
Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010

Bardzo ciekawy programik który daje nam szybki dostęp do ulubionych folderów, programów i lokalizacji internetowych z poziomu menu kontekstowego. Menu można uruchomić dowolnym przyciskiem myszy lub za pomocą skrótu na klawiaturze. "Wyskakujące okienko" możemy dowolnie konfigurować, wszystko zależy od naszych potrzeb i jest dla naszej wygody. Dla lepszej personalizacji mamy wsparcie dla szerokiego zakresu formatów graficznych ( *.dll; *.exe; *.ico; *.ocx; *.cpl; *.png; *.bmp; *.gif; *.jpg). Lokalizację wyskakującego okienka możemy dowolnie określić np. określony obszar ekranu lub w pobliżu kursora myszy.

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Quick Access Popup 7.4.2 (2016-08-22)
** This version fixes a bug in v7.4.1 released yesterday **
- fix a bug not showing some icons for favorite Special folders (My documents, etc.) and possibly other folders

New features:
- Alternative menu features available in regular menu using keyboard modifiers when selecting a favorite in the popup menu (Shift for "Open in New Window", Control for "Copy Favorite Location" and Shift+Control for "Edit Favorite")
- when clicking the "Save" button in the "Settings" window, save the favorites without closing the "Settings" window if Shift or Control is pressed

Language files
- updated Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazilian, German and Sweden language files

Icons and desktop.ini (Windows folder icons)
- when building a menu, if an icon has a relative path, make it absolute based on the QAP working directory
- when retrieving an icon from a desktop.ini file, if the folder location has a relative path, make it absolute based on the QAP working directory before reading desktop.ini
- when retrieving an icon from a desktop.ini file, if the icon resource file has a relative path, make it absolute based on the favorite folder (not the QAP working directory)
- when creating a desktop.ini file if the icon resource file is located in the favorite folder itself, create the icon resource file without its path in order to make it relative to the folder and movable with the folder

Other improvements or bug fixes
- feature change: when using "Add This Folder", the "Use default window position" option is now checked (QAP still records the current window position but user must uncheck the option to restore window position when opening the favorite folder)
- simplifiy "Change folder in dialog boxes" option (no more double checkbox)
- show the "Change folder in dialog boxes" alert just before opening a favorite instead of before showing the menu and show it only the first time the user selects a favorite folder over a dialog box
- display proper error message when trying to launch a Link favorite with invalid URL
- fix bug for beta testers, check for update prompt was not skipped for new beta version after user asked to skipped it
- fix a bug in v7.4.1 not showing some icons for favorite of type "Special"

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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
Quick Access Popup 7.4.3 (2016-08-23)
Bug fix
- revert change done in in v7.4.0.2 and save again to settings the path (for example: "> submenu-1 > submenu-2") for favorites of types Menu, Group and Shared; this fixes the broken shortcuts for favorite of these types.
- NOTE for users of Shared menus: favorite shortcuts for items inside shared menus will work only if shared menus has same path from main menu (Main > submenu-1 > submenu-2) on all QAP installations that include this shared menu (this does not impact read-only external menus)

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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
Quick Access Popup 7.5.1 (2016-09-11)
- fix bug: after switching settings, QAP menu hotkeys could not be read and modified in Options

Version: 7.5 (2016-09-11)

THANKS to users who contributed to helped me buy a certificate to make QAP installation safer. QAP is now signed with my brand new certificate.

Import/Export Settings
- add "Import/Export Settings" menu to Tray menu (right-click QAP icon in Notification zone)
- add "Import/Export Settings" to QAP Features list allowing to insert this feature to your QAP menu
- choose to import or export any or all of these settings groups: favorites, hotkeys, alternative menu hotkeys, global settings and themes
- export QuickAccessPopup.ini sections to any existing or to a new configuration (.ini) file
- import from any existing .ini file complying with QuickAccessPopup.ini structure
- replace or append favorites to the destination settings file
- check for unsaved settings before importing or exporting setings
- reload QAP after settings import

Switch Settings file
- add "Switch Settings file" menu to Tray menu (right-click QAP icon in Notification zone)
- add "Switch Settings" feature to QAP Features list allowing to insert this feature to your QAP menu
- change the settings file (.ini) to any file complying with QuickAccessPopup.ini structure
- check for unsaved settings before switching settings file
- reload QAP after switching to a new settings file
- settings file can be configured from command-line parameter "/Settings:", for example: QuickAccessPopup.exe "/Settings:C:\My Folder\My Settings.ini"
- settings fle name can include environment variable and support relative paths based on the QAP working directory

Other changes or bug fixes
- Total Commander "TC Hotlist" menu can be updated when AlternateUserIni parameter is used in [Configuration] section of wincmd.ini
- QAP feature to "Switch" applications now excludes "ghost" Windows 10 apps (pre-loaded by Windows but never used)
- context menus now use QAPmessenger.exe v1.1 with diagnostic code saved to QAP working directory when debugging is activated
- addition of xplorer2 (v3.2.0.2) to list of supported alternative file managers in QAPconnect.ini
- include external menus in hokeys manager list
- display localized favorite type in hotkeys manager list
- German language update

