
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in GoodSync 11.10.5 (2022-03-01):

  • Syncing with CheckSums: Log CheckSums when we are doing Verify CheckSum.
  • File Systems: fixed memory leak in file system allocation by Analyze.
  • GSTP client: Log correct Local IP addr of Client, when it changes.
  • Gs-Server: fixed rare crashes on Disconnect and Session Cleanup.
  • FTP + Proxy: Do not use HTTP proxy, use only Connect proxy.
  • Proxy: Fixed Proxy Settings were not used in GoodSync Account Setup.
  • FolderModTime: In 2-way sync, copy FolderModTime when GS creates folder.
  • Logging: Fixed slowdown caused by frequent use of Elevation.
  • Licensing: Store OsCompSerial in licensee too, as it is used in comparisons.
  • Gs-Server: Improved computation of Client that come in, for licensing.
  • Account Sync Changes: Show shorter and more concise List of Changes.
  • Mediator Web UI: Password Reset: Allow it only for Verified Emails.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


Version 11.10.6 and 10.20.6 -- Mar 17, 2022
* SMB-like file systems: Use only UserId@Server accounts, get away from UserId@no-server Server Accounts.
* BrowseDlg/Explorer: Convert old server-less SMB-like accounts to new UserId@Server accounts.
* BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed scrolling to slow navigation did not work.
* Explorer: If Program Options -> Request Account Password is On, request Password on start.
* BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed some memory leaks.
* Explorer: Fixed error on Copy Links, if destination does not exist.
* Links + Elevation: Fixed Link Target contained '%20' when created with Elevation.
* BrowseDlg/Explorer: Allow Files to have comments too, as Links to File show Target.
* Links: Added support for APPEXECLINK Reparse Points.
* gs-server + SMB letters: Lookup credentials in Account Manager for SMB letters too.
* SMB: Show 'Windows Shares (Windows SMB Client)' old style file system, used for TSclient and Linux.
* GUI: Right-side (per-group) Job List: Make column order persistent.
* Progress: fixed progress overflow that may happens in file systems such as MTP.
* Speed Limit + Conveyors: Do not use Conveyors when we have speed limit.
* Sib-TLS: Speed up loading of certificates into our OpenSSL layer.
* AllwaySync import: Implement account completion: retrieve missing data from online account.
* Mediator: Account Sync Changes: Make the list shorter and more readable.
* Mediator UI: Account Sync Reset: Added Jobs page that allow to reset encrypted stored Jobs.
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8 Wrzesień 2010

GoodSync 11.10.7

Version 11.10.7 -- Mar 29, 2022
* OFC Incremental Analyze + Chained Jobs + new File in Folder: Fixed in this case new file did not propagate.
* Job File Counters in Analyze+Sync: Fixed file counters could be reset when Sync of Job starts in Analyze+Sync.
* Browse/Explorer: Show Decrypt Folder context menu command, if folder looks Encrypted by GoodSync.
* Browse/Explorer: When leaving Encrypted folder, re-position onto its Not-Decrypted version.
* Browse/Explorer: Scroll to wait indicator on expanding items.
* Browse/Explorer: Ask for password on SMB/AFP accounts with server, if existing password does not work.
* Browse/Explorer: Allow deletion of junk Server Accounts for file systems that cannot list servers.
* Google TeamDrive FS: Fixed Delete File may not work if we do not have enough permissions to do that.
* SMB-windows FS: Allow $ in URLs, as we can have something like smb://wsl$
* SMB-siber FS: Explicitly reject special servers WSL$, TSCLIENT and advise user to use SMB-windows.
* Gs-Server + Locks: Fixed locking of Sessions and Users to avoid rare deadlocks and crashes.
* Gs-Server License: When counting Users for max of 4, count only Non-Local users.
* Ver 10: Allow changing UserId in Server Account.
* Ver 10: Explorer: Open File: make it work for SMB-windows.
* GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series.
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8 Wrzesień 2010
GoodSync 11.108.8

Changes in GoodSync 11.10.8 (2022-04-01):

