
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015


Bardzo aktywny
11 Styczeń 2014
To tu to tam....
The total number is the same, but the data for the regions is different.

Oh, yes, the bad, bad, nasty virus, does not follow the movement restrictions, Poland need to go to Australia style then immediatelly.
And shall resurrect ORMO, ZOMO and WRONa.
Certainly the veterans (if still alive) who were shooting to miners from Wujek coal mine will provide very handy and specialised advices.


OK, to be specific: highest rates are placed very proportionally to the regions, where the ruling party (PiS) electorate was dominant in last election.

There could be a rationale to announce them as biologically dangerous outlaws and start pursue... :myśli2

PS: co sie czepiacie? WYPLASZCZYLO sie :szydera


Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
Oh, yes, the bad, bad, nasty virus, does not follow the movement restrictions, Poland need to go to Australia style then immediatelly.
And shall resurrect ORMO, ZOMO and WRONa.
Certainly the veterans (if still alive) who were shooting to miners from Wujek coal mine will provide very handy and specialised advices.


OK, to be specific: highest rates are placed very proportionally to the regions, where the ruling party (PiS) electorate was dominant in last election.

There could be a rationale to announce them as biologically dangerous outlaws and start pursue... :myśli2

PS: co sie czepiacie? WYPLASZCZYLO sie :szydera
I don't understand anything. I was looking on the Internet what the words ORMO, ZOMO and WRONa mean. I found an explanation for the first two. These weren't words, but abbreviations. I had the biggest problem with the word WRONa. I thought you meant a bird - a crow. It wasn't until I deleted the last letter that I found the answer.

All this applies to the times when Poland was ruled by the communists. How does this relate to the present day? Sorry, but I didn't understand the rest of your post either. In my earlier post, I only referred to numbers. I think you are writing about politics. I don't know much about Polish politics. I know that Poles argue a lot because of her, even in this forum. Are Polish politicians worth it?


Bardzo aktywny
11 Styczeń 2014
To tu to tam....
I don't understand anything. I was looking on the Internet what the words ORMO, ZOMO and WRONa mean. I found an explanation for the first two. These weren't words, but abbreviations. I had the biggest problem with the word WRONa. I thought you meant a bird - a crow. It wasn't until I deleted the last letter that I found the answer.

All this applies to the times when Poland was ruled by the communists. How does this relate to the present day? Sorry, but I didn't understand the rest of your post either. In my earlier post, I only referred to numbers. I think you are writing about politics. I don't know much about Polish politics. I know that Poles argue a lot because of her, even in this forum. Are Polish politicians worth it?

Well, the time goes, but the behaviour of peoples and politicians is not. Actually, it is pretty simple: in the recent (post WW II) history of Poland the major protests meeting the oppressive overreaction of police supporting the politicians (do not mix up with ethos of "to serve and to protect" - vide a case of 400 pseudo serving citizens policemen providing the protection for the home of president of the ruling party and his cat) in principle happened in two periods: when Poland was ruled by communists and now.
therefore, the analogy is pretty straightforward... you see, relatively recently, before the covid, march of women etc. serving as policeman was actually not a shame. Now... well... now the police officer nickname is "ale z rybom?" (or: but with the fish?) as result of one famous action when one of them tried to oppress the customers of legally operating business (confirmed by court judgement).
Now, going directly to the topic:
Current distribution of the covid cases in Poland, looking on territory is very close to the ruling party electorate in Poland. Of course it could be a pure coincidence that the areas where the current ruling party got significant majority is almost same as the territory where the vaccination rate is lowest.
Rest of my previous comment was that looking on the intelligence of Poland ruling party and their electorate - it is very likely that they will announce the local lockdowns (at least local), pissing off (mostly) the people who voted for them => leading to another unrest wave, which in turn will trigger even more police brutality.

In other words, IMHO the stupidity of electorate leads to stupid rulers which leads to more oppression and more stupid electorate searching for populistic politicians which will promise them "money tree" (as the term used by Theresa May. Polish version is "500+").

It is actually complicated to foreigners... you would need to live in Poland for 10 years to understand it. Or: drink 0.5l of Zubrowka with apple juice ;)
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