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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
Quick Access Popup (2016-10-09)
- Update MANDATORY: risk of QAP favorites data loss!
- Fix bug when canceling changes to Favorites list in Settings, that could then potentially cause loss of data if saving new changes to settings file after cancellation

Version: 7.5.4

Application favorites
- in advanced settings, support placeholders {CUR_...} for current location where this favorite is launched: {CUR_LOC} (full folder), {CUR_NAME} (last folder), {CUR_DIR} (folder containing last folder) or {CUR_DRIVE}
- in advanced settings, add a check box to set the "Start In" directory (working directory) to the current location where this favorite is launched
- more info in
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Various bux fixes or little improvements
- backup [Favorites] under the name [Favorites-backup] section in settings file before save the new favorites
- when using Add this folder command, if folder path starts with "ftp://", add an FTP favorite
- in Settings, block backdoors allowing to enter in read-only shared menu or to move items to these menus

Total Commander
- in TC Directory Hotlist, support folders relying on file system plugins like VirtualPanel (stop checking if file exist before launching these folders with TC)

Directory Opus
- fix bug then folder includes special characters (like ') when getting the current lister in DOpus (used in Add this folder and in current location placeholders)

Language updates
- German, Sweeden, Portuguese, Brazilian-Portuguese and Italian

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Quick Access Popup

Reduce the number of pages (clicks) in setup procedure from 7 to 3 when installing an update
Language update for German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian-Portuguese and Chineese (TW)
Fix bug working directory not being shown in edit favorite advanced tab for application favorites

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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
Quick Access Popup 8 (2017-01-03)
Live Folder options
- To enable a Live Folder favorite, add or edit a Folder favorite and go to the new tab "Live Folders Options". In this tab you can select:
- the checkbox "Live Folder" to transform this favorite into a menu (and submenus) refreshed with the current content of the folder (and its subfolders)
- an option to set the "Number of subfolders levels to include in the Live Folder menu" (1 by default - keep it low for large folders)
- an option to "Include Documents" in the Live Folder
- an option to "Include" or "Exclude" documents by file extensions
- an option to split Live Folder menu in columns of a given "Number of items per column (0 for no column break)"
- Add the new QAP Feature "Refresh Live Folders menus" to your menu to refresh Live Folder on-demand (normally, Live Folder menus are refreshed when you launch QAP of when you save changes in Settings)
- QAP adds items to Live Folders up to a maximum of 500 items; if this number is exceeded, it displays an alert message
- You can edit a Live Folder favorite in the "Settings" window or using the Alternative menu "Edit a Favorite" (Shift+Middle Mouse Button or Shift+Win+W) and also by clicking any item in a Live Folder menu with Shift+Ctrl menu modifiers pressed
- More info:
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New menu icons
- QAP now uses new color icons from the shared file JLicons.dll installed with QAP
- In "Easy Setup" mode, this file JLicons.dll is saved in the shared applications folder "C:\ProgramData\JeanLalonde"
- In "Portable" mode, the file JLicons.dll is included in the portable ZIP file and must be kept in the same folder as QAP executable file
- This change frees QAP from its dependency on Windows files shell32.dll and imageres.dll
- Using this icons library, menu icons can now be enabled on Windows Server versions.
- Icons from:
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Manage Icons
- The new "Manage Icons" dialog box gives an overview of your current favorites menu icons with buttons to pick a new icon or reset the default icon for each favorite
- Click the new button "Icons" in the Settings window (lower right) or add to your menu the QAP Feature named "Icons"
- In Options (General tab), the numeric value "Manage Icons window rows" alloow to set the height of the window in case the height is calculated based on inaccurate info returned by Windows (this happens sometimes)

Various improvements

Settings window
- New color buttons in Settings window and a new option (first tab) to "Use classic QAP buttons" (black & white) if you prefer the old style buttons
- Stop rebuilding all menus after each add or edit favorite
- Replace the "Save" button in Settings with two buttons: "Save & Close" and "Save & Reload", the latter keeping the Settings window open after reloading the menu (this replaces holding the Shift or Alt modifier keys when clicking the Save button in previous versions)
- When changes are unsaved in the Settings window, if the QAP menu is called or if a favorite is launched via hokey, QAP will prompt user for one of these actions: "Save" - save settings, "Settings" - go to settings or "Cancel" - just cancel the requested action
- Add a confirmation prompt before deleting a group in Settings

Manage Hotkeys window
- New item order column in Hotkeys list to sort initialy favorites with hotkeys following the QAP menu order
- Stop displaying group members in Hotkeys list (this was useless since hotkeys could not be assigned to individual group members)
- In the "Change hotkey" dialog box, new links "Enter" and "Escape" allow to select Enter or Escape as hotkey (idealy associated with keyboard modifiers like Shift, Alt or Ctrl)

Shared menus
- When saving a Shared menu settings file, compare the last modified date after saving and display an error message if the date was not updated (probably because the target file is read-only)
- Display an error message if a new Shared menu settings file cannot be created (probably because the target folder is read-only)
- Automatically append the .ini extension when selecting a Shared menu settings file
- Note that Quick Access Popup still does not manage conflicts if a Shared menu is modified by different users at the same time (see Shared menu help page for more info)

