Malwarebytes Anti-Malware - wersje rozwojowe (Beta)


Bardzo aktywny
31 Grudnia 2014
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Beta
Od wersjii
- Full support for Windows 10 operating system added
- Enhanced safeguards to prevent false positives on legitimate files
- Improved rootkit scanning to prevent false positives for Unknown.Rootkit.Driver and Unknown.Rootkit.VBR
- Minor user interface edits including updated Scan Results view and updated top navigation menu
- Added ability to sort the columns in Quarantine table under History tab
- Improved handling of scheduled updates set to run on reboot to prevent repeated missed updates
- Improved messaging in limited user accounts when an action requiring Admin privileges is attempted
- New message added when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is running in a business environment
- Updated License Agreement included

Issues Fixed:
- Fixed security vulnerability and enhanced Malwarebytes Anti-Malware self-protection
- Fixed several issues related to updating databases in a limited user account
- Fixed issue where USB drives would not show as available for scanning on the Custom Scan Configuration screen
- Fixed several licensing issues that could potentially cause invalid license and protection states
- Fixed problem where double-clicking the tray icon would not launch the user interface Beta:
Fixes the problem where the MBAM GUI would minimize to the system tray in Premium mode. It now minimizes correctly to the task bar again

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Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
Malwarebytes 3.0

Performance / Protective Capability:
• Added signature-less anti-exploit and anti-ransomware protection (Premium only)
• Up to 4x faster scan speeds, including even quicker Hyper Scans
• Removed non-essential reboots after certain malware removal events
• Advanced Heuristic Engine (Shuriken) now enabled by default
• Self-Protection now enabled by default (Premium only)

• Redesigned user interface for improved usability
• Now configurable to integrate with Windows Action Center / Windows Security Center (Premium only)
• Update checks are done automatically so they do not need to be scheduled
• Improved support for keyboard navigation and screen readers

Stability / Issues Fixed:
• Added ability to lock down My Account screen via User Access Policy
• Added ability to collect enhanced logs when directed to do so by Support
• Fixed issue where Scheduler did not adjust for Daylight Saving Time changes
• Fixed issue where Scheduler defaulted to hourly Threat Scan instead of Daily
• Fixed issue where Chameleon reported error messages numerous times to Windows Event Viewer
• Changed 'Recover if missed by' setting in Scheduler to Off by default
• Prevented rootkit scanning in Custom Scans if full system drive is not selected
• Updated to latest version of 7-Zip DLL
• Addressed many other miscellaneous defects

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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Today we have released the beta of our next-generation product, Malwarebytes 3.0! This product is built to provide comprehensive protection against today’s threat landscape so that you can finally replace your traditional antivirus.

Według tego co piszą to nowy MBAM to już nie dodatek do Antywirusa ale spokojnie może go zastąpić.
W nowej wersji (3) Malwarebytes Antimalware to połączenie wszystkich programów czyli Anti-Malware, Anti-Exploit i Anti-Ransomware.Jak ktoś ma licencje dożywotnią to i na nowej wersji będzie ona też działać. :bea

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes 3.0 beta 2

1. Jest to wymóg, który należy odinstalować pierwsza beta i restart przed zainstalowaniem publiczną wersję beta 2.

2. Ze względu na błąd w deinstalatora pierwszej wersji beta na Windows Defender może się wyłączyć. Konieczne jest, aby sprawdzić stan usługi Windows Defender po odinstalowaniu pierwszą betę i upewnić się, że tam, gdzie chcesz być.

Change Log

Many performance improvements, including reduced memory and CPU usage and quicker Malwarebytes startup times
Several fixes to program update and upgrade functionality, including incorrectly showing the "Updates not current' message in the dashboard
Added new error message if an update check failed due to no internet connection
Fixed the issue where the “Warn user” setting for Potentially Unwanted Programs and Potentially Unwanted Modifications was not honored
Fixed File and Folder Exclusions entry fields to not allow text entry so specific files or folders are required
Fixed the issue where you might see inconsistent protection statuses upon install or upgrade Fixed issue where if you had the ‘Recover if missed by’ setting enabled Malwarebytes might attempt to scan after every reboot
Fixed issue where Anti-Exploit Protected Application settings were not disabling appropriately
Fixed issue where Web Protection would not start in Premium or Trial modes in Windows XP
Fixed several issues around integration with Windows Security Center / Windows Action Center
The majority of translations of supported languages are now included, though there are still a handful of missing strings
Non-English text should no longer appear garbled during the install wizard
Fixed the issue where the version listed in the Change Log for was incorrect
Fixed user interface scaling issues with high DPI settings
Many minor user interface design improvements (spacing, font sizes, colors, etc.)
Export button was removed from the main Reports screen
Fixed issue where anti-ransomware would not show a reboot prompt after a detection if the user interface was closed
Changed the location of anti-ransomware data folder
Fixed issue where a Custom Scan would hang on a large file
Fixed issue that could occur in certain circumstances when upgrading from Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit to Malwarebytes 3.0 where the anti-exploit DLLs would not un-inject
Fixed BSOD that could happen with self-protection driver
Fixed BSOD with web protection driver that could happen on Windows Vista
Fixed a hang during uninstall on Vista x86
Fixed user interface crash that could occur on Windows XP

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes v3.0.4 (beta)

Change Log for v3.0.4

Addressed slowdowns and freezes due to certain deadlock conditions that could occur while updating Malwarebytes
This also fixed the corresponding issue where updates would constantly show as “Applying”
Addressed slowdowns and freezes that could occur after upgrading from Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x to Malwarebytes 3.0 due to an improperly carried over ‘Delay Real-Time Protection on startup” setting
Further improved overall memory usage
Further improved overall scan speed when main user interface is open
Fixed a crash with mbam.exe when installed Malwarebytes 3.0 was installed over Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium v. 2.2.1 in Windows 8.1 x64
Fixed an issue on upgrade from Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v. 1.75 to Malwarebytes 3.0 where threats could be auto-quarantined during a scan
Fixed issues that affected ability to register properly with Windows Security / Action Center
Final translations for all supported languages were integrated

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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Hello all--

I'd like to invite you to try out our latest beta version of Malwarebytes -- v. -- available for download
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You should be able to install directly over any earlier Malwarebytes version you might be running.

