Hybrid - multiplatforma Qt (Windows / Linux / Mac OS X)


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Hybrid 2020.06.21.1
June 21, 2020
  • Fixed:
  • Video: rav1e 2pass calls
  • Video: x265, minimize command line problem with constant quantizer
  • Vapoursynth: interframe + sRestore
  • Avisynth: pad to make sure dfttest gets mod16 input
  • Vapoursynth: forgot to add Bwdif.dll to th the install (Windows only)
  • Muxing: passhtrough huffuyv
  • Video: do not add maxCll 0,0
  • Analyse: Blu-ray input analysis
  • Avisynth: imagesource bug
  • Avisynth: ConvertToYUV where colorMatrix was accidentally added
  • Video: Xvid 2pass stats file bug
  • Jobs: ffindex deleted to early
  • Jobs: trying to delete x264 mbtree file evenwhen it should not be there
  • Audio: dialog norm make sure that '-dialognorm 0' instead of '-dialognorm -0' is used
  • Input: ffmpeg time code extraction
  • Analyse: dts-xx detection
  • Handling: aid problem avi preview und tokenizing
  • Video: x265: separate 2pass passes
  • Jobs: progress indication when using qsvencc
  • Video: FFMpeg NVEncC, multi-ref was accidentally disabled
  • Chapters: switchting within sources with multi input and chapter import
  • Jobs: ffmpeg job minimization
  • Changed:
  • Avisynth: removed SSE(2)Tools
  • Avisynth: interplaced preview handling
  • Avisynth: moved histrogram control into Hybrid itself
  • Avisynth: removed AnimeIVTC since it's not required for QTGMC any more
  • Avisynth: switched to Avisynth+ 3.6
  • Avisynth: removed PlanarTools
  • Avisynth: restrict DeRainbow to 8bit
  • Avisynth: during ConvertToXY add ChromaInPlacement when converting from YV12 and ChromaOutPlacement when converting to YV12 in case MPEG-1 or DV Video input is detected.
  • Avisynth: allow to enforce ChromaInPlacement/ChromaOutPlacement during ConvertToXY when converting to or from YV12
  • Cut: allow to set cut by frame number
  • Timecods: the way Hybrid tries to fix time codes
  • Preview: force color space conversion on mplayer preview
  • Input: added image sequence option to set base fps
  • Audio: restrict eac3 bit rates
  • Avisynth: extended color support for some filters
  • Tools: handling version info with newer tsMuxeR
  • XSynth: using trim with cut support
  • Added:
  • Vapoursynth: Anime4KCPP resizer (Windows only)
  • Vapoursynth: JincResize, DeDot, CAS and adjusted LSFMod to use CAS
  • Vapoursynth: added option to lower resolution before resize
  • Avisynth: MToon, DFMDeRainbow
  • Audio: handling of 8bit pcm
  • Video: dynamic HDR with NVEncC
  • Audio: ffmpeg ac3 & eac3: dialog normalization
  • Removed:
  • Video: FFmpeg NVEnc (Windows only)

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Hybrid 2020.07.11.1

What's new in Hybrid 2020.07.11.1

July 11, 2020
  • Fixed:
  • Vapoursynth: Anime4KCPP when using GPU
  • Vapoursynth: limit Santiag Pcsnr when using GPU
  • Avisynth: limit SplineResize100/144 to YV12, YUY2, RGB24, RGB32
  • Avisynth: FrameRateConverter custom fps grayed out
  • Avisynth: interlaced handling
  • General: aborting close didn't work
  • Communication: send ssl mail
  • General: some more cut handling
  • Jobs: MPEG-4 ASP workaround
  • Jobs: tsMuxeR output file checks
  • Tools: BDSup2Sub++ detection
  • Video: x264 apply to preset
  • Audio: ac3 reencoding
  • Video: 2pass vpx/aomenc encoding
  • Analysis: mpeg audio layer 1/2/3 detection
  • General: gui error/freeze when extration of subtitle wasn't possible
  • Avisynth: 'show YUV values' and 'histogram' for YUY2 input
  • Changed:
  • Jobs: using long IDs
  • General: sometimes crashing on start up
  • Avisynth: smdegrain limit/limitc double values
  • General: always use DebugOutput Level 9
  • Container: added matroska extensions: m3kd
  • Vapoursynth: replaceed fft3dfilter with neo_fft3d (adjusted QTGMC and MCTemporalDenoise in havsfunc accordingly)
  • Added:
  • Audio: add option to clear audio queue on processing change
  • Vapoursynth: support for SRMD

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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Hybrid 2020.08.02.1
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  • Vapoursynth QTGMC bob
  • Vapoursynth: saving profiles
  • General: restting Defaults caused two instances to open
  • Jobs: tsMuxeR temp and input file handling