Other improvements
- New option in Options window (Menu hotkeys tab) to enable left or right double Ctrl hotkey (press left or right Control key twice) to open main QAP menu
- Add .cmd extension to the list of supported application extensions (with .exe, .com, .bat, .ahk and .vbs) when adding a favorite by drag and drop or using Explorer context menus
- Append .ini extension if destination export file has no extension when exporting settings
- Replace the "QAP working" notification when rebuilding menu with a small popup message listing the updated menus, close to mouse cursor location
- Record Windows Explorer window position when adding a folder from Windows Explorer context menu (allowing to restore this window position in the "Window Options" tab when launching the folder)
- Add to QuickAccessPopup.ini the setting "AlternativeTrayIcon" under "[Global]" section to set a tray icon replacement (replacement file must be an .ico file)
- In Options, General tab, the new checkbox "Add automatically at the top of menu" makes sure favorites added automatically with "Add this folder", "Add this folder Express" or "Add favorite" from Windows Explorer context menus are added at the top of main menu (by default they are added at the top and, if unchecked, they are added at the bottom)
- Support the new placeholder "{CUR_LOC}" in folder, document and application favorites locations allowing to create favorite with a location relative to the folder where the QAP menu is opened
- Add up/down buttons to numeric values in various settings in Options and Add/Edit favorite windows
- When installing an update with the "Easy Setup" mode, reduce the number of pages (clicks) in setup procedure from 7 to 3

Bug fixes
- Fix bug working directory not being shown in edit favorite advanced setting tab for application favorites
- Changes made in Hotkeys list window are now properly cancelled if user cancels changes in Settings window
- Fix bug when editing a QAP Feature or Special folder favorite from Alternative menu, QAP Feature or Special folders drop down list is now correctly initialized

Language updates
- Update to Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chineese (TW), Brazilian-Portuguese and German language files

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Quick Access Popup 8.0.1

update current year in About dialog box
add NbLiveFolderItemsMax default value to QuickAccessPopup.ini to make it easier to change this value
links updated in Support freeware dialog box

Quick Access Popup 8.0.2

fix Settings dialog box issue with Chinese translation
update to Sweeden, Italian, Portuguese, French and Spanish language files

Quick Access Popup 8.0.3

fix small issue with check for update command

Quick Access Popup 8.0.4

v8.0.4: fix bug in Manage Hotkeys list not retrieving correct favorite on double-click
v8.0.4: alert about menu shortcuts to user when inserting ampersand (&) in short name for the menu
v8.0.4: update to Chinese and French language file

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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
Quick Access Popup 8.2 (2017-05-14)
Shared menus revamped
- three type of Shared menus
1) Personal: menu shared on different computers by the same user
2) Collaborative: menu on a shared drive for a team or a workgroup (every member can edit the menu)
3) Centralized: menu on a shared drive maintained by one or more menu administrator(s)
- new "Shared menu" tab in shared menu favorites to select shared menu type (radio buttons), name and options
- options for "Centralized" shared menus: list of users with right to edit the shared menu (coma separated list), message about shared menu access shown to users without access
- Shared menu options are saved in the "[Global]" section of the share menu ini file, in variables "MenuName", "WriteAccessUsers", "WriteAccessMessage" and "MenuType"
- in favorites list, display Shared menu name and display "Read-only" if current user does not have write access to the centralized menu
- when adding a Shared menu, get the favorite name from the menu ini file if the variable "MenuName" exists
- deprecate the option "Number of the first favorite" in shared menu files (now favorites always starting at 1 but starting number in old menu are still supported)

Shared menus catalogue
- new option in "General" tab to "Enable Shared Menu Catalogue" and select the "Catalogue root folder"
- when user adds a Shared menu and when the catalogue is enabled, give user the option to select the Shared menu from a dialog box
- new Shared menu dialog box containing the shared menu files under the catalogue root with menu names, paths and checkboxes to select menu(s) to add to QAP popup menu
- in Shared menu dialog box, button "Add selected shared menu(s)" to add selected menu(s) from catalogue to the QAP menu at the current menu and position in favorites list
- in Shared menu dialog box, button "Add another shared menu" to browse the file system for any Shared menu settings file and add it to current position in favorites list
- in Shared menu dialog box, respond to double-click on a row by showing Shared menu info and a button to open the settings file in a text editor if it is not read-only
- new "ExternalMenusCataloguePathReadOnly" variable (in QAP ini file only) to prevent user from changing the catalogue root folder when value is 1, and display an error message if user tries to change the root if read-only

Shared menus mutli-user edition
- alert message when user tries to edit an external menu that was modified by another user or on another computer, based on last modification date-time
- reserve external menu when user loads a Shared menu in Settings or when user add or move favorites to a Shared menu, user and computer name are savec in the Shared menu variable "MenuReservedBy"
- release Shared menu reservation when user saves or cancels settings changes or quits QAP
- store and read last modified date in Shared menu ini file and update it only when favorites or external menu properties are changed, not when only reserved without changes
- in "About" dialog box, display user name and computer name

