Malwarebytes Anti-Malware - wersje rozwojowe (Beta)


Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
Prawdopodobnie będzie działać dopóki nie wyjdzie wersja stabilna.


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta 2

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware now scans the registry hives (HKCU keys) for all user accounts instead of just the current user account so that a single scan can now detect and remove all malware and malware traces from the entire system
Chameleon now functions for running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware against infections
Chameleon updated to deal with the latest rogue/fake AV infections
Several application crashes fixed
Several issues causing BSODs under certain scenarios fixed
Scan and protection logs improved to use more consistent formatting
Several items in the UI will now display in their translated language instead of showing only in English
Scan results can now be saved at the end of a scan prior to taking any actions against detected items
Threats quarantined by Malware Protection may now be restored without rebooting the system
Quarantine tab now refreshes to display recently quarantined threats without restarting Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Scan logs are no longer blank under certain scenarios
HTML and BBC options removed from export log function
Number for objects detected during scans is no longer misaligned
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium now functions correctly on XP with self-protection enabled
Dashboard now informs user when they have a 1.x license key installed but no 2.x key and gives them the opportunity to input a valid 2.x key
Several issues with removable drives and removable media fixed for Custom scans and right-click context menu scans
avp.exe (Kaspersky) and avastsvc.exe (Avast!) can no longer be excluded from Web Exclusions in order to prevent users from inadvertantly disabling Malicious Website Protection
Antirootkit scans no longer detect encrypted non-OS drives as containing forged sectors

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.00 BETA Test (THREE) Released

Thank you all for your feedback and testing. As you can see based on the changes listed below, we've been listening and working hard to make Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 the best it can be. I'm excited to announce the third public beta of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0. Below is the list of changes.

• Several notifications removed based on user feedback so that there are now fewer pop-ups
• Amount of system RAM used by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium/Trial significantly reduced
• Memory leak in scans fixed
• Memory leak in database updates fixed
• Scan speed improved drastically on some systems where scans were very slow in previous betas
• Browsing speed now faster when Malicious Website Protection is enabled than in previous betas on some systems
• Multiple items may now be selected in Quarantine for deleting or restoring at once
• Several issues with limited user accounts fixed
• Scans now run as expected under limited user accounts (it is still highly recommended that users scan regularly from an administrative user account in order to detect and remove all threats from the system)
• Malware Exclusions and Web Exclusions are now retained when upgrading from one version of 2.0 to another
• "Help" button in About tab now opens Malwarebytes Support webpage
• MBAMService no longer crashes when upgrading from version 1.75 PRO or trial
• Protection is no longer disabled after upgrading from previous 2.0 versions
• MBAM no longer crashes under some circumstances after updates
• Legal text removed from About tab
• Antirootkit Database and Malware Database versions now identified separately in scan logs
• Scan logs now contain more information about protection and license status
• Scan logs now list status of Chameleon self-protection
• Scan logs now show accurate information about license type and user account type
• Scan logs list additional information about detections
• Protection logs now show more information about items detected by Malware Protection
• Database Out of Date notifications now contain an "Update Now" button
• New EULA included with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
• Tray icon changes to reflect status of the software and protection
• MBAMScheduler no longer runs on startup when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is configured not to start with Windows
• Updating through a proxy when configured via the Update Settings tab now functions correctly
• Chameleon updated to deal with the latest rogue/fake AV malware
• Quarantined items now display immediately after being quarantined
• Users are now prompted to decide what to do when Malware Protection detects PUP
items when PUP is set to "Warn user about detections"
• MBAM no longer becomes unresponsive when computer wakes from sleep
• Crash in MBAMService fixed
• Updates can no longer cause the program to report that the database is missing or corrupt
• MBAM 2.0 now accepts MBAM 1.x license keys
• Using "Copy to Clipboard" or "Export Log" at the end of a scan no longer results in MBAM crashing or showing blank logs
• System crash/BSOD caused by antirootkit driver under some circumstances fixed
• Issue where some parts of the UI were not being translated as reported by translators now fixed (non-English languages will be available soon!)
• Limited users are no longer warned that they might be infected because antirootkit driver cannot load under limited user accounts

