Eru, I just checked your link, but nothing about the FINAL VERSION THERE, only release candidateEru napisał:
03.08.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 final (32/64)
03.08.12 Fixed: The entry "Network (workgroup)" was shown with user color for encrypted files (32/64)
02.08.12 Fixed: Inplace rename button wasn't removed after entering inaccessible network path in current path field (32/64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Click on button in second row of button bar which opens bar as submenu multiple times -> pressed state sometimes not removed (32/64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Workaround to faulty CAB unpack dll on Linux with Wine passing unaligned FDINOTIFICATION structure to callback (64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Lister: Could not search for English text in file encoded with ISO-2022-JP (50220). Displayed position, copy to clip are unfortunately wrong (32/64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Copying a folder with Shift+F5 didn't remove trailing spaces entered by the user (32/64)
Added "Light Alloy" application
Added two new resolutions to properly display button bars: 1366x768 and 2560x1440
Added new icon collection (buttons, drives and icons)
Updated and optimized installer code
Updated TC UP Turbo tool to its newest version (4.0)
Updated TC UP.exe to its newest version (6.0)
Updated TCUPShellExt.dll for x64 machines (Windows Shell TC UP context menu)
Updated "AIMP" application to the newest version (3.55 build 1345)
Updated "GIMP" application to the newest version (2.8.10)
Updated "Notepad++" application to the newest version (6.5.5 UNICODE)
Updated "Opera" application to the newest version (20.0.1387.77)
Updated "Recuva" application to the newest version (1.50.1036)
Updated "Subtitle Workshop" application to the newest version (6.0b)
Updated "System Explorer" application to the newest version (
Updated "TeamViewer" application to the newest version (9.0.26297 P)
Updated "Total Commander" application to the newest version (8.50)
Updated "uTorrent" application to the newest version (3.4 build 30660)
Updated "VirtualDub" application to the newest version (1.10.4 build 35491)
Updated "Wavosaur" application to the newest version (
Updated "XnView" application to the newest version (2.20)
Removed "The KMPlayer" application
Various plugins have been updated
Known bugs have been fixed
Fixed: No progress bar in system tray icon when using external icon library (via iconlib=) on high DPI device (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Increased maximum allowed value of DataConnectTimeout (wcx_ftp.ini) from 60 to 300 seconds (default is 10 seconds) (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when aborting delete from FS plugin during the counting phase (checking how many files are in selected subfolders) (32/64)
Fixed: Left panel switched to c:\ when inserting/removing USB stick while "Drive not found" error was shown (32)
Fixed: Right click context menu: Still crashes caused by PowerArchiver shell extension - fixed by initializing command string to 0 (32/64)
This version corrects various errors. The main reason for the release is the new Windows version 10, but it also fixes errors on older versions. If you use Total Commander 8.51a or older, we recommend that you update to Total Commander 8.52 immediately.
Dodanie narzędzia "WinDirStat".
Aktualizacja programu "Free Download Manager" do najnowszej wersji (3.9.6 build 1614).
Aktualizacja programu "Notepad++" do najnowszej wersji (6.8.2).
Aktualizacja programu "Opera" do najnowszej wersji (31.0.1889.174).
Aktualizacja programu "System Explorer" do najnowszej wersji (
Aktualizacja narzędzia "TeamViewer" do najnowszej wersji (10.0.45862 P).
Aktualizacja narzędzia "ADWCleaner" do najnowszej wersji (5.004).
Aktualizacja wtyczek do najnowszych wersji.
Poprawa błędów.
Crash unpacking ZIPs packed with LZMA compression (wrong tcmdlzma.dll included) (32 bit only)
Crash when entering more than ~300 characters in Files - Change attributes - "time" field, may be a possible security hole (32/64 bit)
Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.1 zawiera nowy program do obsługi sieci BitTorrent - qBittorrent, zmiany w kodzie instalatora jak i zaktualizowane narzędzie TC UP New, które od teraz wspiera obsługe 64 bit (poprawiono też mnóstwo błędów). Od tej wersji mamy w TC UP kolejny skandynawski język - Duński.
Jak zwykle przy okazji wydania nowej wersji pakietu TC UP do najnowszych wersji zaktualizowane zostały programy wchodzące w jego skład (HomeBank 5.0.8, KeePass 1.31, Notepad++ 6.9.2, Opera 38.0.2220.31, Recuva 1.53.1087, System Explorer, TeamViewer 11.0.59518 P, XnView 2.36).