Other changes
- new Alternative menu QAP features "Open the Containing Folder in the Current Window" and "Open the Containing Folder in a New Window" to open the folder containing the selected document, application or folder favorite in the current window or in a new window
- in Export file name, translate placeholder "%A_Now%" to current local date-time and "%A_NowUTC%" to current Coordinated Universal Time (based on computer time), using "YYYYMMDDHH24MISS" format
- in "Import/Export Settings", remember lats destination file in quickaccesspopup.ini when exporting and restore last used file name in when exporting settings
- in "Live folders", exclude folders with the Hidden (H) attribute (keeping those having System attribute without the Hidden attribute)
- enlarge submenus dropdown lists to 500 px in "Add/Edit Favorite" dialog box
- disable the popup menu during settings saving
- remove Patreon donation option; add Paypal links to make donations in EUR and CAD funds
- update to Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese language files

Bug fixes and improvements
- fix bug in Setup program when updating QAP causing QAP Explorer context menus to be re-enabled even if user turned them off in Settings
- fix bug "Open this menu" button missing in "Edit favorite" dialog box for Shared menus favorites
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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Quick Access Popup 8.2.2
  • Fix display bug in Settings, change cursor to hand when mouse over some icons and labels
  • In Shared menus, verify if user has write access when opening a collaborative menu in Settings and give appropriate error message if user has no access
  • In Shared Menus Catalogue, replace "&&" in menu names with single "&"
  • Change QAP feature label "Add shared favorites menu from catalogue"
  • In the Add Favorite dialog box, add info about Live Folder Options in Folder tip
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Quick Access Popup 8.5
Version: 8.5 (2017-09-04)

Menu key
- you can now use the Menu key (also called Context menu key or Application key) to pop up the QAP menu or launch any favorite
- to select the Menu key, in the "Select Hotkey" dialog box, click on the "menu key (application)" link below the hotkey selector
- this hotkey can be combined with any modifiers (Shift, Alt, Ctrl or Win)

- major improvements to make Snippets easier to create and edit
- a button in snippet add/edit favorite dialog box to enlarge the snippet content text box
- font size selector for snippet text box
- check box to display a snippet with fixed font (useful for code snippets)
- display preferences saved with each snippet
- default preferences for snippets can be selected in Options, General tab
- when launching a snippet with the "Prompt before" option, QAP also accepts Space to kick-off a snippet (in addition to Enter)
- change help link to new FAQ page about snippets (see improved FAQ content about Snippets)

Reopen Current Folder in dialog box
- a feature I should have included much earlier... Warning: to take advantage of it, existing users must add themselves this new feature to their menu
- new QAP feature "Reopen Current Folder in dialog box" allowing to reopen in a dialog box the current location in Windows Explorer
- the current location is the folder currently displayed in the active (or in the last active) Windows Explorer window
- current location is also detected in Directory Opus or Total Commander if one of these file magagers is enabled

- set QAP feature default hotkeys for "Reopen Current Folder" to Shift + Ctrl + C (of course, you can change it at any time)
- change QAP feature "Clipboard" default hotkeys from Shift + Ctrl + C to Shift + Ctrl + V
- this change is only for new installations - exising users must do this change themselves, if they wish

- the "Ctrl + Ctrl" option has been moved to the "Alternative menu" tab in Options dialog box, and its presentation has been improved
- add a link beside the "Check for update" checkbox in the Options dialog box to check for update immediately
- check if the "Start in" folder location exists before launching a favorite and do not launch it if the location is not found
- offer to edit the favorite when one of these folder locations is not found: folder, document or application location, "Launch with" application location or "Start in" folder location

- new! Dutch language is now available, thanks to Ric Roggeveen
- German translation update for changes since v8
- updates for Spanish, Italian and French language files, thanks to translators

Bug fixes
- fix an error in QAP 32-bit executable file preventing the Windows Explorer context menus to work with QAP installed in portable mode
- allow favorite location to be a UNC root path (like \\\ or \\MyDomain\) assuming the location is online because Windows does not allow to check if an UNC root location is available (on my system, Windows 10 defaults to the "Documents" folder if the UNC drive is not mounted)
- fix bug when adding a QAP feature and when its default hotkey is already in use for another favorite
- fix bug when processing backtick (accent grave) in snippets (used for code snippets) and add help about backticks in add/edit dialog box
- fix bug && displayed in Drag & Drop help window title instead of &
- add diagnostic code to track the "71 hotkeys limit" bug - if someone encounter this error message, please contact me
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Quick Access Popup 8.5.3
Version: 8.5.2/8.5.3 (2017-09-08)
- v8.5.3 fixes a comment typo in v8.5.2 preventing the app to load
- reverting change from v8.5.1 causing issues for users having special characters in their favorites paths : at QAP startup, STOPS converting QuickAccessPopup.ini to Unicode encoding if it is encoded in ANSI (until more tests are done)
- if your QuickAccessPopup.ini was corrupted using v8.5.1, go to your working directory (
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), rename QuickAccessPopup.ini-ANSI-BK to QuickAccessPopup.ini
- for new installations, this change is maintained: create new settings file QuickAccessPopup.ini with Unicode encoding

