer honor old-style body and iframe body margins when indicated in the HTML tags directly instead of CSS. This improves compatibility with particularly old and/or archived websites.
  • Fixed several crashes and stability issues.
  • Removed all Google SafeBrowsing/URLClassifier service code.
  • Restored Mac OS X code and buildability in the platform.
  • Removed the non-standard ArchiveReader DOM API that was only ever a prototype implementation.
  • Removed most of the last vestiges of the invasive Mozilla Telemetry code from the platform. This potentially improves performance on some systems.
  • Removed leftover Electrolysis controls that could sometimes trick parts of the browser into starting in a (very broken) multi-process mode due to some plumbing for it still being present, if users would try to force the issue with preferences. Obviously, this was a footgun for power users.
  • Removed more Android/Fennec code (on-going effort to clean up our code).
  • Removed the Marionette automated testing framework.
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-29915, CVE-2022-29911, and several issues that do not have a CVE number.
  • Implemented "nullish coalescing operator" (thanks, FranklinDM!) for web compatibility.
  • Fixed various crash scenarios in XPCOM.
  • Fixed an important stability and performance issue related to hardware acceleration.
  • Fixed a long-standing issue where dynamic datalist updates for <select> and similar elements wouldn't properly update the option list.
  • Disabled broken links to MDN articles in developer tools.
  • Updated media support to include support for libavcodec 59/FFmpeg 5.0 for MP4 playback on Linux (thanks, Travis!)
  • Enabled the date picker for <input type=date>. See implementation notes.
  • Re-enabled the use of FIPS mode for NSS. See implementation notes.
  • Improved memory handling and memory safety in the JavaScript engine, further reducing current and future crash scenarios.
  • Improved memory handling in the graphics subsystem of Goanna.
  • Updated FFvpx to v4.2.7
  • Slightly reduced strictness of media checking for improved compatibility with questionable "gif" video encoders used on major websites.
  • Cleaned up the way file pickers (file open/save/save as dialogs) are handled on Windows.
  • Restored the gMultiProcessBrowser property of the browser for Firefox extension compatibility. See implementation notes.
  • Improved the way data is transferred to and from canvases to prevent memory safety issues.
  • Reduced blocking severity for some extensions that were marked hard blockers for GRE (but aren't for UXP).
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-31739, CVE-2022-31741, and other security issues that do not have a CVE number.
  • Updated the list of blocked external protocol handlers to combat abuse of OS-supplied services on Windows.
  • Fixed a potential issue with revoked site certificates when connecting through a proxy.
  • Updated site-specific user agent overrides to work around bad sniffing practices of dropbox and vimeo.
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-34478, CVE-2022-34476, CVE-2022-34480 DiD, CVE-2022-34472, CVE-2022-34475 DiD, CVE-2022-34473 DiD, CVE-2022-34481 and a memory safety issue that doesn't have a CVE number.
  • Implemented CSS white-space: break-spaces for web compatibility.
  • Implemented Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for web compatibility.
  • Implemented "Origin header CSRF mitigation". This is still disabled by default to investigate potential issues with CloudFlare-backed sites.
  • Implemented support for async generator methods in JavaScript.
  • Added preliminary support for building on Apple Silicon like M1/M2 SoC.
  • Added support for building with Visual Studio 2022.
  • Improved the handling of CSS "sticky" elements in tables.
  • Improved stack size limits on all platforms. See implementation notes.
  • Updated function.toString handling to align with the updated JavaScript spec. This should improve web compatibility.
  • Updated Unicode support to Unicode v11, and updated the ICU library accordingly. Building without ICU is no longer supported.
  • Updated many in-tree third-party libraries to pick up various performance and stability improvements.
  • Updated site-specific user-agent overrides to work around issues with Google fonts, Citi bank (again!) and MeWe.
  • Removed some leftover (and unused) telemetry code in the platform and front-end.
  • Fixed an issue with VP9 video playback on Windows on some systems.
  • Fixed an issue with the add-ons manager not properly handling empty update URLs.
  • Fixed a major performance regression on *nix based systems due to incorrect thread handling.
  • Fixed volume handling when building with the sndio audio back-end.
  • Cleaned up some unnecessary code from the source tree for unused build back-ends, Firefox marketplace "apps", and the rather ridiculous moz://a protocol handler.
  • Updated NSS to 3.52.8 to pick up several defense-in-depth security fixes.
  • Basilisk profile directory changed to reflect vendor change in application.
  • Restore ability to build Basilisk on Mac OS X.
  • Removal of telemetry code from Basilisk.
  • UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 11 fixed, 14 Did, 4 rejected, 91 not applicable
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Basilisk 2023.01.26
v2023.01.26 Published 2023-01-26
This is a new milestone release.
Primary focus for this milestone is web compatibility, in particular Regular Expression extensions, standards compliance issues and further JPEG-XL support.
This milestone now offers full coverage of the ECMAScript 2016-2020 JavaScript specifications, with the exception of BigInt primitives.
Special thanks to Martok, Job Bautista and FranklinDM without whom this milestone would not have been possible.

Most important changes:
  • Implemented Regular Expression named capture groups.
  • Implemented Regular Expression unicode property escapes.
  • Re-implemented Regular Expression lookaround/lookbehind (without crashing this time ;) ).
  • Implemented progressive decoding for JPEG-XL.
  • Implemented animation for JPEG-XL.
  • Renamed CSS offset-* properties to inset-* to align with the latest spec and the web.
  • Fixed CSS inheritance and padding issues in some cases.
  • Aligned parsing of incorrectly duplicated HSTS headers with expected behavior (discard all but the first one).
  • Implemented a method to avoid memory exhaustion in case of (very) large resolution animated images.
  • Updated the JPEG-XL and Highway libraries to a recent, stable version.
  • Cleaned up some unused CSS prefixing code.
  • Improved the ability to link on *nix operating systems with other linkers than gcc's default.
  • Stability improvements (potential crash fixes).
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-23598, CVE-2023-23599 and several others that do not have a CVE number.
  • UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 2 DiD, 19 not applicable.
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