Microsoft Looks Ready to Launch Windows 11


Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
Bleeping Computer: Microsoft: Windows 11 22H2 Causes File Copy Performance Hit - By Sergiu Gatlan - October 7, 2022.


Microsoft has confirmed a new known issue causing customers to experience a significant performance hit when copying large files over SMB after installing the Windows 11 22H2 update.

"There is a performance reduction in 22H2 when copying larger files from a remote computer down to a Windows 11 computer or when copying files on a local drive,"
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Ned Pyle, Principal Program Manager in the Windows Server engineering group...

Microsoft also shared a workaround for customers affected by this known issue after updating their devices to Windows 11 22H2.

As Redmond explains, impacted users can mitigate the file copying performance hit over SMB with the help of file copy tools that don't use cache manager (buffered I/O).

You can do this using the built-in robocopy and xcopy tools and the commands listed below:
robocopy \\someserver\someshare c:\somefolder somefile.img /J


xcopy \\someserver\someshare c:\somefolder /J

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