Version: 8.5.1 (2017-09-07)
- create new settings file QuickAccessPopup.ini with Unicode encoding; this change allows the use of extended characters in favorite's name, location or content
- at QAP startup, check if QuickAccessPopup.ini encoding is ANSI and, if yes, convert it to Unicode encoding and inform user
- fix bug expand placeholder {CUR_LOC} in application favorite's working directory before checking if directory exists
- fix bug display "Reset default hotkey" in Select hotkey dialog box when there is no default
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Quick Access Popup
Version: (2018-02-23)
- prevent user from changing the location or file name of a Shared menu (avoiding errors); if the file for a shared menu has been renamed or moved, first remove the shared menu and create a new one for the moved or renamed file
- message to confirm before creating a new (empty) external menu
- using Snippets, when waiting to send a text snippet or execute a macro snippet, accept Escape to cancel the snippet

Version: (2018-01-21)
- fix bug introduced in v8.7.1 making the menu miss the QAP features names after user saved changes in the Hotkeys dialog box
- fix bug "unknown" icons displayed for some favorites in menu after saving favorites for the first time after first launch after installation
- fix bug write file version number to executable files (32-bit and 64-bit)
- add executable files version number to setup executable file
- compiled with new AHK runtime v1.1.27.03 and display AHK runtime version in About dialog box
- update to traditional Chinese (ZH-TW) language file

Version: 8.7.1 (2017-12-30)

Run as administrator
- new checkbox "Run as administrator" in Options, first tab, to launch QAP as an admnistrator (ie: with elevated privileges)
- display a security alert when selecting the "Run as administrator" option and when launching QAP as administrator
- when running as administrator, embed the Windows UAC (User Access Control) logo in QAP icon in the Notification zone
- add the "[admin]" tag to QAP application name when running as administrator
- administrator security alert, "[admin]" tag and QAP tray icon with UAC logo are displayed only if QAP is running as admin because of the "Run as administrator" option (ie: not if user launched QAP as administrator by other means)
- launch QAP with normal privileges if user decline elevation (ie: do not enter the admin password when requested)
- more info here:
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Bug fixes
- in Live Folders, fix icons for items with extension .url (links) or .lnk (shortcuts)
- fix bug when Directory Opus had multiple listers and wrong lister was sometimes activated after opening a folder in new tab
- fix bug in French version to remember the "Add/Edit favorite" dialog box width

- the QAP startup shortcut (created when user select the "Run at startup" option) now includes the "/Settings:" parameter if user switched settings file (QAP will reload with the changed settings file)
- add a random number to QAP temporary folder name to make sure we have distinct folders in case multiple QAP instances are launched
- use the Windows UAC (User Access Control) logo as default icon for the Alternative menu "Run as administrator"
- new JLicons.dll icons file v1.4 including Windows UAC logo icon and QAP icon with UAC logo
* User installing QAP in PORTABLE mode, make sure you update your JLicons.dll file
- Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, German, Spanish and French language update

Version: 8.7 (2017-12-06)

New QAP Features
- new QAP feature "Repeat Last Actions" displaying a submenu with the last 10 items selected in the popup menu
- adding a new submenu "Repeat Last Actions" to the "My QAP Essentials" menu for new installation only (* existing users must add it themselves *)
- when an item is selected from the "Repeat Last Actions" menu, it is moved to the top of the menu
- new option in "Options", "Menu" tab, to select the number of items in "Repeat Last Actions" menu (default 10)
- new QAP feature "Repeat Last Action" (singular) to repeat the last item selected in the popup menu (* users must add it themselves to their menu *)

- new QAP Feature "Recent Files" displaying a submenu with recent files as remembered by Windows
- adding a new submenu "Recent Files" to the "My QAP Essentials" menu for new installation only (* existing users must add it themselves *)
- adding a new submenu "Repeat Last Actions" to the "My QAP Essentials" menu for new installation only (* existing users must add it themselves *)
- the "Recent Files" submenu contains the same number of items as the "Recent Folders" submenu

- new option in "Options", "Menu" tab, to display the refreshed folders "Recent Folders", "Recent Files" and "Drives" attached to the main menu (with a refresh delay that may vary at each menu popup) or detached as stand-alone menus refreshed on demand (as before this release)

Russian keyboard support
- various adjustments for systems where current input language (keyboard) is Russian (language code 0419)
- if Russian keyboard is detected, replace Windows + W and Shift + Windows + W menu keyboard hotkeys with equivalent keys on Russian keyboard (ASCII Unicode 1094)
- at first execution, do not assign default hotkeys to favorites if running on a system with Russian keyboard
- change method of initialization of shortcuts in "Settings" window to avoid errors with Russian keyboard

Temporary folder
- add an option in "General" tab to select the folder where the QAP temporary folder is created (and deleted when you exit QAP)
- for new installation starting with this version, the default temporary folder is created in Windows %TEMP% folder (e.g. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp)

Other improvements
- support navigation (change folder) in PowerShell window as in the command-line console (CMD)
- add an item to the QAP system menu (richt-click on QAP icon menu in Notification zone) labeled "Restore Settings window position" that move the "Settings" window to its default position and size, in case it would become invisible following changes by user in screens configuration
- when activating a running application with Applications favorite option "If the application is already running, activate it instead of launching", activate it only if it has the requested admnin (UAC) level (elevated or normal), if not, launch a new instance with the required admin level (if the application supports multiple instances)
- allow resize of dialog box shown when selecting a destination menu for copied or moved multiple favorites, allowing to see longer destination menus and save window last position to ini file to restore it when using this dialog box again
- add code to be more specific when detecting a file dialog box (Open, Save As, etc.) and exclude non-file dialog boxes (Preferences, Options, etc.)