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.00 RC1
Posted Today, 06:02 PM
Hello, hello! We are nearing the completion of our beta test for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0. Below please find the change log for the release candidate. If all goes well, this build will be going live in about 2 weeks.
Language translations are now included with 2.0
Several issues with rootkit removal and repair fixed
Issue where databases were sometimes reported as corrupt after an update fixed
Obsolete Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.75 help file removed from 2.0 installer
Path for folders and registry keys removed by scans are no longer reported as blank
Items removed by a scan may now be restored from quarantine after a system restart with self-protection enabled
Cancelling a scan when using Chameleon to run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware no longer results in a BSOD
Print preview function in Firefox is no longer blocked when self-protection is enabled
Issue with fixing malicious GPO policies with Chameleon fixed
BSOD with Webroot SecureAnywhere fixed
To download the latest version, please click CHECK FOR UPDATES in the application. We would love if most of you upgraded this way to test the upgrade path. If you would like to install it for the first time, you may download it here. If the upgrade is successful, you'll see version in your title bar and under the Settings->About tab.

Thank you all for your wonderful help !

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta

New Features:
Scans may now be set to run as lower priority processes to improve multi-tasking under Advanced Settings
Added support for keyboard navigation of user interface
Added support for JAWS and Windows Narrator screenreaders
Malwarebytes Chameleon enhanced to be more effective against active malware infections in getting Malwarebytes Anti-Malware running
Notification for outdated databases now configured to 7 days by default rather than 1 per user feedback
All scans with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware now create an entry in protection logs
Failed update checks are now logged in protection logs
Updating Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should now function even when the Scan tab is awaiting action from the user
Support for scanning encrypted drives improved when rootkit scanning is enabled
Upgrading to new versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer prompt for a system restart
Issues Fixed:
Google Chrome users should no longer experience Malwarebytes Anti-Malware getting stuck or hanging during heuristics scans with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Scans should no longer hang during filesystem objects scan on some systems
Several crashes in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware fixed
Runtime errors during installation or upgrade of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer occur
Rootkit scanning should no longer flag sectors on non-system volumes as forged when those volumes are encrypted
Rootkit scanning should now work properly on Bitlocker encrypted drives
Scanning TruCrypt encrypted system volumes with rootkit scanning disabled no longer results in the filesystem not being scanned
Issue with repairing rootkit infected drivers on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 fixed
BSOD when using Driver Verifier software on a system running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware fixed
BSOD when using Boxcryptor software fixed
BSOD when using Malwarebytes Chameleon or self-protection in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware under certain conditions fixed
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer crash when using the "Copy to Clipboard" function under certain circumstances
Dashboard banner text should now reflect language changes in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware instantly
Several issues with tray notifications fixed
Display problems with some languages fixed
Malware Exclusions and Web Exclusions should no longer display duplicate entries following database updates
Occasional crash of MBAMService when upgrading from version 1.75 of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer occur
Several issues with the right-click "Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware” function fixed
Several problems with access policies fixed
Several UI performance issues fixed
Several UI and user experience enhancements implemented
More than one Malwarebytes Anti-Malware tray icon should no longer be displayed on system start under some circumstances
Issue with Malicious Website Protection not enabling after install under some circumstances on Windows Vista fixed
Minor display issues with tables within the UI fixed

