Waterfox G6.5.2
- Fixed various theming issues.
- Fixed various vertical tab issues.
- Latest security fixes.
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- Fixed various theming issues.
- Fixed various vertical tab issues.
- Latest security fixes.
v33.5.0 (2024-12-05)
This is a development, bugfix and security release.
Note: Intel Mac builds are now "ad hoc" signed instead of unsigned,which should solve potential issues with newer macOS while still beingcompatible with old OS X. If you experience issues, please post in theZaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!for support.
Implementation notes:
- Implemented Regular Expression "match indices" (/d) feature.
- Added a way to programmatically clear the DNS cache in thebrowser, and added a button to the UI for it in about:networking.
- Updated handling of referrer policies to adhere to theupdated spec.
- CSS font variations keywords no longer throwan error. See implementation notes.
- CSS border-radius will now also apply toelement outlines.
- Improved the display of amount of cached web content inpreferences when cache is being cleared.
- Improved the installer AVX check to skip on early versionsof Windows 10 (which don't support it).
- Updated NSS to 3.90.5 (unofficial) to pick up some securityfixes.
- Refreshed the built-in list of effective top-level domains.
- Fixed several application crashes.
- Reduced unnecessary debug/informative messages in releasebuilds (WebGL and CSP).
- Backed out building against ffmpeg 6.0 and ffvpx 6.0 forcausing a video playback regression on full-range videos (levels 0-255).
- Cleaned up a large amount of leftover Boot2Gecko code,simplifying code paths throughout the code base.
- From this version forward we also publish language packsfor Persian (Farsi), Hindi, Kannada and Vietnamese.
- Security issues addressed: CVE-2024-11693 andCVE-2024-11704 (DiD).
- The CSS font variations keywords (woff2-variations, truetype-variations, etc.) allow webmasters toindicate format hints for @font-face font resources soauthors can provide alternative resources for browsers that don'tsupport tech(variations). The intent of these hints is toprovide an alternate font with variations in addition to regular fontswithout. Unfortunately, some webmasters don't indicate a base font thevariation font face would be an alternate for, which resulted in PaleMoon throwing an error on the only @font-face srcentry provided, in turn having the web font not being loaded at all(because no valid entry was found), breaking website layout. From thisversion onwards, we parse the -variations keywordsallowing variation alternative font-faces to be loaded, even if no basefont was specified. To webmasters only supplying @font-face entrieswith variations keywords: please understand the intent of this CSS 4spec and always provide a base font entry (graceful fallback).
- Fixed various theming issues.
- Updated base configurations, removing unused values.
- Latest security fixes
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Known Issues
- The Restart button is missing on Linux and Windows.
- Some users may experience that their session may not be able to be restored (your sessions are still in your profile, so your data is still available). May be related to
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- Changed the way cookies are handled internally to fix an issue with cookie database corruption as a result of updates to domain suffixes.
- Fixed an issue with Alternative-Services protocol negotiation.
- Fixed a potential crash scenario with Structured Clone operations. DiD
- Fixed a potential issue with line breaking if out of memory.
- Fixed a rare crash with opportunistic encryption.
- Minor code cleanup.
- Security issues addressed: CVE-2025-0239 and CVE-2025-0238.
Changes in Pale Moon 33.6.0 (2025-02-07):
- Implemented a content sniffer for ADTS and raw AAC audio.
- Implemented AbortSignal.abort() and stub AbortSignal.timeout().
- Unprefixed the :modal CSS pseudo-class and exposed it to content.
- Improved efficiency and performance of the Cycle Collector.
- Added a check for explicit expectance of a percentage value in CSS HSL for the S and L components.
- Updated the cookie storage database to no longer use BaseDomain. See implementation notes.
- Updated CSS grid handling to no longer apply auto min-sizing when flex max-sizing (browser parity).
- Updated the root certificates in the internal trust store.
- Updated the Public Suffix List (eTLD) in the browser.
- Removed no longer specced URL Constructor(DOMString
url, URL base).- Restored unofficial branding to what it was before (“New Moon” instead of “Browser”).
- Changed the default Firefox Compatibility user-agent version to 115.0.
- Fixed an issue where cloned <audio> or <video> elements would not respect the original element’s muted state.
- Fixed a number of bugs and spec compliance issues in WebCrypto.
- Fixed installer application naming issue causing failure to detect running application.
- Fixed a crash when Interval handlers are present in scripts that are automatically terminated due to excessive runtime.
- Fixed a crash in JS Structured Cloning when the input would be bogus (CloudFlare-triggered crash).
- Fixed a crash in the XSLT stylesheet importing code.
- Updated NSS to 3.90.6 (custom) to pick up several security fixes.
- Security issues addressed: CVE-2025-1009.
Feb 20, 2025
- Disabled CSP reporting temporarily to work around memory issues caused by CloudFlare's scripting. While CSP reporting is important to inform webmasters of issues with their content security policies, not having the browser eat up all memory is more critical. We do intend to re-enable this when the issue is resolved on CloudFlare's side.
- Improved CSS grid performance to avoid exponential calculations and reflows caused by CloudFlare's scripting. This wasn't a bug, per se, but could easily lock up with bad scripting if called recursively.
- Added a few other small fixes that are tangentially related to the code changes made.