
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 3.2.1
September 15, 2021
  • Change 1: Added maxrows option to the COLLECTOR and DTI items.
  • Change 2: Fixed not null expression on HTTPGET and NETWORKINTERFACES.
  • Change 3: Fixed lease lifetime on NETWORKINTERFACES.
  • Change 4: Added return values to CPU item.
  • Change 5: Allow ini file position options to be used in /f mode.
  • Change 6: Changed GetUrlContent error to warning. Used by HTTPGET and DTI items.
  • Change 7: Changed TopProcessCpu percent value to floating point. You might have to add a display format definition to this return value. Eg: %3[1.1f]%
  • Change 8: Resolved a thread synchronisation issue.
  • Change 9: Fixed control offset bug on high dpi monitors.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 3.2.2
September 29, 2021
  • All charts except the horizontal bar chart can now do automatic maximum values. Which is to say if you do not specify the max option, the maximum value of the chart will be determined by the highest value currently on the screen. The vertical scale will adjust itself appropriately.
  • Fixed bug where the IF item would sometimes cause the END-ONLOAD to not evaluate.
  • Fixed another drag/not drag ini change position bug.
  • Fixed bug where the MONITOR item would crash if evaluated inside the ONLOAD block.
  • I may or may not have fixed the high dpi font quality issue. Windows is giving me mixed messages on this one.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.2.4​

October 28, 2021
  • Change 1: Fixed OSBUILD2 for null expressions.
  • Change 2: Added registry product name to OSBUILD2.
  • Change 3: More work on scaling. Added auto-scale option. Scaling is not an option for Windows below version 10. Scaling is on by default for Windows 10 and later. It can be disabled by setting auto-scale=0
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.3.0​

November 29, 2021
  • Change 1: Adjusted OSBUILD2 DisplayVersion/ReleaseId to return null if neither is found.
  • Change 2: Added onload common item option. This allows an individual item to be evaluated during configuration load and also saved to the active config in the normal way as opposed to items in the BEGIN-ONLOAD block which are not saved and hence never evaluated again.
  • Change 3: Fixed up some little oddities in the BEGIN-ONLOAD logic.
  • Change 4: I’ve had a number of enquiries regarding setting item colours based on IF item results. It took me some time to understand it myself which is bad. The complication comes down to the colours being static, they’re set once at configuration load. So I’ve made the item colours dynamic so you can now use variables and expressions for the color and text-color item options and these will be re-evaluated each time the item is evaluated allowing the colours to change on the fly as the variables change.
  • Change 5: In the preconfigure option, I’ve added code to remove the existing code certificate before it embeds your ini file. Unfortunately, if you try to resign the executable it will trash the embedded ini. I have to work out how to update the exe header so it includes the embedded ini.
  • Change 6: Adjusted control visibility so it works correctly following an IF item.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.7.0

August 16, 2022
  • Reminder: The following options are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:
  • • In the [options] section: nav, nav-align, nav-color, logo, logo-width, logo-height, logo-align
  • • In the [text] section: nav-previous, nav-home, nav-next
  • For a banner logo, use the IMAGE item. To place the logo at the top of every page, add the global:0
  • option. For standard navigation at the bottom of each page, use the NAV item with the global:-1
  • option.
  • Change 1: Added the eval option to the IF item. This sets the number of following items that will be
  • evaluated if the IF item returns TRUE and hence the items that will be skipped if it is FALSE.
  • Change 2: Updated the onload common option so that it works correctly with the eval option in the
  • IF item.
  • Change 3: Added user variables to the font-size option.
  • Change 4: Added the global common option so that you can define an item once and show it on
  • every page. Useful for banners, graphics, messaging, navigation etc.
  • Change 5: Added the NAV item. This is basically a replica of, and deprecates, the old nav entries in
  • the [options] section and [text] section. Eventually I’ll enhance this to make it more flexible. A
  • direct replacement of the old navigation would be: NAV=global:-1. This creates navigation buttons
  • at the bottom of each page.
  • Change 6: Added the no-wait common option. This allows long running items to be evaluated in
  • their own thread without blocking the main collector thread. Keeps the display ticking over.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.8.1​

November 24, 2022
  • Change 1: There was an undocumented common option called multirow which is now documented.
  • Change 2: Fixed the arbitrary buffer size and resulting crash when loading the configuration file.
  • Change 3: During configuration load up, when the IF item evaluates to FALSE, it will make the following “eval” number of items inactive rather than not load them at all. This allows those items to be activated again if the conditions change.
  • Change 4: The IF item now correctly activates and deactivates CONTROL items.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.9.0​