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware RC 1

New Features:
Scans may now be set to run as lower priority processes to improve multi-tasking under Advanced Settings
Added support for keyboard navigation of user interface
Added support for JAWS and Windows Narrator screenreaders
Malwarebytes Chameleon enhanced to be more effective against active malware infections in getting Malwarebytes Anti-Malware running
Notification for outdated databases now configured to 7 days by default rather than 1 per user feedback
All scans with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware now create an entry in protection logs
Failed update checks are now logged in protection logs
Updating Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should now function even when the Scan tab is awaiting action from the user
Support for scanning encrypted drives improved when rootkit scanning is enabled
Upgrading to new versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer prompt for a system restart
Issues Fixed:
Google Chrome users should no longer experience Malwarebytes Anti-Malware getting stuck or hanging during heuristics scans with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Scans should no longer hang during filesystem objects scan on some systems
Several crashes in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware fixed
Runtime errors during installation or upgrade of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer occur
Rootkit scanning should no longer flag sectors on non-system volumes as forged when those volumes are encrypted
Rootkit scanning should now work properly on Bitlocker encrypted drives
Scanning TruCrypt encrypted system volumes with rootkit scanning disabled no longer results in the filesystem not being scanned
Issue with repairing rootkit infected drivers on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 fixed
BSOD when using Driver Verifier software on a system running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware fixed
BSOD when using Boxcryptor software fixed
BSOD when using Malwarebytes Chameleon or self-protection in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware under certain conditions fixed
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer crash when using the "Copy to Clipboard" function under certain circumstances
Dashboard banner text should now reflect language changes in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware instantly
Several issues with tray notifications fixed
Display problems with some languages fixed
Malware Exclusions and Web Exclusions should no longer display duplicate entries following database updates
Occasional crash of MBAMService when upgrading from version 1.75 of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should no longer occur
Several issues with the right-click "Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware” function fixed
Several problems with access policies fixed
Several UI performance issues fixed
Several UI and user experience enhancements implemented
More than one Malwarebytes Anti-Malware tray icon should no longer be displayed on system start under some circumstances
Issue with Malicious Website Protection not enabling after install under some circumstances on Windows Vista fixed
Minor display issues with tables within the UI fixed

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware beta

• Brand new UI design! Much cleaner look with a toned-down color scheme.
• Improved scan flow – all scans now automatically check for and apply the latest database updates so you're always scanning with the latest protection. (Exception: this will not occur if you have the option to “check for updates before scanning” disabled.)
• Simplified Quarantine flow – threats detected are pre-selected for removal and users are presented with a single “Remove Selected” button. Clicking “Remove Selected” quarantines all checked items. If you uncheck any threats you will see a new dialog asking what action should be taken on the unselected items: Ignore Once, Ignore Always, Cancel.
• Improved malware protection capabilities, including enhanced rootkit detection and removal.
• The Minimize button now minimizes the main program window to the taskbar instead of the tray.
• Addressed numerous issues with Scheduled Scans, including showing the correct date for “Next schedule scan” on the dashboard.

Known issues:
• The What’s New / Release Notes included in the installer have not yet been updated and are showing old items from the 2.0.3 release.
• MBAM crashes when updating through a system tray notification.
• Malicious Web Protection is referencing some old test databases that may cause you to see some sites being blocked that would not normally be blocked.
• Text strings new to 2.1 have not yet been translated. (This will be happening over the next several weeks.)
• The tables throughout the UI will be updated for consistency and improved behavior prior to release.
• The informational module shown during scan (and on Scan Results page for Free and Trial) includes several links that are not yet active.


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Bardzo aktywny
3 Kwiecień 2012
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware beta

• Brand new UI design! Much cleaner look with a toned-down color scheme.
• Improved scan flow – all scans now automatically check for and apply the latest database updates so you're always scanning with the latest protection. (Exception: this will not occur if you have the option to “check for updates before scanning” disabled.)
• Simplified Quarantine flow – threats detected are pre-selected for removal and users are presented with a single “Remove Selected” button. Clicking “Remove Selected” quarantines all checked items. If you uncheck any threats you will see a new dialog asking what action should be taken on the unselected items: Ignore Once, Ignore Always, Cancel.
• Improved malware protection capabilities, including enhanced rootkit detection and removal.
• The Minimize button now minimizes the main program window to the taskbar instead of the tray.
• Addressed numerous issues with Scheduled Scans, including showing the correct date for “Next schedule scan” on the dashboard.

Known issues:
• The What’s New / Release Notes included in the installer have not yet been updated and are showing old items from the 2.0.3 release.
• MBAM crashes when updating through a system tray notification.
• Malicious Web Protection is referencing some old test databases that may cause you to see some sites being blocked that would not normally be blocked.
• Text strings new to 2.1 have not yet been translated. (This will be happening over the next several weeks.)
• The tables throughout the UI will be updated for consistency and improved behavior prior to release.
• The informational module shown during scan (and on Scan Results page for Free and Trial) includes several links that are not yet active.


