MediaMonkey Beta
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April 26, 2022
- Background Metadata Lookup: lyric (and Album art) lookups are repeated after user has deleted poor results
- Newly looked up image not shown in the "List (by album)" view
- localRequirejs doesn't work correctly in install.js/uninstall.js
- Method to get folder of installed addon needed
- Consider moving thumbnails out of temporary directory
- Playlist: Add modified value for playlists to be seen in MM UI
- MM5 start crashes started MM4 (on certain conditions)
- Track browser: List view sometimes renders horizontal scroll incorrectly
- Ghost CD showing in MM4 and MM5
- Device Profile doesn't show it's disabled
- Accessing MM5 via web browser => crash 87990000 (regression)
- The Folder tag does not sort correctly
- Playlist event handlers are incorectly stated in API, some are missing, some are unuseful
- JSDoc comments in scripts are unuseful and incorect
- Volume analysis error flow is confusing
- Multiple dialogs when MM can't level files
May 14, 2022
- The debug build can experience issues when your machine goes to sleep.
May 16, 2022
- Bug fixes:
- Some COM methods not implemented
- Apple devices: Windows x86 incompatibility
- MediaMonkey service failure (regression)
- Certain auto-playlists imported from MM4 fails to populate and throws SQL error on sync
- Crash when resuming from sleep on systems using 'Modern standby'
- "Unknown thread" exception after PC wake up on playback restoring
- Browser view: Sort order sometimes wrong / Play order sometimes doesn't match display order
- Adding a reference to MediaMonkey5 Library in Visual Studio crashes Visual Studio
- app.utils.getApplicationVersion(3) returns four digits instead of three
- Wiki description missing
- Some AIFF tags can be truncated
- Podcasts: Updating podcast break inline search
- "Out of memory" crash because of massive extendedTags values in database
- Crash on context-sensitive search on startup
- Tracklist doesn't render correctly at certain sizes
- Check for Addon Updates: Compatibility field is ignored
May 22, 2022
- Bug fixes:
- Tracks from search results are sometimes not displaying
- PlaylistRenamed and playlistMoved events needed
- Closing the DB/Settings import dialog can eventually result in a crash
- When MediaMonkey is associated with CDA Windows AutoPlay fails
- Track Summary allows inline edit
- Save new order button fails to show when the sort is configured via Choose columns / sort
- Background Processes running on close should be shown for wifi Sync
- Auto Tag from filename: Large number of corrections show MM as Frozen
- Visual preview in Options > Player > Pop-up display no longer shows [Regression]
May 21, 2023
- Handling
- Audio CDs: MM incorrectly Calculate CD size
- Plays from DLNA Server not scrobbled
- Deleting folder from bi-di synch profile --> crash A14A96B4
- OneDrive plugin shows playlist in track listing and do not pair tracks corectly
- BURN Process do not calculate empty space on CD but assume CD is 74 Min (Regression MM4)
- Crash when checking/unchecking "Apply to all files in the Album/Series" then clicking Previous / Next (A14AC389)
- Sub-Options disabled when adding Cloud Storage through Add/Rescan Files
- FreeDB: Search Dialog can be triggered twice in some cases
- Podcast: Improved detection of podcast and RSS download --> Feedback re. bad podcast links
- Preview: Add header button to switch Layout
- Podcasts: Unsubscribe using Podcast edit
- Podcast Sync options less than in MMA
- Crash on login after running overnight
August 19, 2023
- Casting to Google cast group can fail after day of playing (when IP gets changed)
- Now Playing: Improve handling of previously played tracks
- F12 - F24 Keys are not detectable by MM
- Automatically retain X files in Playing list does not work when Shuffle is enabled
- dlg.getValue(...) is not a function - Crash on setup (A14AEDEC)
- Preview window resets scroll position when playback threshold is reached
- D&D of Playlist Files onto Collection does nothing
- Party Mode from Command Line shows Window buttons
- Equalizer and leveling does not work for videos - regression
- Sync changes Artwork Type on Sync
- Convert Artwork problems with PNG files
- HotKeys: Ability to import/export Hotkeys
- CUE is scanned into library even if it is disabled in Options
- Playing file from Playlist changed # value to Playing # value [Regression]
- Ability to delete more hotkeys at once
- Context Menu items disabled in Column Filter [Regression]
- Deleted Playlist shows in Recently Used section of Send To
- Choose columns/sort has 2 # columns
- Select All missing from Edit when opening other menu item first
- Mouse Scrubbing Past End AV
- Pressing DEL when <New Hotkey...> row is selected causes crash
- Terminology in Add/Scanning Files to Library status line
- Crash on resume from sleep: 0AF10000
- Vanilla MM5 2811 crashes when trying to seek track while streaming to Yamaha receiver
- Seek to not work when streaming to Yamaha receiver
September 24, 2023
- MM crashes apron start
- Now Playing: Unexpected behavior when Changing Sort order
- Context search bar is closed if filtered album tracklist is empty
- Images: Arist, Conductor, Composer images saved to tags should be used
- Non-existent folders can't be deleted from Location sub-node
- CD Appears Used even there is no apparent reason for this
- Sync: Support sync with iOS 17 devices
- Remove Playlist is available in Pinned list unlike for all other pinned items
- Chromecast volume not restored correctly
- CUE part fails to cast when auto-conversion is involved