December 29, 2022
  • This release has a high number of code changes for relatively few entries in the release notes which makes for a greater risk of breakage. Let me know in the forums (after you’ve read the changes) if you believe something is broken.
  • The old, deprecated NAV buttons in the [options] are gone. You must change over to the new NAV item now. Just add “NAV=global:-1” to the top of the [items].
  • Change 1: Added regular expressions as a common option. This helps you to massage the raw data before it is inserted into a display row or assigned to a variable. Just don’t ask me to write your regular expressions.
  • Change 2: Added the NETSTATS item to list network connections ala the netstat cmd tool. I’m still working on traffic statistics, that’s proving elusive.
  • Change 3: In the REG item, the value option can now handle the usual root key abbreviations: HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, HKU, HKCC.
  • Change 4: Added the REG2 item. This was written specifically so I can get the Windows uninstall list from the registry and is overall a better version of REG which may eventually be deprecated. The desktopinfo-advanced.ini file has a comprehensive uninstall display now.
  • Change 5: Added the WIDE key word. COMMENT is the only item that is natively WIDE.
  • Change 6: Fixed an issue with incorrect chart background colours in some circumstances.
  • Change 7: Fixed an issue with hyperlink background colours in some circumstances.
  • Change 8: The zip file now includes a special “W” build. This is essentially a much improved version of the “/f” command line switch but now has it’s own dedicated executable. Consequently the “/f” command line switch has been removed and the desktopinfo-technician.bat batch is no longer required. I’ll work on making this build more functional over the next little while.
  • Change 9: The old, deprecated navigation buttons are gone. You should have changed over to the new navigation by now. To do this just add “NAV=global:-1” to the top of the [items] section. The nav entries in the [text] section are now used by the toolbar buttons in the “W” mode build.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.10.1

Version 3.10.1
March 2023
Change 1: IMAGE now evaluates every cycle according to it’s interval setting so you can change the image on the fly. The down side is it will now attempt to load the image every time it evaluates. Set the interval appropriately. The default interval is 0, evaluate once.
Change 2: Added the MEMORY item which is a single call encompassing PHYSICALRAM, VIRTUALMEMORY and PAGEFILE.
Change 3: Added the centerv and centerh options to the [options-w] section. These are used initially to position the form and then it behaves normally.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.10.2​

May 19, 2023
  • Change 1: The IMAGE item is now playing better. I’ve added the column option to put the image in the left or right column. Along with the wide, width, align, offset and other options, we have better control of the layout and also the ability to put text alongside the image. For example, put the image in the left column and use display to put text in the right column. Or put the image in the right column and use text to put text in the left column.
  • Change 2: Fixed application crash in auto-home option.
  • Change 3: Fixed unknown file extension ‘gif’ on the IMAGE item. No animation yet.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.11.0

Version 3.11.0
October 2023
Change 1: Added FORMCOLOR, TRANSPARENCY, DISPLAY-OFFSETX, DISPLAY-OFFSETY, WIDTH, HEIGHT to both the [options] section and the [items] section. This allows you to make decisions about the display layout during load. See the Options section and keywords for an example.
Change 2: Fixed global IMAGE bug.
Change 3: Fixed IMAGE bug where only one line of text can appear next to the image.
Change 4: Fixed the hyperlink alignment. 0=left 1=right 2=center
Change 5: Removed the deprecated banner logo.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.12.0​