New functions in Total Commander 9:
User interface:
Use icons for folders and drives from Explorer, can be switched to old icons via main settings - icons
New button bar icons (optional, can be chosen during first start or via right click )
Vertical button bar (can be disabled via main settings - Layout)
Extra space between lines in file list (configurable via main settings - Icons)
Windows 10: Use Windows Photo Viewer instead of Photo app (disable with wincmd.ini [Configuration] ReplacePhotoApp=0)
View modes, can be switched manually via menu "Show", or automatically by rules
Show icons on folder tabs depending on the displayed folder
Rubber band selection mode when using left mouse button selection, disable via settings
Show up to 3 external devices without drive letter (e.g. Android or Windows Phone) in Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown list
Background transfer manager (F5-F2): Show second progress bar with overall progress if available
Themed text cursor, enable/disable in Configuration - Options - Colors
Dimmed icons for hidden files/folders (configurable via main settings - Icons)
Show small green arrow as overlay icon when a folder is open, e.g. in tree or when opening very large folder
Click on tab header with "locked but directory changed allowed" returns to base directory of that tab
Better support for high resolution screens
Default font is now "Segoe UI regular" for new installations
Set scaling of dialog boxes (OverrideDPI) via main settings - fonts
Option to show sizes with 1k=1000bytes instead of 1k=1024bytes
Option to show numbers in TBytes, with 1 or 2 decimal digits
File operations:
Unicode support for descript.ion files
Inplace rename: Use up/down arrow to jump to previous/next file (configurable)
F5 Copy/F6 Move: Show combobox with all open tabs and all subdirectories in the target panel (Shift: Source panel)
F5 copy: Skip empty dirs by appending |**\ to line "only files of this type"
Create and verify additional checksum types: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512
Create checksums separately in each directory
Speed up hash check of MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 by using Microsoft Crypto API functions
Delete files directly (not to recycle bin): In case of errors, ask at the end of the entire operation
Delete files directly: Also offer "Skip all" when a file is missing
Re-use threads for delete, loading hints and ID-lists
Disable overwrite confirmation in sync: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0
Support TLS 1.1 and 1.2 with new openssl dlls (optional) or Windows sChannel library
Use Windows certificate stores "ROOT" and "CA" to verify purchased server certificates
Always verify certificates now, even when wincmd.pem is missing, since we use the root certs from Internet Explorer now
Self-signed certs can be trusted with a checkbox in the certificate dialog
ZIP unpacker: Support new compression method XZ (method 95) with updated tcmdlzma.dll and tclzma64.dll
Support invalid ZIP archives with no CRC in the local header and behind the zip file, e.g. created by owncloud
Support invalid ZIP archives with UTF-8-encoded names but missing UTF-8 flag (created by Dropbox)
Search function:
Use "Everything" tool for much faster search on NTFS drives, also on network shares if possible
Search with content plugins for text on main search page
Regular expressions supported in more types: Unicode UTF-8+UTF-16, Office XML
New option "Older than" working just like "Not older than"
Standalone search: Allow to search in search results (after feed to listbox) and selected files
Compare by content:
Show only differences, with additional lines above/below the differences, including editing
Edit mode: triple click now selects entire line
Multi-rename tool:
New buttons to insert other fields like parent [P]
Improved range selection dialog
If there are duplicate names, or names that already exist, offer to auto-rename to "name (2).ext", "name (3).ext" etc.
Undo now supports multiple undo steps (Undo multiple rename operations).
Ctrl+Shift+Q: Opens Quick View in separate Lister window, updates contents when going to other file
View files of type RTF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, HTML with internal viewers also in read-protected folders (via DuplicateHandle)
Use larger buffer sizes to handle longer blocks of text without line breaks
Other operations:
Double click/ENTER: Follow .url files pointing to directrories within Total Commander. Disable via wincmd.ini
Manual update check via menu Help - Check for updates now, using DNS lookup (TXT record)
Automatic update check, can be enabled in manual update check function
Ctrl+B in search result = Go to directory of file under cursor
Read virtual folders like the Network Neighborhood asynchronously (faster initial response) and in a background thread
Directory history: Remember name under cursor and position in list when entering a subdir via double click/Enter
Content plugins: new content field chooser dialog instead of menu. Also show field preview for file/dir under cursor
Synchronize dirs: Compare with multi-part ZIP, supports compare by content and view
Buttonbar, Start menu: New Parameter %C1..%C9, %c1..%c9
Internal commands:
to focus specific panels, including tree: cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusTrg, cm_FocusLeftTree etc.
to select/unselect one or more files: cm_Select, cm_Unselect, cm_Reverse
to open lister: cm_ListOnly, cm_ListMulti, cm_ListInternalMulti, cm_SeparateQuickView, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly
cm_wait, accepting wait time in milliseconds, e.g. cm_wait 1000. Can be combined, e.g. em_cmd1,cm_wait 1000,em_cmd2
cm_100percent accepts parameter 1..100 to set specific position of divider
Send WM_USER+50 to TC to get various numerical values like index of current file, first file, control window handles etc. (see history.txt)
Installer (of the demo version):
The Installer now accepts the following options: /AHLMGDUK
A=Auto install,
H=Run hidden,
L=Language number,
G=Create group,
D=Create desktop icon,
U=Update if target exists,
K=installs wincmd.key file located in same directory as the installer.