Bug fixes
- changes in Manage Icons window were not saved if favorites were part of a shared menu
- could not use the Alternative menu feature "Edit a favorite" for running apps favorites if the "If this application is already running, activate..." option was enabled
- default hotkeys for QAP features in "My QAP Essentials" were not correctly initializes when creating the settings file at first execution
- bug in error message when a hotkey was not available in current keyboard layout
- opening Special folder "Control panel" in Directory Opus was causing a blank tab to be added
- make sure the application window does not stay minimized when activating a running application with Applications favorite option "If the application is already running, activate it instead of launching"

Language updates
- update to Traditional Chinese (ZH-TW, back to v8.1), Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Spanish, Dutch and French language files
- English language revision (thanks to Richard for proofreading)

Version: 8.6.4 (2017-11-29)
- fix bug: changes in Manage Icons window were not saved if menu was part of a shared menu
- fix bug: could not use the Alternative menu feature "Edit a favorite" for running apps favorites if the "If this application is already running, activate..." option was enabled
- give temporary menu name to unknown QAP feature (this should only happen if switching back from a version with a new QAP feature to an earlier version where this QAP feature is unknown)
- Traditional Chinese (ZH-TW) translation update (back to v8.1, thanks to Jess) and English language proofreading (thanks to Richard)

Version: 8.6.3 (2017-11-16)
- make "Add this Folder or Link" work with recent versions of Firefox (tested with v56)
- fix bug when adding a link with "Add this Folder or Link" from the QAP icon menu
- fix display bug in "Edit favorite" dialog box when very long web page title is retrieved as favorite name
- fix bug when assigning an hotkey to an Alternative menu feature for the first time
- update to Brazilian Portuguese language file

Version: 8.6.2 (2017-11-06)
- for new inslallations only, add default hotkeys to QAP features:
"Add This Folder or Link" -> Shift + Control + A
"Reopen Current Folder in Dialog Box" -> Shift + Control + C
"Clipboard" -> change from Shift + Control + C to Shift + Control + V
(existing users can add it themselves in the Edit Favorite dialog box, Menu Options tab)
- fix bug display hotkey title in error messages when a hotkey is not available in current keyboard layout
- update to Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Spanish, French and Dutch language files

Version: 8.6.1 (2017-10-29)
- fix bug default icon not set properly when adding a favorite (update RECOMMENDED for all users)
- block popup menu during menu refresh launched with QAP feature Refresh Live menus
- add link for monthly donations in Support freeware dialog box

Version: 8.6 (2017-10-26)

Add this Link
- the QAP Feature "Add This Folder" has been renamed "Add this Folder or Link" and now detects URL locations in browsers as well as folder locations in supported file managers
- when adding a link, QAP retrieves the web page title automatically as default favorite name; if the URL returns an error (this can happen even for valid pages), it leaves the favorite name empty
- when adding or editing a favorite link, a button allows to retrieve the page title from the web page
- a tooltip is displayed when retrieving web page title (in case fetching the tile takes some time)

Copy multiple favorites
- support copy multiple favorites (still excluding menus and groups)
- multiple copy stops when an existing favorite in the destination menu has the same name as the copied favorite (as for multiple move in previous versions)
- an error message is displayed when user ask to move or copy multiple favorites to their actual location

Text Separators
- a new favorite type "Text Separator" allows to insert text entries as headers or sub-headers in the QAP menu (selecting these entries in the menu has no effect)
- a new "T" icon in the left column of Settings window can be clicked to add Text Separators
- by default, Text Separators have no icon but one can be selected in the "Menu Options" tab

Favorites icons management
- QAP now allows favorites to have "no icon"
- in add/edit favorite dialog box "Menu Options" tab, a new link labeled "no icon" selects the "no icon" pseudo-icon (the "forbidden" sign with a diagonal bar)
- the "no icon" icon can also be selected in the JLicons.dll file
- the favorite icons taken in JLicons.dll are now saved in the settings file by their name (e.g. "iconFolder") instead of the "file,index" format used for icons from other files
- current icons from JLindex.dll in the settings file are be converted from "file,index" format to names (e.g. "iconFolder") the first time settings are saved with this version (and future versions)
- in add/edit favorite dialog box "Menu Options" tab, a new link labeled "select in JLicons.dll"
- a new icon file named JLicons.dll v1.3 including the new iconNoIcon pseudo-icon will be automatically updated for Setup users (for portable installation, make sure the previous file is replaced)

