Re: Comodo -wszystkie wersje
Jak działają tradycyjne Antywirusy a jak działa Comodo , polecam obejrzeć
Jak działają tradycyjne Antywirusy a jak działa Comodo , polecam obejrzeć
What is Comodo Cleaning Essentials?
Simple. CCE is a set of tools we created for cleaning the infected computers. The main application, CCE, is a powerful virus, spyware, rookit scanner and cleaner. It has many advanced scanning and cleaning techniques that are not present in CIS yet. And then we have a powerful tool called Killswitch, which is purely for experts to diagnose *EVERYTHING* in a computer. Give it a try!
CCE features:
* Portable: No installation is necessary!
* Rootkit and hidden file/key scanner
* Aggressive file removing capabilities
* KillSwitch, advanced system activity monitoring tool
IMPROVED! Installation experience on Windows 7 and later
IMPROVED! Realtime performance impact to the daily PC operations should be lower in this version
FIXED! HIPS doesn't block some actions that can be used by malware
FIXED! HIPS doesn't block modifications to the protected files under certain conditions
FIXED! Firewall sometimes blocks safe applications such as MSN messenger, Skype
FIXED! Some installers crash when CIS is installed
FIXED! Firewall does not detect MAC Spoofing although "Protect the ARP Cache" option is selected
FIXED! Firewall causes high DPC latency under certain conditions
FIXED! Antivirus crashes while scanning specially crafted .PST files
FIXED! Antivirus crashes after or during virus database updates
IMPROVED! Installation experience on Windows 7 and later
IMPROVED! Realtime performance impact to the daily PC operations should be lower in this version
FIXED! HIPS doesn't block some actions that can be used by malware
FIXED! HIPS doesn't block modifications to the protected files under certain conditions
FIXED! Firewall sometimes blocks safe applications such as MSN messenger, Skype
FIXED! Some installers crash when CIS is installed
FIXED! Firewall does not detect MAC Spoofing although "Protect the ARP Cache" option is selected
FIXED! Firewall causes high DPC latency under certain conditions
FIXED! Antivirus crashes while scanning specially crafted .PST files
FIXED! Antivirus crashes after or during virus database updates
What's new in CCE 1.7.192479.98?
IMPROVED: More powerful disk access method which can detect tough hidden rootkits
IMPROVED: Latest anti-virus engine integrated
FIXED: Hidden services FP under certain circumstance
FIXED: CCE can now detect and remove all TDL3/4 rootkits
FIXED: CCE hangs before system restarts in x64 system
OXYGEN THIEF napisał:Jak działają tradycyjne Antywirusy a jak działa Comodo , polecam obejrzeć
Simplified installation experience
Seamless integration with COMODO ESM 2.0 Business Edition
Enhanced protection mode: Defense+ is now stronger in 64 bit operating systems
New options for popup alerts and antivirus alerts
Look and feel
Resource consumption and performance
Firewall does not work properly on Bluetooth PAN adapters
Antivirus crashes on files that reside on bad sectors
Various race conditions exploited by malware to evade Defense+
NEW Boot logging feature in KillSwitch
NEW “Import Virus Database” feature in CCE
FIXED Defense against ZeroAccess rootkit
FIXED Autorun Analyzer shows “File Not Found” on some system variable paths
FIXED Autorun Analyzer shows only “Scheduled Tasks” entries
FIXED Terminate All Unsafe Processes is not logged
FIXED Some spelling error in GUI
IMPROVED Check UAC/Security Tab/Internet Options/Security Center/etc in Quick Repair of KillSwitch
IMPROVED Use multi-byte charset to reduce log file size
IMPROVED CCE/KillSwitch/Autoruns UI in high DPI
IMPROVED More powerful aggressive mode in CCE
IMPROVED: Fonts and animation improvements in Autoruns UI
IMPROVED Put all data folder into COMODO directory
NEW New KillSwitch
NEW Aggressive mode in KillSwitch and CCE (start with SHIFT key pressed)
NEW Autorun Analyzer
NEW Smart scan in CCE
NEW Boot logging feature in KillSwitch
NEW “Import Virus Database” feature in CCE
IMPROVED More powerful disk access method when scanning for malware
IMPROVED More powerful Quick Repair in KillSwitch
IMPROVED MBR scanner for multiple operating system configurations
FIXED BSOD when releasing kernel hooks under certain circumstances
FIXED CCE may crash when analyzing NTFS steams under certain circumstances
FIXED System file protection during cleanup
What's New in Version 5.9?
NEW! Seamless Trustconnect integration: CIS now detects unsecured wireless connections and lets you use your trust connect account seamlessly
NEW! Smart Scan: We have introduced one of the smartest quick scans in the world based on COMODO Autorun Analyzer Technology.
IMPROVED!Malware deletion: Some files were not able to be deleted by CIS even after reboot
IMPROVED!We have moved some of the settings in from More->Preferences to their releveant sections in Firewall Settings etc.
IMPROVED!Dragon is included with CIS setup(Optional like GB)
FIXED!CAV causes some applications e.g. Nero to load too late
OXYGEN THIEF napisał:Comodo I.S. 5.8 FINAL vs. Trojan.Win32 GPCODE ( comodo bypassed )
What's new in CCE 2.3.219500.176?
NEW Checking for program updates
FIXED Terminated process is shown in process view of KillSwitch as light-red in some cases
FIXED 8G memory is not shown correctly in system information page of KillSwitch
FIXED Memory leaks in LoadedModules view of KillSwitch
FIXED Paths of some kernel modules are not parsed correctly in KillSwitch
FIXED Rundll32 arguments are not parsed correctly in Autorun Analyzer