Here's What's New & Improved:

Performance/protective capability
• Multiple enhancements result in reduction of memory usage
• Faster load time and responsiveness of third-party applications
• Improved performance of Web Protection
• Faster Malwarebytes 3 program startup time and responsiveness of user interface
• New detection and protection layer with machine learning based anomaly detection (to be deployed gradually even if it shows “enabled” under Settings)
• Improved Self-Protection by requiring escalated privileges to disable protections or deactivate a license
• Enhanced malware protection techniques and remediation capabilities
• Added an automatic monthly scheduled scan in Free mode

• Added ability to control the priority of manual scans on the system
• Added setting to turn off ‘Real-Time Protection turned off’ notifications when protection was specifically disabled by the user
• Added ability to exclude the last website blocked by Web Protection via the tray menu
• Fixed several defects related to configuring Custom Scans, including selecting child folders and fixing issues with touch screens
• Fixed problem where a right-click context scan appeared broken after scheduled scan due to misleading "Cannot start a scan while another one is in progress" message
• Fixed issue where you could not add or edit a scheduled scan in Spanish and some other languages
• Fixed issue where scan could appear stuck on Heuristics Analysis when it had actually completed successfully
• Fixed issue where Self-Protection setting would fail to toggle correctly after an upgrade

Stability/issues fixed
• Fixed several crashes in the Web Protection module
• Fixed issue where Ransomware Protection would be stuck in ‘Starting’ state after a reboot
• Fixed a conflict with Norton that caused web pages not to load and plug-ins to crash in Chrome
• Fixed issue with WMI protection technique in Exploit Protection that could cause Office applications to crash
• Fixed several crashes related to the service and tray
• Fixed many other miscellaneous defects and user interface improvements

Please take it for a spin and let us know your feedback by starting a new topic in this forum.



Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes 3.4.2 Beta 2
Malwarebytes 3.4.2 was released today as our Beta 2. The primary change in Beta 2 is that the BSODs related to Web Protection have been addressed and should be fixed. Please help us confirm this!

Here’s the list of changes / improvements in 3.4:

Performance/protective capability
• Improved Web Protection for better targeting of specific URLs
• Improved remediation for shortcuts and tasks
• Added better handling for heavily infected systems to streamline detection & remediation
• Continued improvements to overall protection, detection and remediation

• Added Notification Center for easy access to most recent real-time block notifications
• Added category to website blocked notification to show the reason why site was blocked
• Improved report design for better usability
• Added device name to My Account screen in preparation to sync with My Account portal
• Updated the API used to interact with Windows Action/Security Center
• Changed the 'Recover if missed by' setting for Scheduled Scans to be enabled by default for new scans
• Numerous other user interface and copy improvements

Stability/issues fixed
• Fixed issue where files did not save properly with anti-ransomware enabled
• Fixed issue where notifications could stack so you might see multiple versions of same message
• Fixed issue where Beta opt in setting would not honor Restore Defaults
• Updated the 7-Zip library to the latest version, v.18.01
• Improved upgrade process from earlier versions of Malwarebytes
• Continued improvements to driver operation and management
• Fixed several crashes, including a blue screen related to Web Protection
• Addressed other miscellaneous defects
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Malwarebytes 3.4.3 Beta 3
3/2 Update: Malwarebytes 3.4.3 was released today as our Beta 3. We believe the Web Protection- related BSODs have finally been resolved. Please help us confirm this!
(NOTE: There are known issues with web notifications on Windows XP so this beta is not recommended on XP.)

Here’s the list of changes / improvements in 3.4:

Performance/protective capability
• Improved Web Protection for better targeting of specific URLs
• Improved remediation for shortcuts and tasks
• Added better handling for heavily infected systems to streamline detection & remediation
• Continued improvements to overall protection, detection and remediation

• Added Notification Center for easy access to most recent real-time block notifications
• Added category to website blocked notification to show the reason why site was blocked
• Improved report design for better usability
• Added device name to My Account screen in preparation to sync with My Account portal
• Updated the API used to interact with Windows Action/Security Center
• Changed the 'Recover if missed by' setting for Scheduled Scans to be enabled by default for new scans
• Numerous other user interface and copy improvements

Stability/issues fixed
• Fixed issue where files did not save properly with anti-ransomware enabled
• Fixed issue where notifications could stack so you might see multiple versions of same message
• Fixed issue where Beta opt in setting would not honor Restore Defaults
• Updated the 7-Zip library to the latest version, v.18.01
• Improved upgrade process from earlier versions of Malwarebytes
• Continued improvements to driver operation and management
• Fixed several crashes, including a blue screen related to Web Protection
• Addressed other miscellaneous defects
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