Unicode conversion
- QAP now save its settings (QuickAccessPopup.ini) with Unicode encoding, allowing more international and special characters to be saved in favorites location, snippets content or favorites names
- QAP still supports existing settings file saved in ANSI encoding but it offers to do the conversion when QAP is loaded with this version (and future versions)
- if settings file is encoded in ANSI, QAP displays a dialog box offering the user to:
1) convert its settings file to Unicode encoding (for better int'l and special characters support);
2) not convert (value "DoNotConvertSettingsToUnicode=1" is added to settings to remember this choice);
3) or ask again at next startup.
- the dialog box includes a link to a FAQ web page for explanation and help (
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- the option "Always open folders in current file manager window" in Options, "Files mamagers" tab is added to always change folder in the current Explorer, Total Commander or Directory Opus window, except when using the Alternative menu "Open in new window"; this applies to favorites of types Folder, Special Folder and FTP
- improve visibility of the "Explorer context menu" option in Options "Menu" tab
- new value SendToConsoleWithAlt in Global settings, default 1 (true), to use the ALT+0nnn ASCII codes when changing folder in a command-line window (CMD)
- partial update of all language files (complete updates in next versions), full update of the French language file

Bug fixes
- fix bug when changing folder in command-line window (CMD) with some international keyboard input language (by using the ALT+0nnn ASCII codes)
- fix bug when opening an application favorite with {CUR_LOC} and when location is empty (this was happening when the current window was not an Explorer window)
- fix bug when user cancels the pick icon dialog box, now QAP keeps the selected icon
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Quick Access Popup 9.0.1
Version: 9.0.1 (2018-04-28)

Scheduled refresh
- new option to refresh periodically the Live Folders menus and Shared Menus (during the short refresh period, the menu is not available)
- set the "Interval between refresh (seconds)" in "Menu" tab of "Options" windows
- recommended interval is 300 seconds (5 minutes) or more and minimal interval is 30 seconds
- use the check box "Beep before and after refresh (debug)" to help estimate the time required to refresh the menu

Tree views when adding QAP features and Windows Special folders
- in "Add/Edit Favorite" dialog box, replace dropdown lists new tree view lists help selecting new QAP features or Windows Special folders
- QAP Features and Windows Special folders are grouped in the tree view by categories
- each QAP features has a description and is linked to a FAQ page on QAP web site
- you can double click an item in the tree view to add immediately the new QAP feature or Windows Special folder

- an hotstring is a small sequence of characters used as trigger to expand an abbreviation into the full text of a Snippet (auto-replace) or to launch any type of favorite
- a new "Hotstrings" section is added to the "Menu Options" tab in "Add/Edit Favorite" dialog box
- in the "Change hotstring" dialog box, you set the trigger (abbreviation) and options: Case sensitive, Do not conform to typed case, Expand inside other words, Keep hotstring abbreviation, Do not wait for Ending key, Do not keep Ending key (see FAQ page for explanations of options:
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- due to large number of options combinations (taking into account case-sensitivity and other options), QAP does not validate that hotstring triggers are unique; in case of duplication, depending on various options, only one of the favorites having the same hotstring will be triggered
- in "Options", "Hotkeys" tab, a new button "Hotstrings default options" opens a dialog box where you can set default values for options of newly created hotstrings (these defaults do not impact existing hotstrings)
- the "Manage Hotkeys" window now has two tabs: the existing list of Favorite Shortcuts is inserted in a first tab and a second tab now lists the Favorites Hotstrings
- a new QAP feature named "Hotstrings" opens the "Manage Hotkeys" window in the "Hotstrings" tab
- the QAP feature "Hotkeys" has been renamed "Shortcuts"

Settings window improvements
- a new "Sort" button on the left side of the "Settings" window to "Sort all or selected favorites in list"; sorting stops at the first line separator or column break, if present
- a new "Move" button on the right side of the "Settings" window to move one or multiple favorites to another sub menu (no more need to edit a favorite to move it to another menu)
- the "Hotkeys" button has been moved to the bottom of the "Settings" window and now has two distinct labels: "Shortcuts" to manage shortcuts and "Hotstrings" to open directly the Hotstrings tab
- remove support for old black and white buttons (already deprecated since v8.1.1)

Extended Search in favorites
- in "Settings" window, a new check box "Extended Search" beside the "Search" text box gives more power to the Search tool
- by default, with the "Extended Search" not checked, the Search tool only filters favorites based on their name
- if the "Extended Search" is checked, search also covers favorite type, shortcut text, hotstring trigger, location (file or folder path), snippet content, FTP login and advanced settings "Parameters" and "Start in" folder

Sort Live folders
- new "Sort" options in "Live Folders Options" of favorite folders allow to sort the content of Live folders by file name, extension, size or modified date
- Live folder content can be sorted ascending or descending
- default sort order is alphabetically by file name

Close computer QAP Features
- new QAP Feature "Close Computer Control Center", a dialog box giving full control on the way you close or suspend your computer with commands "Power down", "Shutdown", "Restart" and "Logoff", with option to force closing or not; "Sleep" or "Hibernate", with options to suspend immediately or not, or to disable wake events or not; "Turn monitor off", "Put monitor in low-power mode" or "Start screen saver"
- new individual QAP Features to "Restart computer", "Logoff user", "Sleep computer", "Hibernate computer", "Turn monitor off", "Put monitor in low-power mode" and "Start screen saver"

