Clip Angel 1.47
1. Save window position on program exit
2. Information about autostart setting in Tip window

1. Recent error in checking update due to change of encryption protocol on
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Clip Angel 1.52
1. In "Paste special" window added variants of case conversion "to UpperCamelCase", "to lowerCamelCase", "from CamelCase"
2. In "Paste special" window added checkbox "Normalize "end of line" symbols"
3. Added setting "Encrypt database for current user"
4. Explicit command "Select top CTRL + Home" added to "List" submenu.

1. Text filter now is applied after 300 ms since last filter change
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ClipAngel 1.54
version 1.54


1. Fresh rare error when some types of windows appear on screen
2. Recognition of capture text from 1C code editor did not always work

version 1.53

1. Now when you capture text from 1C code editor, it will automatically be colorized and turned into HTML clip with original text preserved
2. Added setting "Max 1C code size to colorize" allows you to cut unnecessary calculations for automatic colorizing
3. Removed margin when displaying HTML clips
4. Implemented support for word wrapping when displaying HTML clips
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Clip Angel 1.57

1. Search option "Filter list by search string" (default is ON). Now you can search list without filtering.
2. Search option "Autoselect matched clip" (default is ON). Now you can search in clip text without filtering.
3. "Find Next" and "Find Previous" commands in the "List" submenu of main menu
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Clip Angel 1.58
1. Implemented definition of 1C code format based on clip content instead of source window

1. Commands "Find Next" and "Find Previous" in "List" submenu now take into account current position in list
2. Rare errors when copying from 1C windows
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Clip Angel 1.60
1. Command "Search text in list" in Clip submenu of main menu to search for selected text in clip list

1. Error opening hyperlinks from clip text
2. Improved text analyzer for 1C code format
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