Bardzo aktywny
27 Maj 2010
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro v2.5


[21-07-2012] v2.5.0.0
+ Improved first-run whitelist
+ Improved support for Microsoft Windows updates to not display alert dialogs
+ Save parent process path and file publisher details in the Events Tab
+ Added option to copy to clipboard the parent process name and the file publisher in Events Tab
+ Improved injection module
+ Fixed save of Events tab in the logs path when PC is powered off or rebooted


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro v2.6.0.0
[16-08-2012] v2.6.0.0
+ Fixed saving of Protected Processes when PC is rebooted or shutdown
+ Changed name "Gaming Mode" to "Lockdown Mode"
+ Protected Processes are processed before "Auto-Allow System Processes"
+ Master password is now saved encrypted


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Free v2.6
[20-08-2012] v2.6.0.0

+ Updated to use the core of the Pro version
+ Removed few features, available in the Pro version (see comparison table)
+ Moved Settings tab in Menu->Settings
+ Minor fixes and optimizations



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NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Free v2.6.5
Released Free version v2.6.5:

[22-08-2012] v2.6.5.0

+ Added support for 64-bit OS
+ Minor fixes

Released Pro version v2.6.5:

[21-08-2012] v2.6.5.0
+ Moved Settings Tab to Menu->Settings
+ Added option to password protect viewing of settings form
+ Added option to password protect showing of main form (from tray icon)
+ Added option to disable popup menu of tray icon (use double-click with left-mouse-button to show form)

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro 2.7.1
+ Fixed all instability bugs reported in v2.7.0
+ Added support for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit
+ Added the option "Purge Old Hashes when a Process is Whitelisted/Blacklisted" in the Settings form
+ Added the action "Purge Old Hashes" in the right-mouse-click menu of Whitelist and Blacklist panels
+ User can now sort items on column click
+ Added option to import/export settings
+ Fixed saving of user message for password protected processes
+ Fixed checkbox status on Lockdown Mode from tray icon
+ Fixed active tab when is clicked "Whitelist Custom Folder"
+ Accept pressing of the <ENTER> button from keyboard in password-prompt forms
+ By default all the listviews uses gridlines
+ Moved the text field "Text Message for User" from Password Protected Processes tab to the Settings form
+ Optimized the settings form
+ Added support for fast user switching
+ Optimized LOCKDOWN MODE to take care of "Auto-Allow" options
+ Temporarily Allow a process (until the end of the session)
+ Always alert when regsvr32.exe tries to load a DLL/EXE
+ Added our own activation system
+ Removed the option "Delete and Recycle File" (no need for this option as you can send files to the quarantine)
+ When the action "Clean Quarantine Folder" is clicked also all the items in the Quarantine list are deleted
+ Optimized the first run whitelist for Windows 8
+ Fixed the typos in the text that is shown on the first run
+ Fixed the typos in "Temporary Allow" tab
+ Changed text "DisAllow" to "Blocked"
+ Fixed password protection for whitelist action in Events tab
+ Added option to password protect the lockdown mode
+ Fixed connection errors for the activation system
+ Added option to password protect Temporary Allow Until Reboot option
+ Fixed issues when changing user account
+ Fixed few typos

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro v2.7.2.


[copyblock][28-01-2013] v2.7.2.0

+ Show the status "Lockdown Mode" when hovering the tray icon
+ When the protection is disabled it is remembered also after a reboot
+ Added option to remove nonexistent processes from the whitelist and from the blacklist
+ Fixed typos in the notification window
+ Fixed link to our homepage in the about form
+ Fixed window position when tray icon is clicked to show the main form
+ Fixed auto allow software from program files when the fiel path is a short path
+ Fixed password protection issues when re-enabling the disabled protection
+ Added option to whitelist the commandline string
+ Updated NVT Activation to handle the new automated re-activation system
+ Now it is saved the full commandline string
+ Password protect the whitelist of commandline (Password Protect Whitelisting Operations)
+ Optimized Windows 8 compatibility[/copyblock]


NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro v2.7.3

+ Added option to whitelist the parent processes (auto allow applications started by a parent process)
+ Added option to whitelist a process without check the MD5 file hash
+ Added option to whitelist the execution of processes located in specific folders
+ Fixed NoVirusThanks Activation that didn't survived at reboot
+ Optimized support for fast user switching
+ Optimized the startup speed
+ Removed the option "Alert when rundll32.exe or regsvr32.exe tries to load a DLL/EXE"
+ Restore Lockdown mode after x minutes, just like we have now for Protection
+ Added option to not show again popup notification when a specific process is blocked
+ Support single click in the tray icon to show the main window
+ No action if the user clicks on tray icon while the UI is already opened
+ Added a new TAB "AlertList" used to manage "sensitive" processes (overrides the whitelist)
+ When a process is sent to quarantine it is saved the date and time
+ Optimized the main GUI, added icons and text description in each TAB
+ Fixed removal of quarantined items when there is only 1 item in the list
+ Show "Enabled (Lockdown Mode)" in the Protection=>Status panel and in the tray icon (same for Trust Mode)
+ Removed the menu "Protection" from the main menu (it was redundant)
+ Fixed opening of few MS applications from Main Menu->Utilities
+ Added option "Administration Tools" under Main Menu->Utilities
+ Show a confirmation message when the protection is going to be disabled and the options to re-enable it + password protection are disabled
+ Removed the option to password protect the settings form, best to use "Password protect showing of main Window"
+ Added option "Task Scheduler" under Main Menu->Utilities
+ When protection is disabled show "Protection Disabled" when hovering in the tray icon
+ Added a new menu in MainMenu->Help->License to show the activation code in use
+ Added option to change the activation code
+ Added option to whitelist commandline string using wildcards
+ Added option "Search Hash on VirusTotal" on Processes TAB and on Events TAB
+ Added option "Copy to Clipboard"->"Publisher" on Processes TAB
+ Added new columns in the Processes TAB: Memory, Publisher
+ Show reason of action in Events TAB
+ Minor general optimizations

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro v2.7.4.


[03-04-2013] v2.7.4.0

+ Fixed prompt dialog "Enter password to disable protection" displayed at reboot
+ Renamed "Sensitive Processes" in "Vulnerable Processes" in Alert List TAB
+ Added option "Automatically block processes executed from RAM Disks"
+ Ask user to add vulnerable processes in the alertlist on first run
+ Allow user to edit the wildcard in WhiteList CommandLine (Wildcard) TAB
+ Added option "Clear logs on shutdown"
+ Fixed "Restore Lockdown Mode if disabled for more than"
+ Added support to monitor processes started inside SandboxIE 3.76 (it is needed to edit sandbox configuration)
+ Added option to change to default settings
+ Added option to play a custom WAV file when the alert dialog is displayed
+ Added option to play a custom WAV file when a process is blocked
+ Show a balloon hint when Lockdown Mode or Real-Time Protection has been restored
+ Show a balloon hint when Lockdown Mode or Real-Time Protection has been enabled/disabled
+ Fixed a small issue when importing settings
+ Show a message when settings have been exported or imported
+ Added option "Do you want to export your current settings ?" after the option to reset settings is clicked and confirmed
+ Added option "Save events log to a file" to allow user to save or not save events logs to disk
+ Added option "Enable debugging" in Settings->Debug tab
+ Fixed Windows 8 x64 incompatibility issue
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

Informacja dla tych co używają tego programu wraz z sandboxie i chcieliby by aby procesy w kontenerze były monitorowane
To allow ERP to monitor processes started inside SandboxIE you need to:

1) Open SandboxIE
2) Browse to Configure->Edit Sandbox
3) Under the sandbox paragraph (ex: [DefaultBox]) add this line:



Then close the sandbox settings file and try to open a process inside the sandbox, it should be detected by ERP and you should receive the prompt dialog to allow/block it.

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NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro 2.7.5

+ Added option to enable or disable the balloon hints
+ Allow user to set timeout for balloon hints
+ Fixed issue that occurred when the PC is rebooted: you could not start any application for 6-9 seconds
+ Auto-populate the commandline whitelist and commandline wildcards using the common commandline strings used by the OS
+ Added an option "Copy to Clipboard" in both CommandLine and CommandLine (Wildcards)
+ Fixed the option "Copy All Processes To..." in Processes and Events TAB
+ Automatically save and restore the width of all listviews columns
+ Automatically save and restore the position of the main window and prompt window
+ Optimized the "Enter Password" window
+ Optimized the initial whitelist of system protected processes
+ Added option to password protect the execution of commandline strings with support for wildcards
+ Fixed display of the EULA and Activation window on dual monitors
+ Save and restore the main window state (maximized or normal)
+ Properly show an error balloon hints when protection or lockdown mode is disabled
+ Re-introduced the function that maintains the real-time protection disabled after a reboot
+ Allow main window to be resized
+ Allow user to set the minimum value of 1 in Idle, Protection and Popups options
+ Allow user to enable balloon hints when protection is disabled/enabled or lockdown mode is disabled/enabled
+ Optimized the notification popup window
+ Optimized the icon in the system tray
+ Optimized the alert dialog
+ Updated NVTACTIV
+ Allow alert dialog to be resized
+ When you browse for a file, the folder where is located the selected file is remembered
+ Added option "Do not ask to restore the real-time protection when disabled"
+ Added option "Do not ask to restore the lockdown mode when disabled"
+ Added pagination in the Configuration Wizard
+ When a signed PE file is executed, show in the alert dialog a string in red color that says: the certificate is revoked or invalid
+ Added option to manage Trusted Vendors: all processes signed by the trusted vendors specified in the list will be allowed to run
+ Auto populate the list of trusted vendors
+ Added option to block processes signed with an invalid or revoked certificate
+ Added option to open a new system utility Disk Management
+ Added option "Add to Trusted Vendors" in the alert dialog near "Signed" field