  • Filtering: Removed the “force deinterlace” option, instead ‘Overwrite input scan type to’ should be used.
  • Tools: adjusted to latest NVEncC ‘check-features’ changes
  • Audio: remove unneeded ‘-ac’ in ffmpeg call

  • Avisynth: 64bit Support, support 32bit and 64bit Avisynth jobs at the same time in the jobqueue (Windows only)
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Hybrid 2020.10.11.1
October 11, 2020
  • Fixed:
  • Vapoursynth: TDeintMod in VIVTC and FixCombed
  • Muxing: always used ffmpeg for mkv muxing
  • Changed:
  • Vapoursynth: add 'Use RGB' for Limiter and Levels and use it as default.
  • Vapoursynth: extend compatible TimeCube color spaces by RGBS
  • Added:
  • Filtering: "fieldmatch + yadif + deint + decimate2" as IVTC through FFmpeg method.
  • Removed:
  • Vapoursynth: support for mClean due to missing TemporalMedian library. (MacOS only)

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Hybrid 2021.01.31.1
February 1, 2021
  • Fixed:
  • Vapoursynth: libneo-fft3d.so -> libneofft3d.so
  • Vapoursynth: DaaMod fix 'no field vsDaaExpMod'
  • Sytnh: DVD handling Avisynth/Vapoursynth
  • Synth: Remove Trim from FilterOrder, always trim directly after source filter.
  • Avisynth: 64bit use MPEG2Dec_64
  • Decode: deinterlacing through FFmpeg wasn't used when Avisynth/ Vapoursynth was used.
  • Avisynth: custom before 'End'-section was missing
  • UI: (e)ac3 dialog normalization ui glitch
  • Vapoursynth: IVTCCustomDeinterlacerGPU ui glitch
  • Subtitle: subtitle extraction form MP4 files
  • Preview: title left/right mixup
  • X265: strictCBR handling
  • Vapousynth: MClean
  • Vapoursynth: Denois filters on their own were ignored
  • Audio: qaac language passthrough
  • Audio: ffmpeg aac reencode + ffmpeg cut causing audio glitch
  • Vapoursynth: VFM color space restriction
  • Synth: SelectEvery and SelectRageEvery
  • Vaporsyunth: AddGrain
  • NVEnc: L1/0 reference min value and gui glitch
  • Vapoursynth: make sure filters that change resolution or frame rate are applied to input&output in FilterView.
  • Changed :
  • Framework: switchted to Qt6 (Mac&Windows only)
  • Jobs: mplayer try to skip unnecessary muxing for video only encodings.
  • AutoCrop crash
  • Preview: add '-vf scale' during MPlayer Preview
  • UI: bunch of cosmetic changes
  • Synth: adjustements adjust to latest DGDecNV DGSource
  • Vapoursynth: Anime4k supported color formats
  • MPlayer: added 'ni' to mplayer dvd analysis call
  • Added:
  • NVEnc: support for --vpp-smooth
  • Vapoursynth: GLSL Resizer support
  • Vapoursynth: "only apply" from some filters.
  • Vapoursynth: support for GrainFactory3
  • Video: custom addition support for aomenc and vpx
  • Video: constrained quality 2pass VPX/AV1
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Hybrid 2021.04.05.1
April 5, 2021
  • Fixed:
  • Synth: remove fulldepth parameter from DGSource
  • Output: mkv HDR tagging
  • Tools: mp4box version check
  • NVEncC: crop&co
  • Avisynth: FrameRateConverter: don't add Num/DeNum when double is used
  • Output: generate output name: add cut start&end frame info
  • Vapoursynth: removed vsAnime4KLevel
  • x264 'aud' GUI option not connected to model
  • Vapoursynth FilterPreview crash with Letterboxing
  • aomenc: fixed do not use adaptive quantization with lossless
  • Filtering: yadif - custom: field order ignored
  • fixed double calculation deinterlace/ivtc
  • x264: gui falsely indicated 'me=uhm' for preset 'slow' even when 'me=hex' was used.
  • Vapoursynth: try shortening file names for VSFilterMod (Windows only)
  • UI: dependencies adjustment when max value changed
  • x264: initial qt_max value.
  • aomenc: gui glitch
  • rav1e: 2pass crash
  • NVEnc: progress indication
  • Audio: problem with audio cut
  • Vapoursynth: script profile saving missing some filters.
  • Input: fixed image sequence pattern detection (bug cause by switch to qt6)
  • Changed:
  • UI: removed deinterlacer 'none', since it was just decorational
  • Vapoursynth: label Vapoursynth preview in 'Filter-' and 'Filter-Split'- view
  • Avisynth: CCD added ccdMT option
  • Avisynth: AssRenderer set matrix
  • Avisynth: Blur selection fixed cosmetics
  • Vapoursynth: mClean: use vcm instead of vcmod
  • Analysis: interpret 0.0000 as PAR as 1
  • Added:
  • Vapoursynth: "Always use Vapoursynth" to tell Hybrid to use Vapoursynth even when it's not needed
  • Vapoursynth: Filter-Queue
  • Vapoursynth: DetailSharpen
  • Vapoursynth: 'Apply Only to' + 'Every'
  • Avisynth: CAS, vsMSharpen
  • Decode: ffmpeg vsync option
  • x265: support --(no-)eos/b
  • NVEncC: support warpsharp

