jv16 PowerTools Beta


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
jv16 PowerTools 2017 Release Candidate 3

Program jest już w języku Polskim
Postby jv16 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:56 am

Here is the jv16 PowerTools 2017 Release Candidate 3:
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... 17_RC3.exe

Please read the following before downloading

Please, please please do remember that this is release candidate level software. This means that this version has been made available only for testing purposes. This version is slower than the upcoming, official release, because it contains debug code for testing purposes. This version can still contain bugs and can potentially damage your computer and cause hair loss. Send all your feedback, comments and bug reports relating to this version as a reply to this thread (use the Post Reply button).

The purpose of releasing this version is to allow people to try the software out and give us feedback on what parts of the program still need some fine tuning.

It is not recommended to run this software in a work or production use computer. Whatever you do, always create a system backup before running beta level software. If you do not do so, please do not complain to us about it.

As always, we will give out free licenses to the best testers. If such a beta tester already owns a license we can also issue VIP and Platinum VIP packages for free, or other similar prizes for the trouble.

However, you are not entitled for any kind of free license by simply downloading these test versions and reporting that all is fine. Free licenses are given out only to beta testers who give us valuable feedback, such as bug reports or improvement ideas. We will publish the list of users who won a free license after the final version of the product has been released, not before. All free licenses are decided on case-by-case, sometimes it takes just one message with two lines to earn a license (e.g. if you found a really good bug that no one else reported), sometimes it takes much more.

How to send your feedback
* Please use the Post Reply button of this thread for all feedback.
* If you are reporting a bug, please create a zip file of the jv16 PowerTools' Backup directory - by default this is at C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 PowerTools 2017 RC2\Backups. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The zip file can contain detailed information of your computer, if you are worried about your privacy, use a service such as
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to upload the zip file there and send me the link to the file via a forum Private Message.
* If you wish to report that you have tested all the features of the program, please include to your post the Debug Report as generated by the Program Debug Tool (under the Debug menu of the Main Window).
* You can send attachments, including screenshots, to the thread from the Post Reply > Upload attachment tab (below the main text area).
* If you are reporting a False Positive by the Registry Cleaner (or by "Clean and SpeedUp My Computer" tool), there is no need to send a Debug Log, this version does not have debug log enabled for the Registry Cleaner to show its true performance. To report a False Positive, simply send a Screenshot of the False Positive, and please mention what aggressiveness settings of the Registry Cleaner you were using at the time of the scan.
* You can also send your general feedback, how you feel the program works for you or if there is something you don't understand, or if some feature doesn't work the way you expected. Feedback like this is sometimes even more valuable than bug reports.

Why is this version finding so many registry errors?
* This version ships with the new registry cleaning engine that is a huge step forward from the previous versions in regards of accuracy and registry cleaning performance. However, since this is the very first time this registry cleaning engine is released to the general public, it can still contain bugs, so please be careful.

Why is this version so slow?
* This is a release candidate build, which means it generates as much debug data as possible. All this debug code makes the software both bigger in size and in memory consumption and it also makes it very slow. Please do not consider the speed of these beta versions a representation of the speed of the final version.

Release Notes:
* Feel free to start to translate the software to your language. To translate the software, please download the RC3 software as well as the translation tool here:
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... onPack.zip
* The new icons are not included (in /Settings/Icons) yet.
* The Download Handbook will download the PowerTools X handbook.
* Do not install this version over any existing version of PowerTools. If you do, strange things can unfold.
* This is a testing version, it means a lot of debug code is turned on, which makes the program run much slower than the final version. It also means the file sizes are not final.

What's New (compared to jv16 PowerTools X)
1. New feature: Home screen feature in the main window shows you a summary of your computer's health and performance, with shortcuts to the relevant tools to repair any detected issues. The home screen also allows you to see the progress of how these numbers change over time, such as after using jv16 PowerTools.
2. New tool: Startup Timer measures the time your computer takes to start up. It also measures the impact of all your automatically starting software have on the system startup to allow you to see exactly what is causing your computer to start slowly.
3. New tool: Pictures AntiSpy allows you to remove privacy threatening metadata from your picture files. The feature can be used manually or it can be set to run automatically.
4. New tool: Windows AntiSpy allows you to disable the privacy threatening features of Windows.
5. New tool: Easy Mass File Renamer offers an easier way to rename many files at the same time. The previous Mass File Renamer tool is still available for more advanced and customized mass file renaming operations.
6. New tool: Startup Details shows you the exact details of what processes were run during system startup and how much slower they are making your computer.
7. New tool: Check For Vulnerable Software scans your computer to look for installed software and leftovers of software with known vulnerabilities. Such software and leftovers can put the security of your computer at risk and allow hackers to spy on you or take full control of your computer.
8. Improvement: The System Health measurement has been completely updated to give you a more exact and detailed rating of your computer's health. Furthermore, it is now ran as a background process, meaning you no longer have to wait for it to complete. It runs periodically on the background without using much if any system resources.
9. Improvement: Fully redesigned user interface for easier user experience and the new user interface also works better with different screen sizes.
10. Improvement: Fully rebuilt Startup Optimizer allows you to easily speed up the Windows startup without removing any software. The new Startup Optimizer supports disabling the optimization per individual software and its implementation no longer requires the use of multiple starting processes.
11. Improvement: Clean and Fix My Computer has been renamed to Clean and Speedup My Computer and the tool contains dozens of improvements to allow a safer and more optimized user experience.
12. Improvement: Major improvements in the Startup Manager. For example, it can now can show the impact that each automatically starting software has on the system's startup speed. This impact measurement is collected in real-time by the Startup Timer while the system starts and it offers a greater detail level compared to Windows 10's Startup Manager's "Impact to startup" rating. The Startup Manager can now also show detailed data of the resource usage at startup time per starting software, for example, you will be able to see how much system memory each starting software used during startup.
13. Improvement: Major improvements in the Software Uninstaller for more accurate listing of installed software, as well as improved software uninstallation ability.
14. Improvement: The Initial Setup of the software now needs to be run only one time - instead of once every 15 days of the previous versions - and it also takes less time to run.
15. Plus, hundreds of smaller improvements and bug fixes.

