DupeKill - wyszukaj duplikaty plików


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010

DupeKill to malutki i bezpłatny program zaprojektowany w celu wyszukiwania duplikatów plików, program działa bardzo sprawnie i szybko, po wyszukaniu pozwala znalezione duplikaty plików skasować lub przenieść.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
DupeKill 1.1.1
Version 1.1.1; 2019-11-19

- Fixed: Bug in prefer/discard folder logic.
- Fixed: Regression in 'most descriptive' scoring code.

Version 1.1; 2019-11-04

- Added: 'Dupes' column to show the # of duplicates.
- Added: Column sorts: click the 'size' or 'dupes' column to toggle sorting by those numbers.
- Added: New options for default actions in settings (the 'default keep decider' dropdown): now you can select the file to keep based on the longest/shortest name, or oldest/newest file.
- Added: New hash: SHA256Cng for those who have chips with SHA acceleration instructions.
- Added: Using 'advanced criteria', you can now specify folders to always keep files from or always remove files from.
- Added: 'Move' action to move duplicate files to a folder instead of deleting them.
- Changed: Greatly improved performance with large file lists (listview now in virtual mode); hopefully no bugz.
- Changed: Single click on the 'action' column now toggles the action, rather than a double-click. Dunno what I was thinking there...
- Changed: You can now change the 'default remove action' after running a scan: after changing the option in settings, select some files & hit 'mark as auto'; the new default remove action will be applied. (Previously a re-scan would be required.)
- Fixed: Was using the ascii version of CreateSymbolicLink() instead of the Unicode one. Whoops. Now Unicode link creation shouldn't fail.
- Note: Do remember new versions of the tool require the .net framework 4.6.2 or better, the app will crash on startup if it's not installed.

Version 1.0; 2019-08-21

- Added: Blake2B hash function; in most cases it's faster than even SHA1 and md5 while providing a vastly larger address space. This is the new default hash, no more worrying about those damn SHAttered pdf's :)
- Added: Extra warning in case the user has selected all extant copies of a file for deletion.
- Added: You can now drag a folder to the app to start scanning it. (Files too, it'll scan the parent folder.)
- Changed: Better progress bar(s). Also we now use a wait cursor during the 'execute actions' work.
- Changed: New requirement: we now target version 4.6.2 of the .net framework to take advantage of long-path aware API's. The older version supporting .net 4.0 will remain here:
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- Fixed: Some improvements in data entry & tab navigation on the 'advanced criteria' form.
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Nie ma już dopisku Beta, więc można przypuszczać że jest to już wersja stabilna. Wobec tego zrobiłem nowy wątek w dziale Ulubionych ;)
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