Re: COMODO Time Machine
jeśli chodzi o bety to wiadomo jak to z nimi jest u jednych działają a u innych nie
jeśli chodzi o bety to wiadomo jak to z nimi jest u jednych działają a u innych nie
This is a BETA software and must not be used any other purposes than
It can contain serious bugs that could cause permanent data loss.
!! Please do not install this on your production system !!
What's new in CTM 2.9 BETA?
FIXED! Installation fails with error “COMODO Time Machine can not initialize operating system information”.
FIXED! System can not boot if a protected disk is removed.
FIXED! More than 50 GUI bugs.
FIXED! More than 20 bugs in ctmcmd.exe.
IMPROVED! New snapshot engine.
IMPROVED! Uninstall to current system in seconds.
IMPROVED! More powerful and accurate schedule task.
IMPROVED! Users can choose to move user directory to unprotected disk and turn off windows system restoration when installing CTM.
IMPROVED! New language supported: Estonian and Portuguese.
CHANGED: May need to move some data in recovery.
CHANGED: Run snapshot compact automatically in background without user interaction.
CHANGED: New quick operation entry in tray menu.
Known problem:
Repair feature of installer may not work correctly.
1. Users can not upgrade CTM from previous releases to this release.
2. It is is undetermined whether users can upgrade this release to future releases or not.
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File Name: client_setup_2.9.161985.187.exe
Size: 11.0M ( 11538744 )
MD5: D82BEA9E7A41545B2893B9D6B722F80C
SHA1: 1B905D345A08BCB8EC74ED05360522CC08AF979B