Total Commander - wersje stabilne


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Total Commander 9.12
24.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 final (32/64)
23.11.17 Fixed: Get \\tsclient shares during remote desktop session using Unicode functions (64)
22.11.17 Fixed: Position and size of background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background) could be wrong on Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
22.11.17 Fixed: Drag the copy progress dialog (F5-Enter) to secondary screen with different DPI -> size wasn't changed (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: If the option EditNewName=name was set to a placeholder string, e.g. EditNewName=<[YMD].txt, the placeholders were not resolved on Shift+F4 (32/64)
21.11.17 Fixed: 32-bit color drive icons with transparency still used the first pixel as transparent color for the drive buttonbar (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: Printing didn't work when starting TC with command line parameters starting with / (e.g. /i=ini file) (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: The initial window size of resizable dialogs (e.g. synchronize dirs, multi-rename tool etc.) was too small on high dpi screens (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, copy attributes (via right click menu): Couldn't copy timestamp if target had read only attribute (32/64)
21.11.17 Fixed: Internal associations pointing to different packers didn't work any more, e.g. *.exe -> "7zip packer", **7z (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.4
Wersja 7.4 (2017 12 31)
Aktualizacja programu "AIMP" do najnowszej wersji (4.50 Build 2058).

Aktualizacja programu "Ant Movie Catalog" do najnowszej wersji (

Aktualizacja programu "HomeBank" do najnowszej wersji (5.1.6).

Aktualizacja programu "KeePass" do najnowszej wersji (1.34).

Aktualizacja programu "Miranda NG" do najnowszej wersji (0.95.8).

Aktualizacja programu "Notepad++" do najnowszej wersji (7.5.3).

Aktualizacja programu "Opera" do najnowszej wersji (49.0.2725.64).

Aktualizacja programu "qBittorrent" do najnowszej wersji (4.0.2).

Aktualizacja programu "Team Viewer" do najnowszej wersji (13.0.6447 P).

Aktualizacja programu "Total Commander" do najnowszej wersji (9.12).

Aktualizacja programu "VeraCrypt" do najnowszej wersji (1.21).

Aktualizacja programu "WContig" do najnowszej wersji (

Aktualizacja programu "XnView" do najnowszej wersji (2.43).

Aktualizacja wtyczek do najnowszych wersji.

Poprawa błędów.

Wersja 7.3 (2017 06 30)
Naprawa problemu z szybkim wyszukiwaniem w systemie Windows 10 (Creators Update).

Aktualizacja programu "AIMP" do najnowszej wersji (4.13 build 1897).

Aktualizacja programu "Gimp" do najnowszej wersji (2.8.22).

Aktualizacja programu "HomeBank" do najnowszej wersji (5.1.5).

Aktualizacja programu "KeePass" do najnowszej wersji (1.33).

Aktualizacja programu "Light Alloy" do najnowszej wersji (4.10.2).

Aktualizacja programu "Miranda NG" do najnowszej wersji (0.95.6).

Aktualizacja programu "MyPhoneExplorer" do najnowszej wersji (1.8.8).

Aktualizacja programu "Notepad++" do najnowszej wersji (7.3.3).

Aktualizacja programu "Opera" do najnowszej wersji (46.0.2597.26).

Aktualizacja programu "qBittorrent" do najnowszej wersji (3.3.12).

Aktualizacja programu "Team Viewer" do najnowszej wersji (12.0.78313P).

Aktualizacja programu "Wavosaur" do najnowszej wersji (

Aktualizacja programu "XnView" do najnowszej wersji (2.40).

Aktualizacja wtyczek do najnowszych wersji.

Poprawa błędów.

Wersja 7.2 (2016 12 31)
Dodanie nowej wersji programu do wypakowywania instalatorów i archiwów "Universal Extractor".

Dodanie wtyczki WFX do komunikacji z urządzeniami działającymi pod kontrolą systemu Android - ADB.

Aktualizacja programu "AIMP" do najnowszej wersji (4.12 build 1877).

Aktualizacja programu "Gimp" do najnowszej wersji (2.8.18).

Aktualizacja programu "HomeBank" do najnowszej wersji (5.1.2).

Aktualizacja programu "Light Alloy" do najnowszej wersji (4.9.0).

Aktualizacja programu "Notepad++" do najnowszej wersji (7.2.2).

Aktualizacja programu "Opera" do najnowszej wersji (42.0.2393.94).

Aktualizacja programu "Sumatra PDF" do najnowszej wersji (3.1.2).