  • GsExplorer: Allow 2-sided file op destination to be account root.
  • Browse/Explorer: Show [Decrypt Folder] button on address bar for ‘potentially encrypted’ folders.
  • Encrypted FS: Show decryption error if small number of file/folder names fail to decrypt.
  • Browse: Fixed rare crashes on Browse dialog close.
  • SMB FS: Change official FS names to shorter ones: Net Shares (Sib-SMB), Net Shares (Win-SMB).
  • Gs-Server License Check: do it under lock, or else License may briefly disappear.
  • Ver 10: Browse Dlg: Do not attempt to turn top level smb:// account into per-server account.
  • GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series.
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8 Wrzesień 2010
Version 11.10.9 and 10.20.9 -- Apr 15, 2022
* SMB: If drive letter of NetShare is already mounted then do not mount/unmount it again.
* Sync Tree Visual: Fixed Analyze did not switch View Mode to Changes correctly.
* Sync Tree Views: Fixed Sync Tree View did not switch correctly.
* SFTP FS: Limit number of outgoing not-yet-authenticated connections to 3.
* Delete Empty Folders: do not remove top folder, as we usually need it.
* Delete Empty Folders: Fixed it was not working in non-Local FS.
* Delete Folders Recursive: Fixed it did not delete folder with Links ti unknown in it.
* GSTP client: retry transaction on 'Server is still computing response (Code 518)'.
* Localization: Updated Polish localization.
* gs-server: If we cannot find SMB credentials in Account Manager, use Impersonation creds.
* gs-server: Local Account UserId: Allow these chars in OsUserId: . ! # ^ $ & ( ) ' ~ `
* Explorer Ver 10: Fixed navigation to bad/old unnamed bookmarks usually for old SMB.
* Browse / Explorer: Several small fixes.
* GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in GoodSync 11.11.1 (2022-05-11):

  • SMB FS: Added client for SMB v 3 protocol.
  • SMB FS: Implement sym link and junction traversal in all operations.
  • SMB FS: Fixed lookup problems on machines having multiple network interfaces.
  • SMB FS: Added support for LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, RFC4795).
  • SMB FS: Allow non-standard server port number (not 445).
  • SMB FS: Use timeout value from SMB Server Account, not the default 20 sec.
  • SMB FS: Request signing is now disabled when logging in as anonymous user.
  • Files via Browser: Present file listing as HTML table.
  • Files via Browser: Show graphics file (.jpg .png .gif etc) thumbnails.
  • Files via Browser: More consistent generation of Session Id.
  • FTP + Proxy: Added handling of EPSV mode, as it now is a preferred mode.
  • SFTP FS: Fixed ed25519 host key verification failure.
  • SFTP FS: If server host key is different from cached host key, treat it as an error.
  • SFTP FS: Switch to using sshhostkey.txt file, not registry, to keep SSH Host Keys in Windows.
  • Edit Account dialog: Add ‘Last Modified’ read-only field, which shows Server account timestamp.
  • gs-server: Fixed ComputerId not present when user changes Server Account HomeFolder in Web UI.
  • MiniProgres Window: complete rewrite using tables, to make it consistent across platforms.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


May 28, 2022
  • SyncJob: Fixed free space updates were performed too often.
  • FTP: Improved Data Connection start sequence, to speed up and address proxy issues.
  • FTP: Passive Mode: Added retries of entire PASV sequence, if we failed data connection.
  • SFTP: Improved our default preferred KEX (Key Exchange Algorithm) list.
  • Windows FS + Sym Link: Fixed creation of symbolic link by GS.
  • SyncLib: Fixed observed crash on NULL pointer in GsInitStats.
  • CC Runner + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error.
  • Unattended + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error.
  • Gs-Server: Local Account: do better normalization when setting it up.
  • Installer: Show PostInstall web page with instructions for new users too.
  • Gs-Server: Folder Grants: Speed up and improve integrity of Grant stuffing.
  • Gs-Server: Browsing Files: better connection management.
  • Gs-Server: Browsing Files: Improve Picture Thumbnails implementation.
  • Browse/Explorer: Server Accounts with Home Folder: do not hang it off Account node.
  • Mini-Progress Window: more improvements in showing Job Lists, fixed some bugs.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


Version 11.11.3 -- July 6, 2022
* Browse/Explorer: When creating new folder, do not allow creation of names not allowed by file system.
* Browse/Explorer: Default to Yes button in all Delete confirmation dialogs.
* Browse/Explorer: Allow user to clear account home folder.
* GsExplorer: Fixed two-side operations did not work when source or dest account has Home Folder set.
* GUI: Show file/folder counters during Analyze.
* LockFile + NoGsData: Do not try to delete _gsdata_/_insync_v4.gsl if we have NoGsData option On.
* Refresh Stats: Fixed crash in ALT+F keyboard command.
* Auto Options + Account Sync: Added Local-Only option: Keep Auto Options when doing Account Sync.
* S3: Added Parallel Upload and Download of Chunks of Large file.
* S3: Fixed computing of S3 end point from constraint for new regions.
* S3: Creating new bucket (top level folder): Fixed error when no Preferred Region.
* S3: Creating new bucket: Check new bucket names according to AWS rules.
* Azure Blobs: Added Parallel Upload and Download of Large file Chunks,
* Azure Blobs: Implement new container (top-level folder) name checks.
* FTP: Get back to opening Data Connection first and doing LIST next, not in parallel.
* FTP: Added option to 'Use EPSV command instead of PASV', Off by default.
* SFTP: Added rsa-sha2-512 and rsa-sha2-256 pubkey/hostkey algorithm.
* SFTP: Increase max line length for sshhostkeys.txt to 65536, to prevent truncation of large host keys.
* Google Photos: If media item size is different than what we got on size estimation, update media size cache.
* Google Photos: Recover from incorrect creationTime, just set it to null time.
* gs-server and gs-forwarder: Fully separate Gs-Forwarder from Gs-Server, as it need no graphics lib.
* gs-server for NAS and Linux: Fixed Support ticket creation.
* Jobs and Server Account names mapping: make it case-insensitive but case-preserving.
* OpenSSL TLS: Updated OpenSSL lib to ver 1.1.1k, it implements TLS 1.3 protocol.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