NOTE: Not all improvements and fixes are yet included to this beta version, they are still under internal testing and will be included later.

Change Log - What's New (compared to RC2)

Fix: The software can start very slowly.
Fix: While running the Clean and SpeedUp My Computer or Software Uninstaller, the software can display an Access Violation error and never complete the scan.
Fix: The software can display an Out Of Memory error message.
Fix: Changing the software's language is very slow.
Fix: The software can display an Access Violation error during the Initial Setup and never complete it.
Fix: Running the File Cleaner or File Finder can display a gray bar across the tool window while the tool is scanning.
Fix: The system health snapshot compare drop down menu is sometimes drawn few pixels too wide, causing it to be partially outside of the window.
Fix: Clicking the Back button while a tool is working can cause the software to show an Access Violation error message.
Fix: It's not possible to use the Check For Vulnerable Software tool more than once per session, as the Start button is not visible after the first use.
Fix: Moving between different tools using the Back button can cause the software sometimes to display a blank white screen (from which you can escape by simply clicking the Back button again, though).
Fix: The Startup Timer does not always record new system startup times, for example, if you restart your computer five times, it can show only three or for startup times.
Fix: If you reach 100% system health, the Home Screen will still say show "Recommended Actions" text but there are no recommendations.
Fix: Running the Clean and SpeedUp My Computer does not always properly update the Home Screen's system health bars.
Fix: The Home Screen does not always correctly display the line when Clean and SpeedUp My Computer was last run, in relation to the system startup time bars.
Fix: The Clean and SpeedUp My Computer does not always find specific types of registry errors.
Fix: If you leave the software open for a long time (e.g. over night), it will display an Out Of Memory error. This was simply one of the debug log features writing something down every few minutes, and when run for a long time, it will end up using too much memory.
Fix: The Software Uninstaller can display duplicate lines.
Fix: The software can display an Access Violation error relating to TTranslator.FlushCache.

Improvement: The software now ships with translations: English, Chinese, French, German, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
Improvement: The software works now much faster and uses less memory.
Improvement: Major improvements to the way the user interface is drawn and updated to give a smoother user experience.
Improvement: Removed 95% of all the debug code that was included with the previous versions, this makes the software run faster and smoother.
Improvement: The CSMC can better detect to which software a specific registry error is relating to.
Improvement: Greatly improved CSMC's accuracy and performance in regards of finding temporary files that can be cleaned.
Improvement: The Software Uninstaller can detect the installed software with greater accuracy.
Improvement: The software will from now on ask whether you wish to reboot your computer again, only when the software has just started, not after you retur to the Home Screen from using another tool.
Improvement: The way the Main Window and especially the Home Screen are updated is now a lot smoother.
Improvement: Enhanced the Clean And Fix My Computer's ability to find certain types of registry errors.
Improvement: Improved the algorithm that groups different found temporary files to categories for better readability.
Improvement: The Software Uninstaller will from now on display an additional confirmation message in case user attempts to uninstall an important system software, such as Internet Explorer.
Improvement: If the software detects any anti-virus or anti-malware products, it will from now on display a stronger recommendation to add jv16 PowerTools' core files to the exclusion list of these products.
Improvement: In the case critical files needed by jv16 PowerTools are missing, the software will from now on display a warning to the user asking the user to reinstall the software. Before, this would have lead to the software not working properly.

Privacy notice:
If you send any debug data to us, the data contains generic information about your computer (such as processor speed, amount of ram, etc) and if you have used the software to clean your computer or remove something from your computer, this data can also be included. This version is only meant for testing. Therefore, it will automatically attempt to send via email a crash report to us in case the software crashes. These crash reports are very important for us because they help us to pinpoint the location within the software's source code where something went wrong. The official (final) version of the software does not send any such reports to us automatically.

