WinRaR-wersje rozwojowe


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.10 Beta 1 PL

1. Dodano obsługę rozpakowywania archiwów ZIP i ZIPX używających kompresji
BZIP2, LZMA oraz PPMd.

2. Dodano obsługę dzielonych archiwów 7z (.7z.001, .7z.002, ...).

3. Dodano obsługę specjalnych komend procesora umożliwiających zwiększenie
wydajności szyfrowania i deszyfrowania archiwów RAR.

4. Ikony narzędzi w programie zostały przystosowane do monitorów o wyższych

5. Zmienne środowiskowe, np. %temp%, mogą być używane podczas określania
plików do archiwizacji.

6. Opcja -ai może być użyta podczas tworzenia archiwum RAR - powoduje ona,
że zamiast faktycznych atrybutów w archiwu zapisywane są typowe atrybuty
plików i katalogów. Poprzednio ta opcja mogła być użyta tylko podczas
rozpakowywania archiwum.


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WinRAR 5.10 Beta 2

1. Bugs fixed:

a) when processing nested archives, WinRAR could attempt to open
inner archive as self-extracting instead of opening an outer
archive. It happened if inner archive was stored without
compression and outer archive name had non-standard extension;

b) Unix RAR could not decompress hard links stored by WinRAR
if link source name included path separator characters.

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John Doe 2

Nowy użytkownik
14 Marzec 2014
Chciałbym poinformować, że WinRAR od wersji 5.10 beta1 wymaga innej licncji niż wersje poprzednie. Poprzednie klucze rareg.key są ważne do wersji 5.01, tylko!

Zawisza Czarny

Bardzo aktywny
22 Lipiec 2010
John - to mnie nie pocieszyłeś. A ja byłem nieporawnym optymistą i czekałem na stabilną wersję 5.10 gdyż posiadam klucz do wersji 5.01


Bardzo aktywny
29 Grudnia 2011
John Doe 2 napisał:
Chciałbym poinformować, że WinRAR od wersji 5.10 beta1 wymaga innej licncji niż wersje poprzednie. Poprzednie klucze rareg.key są ważne do wersji 5.01, tylko!
skąd ta pewność ,chyba ,że masz kluczyk z promo to tak chyba jest
odpowiedż Marvina z z rarsales
WinRAR regular license is a one time purchase. For the time being we offer all future
updates and upgrades for free.
There are no indications that this policy will change in the very near future.


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.10 Beta 2 PL

1. Usunięte błędy:

a) podczas przetwarzania zagnieżdżonego archiwum WinRAR mógł próbować
otworzyć wewnętrzne archiwum jako samorozpakowujące się zamiast
otwierać archiwum zewnętrzne. Działo się tak gdy wewnętrzne archiwum
było zachowane bez kompresji a zewnętrzne archiwum miało
w nazwie niestandardowe rozszerzenie

b) RAR dla systemów Unix nie był w stanie rozpakować twardych dowiązań
umieszczonych w archiwum przez WinRARa, jeśli plik, do którego
dowiązanie się odnosiło, miał w nazwie separatory ścieżki


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WinRAR 5.10 Beta 4

beta 3 failed to decompress multivolume encrypted RAR archives;
"Update" command ("u" in command line mode) could update even files with same modification time;
under rare conditions x86 version working in multithreaded mode on SSE2 enabled CPU could erroneously issue checksum error message for first file in valid RAR5 archive with BLAKE2sp checksums.

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WinRAR 5.11 Beta 1

Changes in 5.11 Beta 1:
WinRAR can unpack TAR archives containing folders with pax extended headers. Previous versions failed to unpack them.
"Keep broken files" extraction option is supported for 7-Zip archives.
Bugs fixed:
WinRAR 5.10 did not set "hidden", "read-only" and "system" file attributes when unpacking ZIP archives;
WinRAR 5.10 failed to update self-extracting RAR archives containing nested ZIP archives stored without compression;
ZIP archive created with "Do not store paths" option included unnecessary empty name records for folders;
archived files could have 1 hour modification time error in Windows XP;
deleting a file in RAR5 solid archive containing files stored with -ver switch caused such files to lose version information;
black rectangles were displayed instead of toolbar buttons in 16- and 24- bit screen color modes and Windows custom text size larger than 100%.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.20 Beta 1