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NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro 2.7.6

+ When export settings, auto-set filename to (example): erp_settings_09-05-2013_12.43.18.erp
+ Fixed export settings in x86 version
+ Fixed display of dialog "Enter commandline string:" in x86 version
+ Sort alphabetically the list of Trusted Vendors
+ Do not show the password prompt when the protection is disabled at reboot
+ Updated NVTACTIV
+ Fixed bug that prompted two times the password dialog on whitelisting operations password protected
+ Optimized the auto-populated commandline whitelist
+ Show the number of days left in the trial version
+ Removed Debug TAB, not needed anymore
+ Optimized notification window when a process is blocked
+ Optimized the configuration wizard
+ Make sure to not quarantine system files when is selected "Block and Quarantine" in alert dialog
+ Removed the option "Block and Delete", better to use "Block and Quarantine" (safer)
+ Optimized uninstallation process
+ Optimized whitelist of trusted folders (allow wildcard and removed "Recursive"->Yes/No option)
+ Added option "WhiteList All .EXE Files in a Folder" in the RMB options in WhiteList Tab
+ Fixed various typos in messages
+ Minor fixes and optimizations


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Bardzo aktywny
6 Lipiec 2012
Nowa wersja NoVirusThanks Exe Radar Pro - v


[18-07-2013] v2.7.7.0
+ Added buttons Allow and Block with drop-down menu in the alert dialog
+ Optimized list of whitelisted commandline strings for x64 and x86 OS
+ Changed file description of services to "NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro x64/x86 Service"
+ Added option "Notify me when a new version is available"
+ After Menu-Restore Default Settings action: "Close the balloon hints after" is set to 5 secs
+ Fixed issue when exporting an empty list, when the settings are imported, the list is cleared correctly
+ Added option "Check for Updates" in Help menu
+ Created an auto-updater application used to automatically update to the latest version
+ If user do not want to update to the new version, remind of the new version available everytime ERP is started
+ When the main window is maximized and then closed, the window state is saved correctly
+ Added option "Allow Microsoft Windows 8 Start Screen processes" to reduce popups in Windows 8 OS
+ Optimized Settings window (removed icons, added Signed Files tab, optimized text, etc)
+ Added new custom mode: "Lockdown Mode (Basic)" that is same as "Lockdown Mode" but it ignores the "Vulnerable Processes"
+ Added new custom mode: "Lockdown Mode (Advanced)" that is same as the old "Lockdown Mode" but it will show an alert dialog for "Vulnerable Processes"
+ Added new custom mode: "Lockdown Mode (Extreme)" that is same as "Lockdown Mode" but it will block "Vulnerable Processes"
+ Added new custom mode: "Alert Mode" that is the default mode (alert when an unknown process is executed)
+ Updated the tray icon popup menu with the new custom modes
+ Removed the tab "Custom Modes" from the Settings window
+ Renamed option "Custom Modes" to "Protection Modes" in tray icon
+ Optimized the tab "Balloon Hints" in the Settings window
+ Protection mode can be changed only from the tray icon
+ Optimized saving of whitelists
+ Added options to reset lists to default, export lists and import lists
+ Added option "Search Hash on VirusTotal" on Quarantine, Blacklist and Whitelist RMB
+ Fixed saving of whitelists items from the alert dialog
+ Optimized auto-generated whitelist of system processes for Microsoft Windows 8.1 OS
+ Optimized the configuration wizard
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

Thanks to all beta testers and all users that helped with suggestions, support and ideas :)

To update to the new version:

1) Close NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro from the tray icon -> RMB -> Exit
2) Uninstall the old version
3) Download the new version from

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4) Install the new version

Brief explaination of the new "Protection Modes":

Alert Mode: it is the default protection mode enabled, it shows the alert dialog everytime an unknown process (not whitelisted) tries to run in the system.
Lockdown Mode (Basic): it blocks every unknown process (not whitelisted) and it ignores processes listed in "Vulnerable Processes".
Lockdown Mode (Advanced): this is the old "Lockdown Mode", it blocks every unknown process (not whitelisted) and it shows the alert dialog when a "Vulnerable Process" is executed (if the commandline string is not whitelisted).
Lockdown Mode (Extreme): it blocks every unknown process (not whitelisted) and it blocks also processes listed in "Vulnerable Process" (if the commandline string is not whitelisted).
Trust Mode: it allows any process except blacklisted processes.
Disabled Mode: the real-time protection is disabled, all processes are executed and logged in the Events tab


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