Remember, please send all your feedback regarding this beta version to this thread!

Thank you!

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
jv16 PowerTools 2017 Release Candidate 3: (updated build 1604)

Change Log compared to the original RC3 release:
Fix: In some systems, the Software Uninstaller does not show any installed software, instead it only shows a blank list.
Fix: The software can display an Access Violation relating to function call TInstalledAppListerThread.InitProgramInstDirs.
Fix: The software can display an Access Violation relating to function call TDebugLog.FormatDebugDataToHTML.
Fix: Clean and SpeedUp My Computer can ask you to restart your computer even if the Registry Compact feature is disabled and there is no reason to reboot.
Fix: The "jv16 PowerTools will now restart" window can show up too big.
Fix: Software Uninstaller does to recognize some common Windows software, such as Windows Defender, to be software by Microsoft Corporation (they are shown without the publisher information).
Fix: If you change options from the Settings window and the software tells it needs to restart to apply the settings, the software will close but it doesn't always actually start again.
Fix: After running some tools and returning to the Main Window, the software can suggest restarting the computer in order to record the system's startup speed. This query should only be shown after user starts PowerTools, not after using any tools.
Fix: The software can create unnecessary registry entries under the \Run registry key for the jv16PT_PreWorker2.exe which show up as duplicates in Startup Manager. These are automatically cleaned by this version, no action from the user is required.
Fix: Starting Clean And SpeedUp My Computer can sometimes take over ten seconds with the "Loading, please wait" visible on screen.
Fix: The software can sometimes show the "Loading, please wait" text incorrectly aligned (not centered).
Fix: The version number is sometimes displayed in an incorrect location in the About screen.
Fix: The Startup Manager does not always detect all automatically starting software.
Fix: The Startup Manager does not recognize automatically starting software disabled with Task Manager in Windows 10.

Improvement: The software is supposed to warn the user if anti-virus/anti-malware products are detected from the computer. This detection does not always detect all possible software and has now been improved.
Improvement: Improved the Software Uninstaller's ability to detect a software's version.
Improvement: In case there are duplicate entries in the Startup Manager, it will now show the software's command line parameters for easier navigation through the list of automatically starting software.
Improvement: The software will now automatically delete any left-over or duplicate \Run registry key entries it has created. These can be left-overs from a previous installation (if user removed the software without running the uninstaller), for example.
Improvement: Reduced the waiting time between the steps of the Quick Tutorial.
Improvement: Clarified the error message that can be shown in Quick Tutorial in the case user enters an incorrect name to activate the longer trial.
Improvement: The About screen now shows a scroll bar in case the window size is too small to show all the content of the screen.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Here is the jv16 PowerTools 2017 Release Candidate 4
Change Log - What's New (compared to RC3)

Fix: Some windows can get stuck to the "Working, please wait" loading screen.
Fix: Clean and SpeedUp My Computer does not always list MRU items (data relating to Most Recently Used lists) under MRU category in the result list.
Fix: Reset License Information button does not always work, sometimes the software restarts and it is still using the old license.
Fix: My Account can display error "Failed to download license information" in the case user enters incorrect name or email address. It should display a more informative error message.
Fix: If you uninstall jv16 PowerTools, it could leave shortcuts behind in the Desktop or Start Menu.
Fix: The Maintenance tool can incorrectly display a label of "Generating software list" while it is working.
Fix: The Registry Information tool can have cosmetic issues (wrong text being displayed) under the 64 bit registry details tab.
Fix: With 100% registry and system health, there can be an empty "recommended actions" box with no tools in it in the Home View.
Fix: Software can show Stack Overflow error message when started.
Fix: Some texts in Startup Timer may not be displayed correctly (overlapping).
Fix: Some texts overlap in Windows AntiSpy.
Fix: While the Software Uninstaller is uninstalling software, it is possible to check and uncheck software from the list.
Fix: The software can crash if you try to use the Software Uninstaller to uninstall oneself (jv16 PowerTools 2017).

Improvement: Clean and SpeedUp My Computer now better indicates the progress of the scan to the user.
Improvement: The transitions from one loading screen to the next one are now smoother in Clean and SpeedUp My Computer.
Improvement: My Account window will from now on force a restart of the software if user resets their license information.
Improvement: If you uninstall jv16 PowerTools, the uninstaller may report that jv16pt_PreWorker1.exe is running and cannot be removed. An information dialog addressing this has been added to the uninstaller.
Improvement: Improved the accuracy of the Clean and SpeedUp My Computer scan.
Improvement: Improved the speed in which the Tutorial allows user to change the language of the software.
Improvement: Improved the user interface of My Account tool.
Improvement: Enhanced Software Uninstaller's performance and accuracy in uninstalling software.
Improvement: If the software is run in a system that has a very small screen, the messages are displayed as normal Windows message dialogs, not as lines at the bottom of the PowerTools' window.

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