
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


  • Major upgrades in Helium 17:
  • Album Details View: We introduce a game-changing way to explore your tracks. The Album Details view neatly organizes your music by albums, providing an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly experience.
  • Stunning Visualizations: Say goodbye to 32-bit visualization plugins and welcome a new, fully open, and programmable way to create hardware-accelerated visualizations that dance to your music. These visualizations even have their own fullscreen view and can be seamlessly embedded into the right sidebar. Crafting custom visualizations is now a breeze, and ShaderToy enthusiasts will feel right at home. (Thanks for Virgill for allowing us to use his fantastic shaders)
  • Seamless Spotify Integration: Import your favorite Spotify playlists into Helium 17, and let it work its magic by detecting matching tracks in your library. Customize the results as you see fit before creating the playlist. And, just as easily, export your Helium 17 playlists to Spotify.
  • Manage File Naming Templates: Handle Filename to Tag templates effortlessly from a new window. Add, remove, edit, and rearrange your templates as you need.
  • Shuffle Play Mode: Introducing a brand-new shuffle mode. Enjoy your tracks in a randomized order within the Play queue without altering the original sequence.
  • Explore with Ease: Navigate your tracks, albums, and artists seamlessly through the Explore context menu. Move effortlessly between Helium views or use Windows Explorer to find what you need.
  • Minor tweaks in Helium 17:
  • 64-bit Performance: Upgraded database drivers for top-notch 64-bit performance.
  • Custom Toolbar Colors: Choose from 21 custom toolbar colors instead of 7, offering even more personalization.
  • Smart Playlists: Use playlists as expressions when creating Smart playlists.
  • Audio Quality Control: When converting or ripping to WAVE format, fine-tune the bit-depth to your preference, either 16 bits or 32 bits.
  • Enhanced Compatibility: Numerous fixes for file and tag format compatibility issues.
  • Streamlined Plugins: A reworked iTunes, Discogs, and Spotify plugins ensure quicker execution and superior results.
  • Player Improvements: Revamped buttons in the bottom player for Visualizations, Auto-queue, Crossfade, Repeat Play queue, and Shuffle Play queue. The old Play queue button is now conveniently located under the View > Views menu.
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!

Helium 17.0 Build 86

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Major upgrades in version 17:

  • Album Details View: We introduce a game-changing way to explore your tracks. The Album Details view neatly organizes your music by albums, providing an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly experience.
  • Stunning Visualizations: Say goodbye to 32-bit visualization plugins and welcome a new, fully open, and programmable way to create hardware-accelerated visualizations that dance to your music. These visualizations even have their own fullscreen view and can be seamlessly embedded into the right sidebar. Crafting custom visualizations is now a breeze, and ShaderToy enthusiasts will feel right at home. (Thanks for Virgill for allowing us to use his fantastic shaders)
  • Seamless Spotify Integration: Import your favorite Spotify playlists into Helium 17, and let it work its magic by detecting matching tracks in your library. Customize the results as you see fit before creating the playlist. And, just as easily, export your Helium 17 playlists to Spotify.
  • Manage File Naming Templates: Handle Filename to Tag templates effortlessly from a new window. Add, remove, edit, and rearrange your templates as you need.
  • Shuffle Play Mode: Introducing a brand-new shuffle mode. Enjoy your tracks in a randomized order within the Play queue without altering the original sequence.
  • Explore with Ease: Navigate your tracks, albums, and artists seamlessly through the Explore context menu. Move effortlessly between Helium views or use Windows Explorer to find what you need.
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