All options accept parameters 1 or 0, e.g. G0 or G1. L accepts language Nr. from install.inf, e.g. L18=Romanian
Note: All options MUST be passed as a single parameter after a single slash, not as separate parameters
23.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 final (32/64)
22.11.16 Fixed: Internal function cm_SearchForInCurDir tried to search in curdir\.. instead of current dir with cursor on [..] (64)
22.11.16 Fixed: Search in separate process: List file containing selected file names wasn't deleted (32)
22.11.16 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameter %p%s in branch view added path relative to current dir twice (32/64)
21.11.16 Fixed: Left panel: Search result within archive; Right panel: Create file with Shift+F4, then rename it -> search result was lost (32/64)
21.11.16 Fixed: Allow to open files even if they contain right to left markers, but only if they also contain real right to left text (e.g. Arabic) (32/64)
21.11.16 Fixed: Do not remove right to left markers from file names in list when using aligned extensions (separate column) (32/64)
21.11.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: The new checkboxes (e.g. for dimmed icons) were not disabled when checking "no icons" (32/64)
20.11.16 Added: RestrictInterface=1024: Disable manual and automatic update checks, and hide update function from menu (e.g. for companies) (32/64)
20.11.16 Fixed: TC could cause high CPU load when minimized with option "Auto-refresh" set to "Don't react to updates while in the background" when files were changed while minimized (32/64)
14.12.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a final (32/64)
14.12.16 Fixed: Mapped USB drives or network drives added after starting TC would show up with internal icon/as disconnected when using Explorer icons and no drive buttonbar (32/64)
13.12.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Entries which appeared with a delay were sometimes shown as files, not folders (32/64)
13.12.16 Fixed: Standalone install64.exe ignored UserName= line in install.inf when auto-installing. Furthermore, the line userforicons= was unused (64)
13.12.16 Fixed: Clear pending numeric coprocessor exceptions also before dispatching Windows messages to reduce problems with C/C++ plugins and extensions (32)
12.12.16 Fixed: Unpack files with forbidden characters ?*|<> also from 7zip and rar archives, partial support for packer plugins too (32/64)
12.12.16 Fixed: Disabled the fix "Support invalid ZIP archives with UTF-8-encoded names but missing UTF-8 flag (created by Dropbox)" on systems with double byte charsets like Chinese, because some valid Chinese double byte characters would be detected as UTF-8 (32/64)
11.12.16 Fixed: Alt+F5 re-pack files from within an archive, no target path given (e.g. rar:newfile.rar) -> archive was created in TEMP dir, need to insert current directory (32/64)
11.12.16 Fixed: Lister (F3): Search for regular expressions in UTF-8 and UTF-16 modes didn't handle backslashes correctly, had to enter \\\ instead of \\ to find a single backslash (32/64)
11.12.16 Fixed: Auto switch mode: sort order was lost when restarting TC while in an archive, and view mode of parent directory had sort order set to "unchanged" (32/64)
11.12.16 Fixed: Reduced flickering when pressing ESC while not in command line (32/64)
11.12.16 Fixed: Quick filter: Filter icon was drawn 1 pixel too high, separator line was overdrawn (32/64)
11.12.16 Fixed: Brief view, select all, select nothing, select all -> total number of files was no longer shown in footer (32/64)
08.12.16 Fixed: In rare cases, TC may start with empy file panels. To fix, add to wincmd.ini [Configuration] FixEmptyPanel=1 (32/64)
32bit:New functions in Total Commander 9.10:
User interface:
File operations:
- Support for multiple screens with different densities (DPI) per screen on Windows 10 (requires latest release version, "Creators Update", or newer).
- Support for Windows 10 fall Creators Update, mainly OneDrive online only file support
- Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off)
- Support new pseudo environment variables from values described
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!- just leave out the FOLDERID_ prefix, e.g. %$AccountPictures%
- "New folder" (F7) can now use the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool (e.g. date+time), and create multiple directories in one step using a counter
- "New text file" (Shift+F4) now supports the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool
- "New text file" (Shift+F4) now also works in archives, on FTP servers, and with file system plugins
- Option to use latest "Everything" tool in Alt+Shift+Enter/Spacebar free space calculations
- Internal 7zip unpacker: Support background unpacking
Compare by content:
- Support touch screen scrolling+text selection
- Support Unicode names when loading images via Irfanview (needs new Unicode version of Irfanview)
Multi-rename tool:
- Set width in binary mode to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes
- New placeholders for inserting current date+time