Aktualizacja programu "Team Viewer" do najnowszej wersji (12.0.72365P).

Aktualizacja programu "Total Commander" do najnowszej wersji (9.0a).

Aktualizacja programu "Wavosaur" do najnowszej wersji (

Aktualizacja programu "WContig" do najnowszej wersji (

Aktualizacja programu "XnView" do najnowszej wersji (2.39).

Usunięcie starszej wersji programu "Universal Extractor".

Aktualizacja wtyczek do najnowszych wersji.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.20
04.07.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 final (32/64)
04.07.18 Fixed: Header didn't show sort options of new view mode after duplicate search - feed to listbox (32/64)
03.07.18 Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox, and the view mode defined a custom columns view sorted by a custom column (32/64)
02.07.18 Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox, and the view mode defined a custom columns view (32/64)
01.07.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: ESC now closes dialog when ESC is already the chosen hotkey (32/64)
01.07.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: pressing F1-F12 now chooses that hotkey (F1 additionally opens the help) (32/64)
29.06.18 Fixed: Windows 10 developer preview, build 17686: Disable new tabbed interface in Lister window (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.21
15.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 final (32/64)
15.08.18 Fixed: Search in background: click on "Go to file" not going to files inside archives (64)
14.08.18 Fixed: FTP/FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Always send server name instead of IP address to proxy, also for data connections (can be overridden with SpecialFlags=1024) (32/64)
14.08.18 Fixed: Link overlay icons were shown for custom icons in file system plugin, e.g. for connections in SFTP (32)
13.08.18 Fixed: Crash in Lister when aborting text search with ESC (32)
13.08.18 Fixed: FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Reading directory not working after uploading a file (32/64)
10.08.18 Fixed: FTP/file system plugins: Log function could suddenly stop logging (32/64)
10.08.18 Fixed: Alt+F1, Alt+F2 drive dropdown combobox: No drive was shown after closing list with ESC (problem caused by Korean text input fix - needs to be applied to editable comboboxes only) (64)
10.08.18 Fixed: Any tree view: Icons to expand/collapse tree branches were wrong on some high DPI devices (32)
10.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections: Folder icons were not displayed on high DPI screens when the file list icon size was changed (e.g. to 24x24) (32/64)
09.08.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Applying "Show drive icons from Explorer" didn't update Network Neighborhood, Computer and My Documents icons until after restarting TC (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.21a
21.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21a final (32/64)
18.08.18 Fixed: Compare by content: Disable button "Show only differences" during comparison, otherwise clicking it in the wrong moment could cause a crash (32/64)
16.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+E and ESC (only with auto-complete+auto-append disabled) no longer worked in command line (32/64)
16.08.18 Fixed: Icons in menus: Selected items could no longer be shown as pressed buttons instead of checkmarks after saving icon options once (32/64)
15.08.18 Fixed: Crash when passing path to zip file to TC (e.g. from external Everything.exe), mostly on 64-bit (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Total Commander 9.22

14.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22 final (32/64)
12.03.19 Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with older default method (standard unchecked) -> no overwrite warning for hidden/system files for which the normal overwrite dialog was shown (32/64)
12.03.19 Fixed: Overwrite read only confirmation dialog may be shown in the middle of copying instead of at the end (32/64)
11.03.19 Fixed: Overwrite read only file while warning for read only was disabled but for hidden/system enabled -> still read only warning when using the expanded overwrite dialog (32/64)
11.03.19 Fixed: Thumbnail cache: Don't try to save uncompressed thumbnails when saving compressed fails (32/64)
10.03.19 Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with standard method (CopyFileEx) -> no overwrite warning, except when it also had the read only attribute. Can be overridden with OverwriteHidSysNotReadonly=1 (32/64)
08.03.19 Fixed: Possible crash in compiler library when window handle becomes invalid in main window message handler (64)