Feb 23, 2024
  • Change 1: The REGISTRY item now correctly supports the hide-no-result option.
  • Change 2: Added wow option to the REGISTRY item.
  • Change 3: Fixed xml error in the DTI item when the http connection times out.
  • Change 4: Added additional error handling and logging to the collector thread. Added collector option and ui option to application logging.
  • Change 5: Modified the right click Reload tool so that, in addition to reloading the ini file, it will kill the collector and recreate it. This will be useful in the event the collector has stalled.
  • Change 6: Added the thread synonym for no-wait. This makes more sense for some.
  • Change 7: Added the thread-timeout common option. If you set no-wait:1, the item will execute in it’s own thread allowing the GUI to continue on without waiting for that item to return a result. The thread-timeout option controls how long the thread is allowed to run before shutting it down.
  • Change 8: Removed the code which lowers the process priority in certain situations. I’m not sure how useful it is and it may be causing issues. It continues to have below normal priority. However, you may see Desktop Info show slightly higher cpu usage when nothing else is going on.
  • Change 9: Added the minpct option to the TOPPROCESSCPU item. This will filter out processes that do not meet your threshhold.
  • Change 10: Added the group-by-id option to the NETSTATS item.
  • Change 11: Rewrote the CONTROL code again! It’s entirely possible that the documentation no longer matches the behaviour of the controls. Check with the sample-configdesktopinfo-advanced.ini file. Let me know in the forums what you find.
  • Change 12: Added option to use a CONTROL to jump to a DTI page. The uri option will contain {page} and the args option will contain the target page number or one of the key words: previous, home, next. The Home page is page 1.
  • Change 13: Added the hint option to the CONTROL item for a mouse hover hint.
  • Change 14: Added support for global option to CONTROL item. All items can use the global option now. This provides a mechanism for building your own toolbar. See sample-configdesktopinfo-absolute.ini.
  • Change 15: Added BUTTON and HYPERLINK items as synonyms for the CONTROL type 0 and type 1. At some point down the track I may remove the CONTROL item and just leave the BUTTON and HYPERLINK items.
  • Change 16: The hyperlink now supports the align option correctly. Hyperlinks with align center on a monitor above 100% zoom don’t position correctly.
  • Change 17: Fixed crash in the bar chart when no data is available.
  • Change 18: Fixed the required form width and height in W mode.
  • Change 19: I removed the scroll bar from the W mode form, it’s giving me endless grief. I’ve also made the W form non-resizable for similar reasons. I’ll try again another day. So you just need to set the width and height big enough to start with. If you build pages that are too big to display then you should consider breaking them up.
  • Change 20: The toolbar option in [options-w] is off by default. That may go away in favour of the new global controls.
  • Change 21: Added a context menu item to switch configuration files. To enable this, add “menu-ini=Select Config” to the [text] section of your existing ini file.
  • Change 22: More work on the zoom handling. It seems to be mostly working with the exception that hyperlinks don’t center properly when zoom is greater than 100%. It occasionally misses a Windows message but the right click Reload fixes that. You’ll notice a delay after the zoom changes or after you drag to a monitor with different zoom. This is to allow the torrent of Windows messages to finish before doing anything. It also smooths the transition to another monitor.
  • Change 23: Added the sub string format function. This extracts a sub-string of characters from the given string.
  • Change 24: I’m experimenting with a new layout approach using absolute positioning. If you’re curious look at the desktopinfo-absolute.ini config in the sample-config folder. There’s some instructions at the top of that file. This is a work in progress and not yet properly documented so you’re on your own. I posted some screen shots on the forum. During this process I broke a lot of stuff and I’ve spent some time attempting to repair the damage. I think it’s all working now and some parts I think are better. Let me know if you find any broken things I’ve missed. If this new approach works out, I’d be seriously considering dropping the old approach. Let me know what you think in the forums. One thing to note is the align options in the new layout behave differently to the old layout. In the old layout, align shuffles the text within the horizontal space available in the column. In the new layout, the align moves the text around the x point. The following changes are all relevant to this new layout.
  • Change 25: Added the angle item option to produce angled text. This is only available in the new layout. See desktopinfo-absolute.ini.
  • Change 26: Added CHART item to allow positioning independently of the source data item. Data-id is the item id of the source of the chart data. This allows multiple charts from a single data source. This is only available in the new layout.
  • Change 27: Added the orientation option to the CHART item. Currently only used by the bar chart type. A value of 0 displays the usual horizontal bar chart, a value of 1 displays a vertical bar chart. This is only available in the new layout.
  • Change 28: I’ve begun implementing a new item align option. Instead of using numbers (which tend to vary), this uses the letters, ‘l’ for left, ‘r’ for right and ‘c’ for center. This makes things easier to remember and read. This has been implemented in all items when using the new layout as well as button, hyperlink, image and nav when using the old layout.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Desktop Info 3.13.0​

What's new in Desktop Info 3.13.0

Mar 20, 2024
  • March 2024This was going to be a minor release fixing a few bugs in v3.12 but once again I got carried away. I’ve noticed while working on the scaling that some fonts give more accurate height measurements than others.
  • Change 1: Added ‘xr’ and ‘yb’ to absolute positioning to position from the right and bottom edges.
  • Change 2: The ‘W’ mode form now resizes correctly. Once the form has been dragged or manually resized it will no longer size itself automatically, as you would expect.
  • Change 3: Added the common option, no-result, to give an alternative display message when no results are returned.
  • Change 4: Changed the context menu select config option to search the path of the currently loaded config file rather than the path of the executable.
  • Change 5: Added a special case for width and height in [options]. If you set either or both to 0 it will assume the dimensions of the current work area, be that the desktop on the current monitor or the virtual desktop. See sample-configdesktopinfo-corporate.ini for a simple example.
  • Change 6: Four changes to the IMAGE item in the legacy layout: 1. Fixed the form height calculation to account for total image and image text height (it used to assume the exact image height or one row of text). 2. Modified the padding code: the total height will be whichever is greater of image height or image text height but may overshoot (it used to cap it at the image height). 3. Added an IMAGE option called 'height-round' which can round up or down the image height to be an exact multiple of the text row height (this removes the gap between the image and the next item). 4: Fixed the scaling for Windows zoom. None of this applies to the new absolute positioning layout.
  • Change 7: Fixed some places that were scaling regardless of the auto-scale setting.
  • Change 8: More work on general scaling. I think I’m starting to get close! I would say this accounts for 90% of the code changes.
  • Change 9: While looking into a regression bug in the preconfigure option, I decided to rewrite it and rename it. It’s now called Embedded Configuration.
  • Change 10: Increased size of info file buffer.
  • Change 11: The default config is stored as a resource in the executable and read at run time if needed as a last resort. It does not get written out to a file anymore.
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