
Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.7.5
Version 0.7.5
December 7, 2017

  • The Zip functionality on Mac did not work because of a wrong binary file. Hopefully it should work now.
  • The last version introduced a regression on Mac where opening fman again when it was already running would not bring its (existing) window to the foreground. This is now fixed again.
  • There was an unnecessary "command" in the Command Palette:
    • This implementation artifact now no longer appears.
    • A few tiny and non-breaking improvements to the
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.7.6
Version 0.7.6
December 9, 2017

  • The built-in InstallPlugin command for installing plugins was broken for first-time users. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed a small behind-the-scenes exception.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.7.7
Version 0.7.7
December 12, 2017

  • Previously, in dialogs prompting you to enter a file path, the entire path was selected:
  • In most cases however, you only want to edit the file name without the extension. To make this easier for you, fman now selects only the relevant part:
    • The
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      was expanded so your plugins can do the same.
    • Similarly to the previous point, when you rename a file by pressing Shift+F6, fman now only selects the file name without the extension:
    • Here too, the
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      was expanded so your plugins can do this as well.
    • Fixed a few further small behind-the-scenes exceptions.

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.7.8
Version 0.7.8
December 14, 2017

  • Added support for .tar and .7z archives!
  • Hugely improved the performance of all archive-related features.
  • fman now treats .zipx, .jar, .xpi files as Zip archives.
  • fman previously didn't recognise archives with an upper-case extension (eg. .ZIP instead of .zip). This works now.
  • When you extracted a file from a Zip archive on Windows, and chose to overwrite an existing file, an error occurred:
    • This bug is now fixed.
    • The previous version inadvertently changed the formatting of the label in (eg.) the Copy and Move dialogs. You can even see this in the screenshot below:
    • The label is not supposed to be bold. This was fixed so it now looks as follows:
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.1
Version 0.8.1
December 29, 2017

  • The Size column displayed file sizes less than 1 KB as "123 bytes":
  • xsize-column-bytes.png.pagespeed.ic._wlx60Dsyy.webp

  • A licensed user pointed out that this unnecessarily takes up too much visual space. fman now displays "123 B" instead:
  • xsize-column-uppercase-b.png.pagespeed.ic.rJwKGvWg7c.webp

    • Another licensed user complained that fman kept crashing on Mac. The crash occurred in the Sparkle framework, which fman uses to update itself. The library was updated to the latest version. Hopefully this will fix the problem.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.2
Version 0.8.2
December 31, 2017

  • fman failed to start on Arch Linux. The associated error message was:
    /opt/fman/fman: relocation error:
    symbol _ZdlPvm, version Qt_5 not defined in file with link time reference
    This is now fixed.
  • A first-time fman (and since licensed) user found it confusing that the Tabshortcut for switching panes is not displayed in the Command Palette. Now it is:
    • A user asked to be able to switch panes not with Tab but with the Arrow keys. A
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      was written to allow this.
    • Another user asked for the drive names to be displayed on Windows. Here's what it looked like before:
    • A basic implementation for displaying the drive names was added, so now it looks as follows:
    • xdrives-windows-with-names.png.pagespeed.ic.VmY-s65j6k.webp

  • Opening a directory for which you do not have permissions raised an ugly error. For instance, for C:\System Volume Information on Windows:
  • fman now displays a nicer message instead:

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.3
Version 0.8.3
January 8, 2018

  • fman now remembers the sort settings for each folder you visit. This has been among the top 10
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    for a while! Great it's finally here.
  • Added a new command SortByColumn that lets you change the sort order of files/directories by keyboard. You can invoke it with Ctrl/Cmd + F1/F2/F3 (to sort by the first, second or third column, respectively). Or via the Command Palette. In the latter case, it presents you with a searchable list of available columns:
    • The shortcut for the new SortByColumn command on Mac is Cmd+F1. The reason for this is that fman's shortcuts on Mac try to mimic those on other OSs by replacing Ctrl by Cmd. So, because the shortcut for sorting by for example the first column is Ctrl+F1 on Windows on Linux, it should be Cmd+F1 on Mac.
      However, Cmd+F1 used to be bound to opening your /Volumes folder. Because of this conflict, the /Volumes shortcut was changed to Alt+F1(which is also the same on Windows and Linux). If you don't like this default, please see
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      to change it.
    • As usual, the SortByColumn command is implemented in fman using its own
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      . Several methods where added to the
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      class to implement the feature:
    • The
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      now remembers which command you last entered and automatically selects it the next time. This is very useful when you have to run the same command several times in a row (such as for instance when reloading plugins via ReloadPlugins).
    • On startup, fman used to load the left directory, and only then the right one. For slow file systems, this lead to you having to wait for the left folder to load until you could interact with the right one:
    • Now, fman loads both directories in parallel. In the video below, the right side is loaded so quickly that it is immediately visible.
    • The Arrow keys Left and Right are by default not bound to any command. When you press them, fman asks what you want to do and offers relevant suggestions. If you indicate that you pressed the Arrow key to switch to the other pane, fman used to say:
    • nonexistent-shortcut-tab.png

  • The
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    however did make it possible to change the Tab key behaviour. The dialog was updated to reflect this
  • nonexistent-shortcut-tab-new.png

  • A Linux user
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    that the command F10 for opening the native file manager does not work out of the box on Ubuntu MATE:
  • could-not-open-native-file-manager.png

    • This is now fixed.
    • Fixed several behind-the-scenes exceptions.
    • Made a small performance improvement for listing the contents of directories. This required changing the API of
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      slightly: Previously, it returned False when a directory doesn't exist. Now, it raises a FileNotFoundError.
    • Made several changes in preparation for an upcoming API that lets you implement your own file systems.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.5
Version 0.8.5
January 10, 2018