Version 11.11.5 -- July 7, 2022
* Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3.
* Jobs.tic: Reading Program Options: if we cannot decrypt SMTP or other creds, do not return terminal error.
* GDocs: Do not allow uploading of files longer than 256 Mb.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


July 21, 2022
  • S3: Do not use parallel upload/download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts.
  • S3: Fixed bug that prevented files > 2 Gb from downloading.
  • S3: Pass Port and SSL flag to Parallel Part Uploader and Downloader.
  • Azure Files + Explorer: Allow creation of Shares in Azure Files file system.
  • GUI Analyze: Replaced Analyze animations with per-side analyze progress display.
  • GUI Analyze: Progress is shown with 'Running Pipe' when State File is not present.
  • GUI: Switch job side buttons, job direction button and job direction drop-down to SVG icons.
  • Gs-server: Testing Forwarders: Test forwarder with TLS/SSL mode On.
  • Sib-TLS/SSL: Fixed memory leaks related to new OpenSSL 1.1.x.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in GoodSync 11.11.7 (2022-07-29):

  • SMB FS: Added support for DFS (Distributed File System) links in SMB 2 and 3.
  • SMB FS: Implement File Owner and ACL operations (Get/Set file owner and ACL).
  • OpenSSL + Windows XP: Make GoodSync work again on Windows XP – adjust OpenSSL compile options.
  • Explorer: File Copy: Restore ‘From’ field value in detailed progress after connecting FSes.
  • GUI: Fixed job drag-and-drop job reordering (in ‘Sort job names by alphabet’ == Off).
  • Sync in Control Center Runner: Improved log file name normalization.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


Version 12.0.0 -- Sept 12, 2022
* Account Setup: new Account Setup, more usable, complete redesign.
* Account Setup: Request ComputerId on Serving Files page, not on Login page.
* Account Setup: Enterprise: Separate Direct Addressing mode and Offline mode.
* Account Setup: Impersonation option now appears only for Enterprise versions.
* Account Switch: Fixed new Account can get Jobs from old one, if GS is Elevated.
* Runner Setup: re-implement it as Sib-HTML dialog, improve usability.
* Copy Progress: For big files (>= 1 Byte) log 2 messages: start (<) and finish (>).
* Apple iCloud: Added new file system for Apple iCloud online storage.
* Implement block uploads (for files >=20 MiB).
* S3: Fixed escaping of URL, when uploading parts of large files.
* S3 and Azure: Always uses CanonicV4Escape on all URIs.
* S3 Google Cloud: Fixed Copy/Move of files inside FS did not work if file name contains ( ) ' !
* S3: Allow parallel upload and download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts.
* Azure S3 DropBox WebDAV: Do not return OK but return error, if file/folder to be deleted is not found.
* SFTP: Added ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 hostkey algorithms.
* SFTP: Fix our order of preferred hostkey algorithms, this allows connecting to Wings server.
* SMB: Added support for SetFolderModTime() to new Sib-SMB.
* SMB: Fully separate Old Win-SMB (prefix smb:// or \\) and New Sib-SMB (prefix smbd://).
* SMB + gs-server: gs-server smb:/ virtual folder uses New Sib-SMB or Old Win-SMB based on Program Option.
* Gs-Server: Get back to keeping 10 last transactions memorized, as we might need them.
* GsRunner + GsServer service: Do not try to start Gs-Server service from GsRunner service start.
* GsServer Sessions: improved locking and dead session cleanup.
* CC-Runner: fixed /cc-acct-passwd= and /sys-passwd= specified in command line were lost on elevation.
* CC-Runner: Stopped using HttpConnectionPool in CC Runner, optimized reuse of HTTPS connections.
* Explorer Download: Fixed download was not always retried on lossy connections (such as WiFi).
* SyncLib: Create _gsdata_ folders if they do not exist, not just on Analyze but On Sync too.
* Main GUI Windows: Fix job direction button layout, so that Analyze button does not change its size.
* Cryptography: improved randomness of random generator used to seed encryption.
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8 Wrzesień 2010


September 13, 2022
  • Account Setup: If Impersonation mode is prohibited by Install type, empty it out.
  • Account Setup: Do not show Cancel button on Finishing progress dialog, it cannot be canceled.
  • Browse/Explore: Fixed password entry/navigation sequence for servers that require password to list shares.
  • SFTP: Fixed RSA authentication with Pageant.
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