Add Favorites QAP Features
- twelve new QAP features to add a favorite for each type of favorite
- when adding a favorite using any of the "Add Favorite" QAP features (including "Add this Folder or Link"), the default parent menu of the new favorite is now the same menu where the QAP feature was launched
- when adding a favorite with "Add this Folder or Link Express" QAP feature, the new favorite is immediately added to the same menu where the QAP feature was launched
- the position of the new favorite is set accordingly to the options "When adding automatically, add a favorite at..." top or bottom, in the "Menu" tab of the "Options" window
- at first QAP launch, when creating the default QuickAccessPopup.ini file, the item "Add Feature - QAP Feature" is added at the top of the "My QAP Essentials" menu and the item "Add Feature - Special" is added at the top of the "My Special Folders" menu

Other new QAP Features
- "Close All Windows" shows a list of all the windows of running application where you can close all or selected windows in one click
- "Reopen Current Folder from Dialog Box" will open a new Windows Explorer window and load the folder that is active in the dialog box
- "Switch to default settings file" reloads the normal QAP settings file QuickAccessPopup.ini
- various QAP features for existing features that were available only in Tray menu but can now be added in any menu: "Restore Settings Position", "Check for update" and "Edit Settings file"

Tray menu (right-click on QAP icon in Notification zone)
- group some Tray menu options under a new sub menu "Settings file options"
- add the item "Switch to default settings file" to the Tray sub menu "Settings file options"

Keyboard shortcuts (internal changes)
- internal keyboard shortcuts management has been simplified and now allows to have various shortcuts for the same location with different parameters
- in the settings file QuickAccessPopup.ini, shortcuts are now saved with the favorites info (in the [Favorites] section instead of the separate [LocationHotkeys] section as before)
- the existing shortcuts in the [LocationHotkeys] section are automatically upgraded to the new favorites shortcuts format
- IMPORTANT NOTE: once you upgraded to a version greater than v9.0 (or beta release v8.7.1.92), you should not revert to an earlier version (if whenever you have to do it, your keyboard shortcuts will be lost)

Other minor improvements
- Shared menus: prevent user from changing the location or file name of a Shared menu (avoiding errors); if the file for a shared menu has been renamed or moved, first remove the shared menu and create a new one with the moved or renamed file
- Snippets: when displaying a prompt waiting to send a text snippet or execute a macro snippet, QAP now accepts Escape to cancel the snippet
- Drag & Drop: when adding a file shortcut (.lnk) using drag and drop, set the default name of the favorite to the name of the shortcut
- File Shortcuts (.lnk): when adding a file shortcut with the "Add favorite" dialog box or using drag and drop, get the favorite default icon value and, for applications, the "Parameters" (command line arguments) and "Start In" working directory values from the file shortcut (this is already done that way when adding the shortcut using the Explorer context menu)
- Add favorite: reorder the types of favorites radio buttons in the "Select Type" dialog box when you add a favorite
- Windows Explorer: opening a folder that is already open in another Explorer window now brings the existing window to front (instead of creating a new window) except, of course, if you click inside an existing Explorer window, in which case it changes the folder inside this window
- Windows Explorer instances: before this release, opening a folder in a new window was creating a new Explorer instance for every new folder; now, the window for a new folder is created under the existing Explorer instance and only one Explorer instance is created by QAP (unless user open the Alternative menu "Open in new window" or if user adds an argument to the folder in "Advanced Settings" in which cases QAP must create new Explorer instances)
- Exclusions: add the capability to exclude menu mouse trigger (by default, Middle mouse button) by process name in addition to window title and class name (the process name is usually the name of the executable file of an application, for example: NOTEPAD.EXE) and add detection of process name when using the "Get window info" button below exclusion list in "Exclusion" tab of the "Options" window
- make sure location ends with backslash for app's Save As dialog box (like with Notepad++ v7.5.6) trying to save instead of navigating if location does not end with backslash
- QAP development framework AutoHotkey has been upgraded to v1.1.28.00

- language updates for Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
- removed Sweedish language (not updated since v8.0)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Quick Access Popup 9.0.2
Version: 9.0.2 (2018-05-06)

- fix bug showing the Settings window empty or with wrong content under certain conditions, especially when used in non-English language
- fix display bug when adding line separators of column breaks in Settings
- other minor improvements
- Italian language update
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Quick Access Popup 9.0.3
Changes in v9.0.3 (2018-05-12):

- optimize recent folders and recent files menu refresh when these menus are attached to the main menu (refresh time will be shorter when only one of the "Recent Folders" or "Recent Files" is used)
- close all windows now default with window lines unchecked
- Hotstrings: restart QAP automatically when an hotstring's options are changed, display an alert for the first change (avoid intermittent glitches)
- Hotstrings: remove unsupported options "Do not keep Ending key" and "Do not conform to typed case"
- Dutch language file update and minor updates to EN, DE and ES language files; add Dutch language to Setup script
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