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Hybrid 2021.12.05.1​

December 5, 2021
  • Fixed:
  • Video: some models didn't load the saved defaults
  • Video: aoemenc:,2pass fails when custom addition was used
  • Vapoursynth: 12bit scaling bug
  • Vapoursynth: reset filters + removed use Deinterlace checkbox
  • Vapoursynth: HQDN3D parameter fix
  • Vapoursynth: handling Vapoursynth input scripts in case they are not further processed
  • Vapoursynth: TemporalGrain2 support
  • Avisynth: QTGMC doesn't support YUV411
  • Analysis/Muxing: handling mkv supporting that a single attachment can have multiple ids.
  • Jobs: handling jobs with 99+ subjobs
  • Audio: stereo to mono downmix
  • Input: Input dvd title minimum length was active even then the option was disabled.
  • Extraction: use more quotes when using mplayer for extraction on MacOS and Linux
  • Jobs: option to clean temp folder
  • Filtering: wrong letterbox values on reload of source
  • Vapoursynth: letterbox + telecine handling
  • Analysis: filter audio by language before initialization
  • Video: ProRes 4444 handling + activate Controls
  • Input: freeze on unsupported raw input
  • Vapoursynth: DGDecNV deinterlace call for tff
  • Audio: handling opus raw audio as Audio Input
  • Vapoursynth: sRestore was missing ChangeFPS when 'frate' was set while 'omode' wasn't 6.
  • GUI: some small glitches
  • Cut: cut end frame rounding
  • Video: NVEnc deinterlace
  • Video: ffnvenc accidentally removed on Linux systems.
  • Model: reset input when reloading defaults on non-empty input
  • Audio: pcm input handling
  • Avisynth: LSFMod now hdb compatible
  • Analysis: TimeCodeGrabber ffmpeg
  • Jobs: extrating mov to raw
  • Audio: ffmpeg->sox->ffmpeg encoding
  • Avisynth: RemoveDirt split typo
  • Avisynth: FrameRateConverter, MvToolsFPS
  • Vaoursynth: trim + Vapoursynth FilterPreview
  • Audio: ac3 dialognorm, audioNormalization
  • Muxing: Cineform muxing
  • Avisynth: 'Filtering->Avisynth->Denoise' en-/disable not saved in profiles.
  • Vapoursynth: forgot adjuster for SRMD
  • Vapoursynht: drop alpha channel when using LWLibavSource
  • Muxing: remuxing vfr mov to m2ts by ignoring the time codes
  • Decoding: vidstab when ffmpeg encoders are used
  • Vapoursynth: fixed ResampleHQ call when stepped resize is used
  • Audio: audio only audio job creation
  • Vapoursynth: vsHDRToSDRDGLight init value
  • Changed:
  • Video: x265: support old 16bit x265 from 2015 (misc.ini, supportX26516bit=true; Windows only)
  • Decode: mplayer/mencode use '-demuxer lavf' not '-demuxer mkv' for webm content.
  • Video: encoding type "specific filesize/bitrate (1st pass)" -> "specific filesize/bitrate (2pass - 1st pass)" and "specific filesize/bitrate (2nd pass)" ->"specific filesize/bitrate (2pass - 2nd pass)" to limit confusion
  • Video: NVEnc - added '--chroma-qp-offset X'
  • Avisynth: TemporalDegrain2 supports 8-16bit YUV
  • NVEnc: color range values
  • Muxing: mkv mpeg-2 interlaced handling
  • Jobs: create sub-folders in temp per job (experimental)
  • Vapoursynth: tcanny sigma to 0.5
  • Synth: allow to force bit depth when using flash3kdb
  • Vapoursynth: FilterOrder cosmetics: a. used filters are bold b. filters can be moved through mouse drag&drop
  • Decode: not uisng '-demuxer mkv' but for mkv/webm compatible input (this might cause problems, but we will see)
  • Analysis: changed MakeMKV workarounds,...
  • Input: add 'iso' to the file extensions to ignore
  • Vapoursynth: sRestore min threshold to 1
  • Jobs: use json options file for mkvtoolnix
  • Jobs: explicitly set LANG and LC_ALL in qprocess environment
  • Muxing: allow passthrough ProRes to mkv
  • Vapoursynth: allow GLS Resizer&Filter for Mac
  • Vapoursynth: updated ReadMPLS filter on Windows, fixed code
  • Vapoursynth: "lower resolution before resize" can now be restricted to width/height
  • Avisynth: FrFun7 now available for 64bit Avisynth
  • Video: support FFV1 set output color space.
  • Avisynth: disable HDRAGC for 64bit