If Windows User Account Control prevents extracting or archiving commands to create files in system protected folders, WinRAR attempts to start its another copy with administrator privileges to complete the operation. It is necessary to confirm privileges elevation in response to User Account Control prompt to allow such second WinRAR copy to run.
You can drag files in Explorer with right mouse button, drop them to some folder and select WinRAR archiving commands in context menu to create an archive with these files in the destination folder.
It is possible to use WinRAR.ini file instead of Registry to store WinRAR settings. You may prefer such approach if you plan to install WinRAR to removable media, such as USB flash drive, and then run it on different computers.
Added extraction support for ZIP and ZIPX archives using XZ compression algorithm.
If ZIP or ZIPX archive contains any compression algorithms except usual "Store" or "Deflate", algorithm names are displayed in "Version to extract" field of archive information dialog. Algorithms with names unknown to WinRAR will be assigned "m" name, where "num" is a compression algorithm numeric identifier.
"Open with WinRAR" command is available in Windows context menus for archive formats supported by WinRAR. It can be turned off with "Open with WinRAR (for usual archives)" option in WinRAR "Settings/Integration/Context menu items..." dialog.
Command line RAR can read the default set of switches from rar.ini file stored in RAR program folder. Previously it was possible to define only the same set of switches for all RAR command with "switches=" string. Now rar.ini also allows to specify separate switch sets for individual RAR commands using the following syntax:
For example:
switches_a=-m5 -s
Command "ch" supports switches -tl, -cu, -cl also for ZIP archives. Previously "ch" allowed these switches only for RAR archive format.
For archive formats lacking file time information, such as .bz2, .xz and .Z, WinRAR sets container archive modification time to extracted files. It does not apply to tar.bz2, tar.xz and tar.Z, which use file time stored in tar headers.
"Keep broken files" extraction option is supported for bzip2 archives.
WinRAR icon in Windows context menus is scaled up correctly in high DPI screen modes such as 150% or 200% of normal text size.
It is possible to disable WinRAR "Benchmark" command with "Benchmark" variable of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\Policy Registry key. In multi-user environment "Benchmark" command might abuse shared computational resources. See "Registry variables" topic in "Configuration settings" chapter of WinRAR help for more details.
Additionally to "sfxcmd" variable containing the entire command line, SFX module sets "sfxpar" variable containing command line parameters only, without leading SFX module name. These variables are set before starting a program specified in "Setup" command.
File overwrite prompt in console RAR displays the size and modification time for existing and new files.
When archiving from stdin with -si switch, RAR sets the current system time to modification time of archived file. Previous version did not set this time at all.
It is possible to use -si and -v switches together. Previous versions did not allow to create volumes when archiving from stdin.
Warning is issued when starting unpacking 4 GB or larger file from RAR or ZIP archive to FAT32 patition, so user may cancel the operation. FAT32 does not support files of such size.
Also this warning is issued when starting to create RAR archive with "Store" (-m0) method if estimated archive size is 4 GB or more.
"Select all" button in "Settings/Integration" dialog is renamed to "Toggle all". Now it deselects archive formats if all they are already selected.
"Delete archive" extraction option correctly removes all .zip and .7z volumes. Previously it removed only the first volume in the set for these archive formats.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.20 Beta 2

"Create WinRAR.ini file" command in "Export/Import" submenu of "Options" menu creates a new WinRAR.ini file and copies WinRAR settings from Registry to this file.
Beta 1 documentation described "Global" keys in WinRAR.ini as Global/AppData, Global/Integration, Global/SaveSettings, when actually they are Global\AppData, Global\Integration, Global\SaveSettings (backslash instead of forward slash).
Now WinRAR creates these keys in WinRAR.ini automatically if they do not already exist.
Compression settings in "Convert archives" dialog were not saved after pressing "Save" button.
First beta proposed "name.ext.ext.rar" instead of expected "name.ext.rar" archive name, when archiving "name.ext" folder.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.20 Beta 3

Bugs fixed:
"Extract relative paths" option was ignored and full pathname was created when extracting a file from ZIP archive to a folder protected with user account control (UAC);
if encrypted archived file was opened in external editor, modified and saved, previous beta stored this file back to archive without encryption.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.21 Beta 1
"Drag and drop context menu" options in "Settings/Integration/Context menu items" dialog allow to disable WinRAR archiving and extraction commands in context menu displayed after dragging and dropping files with right mouse button.
If winrar.ini file is present in the same folder as WinRAR installer, winrar.ini will be copied to WinRAR program folder after completing installation.
While previous versions could produce RAR5 volumes of slightly smaller than requested size sometimes, such situation is less likely now. In most cases volume size equals to specified by user.
Bugs fixed:
WinRAR 5.20 issued unnecessary user account control (UAC) prompt, when running an executable from archive stored in UAC protected folder. Since nothing is extracted to folder containing an archive in such case, UAC prompt is not needed;
WinRAR could overwrite files with read-only attribute only when unpacking RAR and ZIP archive formats. Now it is also implemented for other archive formats supported by WinRAR;
"Elapsed time" and "Time left" were displayed incorrectly when applying "Convert" command to multiple archives and enabling "Add recovery record" option.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.21 Beta 2

