
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
XYplorer 21.70.0000
Changes in XYplorer 21.70.0000 (2021-04-07):
  • Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it.
  • Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.
  • Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.
  • Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance.
  • Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow.
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