  • When you start fman, it re-opens the directories you had hopen in the last session. When one of the directories was removed and you started fman, you received an ugly error message in recent versions:
  • error-directory-disappeared.png

    • This is now fixed. (fman goes to the first existing parent directory.)
    • Drag and drop was broken since version 0.8.3 from two days ago. This is now fixed.
    • Made several small improvements to the built-in tutorial.
    • The drives:// file system on Windows was displaying drive URLs instead of names:

  • drives-fs-wrong-names.png

  • This is fixed and the correct names are displayed again:
  • Several other small behind-the-scenes bug fixes and stability improvements.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.6

Version 0.8.6
January 23, 2018

  • On Linux, xdg-open is the default tool for opening files and directories with the respectively associated application. In particular, passing a folder to xdg-open opens it in your configured native file manager.
    A user complained that fman fails to open the native file manager on Ubuntu MATE. fman now calls upon xdg-open to fix this problem.
  • Similarly to the previous point, fman now also respects more Linux distribution's settings for the default Terminal app.
  • Also on Linux, fman failed to launch Qt-based applications such as VLC. So for instance when you pressed Enter on a movie, the VLC icon would appear but the movie would never be played. This too is now fixed.
  • Several improvements to the (as yet unpublished) new file system API. Using it, it's already possible to write a
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    for managing the programs running on your computer. Or a (very basic) SFTP plugin. What's great is how little code is required to write such plugins (~100 and 75 lines, respectively).
  • Fixed a few small behind-the-scenes exceptions, for instance to do with the sorting of files.

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.7
Version 0.8.7
January 29, 2018

  • fman's new
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    is out! See
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    for an example.
  • The API function
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    now uses fully qualified names core.Name instead of just Name.
  • Since
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    , fman selected only the file name without extension in various dialogs. This first implementation however didn't handle file names containing a dot well. For instance, if the file was called fman, then only "fman 0" was selected:
  • xpreselect-extension-wrong.png.pagespeed.ic.GGJ9DJbL7f.webp

  • fman is now more clever about selecting the file name:
  • xpreselect-extension-correct.png.pagespeed.ic.E75pKXdSwQ.webp

    • Improved the signature of the get_tab_completion parameter in the
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      API function.
    • On Windows, opening a .bat file with fman did not run the file in the correct directory. (To be precise, it was run in the context of fman's installation directory instead of its containing directory.) This is now fixed so running .bat files should work as expected again.

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.8

Version 0.8.8 February 5, 2018

  • On Mac, the shortcut Cmd+M commonly minimizes applications. This didn't work for fman. Now it does.
    • When you
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      , you receive a license key file. fman now more gracefully handles the case when this file gets corrupted somehow.
    • Since
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      , fman cleverly resizes columns to fit their contents. The logic responsible for this didn't consider the case when the column header required more space than the column's contents. This lead to the headers sometimes being cut off:
    • column-headers-cut-off.png

    • The new version fixes this problem:
    • column-headers-correct.png

      • fman's
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        has been broken since last week's release. This is now fixed.
      • Added several helpful error messages for plugin developers who implement
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        . The idea is to identify common points of confusion and give helpful advice in each case. Here is an example:
        • Fixed a few small behind-the-scenes exceptions.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.8.9
Version 0.8.9
February 7, 2018

  • Consider two directories, source and target, with the following contents:
    • source/
    • dir1/
      • dir2/
        • file.txt
    • target/
    • dir1/
    Previously, when you tried to copy or move dir1 from source over the folder with the same name in target, you received the following error:

  • copy-bug.png

  • This was a bug and is now fixed.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.9.0
Version 0.9.0
February 21, 2018

  • The Name column didn't take numbers in file names into account. For example, a file called 2.csv was sorted below 10.csv:
  • name-column-sorting-wrong.png

  • This is now fixed:
  • name-column-sorting-correct.png

    • This has been one of fman's oldest requested features. It's great it's now implemented.
    • Since
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      , fman features a Pack command. The problem was, it didn't appear when you entered zip, archive, tar or 7z in the
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    • The command was given an
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      so it now appears for each of the above search terms:
    • pack-cmd-with-alias.png

      • The Quit command froze fman on Windows. This is now fixed.

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
fman 0.9.1
Version 0.9.1
February 26, 2018

  • Improved fman's command for opening files (ie. what happens when you press Enter) to support Cryptomator vaults / drives on Windows.
  • On Mac, when you open fman's menu while a dialog such as the splash screen is open, the Quit fman entry is disabled:
  • menu-mac-quit-disabled-splash.jpg

  • That's fair enough for a modal dialog. The problem is, the entry stays disabled even after the dialog is closed:
  • menu-mac-quit-disabled.jpg

    • What was even worse that in this case (you clicked on the menu while a dialog was open), the shortcut Cmd+Q for fman no longer worked.
      The problem is likely caused by a
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      in the Qt framework, which fman uses to display its GUI. As a first step towards fixing it, some logic was added so that at least the shortcut Cmd+Q works again.
    • On Mac, when you drag a file from Finder into fman, the file should be moved. Instead, since version 0.7.2, fman asked where you wanted to copy the file:
    • copy-dialog-mac.png

      • This is fixed so fman now again moves the file.
      • The InstallPlugin command did not work on some users' macOS systems. (It gave an error TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION.) This is now fixed.
      • fman's Python version was updated from 3.5 to 3.6. This in particular fixes the previous bug, and the next one below. But, as an unfortunate consequence, previous versions of the
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        stop working withImportError: cannot import name '_psutil_osx'. If you have this plugin installed, please re-install it.
      • fman now supports BoxCryptor virtual drives. It had previously raised a FileNotFoundError when you tried to navigate to them.

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