Now by default WinRAR skips symbolic links with absolute paths in link target when extracting. You can enable creating such links with "Allow absolute paths in symbolic links" option on "Advanced" page of extraction dialog or with -ola command line switch. Such links pointing to folders outside of extraction destination folder can present a security risk. Enable their extraction only if you are sure that archive contents is safe, such as your own backup.
Bugs fixed:
if several files from different folders were selected and extracted using "Flat folders view" file list mode and "Extract relative paths" extraction option, WinRAR could truncate paths of some of these files. It did not happen if entire file list contents or a single file was selected.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.30 Beta 1

Added extraction of multipart ZIP archives created by 7-Zip. Such archives have .zip.001, .zip.002, ... file extensions. You need to open .zip.001 file in WinRAR shell to browse or unpack such archive. All parts must be stored in the same folder before starting extraction.
Added extraction of files split to multiple parts with .001, 002, ..., extensions. You can open .001 file as a usual archive and then unpack its contents. WinRAR will combine all parts and save them to extracted file. All parts must be stored in the same folder before starting extraction. "001" item is included to "Associate WinRAR with" list in "Settings/Integration" dialog.
WinRAR file list allows to use mouse Back and Forward buttons or Alt+Left and Alt+Right keyboard shortcuts to navigate in recently visited folders.
Folder wildcards are allowed in RAR command line in file names to archive. For example: rar a backup c:\backup\2015*\*. Recursion is enabled automatically for such folder wildcards even if -r switch is not specified.
"Extract" button in SFX archive is changed to "Pause" when extraction is started, so it is possible to pause SFX extraction and resume it later.
"Skip encrypted" option in "Find files" dialog to silently skip encrypted archives while performing search command.
Archive test command works for tar.gz, tar.bz2 and tar.xz archives. Since TAR format does not provide file data checksums, WinRAR checks only validity of GZIP, BZIP2 or XZ container.
Adding a new string to WinRAR diagnostic messages window could be slow and affect the operation performance in case of thousands of errors. Now it works fast regardless of errors number.
New 'R' object for -sc switch defines encoding of console RAR messages sent to redirected files and pipes. For example: rar lb -scur data > list.txt
will produce Unicode list.txt with archived file names.
Sleep time parameter in -ri[:] switch is adjusted to lower its impact to RAR performance and especially to recovery record related operations. Higher sleep time values are needed to reduce the system load to same level as in previous versions.
Console RAR "l" and "v" commands display file time in YYYY-MM-DD format.
When extracting RAR and ZIP archives created in Unix, WinRAR maps decomposed Unicode characters to precomposed. Such conversion is required for some Unix and OS X archives to correctly unpack non-English archived names in Windows. It works for Windows versions starting from Windows Vista.
Modification time is set for all folders created when unpacking 7z archives. Previous versions set it only for non-empty folders.
WinRAR prevents a computer to go to sleep by inactivity timeout until current operation, such as archiving, extraction or another archive processing, is done.
Total progress bar is displayed when extracting .arj, .lzh and .cab archives (except multivolume archives).
Progress bar is displayed when deleting files after archiving and when clearing "Archive" attribute of archived files.
"Test" command also verifies contents of NTFS alternate data streams in RAR 3.x - 5.x archives. Previously their contents was checked only during extraction command.
Bugs fixed:
console RAR crashed instead of displaying an overwrite prompt when attempting to add files to already existing volumes;
console RAR "lt" command did not display seconds in file timestamp;
WinRAR failed to decompress .xxe files if they did not include "section N of xxencode" string in the body;
RAR could not restore contents of NTFS alternate data stream saved with -os switch if it was split between different volumes.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
WinRAR 5.30 Beta 2

SFX module sets sfxstime environment variable, which contains the module start time in "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-ms" format. You can specify it in Path command if you need to generate a time based unique installation path, such as "Path=myapp-%sfxstime%".
Fewer password requests in following cases in "Convert archives" command:
if "Convert archives" is applied to archive with encrypted file names, which contents is currently displayed in WinRAR;
if archive produced by "Convert archives" includes encrypted file names.
Bugs fixed:
RAR volumes renamed from standard .part1.rar, .part2.rar to .001, .002 are recognized and processed correctly now. Previous beta opened them as set of usual split files, not as RAR volumes;
reports produced with "Generate report" command contained invalid CRC32 checksums for non-archived files;
"rar x arcname.rar d:" command unpacks files to d: current folder. Previous version unpacked them to d: root folder;
archive comment was not encrypted if added to archive with encrypted headers using "c" command without -hp switch. This beta encrypts an archive comment in such case.


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