- Track stop time not working for a specific track
- Intensive artwork searching in Album grid can result in heap overflow
- Cloud sync: Syncing empty parent playlist produces error
- Explorer "Play in Mediamonkey 5" doesn't work anymore (when files reside on a NAS)
- Genre categories: 'R&B' sub-genre is not shown under 'R&B and soul' genre category
- Add ability to PIN Advanced searches
- Rebuild database: Album ratings are lost
- Seekbar do not follow Start/Stop Time settings
- Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)
- Properties: Dropdowns for relevant fields
- Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)
- Ordering Artwork in Properties renames external Artwork
- Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus
- Focus rectangle displayed in context search dropdown without selecting by TAB
September 29, 2023
- Selected files folder not pre-selected in Add/Rescan Files
- FMFS -> Artist prefer custom Colection instead of Entire library
- MM crashes apron start
- propertiesTab sample script broken
- Main Menu doesn't show/causes AV [Regresssion]
- Now Playing Changed play Order can't be saved
- Now Playing: Unexpected behavior when Changing Sort order
- Numeric operators for custom fields doesn't work correctly for date values
- Editing Destination path in RIP dialog is not possible
- Playing Node loses files
- Preview Font Size change doesn't save
- app.getAddonList().asJSON has invalid JSON
- Audiobooks: Author field maps to composer
- Multiple spaces not show in Filelisting
October 15, 2023
- DB Rebuild breaks sync list
- MM crashes on switching between Music views (44A462FE)
- Playing Node loses files
- Improve error handling when DB cannot be accessed
- Uploading file from MMA to MM5 can result in a crash (when the resulting file path is too long)
- Add/Rescan settings: auto-tag option applies to _all files_ in the scanned directories
- Sync changes Playlist from Private to Public on Deezer
- Locate moved/missing files: usability tweaks
- Web node doesn't work [regression 2817]
- Artwork from file tag is not re-scanned for files already in database
- [Security] VPx codecs need to be updated
- Tweak addon installation messages
- CD Rip Error: string change
- Tooltips are triggered too fast in Options
- It's not possible to Remap network files with broken links to a non-discoverable network path
- Relationship between 'Play now' action and Player rules is inclear (was 'Add shortcut to Collection playback rules')
- Height of preview panel is not persistent on MM restart
- Menu items from one tab appear on other tabs
- Scrobble to doesn't remember setting
- D&D to Pinned Playlist fails
- Pinning is broken for the list by Album view
- Unable to change View / revert to default sorts by clicking on Summary column label
- Tooltip should show up always when the item in tracklist is not fully visible
- Media tree: Nodes are not removeable (unlike MM4)
- Playlists selected for scan, don't scan when Playlists file types aren't enabled
- Target volume level value lost
- Can't save Playlist order after column sort [Regression]
- Crash on resume from sleep: 02108314
- Now Playing: Unexpected behavior when Changing Sort order
- Make Shuffle mode display track order (and related improvements)
October 28, 2023
- Column can't be removed from Configure View
- Add option to manually Add Paths for Local Storage in Add/Rescan Files
- Edit Tags options disabled in Main Menu (Regression)
- Changing skin while playback => crash (regression)
- Playing set List doesn't show files on start
- Improved customization for default skins
- Changing Genres causes nodes to switch
- List (by Album) - Performance optimizations
- Import dialog has rendering conflicts with splash screen
- Crash if try to use Shift+Click to select in List By Album View
- Saving new View fails silently when no Name is entered
- Improve the default skin
November 5, 2023
- Loading large Playing list take long time - regression
- Pressing Shuffle button before loading the Playing list causes instabilities
- Empty white background on main panel on first run (with release build)
- Import dialog has rendering conflicts with splash screen
- Playing numerous inaccessible tracks slows UI interactions
- When Play/skip count is updated from Track properties then Last play date should be too
- Rating disappears from Player on mouse over with Material Design Skin[Regression]
- 'Top x Played' and 'Ratings Played' display incorrect Length and File Sizes
- Sorting selection Not persistent in some Grid views
- Playing fails to highlight playing file [Regression]
- Choose Columns only allows 1 column to be added and removed [Regression]
November 19, 2023
- 13 fixes and improvements:
- Hitting Enter on Drop-Down sets selection to just selected value
- Preview window:Selected - artwork displays inconsistently on node selection
- Previewlaying doesn't show the correct track if a track has been skipped (regression)
- Case checker: Crash when a custom field is deselected
- Automatic column widths functionality fails to update on window maximize
- When Play/skip count is updated from Track properties then Last play date should be too
- Auto-Tag: Sometimes returns generic results (Track X / Unknown Artist)
- Deleted files can re-appear when 'Column filter' is enabled
- Monkey Groove has black waveform [regression 5.1]
- Unanalyzed volume node tweaks / improved approach to Album Volume
- Auto-tag: fails to find tracks containing numbers
- Auto-Tag doesn't show files sorted correctly
- iPhone connection does not work in some environments [regression 2823]