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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Total Commander 9.22a
29.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22a final (32/64)
29.03.19 Fixed: Difficult to reproduce crash in F7 new folder inside ZIP archives (timing problem with removing progress dialog) (32/64)
27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with starting and/or trailing slash, e.g. /dir1/dir2/dir3/ (32/64)
27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: ensure that the dialog isn't displayed outside of the current screen (32/64)
26.03.19 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with trailing forward slash, e.g. c:\test\ (32/64)
26.03.19 Fixed: Viewing LZMA-compressed files in ZIP sometimes failed with an unpack error (64)
25.03.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Q, click on active tab header of current tab above the quick view panel -> Tab no longer switched sides (32/64)
25.03.19 Fixed: Duplicating a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed could leave it with an empty name if it caused an additional line of tabs to appear (32/64)
21.03.19 Fixed: Couldn't open 7z archives with Unicode characters from different codepage (e.g. Chinese on English Windows) (64)
21.03.19 Fixed: Leaving branch view inside archive with Ctrl+B no longer went to the directory of the file under the cursor (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: Internal associations: **ext only worked for packer plugins, not for internal unpackers like **zip. Now also supports **internal_zip to override external packers (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: Opening xlsx files associated with Office 365 app (Windows 10) failed, they opened as ZIP files instead (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: In the following dialogs, ENTER confirmed the dialog also on other buttons like Cancel: password input, pack/unpack, other general input dialogs (64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Packing/unpacking with ace32.exe 2.6 didn't work - it expects ";" as delimiter in list file instead of line break (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack archives with ":" in them after the second character in them with F5 using external unpackers (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack ace archives with absolute paths or ..\ in them with external ace32.exe or winace.exe via Alt+F9 (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Width of drive dropdown combobox (Alt+F1/Alt+F2) wrong when using screens with different DPI (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Icons in file lists displayed incorrectly when moving main window to a screen with different DPI (64)
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.7
Changes in Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.7 (2019-12-31):
  • Adding the best web browser “Vivaldi” – thanks to Christian Dysthe for permission to add the program to the project.
  • Adding the “Captura” desktop recording program – thanks to Mathew Sachin for permission to add the program to the project.
  • Adding a tool to quickly show used space on “Space Sniffer” disks – thanks to Umberto Uderzo for permission to add the program to the project.
  • Adding the plugin for Linux “Diskinternals Reader for TC” – thanks to Eugene Kharinsky and Boss for permission to add the plugin to the project.
  • Fixing the issue with assotiations in Windows 10.
  • Adding the Vertical Button Bar.
  • Improving existing Button Bars.
  • Adding new capabilities in the “TC UP New” tool for quickly creating files and directories.
  • Updated “AIMP” application to the newest version (4.60 Build 2161).
  • Updated “Audacity” application to the newest version (2.3.3).
  • Updated “HomeBank” application to the newest version (5.2.8).
  • Updated “HWiNFO” application to the newest version (6.20-4030).
  • Updated “KeePass” application to the newest version 2.43).
  • Updated “Miranda NG” application to the newest version (
  • Updated “MyPhoneExplorer” application to the newest version (1.8.12).
  • Updated “Notepad++” application to the newest version (7.8.2).
  • Updated “qBittorrent” application to the newest version (4.2.1).
  • Updated “TeamViewer” application to the newest version (15.0.8397 P).
  • Updated “Universal Extractor” application to the newest version (2.0.0 RC 2).
  • Updated “VeraCrypt” application to the newest version (1.24).
  • Updated “XnView” application to the newest version (2.49.2).
  • Updated “ADWCleaner” application to the newest version (8.0.0).
  • Removed “Opera” application.
  • Removed “WinDir Stat” application.
  • Various plugins have been updated to the newest versions.
  • Known bugs have been fixed.

Size: 602 MB
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Total Commander 9.51
March 25, 2020:
Total Commander 9.51 final is now available for download.
What's new in version 9.51 Final:
• Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: With some preview handlers, a minimized Lister couldn't be restored any more by clicking on its taskbar icon (32/64)
• Fixed: Edit comment (Ctrl+Z) didn't work with option "DOS charset" when the current encoding wasn't "Western" (32/64)
• Fixed: Lister: Disallow Explorer preview (mode '8') for font files due to a security hole in Windows font handler. Can be enabled manually after Microsoft releases a patch via wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontPreview=1 or FontPreview=2 for only Windows 10 1607 or newer, where fonts are loaded outside the kernel (32/64)
• Fixed: Find files: Ignore last (incorrect) semicolon in "Search in" field when searching in multiple paths, e.g. c:\path1;d:\path2; (32/64)
• Fixed: Files - Create Checksum File(s): When creating separate checksum files per file or folder, skip all files in subfolders which have the same extension as the created checksum, e.g. create sha256 checksum -> skip all with extension .sha256 (32/64)
• Fixed: Command line, CM_LIST and CM_LISTINTERNALONLY: Delete trailing spaces from name (32/64)
• Fixed: Synchronize dirs with ZIP archive: Remove warning about stuck ESC key, which was shown when closing warning about read-only ZIP archive with ESC (32/64)
• Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Preview could hang when holding down '8', 'n' or 'p' key (32/64)
• Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Hotkey '8' invoked switch to Explorer preview twice (32/64)
• Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Open Quick view panel and separate Lister with Explorer preview each, close Lister so Quick view panel gets focus -> hotkeys like ESC no longer worked (32/64)
• Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Open 2 Lister windows with Explorer preview, close one so the other gets the focus -> hotkeys like ESC no longer worked (32/64)
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.8
Changes in Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.8 (2020-04-30):

