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1.201.0 (2023/10)
* change: changed submenu "File / Line ends >" to menu-like dialog
+ add: new 3 commands (in the Command Palette) to focus 3 floating groups
+ add: new option "ui_tab_padding2" to set right padding (thanks @faerot)
+ add: commands "focus next group"/"focus previous group" support floating-groups too (thanks @faerot)
+ add: support more 'ligatures' in lexers JS / Python (thanks @faerot)
+ add: Project Manager: "Focus in file manager": correctly open files with $ or " or \ in path; respect default file manager; don't freeze until file manager exits (patch by @xBZZZZ)
+ add: allow commands "tabulation size: set to N" to be in macros
- fix: macOS: regression with 'full-screen mode'
November 19, 2023
- Add: new option "fold_underline_size" to change look of folding-underline
- Add: with "fold_style" 3...4, click on folded line text must not unfold the block
- Add: single click on folding rectangle-mark is now ignored because we must react to double-click on it
- Add: Go To dialog remembers last input, per each editor-tab, and value now saves to session
- Add: Wiki topic
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!- Change: theme "Zeus" was renamed to "Zeu" and removed to Addons Manager
- Fix: command "find current word next" fails with words of length=1
- Fix: editing of Markdown/reST/WikidPad header with folded previous header makes irritating unfolding of previous header
- Fix: regression: crash on double-click the Output panel with the "Runner" plugin output
November 23, 2023
- Change: deleted option "lexer_postpone_until_shown"
- Add: new command "folding: select block(s) at caret(s)"
- Fix: sometimes on doing 'Undo' lexer parser stops working with broken highlight
November 27, 2023
- built-in tree-helpers:
- add: tree-helper for Markdown supports _proper_ folding, considers header levels
- add: tree-helper for MediaWiki supports _proper_ folding
- add: tree-helper for reStructuredText supports _proper_ folding
- add: tree-helper for 'Ini files ^' supports folding
- add: new tree-helper for WikidPad, so you must remove Python tree-helper
- add: new tree-helper for Textile, so you must remove Python tree-helper
- add: reduced flickering in paired (splitted) editor, on editing big files with lexer (thanks @mix-7)
- add: lexer Python: support f-strings with inner quotes from Python 3.12
- change: disabled automatic unfolding of blocks above the editing line, in Python; it was irritating sometimes (and bad if unfolding block height is bigger than screen height); it reverts fix from 1.167.5 2022/07 (thanks @victorel-petrovich)
- fix: must scroll to new caret position after some folding actions (thanks @mix-7)
1.206.5 (2024/01)
+ add: optimized installation of 100 addons from .zip's, when file-open dialog multi-selection is used
* change: deleted deprecated API: FOLDING_GET_LIST*, all related plugins were updated - update them from Addons Manager
- fix: bug when after installation of plugin without app restart, Command Palette items become 'shifted' by N elements; it required lot of code rework - so report any regressions
- fix: bug in finder_proc() API
- fix: bug in timer_proc(TIMER_DELETE, ...) API