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Spolszczenie z forum Malwarebytes:

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Należy wkleić do C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Languages


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Swoją drogą fajne GUI ma teraz MBAM


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta

What’s new:
• Brand new UI design! Much cleaner look with a toned-down color scheme.
• Improved scan flow – all scans now automatically check for and apply the latest database updates so you're always scanning with the latest protection. (Exception: this will not occur if you have the option to “check for updates before scanning” disabled.)
• You’ll automatically be prompted to download new program updates for the beta whenever they’re available. You can check back to this thread for details on the latest changes included in the new versions.
• Simplified Quarantine flow – threats detected are pre-selected for removal and users are presented with a single “Remove Selected” button. Clicking “Remove Selected” quarantines all checked items. If you uncheck any threats you will see a new dialog asking what action should be taken on the unselected items: Ignore Once, Ignore Always, Cancel.
• Improved malware protection capabilities, including enhanced rootkit detection and removal.
• The Minimize button now minimizes the main program window to the taskbar instead of the tray.
• Addressed numerous issues with Scheduled Scans, including showing the correct date for “Next schedule scan” on the dashboard.

Known issues:
• The What’s New / Release Notes included in the installer have not yet been updated and are showing old items from the 2.0.3 release.
• Text strings new to 2.1 have not yet been translated. (This will be happening over the next several weeks.)
• The tables throughout the UI will be updated for consistency and improved behavior prior to release.
• The informational module shown during scan (and on Scan Results page for Free and Trial) includes several links that are not yet active.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta

To improve usability, the "Remove Selected" button will now read “Next” instead on the Scan Results screen if all detected items are unchecked.
Fixed an issue with protection starting correctly during an update from 2.0.4 to 2.1.
Added back the text that had been inadvertently dropped from the Add and Edit Schedule dialogs regarding the possible variance in scheduled updates start times.
Minor text updates for consistency.
Slightly reduced the font size used on left-hand Settings tabs for improved design.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware RC 2

Fixed more resizing issues when switching languages. Please note that Russian is still a work in progress, so that's the only one that is much wider than it should be for now.
We reduced the size of the Add Schedule and Edit Schedule dialogs...for those who had trouble viewing the entire dialog these should at least now be more easily re-positioned.
Fixed the scan hang that some users reported
Windows XP users with admin privileges should no longer get the "Run as" prompt to install an MBAM update
Reduced the width of the UI for some languages where it was way too wide (Note: there is a known issue where the UI size gets stuck and does not always “snap” back to the default size when you switch back to English, even if you try to manually resize. The fix for this is to Exit MBAM by right-clicking, choosing Exit and then re-launch the program.)
Final Change log has been updated and is now included in the installer
Tables throughout the program have been improved for better usability
The majority of updated translations are now included – thank you to all our community volunteers for your help with this!
Minor copy edits

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware . RC3

This version is a fairly minor refresh: the only changes were some edits to some of the strings for some of our translations.

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Bardzo aktywny
27 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.2.0 Beta 1


Full support for Windows 10 operating system added
Enhanced safeguards to prevent false positives on legitimate files
Improved rootkit scanning to prevent false positives for Unknown.Rootkit.Driver and Unknown.Rootkit.VBR
Minor user interface edits including updated Scan Results view and updated top navigation menu
Added ability to sort the columns in Quarantine table under History tab
Improved handling of scheduled updates set to run on reboot to prevent repeated missed updates
Improved messaging in limited user accounts when an action requiring Admin privileges is attempted
New message added when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is running in a business environment
Updated License Agreement included

Issues Fixed:

Fixed security vulnerability and enhanced Malwarebytes Anti-Malware self-protection
Fixed several issues related to updating databases in a limited user account
Fixed issue where USB drives would not show as available for scanning on the Custom Scan Configuration screen
Fixed several licensing issues that could potentially cause invalid license and protection states
Fixed problem where double-clicking the tray icon would not launch the user interface

Link :

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Bardzo aktywny
27 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Ulepszoną nową funkcją w tej wersji jest jest automatyczna aktywacja produktu

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