  • Added “SMPlayer” video playback program.
  • Added “HandBrake” video conversion program.
  • Expansion of the “Directory Hotlist” menu.
  • Added new shortcuts to “Programs” and “Tools” on the “Vertical Button Bar”.
  • Added “Sleep Computer” button on “Button Bar”.
  • Improvement of all “Button Bars”.
  • Added new options for displaying information in the “Total Commander” title bar.
  • A lot of changes and corrections in the internal configuration files of the project.
  • Updated “AIMP” application to the newest version (4.60 Build 2180).
  • Updated “HomeBank” application to the newest version (5.4.1).
  • Updated “HWiNFO” application to the newest version (6.24-4120).
  • Updated “KeePass” application to the newest version 2.44).
  • Updated “Miranda NG” application to the newest version (0.95.11).
  • Updated “MyPhoneExplorer” application to the newest version (1.8.14).
  • Updated “Notepad++” application to the newest version (7.8.6).
  • Updated “qBittorrent” application to the newest version (4.2.5).
  • Updated “SumatraPDF” application to the newest version (3.2).
  • Updated “TeamViewer” application to the newest version (15.5.3 P).
  • Updated “VeraCrypt” application to the newest version (1.24 Update6).
  • Updated “Vivaldi” application to the newest version (3.0.1874.33).
  • Updated “WinContig” application to the newest version (
  • Updated “WinMerge” application to the newest version (
  • Updated “ADWCleaner” application to the newest version (8.0.4).
  • Updated “HFS” application to the newest version (2.3m).
  • Updated “PuTTy” application to the newest version (0.73).
  • Removed “AngelWriter” application.
  • Removed “FreeDownloadManager”application.
  • Removed “HateML”application.
  • Removed “LightAlloy”application.
  • Removed “Unlocker”application.
  • Removed “VirtualDub”application.
  • Removed “StatBar”application.
  • Removed “TailforWin32″application.
  • Removed “TightVNC”application.
  • Various plugins have been updated to the newest versions.
  • Known bugs have been fixed.

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Size: 624 MB
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.0
Changes in Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.0 (2020-12-31):
  • Create directory ".Files" with subdirectories during installation.
  • Expansion of the "Directory Hotlist" menu.
  • Automatic backup of important files during uninstallation.
  • Updated "AIMP" application to the newest version (4.70 Build 2239).
  • Updated "HWiNFO" application to the newest version (6.31-4265).
  • Updated "Notepad++" application to the newest version (7.9.1).
  • Updated "qBittorrent" application to the newest version (4.3.1).
  • Updated "TeamViewer" application to the newest version (15.13.6 P).
  • Updated "Vivaldi" application to the newest version (3.5.2115.81).
  • Updated "WinContig" application to the newest version (
  • Updated "XnView" application to the newest version (2.49.4).
  • Updated "ADWCleaner" tool to the newest version (8.0.8).
  • Various plugins have been updated to the newest versions.
  • Known bugs have been fixed.


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.1
Changes in Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.1 (2021-03-31):
  • Added dark color mode for Total Commander.
  • Change the default path and name for the program files directory from ".Files" to "!Files".
  • Expansion of the "Directory Hotlist" menu.
  • Writing and adding a launchpad for Inkscape.
  • Updated "AIMP" application to the newest version (4.70 Build 2242).
  • Updated "Audacity" application to the newest version (3.0.0).
  • Updated "HomeBank" application to the newest version (5.5.1).
  • Updated "HWiNFO" application to the newest version (7.00-4400).
  • Updated "KeePass" application to the newest version (2.47).
  • Updated "MPC-BE" application to the newest version (
  • Updated "Notepad++" application to the newest version (7.9.5).
  • Updated "qBittorrent" application to the newest version (
  • Updated "TeamViewer" application to the newest version (15.16.8P).
  • Updated "Vivaldi" application to the newest version (3.7.2218.52).
  • Updated "XnView" application to the newest version (2.49.5).
  • Various plugins have been updated to the newest versions.
  • Known bugs have been fixed.
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