  • Avisnyth: more Histogram options separateFieldInterlacedHandling
  • Vapoursynth: switch to API4
  • Analysis: adjust to MediaInfo for HDR transfer detection
  • Video: Xvid encraw doesn't have '-i ..' anymore
  • Vapoursynth: removed openCL option from vsMCDeGrain since there's no TCannyCL anymore.
  • Analysis: removed unnecessary code Analysis if container frame rate more than 20 times the stream frame rate, use stream frame rate. x264 version: convert 0.164.x to version 5000 vp9: restrict cpuUsed to
  • Filtering: ffmpeg tonemap added npl-parameter
  • Added:
  • Video: ediaaCuda (Windows only)
  • Vapoursynth: muvsfunc.SSMI_downscale = SSIMD
  • Vapoursynth: DPIR, vsRealESRGAN, BasicVSR++, TorchRIFE, vs-swinir, vs-hinet support (in pytorch addon)
  • Avisynth: Spotless
  • Vapoursynth: only apply range option
  • Vapoursynth: chunked encoding support for 1pass encoding methods (*experimental*)
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Hybrid 2022.03.20.1
Known bugs, which are fixed, but not released in a public version are listed
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  • 2022.03.20.1:
  • *fixed*
    • Vapoursynth: script creation during script creation
    • GUI: save icon/text selection in GlobalDataModel
  • *removed*
    • GUI: disableIcons from misc.ini
  • 2022.03.19.1:
  • *fixed*
    • Analysis: FFmpeg color matrix detection
    • Input: make sure fps&frame count in encoders get updated on loading a source
    • aomenc: noise settings for 2pass constrained quality
    • Vapoursynth: split view 'diff' for RGB content
    • Preview: do not use MPlayer for Preview when Avisynth 64bit is used
    • Avisynth: profile: all Misc settings should now be saved in the Avisynth-profile
    • Avisynth: YUY2 needs to converted to YV16 for output.
    • Vapoursynth: mClean handling
    • Vapoursynth: fallback downsizer selection
    • Vapoursynth: missing PlaceboDebandThreshold
    • Vapoursynth: missing AviSource library loading
    • Vapoursynth: vsSMDegrain NNedi3 subpixel selection
    • Vapoursynth: stepped resizing
    • Vapoursynth: fixed vsRIFE missing miscfilters import when sceneChangeDetection was used.
    • Vapoursynth: adds mod4 for vsMCTemporalDenoise&avsTTempSmooth
    • Vapoursynth: clean up model combis
    • Vapoursynth: allow to set ColorMatrix flag when using timeCube
    • NVEncC: LevelBitrate mixup
    • FFMpeg: added -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb for H.264 .avi muxing
    • UTVideo: use yuv44p for ULRG
  • *changed*
    • Avisynth: Updated TemporalDegrain2 to 2.4.2
    • Vapoursynth: Adjusted to VSGAN 1.6.4
    • Avisynth Script input: force FFmpeg autoCrop detection
    • Vapoursynth: moved aaf and TemporalDegrain to 'rescued.py'
    • Vapoursynth: MCTemporalDenoise nCPU
    • Vapoursynth: save misc in profiles
    • FFMpeg now using matrix instead of out_color_matrix
    • GUI: fullscreen, font size adjustment,...
    • FFMpeg: explicitly call YUV->RGB conversion with matrix on PNG creation and PNG encoder call
    • Vapoursynth: KillerSpots and RemoveDirt disabled since RemoveDirt is broken for Vapoursynth
    • Vapoursynth: '# require colorformat XXX' for custom sections
    • Vapoursynth: changed default behaviour regarding loading libraries and added vsLoadLibrariesOnNonWindows to misc.ini on non-Windows OSs
    • Vapoursynth: use KNLMeansCL-Wrapper from havsfunc for speedUp on YUV content when all channels are filtered
    • Output: allow Hevc for mov container
  • *added*
    • Vapoursynth: support filter masking (max and edge mask)
    • Vapoursynth: FillDrops, CCD, parameterized GLSResizer
    • Vapoursynth: 12bit color handling
    • Vapoursynth: parameterized GLSL: adaptive-sharpen, LumaSharpen, ThinLine, A4K Darken
    • Vapoursynth: option to limit Libav threads in VapoursynthTab
    • Avisynth: support Histogram "RGBLevels", "CMYLevels", "RGBParade"
    • Avisynth: use avsInfo/avsInfo64 selection depending on whether Avisynth 32bit or 64bit selection
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