
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Network Drive Control pozwala skonfigurować automatyczne mapowanie dysków sieciowych podczas logowania w oparciu o sieć lub sieci, do których jesteś podłączony. Możesz ustawić np. laptopa, aby automatycznie się łączył i mapował jeden zestaw dysków sieciowych, gdy jesteś w domu, a drugi zestaw dysków sieciowych, gdy jest gdzie indziej, lub żadnego, jeśli komputer wykryje, że jest podłączony do sieci, w której nie skonfigurowano żadnych mapowań.

Network Drive Control nie ma ograniczeń co do liczby sieci lub dysków, które można skonfigurować, a litery dysków mogą być nadmiarowe.

Kontrola dysków sieciowych wykorzystuje funkcje systemu Windows wbudowane w system Windows Vista do wersji 10 i obsługuje mapowanie dysków za pomocą bloku komunikatów serwera, wspólnego internetowego systemu plików, Netbios i WebDAV.

Network Drive Control jest aplikacją przenośną, więc instalacja jest szybkim i bezbolesnym procesem, który wymaga jedynie dekompresji archiwum w dowolnym pożądanym miejscu na dysku twardym. Program jest wyposażony w przejrzysty, zorganizowany i przyjazny dla użytkownika interfejs użytkownika, który prawdopodobnie nie sprawi Ci żadnych problemów.


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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Network Drive Control 1.41
Version 1.41 Release date November 29, 2019
  • 1. Added "Connect All Possible" & "Disconnect All Possible" buttons.
  • 2. Update help file to say how one can trigger NDC from a script. (User request.)
  • 3. Changed button & checkbox layout.
  • 4. Made Console dialog re-sizable. The languages NDC is written in don't do this automatically, so I have to monitor the dialog size and handle it manually in callbacks. That's why I didn't do this earlier as I'm lazy. (User requested feature.)
  • 5. Updated help file.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Network Drive Control 1.42
Version 1.42 - November 30, 2019
  • 1. Added grip to bottom on Console window to make it easier to re-size.
  • 2. Added allowing selection of multiple items for connection or disconnection. If multiple items are selected and any of the other buttons are pressed, only the top-most item is affected. (User requested feature.)
  • 3. Updated help file.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Network Drive Control 1.46
v1.46 - June 16, 2020
1. Fixed situation where update check would not understand when the website was unavailable. This is related to my web hosting company making behind the scene changes to the website's error reporting, as opposed to a fault in the program.

v1.45 - June 4, 2020
1. The update check was broken by my website hosting company changing something in their server setting having to do with redirection, I don't know exactly what. My old update code is something I wrote roughly 20 years ago where I was doing all of the heavy lifting. Rather than try to figure out what was going on, I wrote a new routine that uses the Windows WinInet API. In principle, this should keep working even as servers change as it gets updated as Windows & Edge get updated. When NDC asks what the current version of NDC is (which it does by asking - no user info is sent), it does so via https.
2. Updated help file.

v1.44 - April 5, 2020
1. Fixed bug in "About" of tray icon where it reported the wrong version of NDC.
2. Fixed bug in System Tray toggle message.
3. Added warning if user manually enters a network name and it does not match a known network, and asks if that's what they intended. While adding an unknown network name may be a perfectly legitimate thing to do, and is allowed by NDC, this warning is to help catch typos. This is based on helping a user where the apperance on the screen obscured that this was the cause of the problem they were seeing.
4. Added additional logging info. After having investigated a problem, realized a little more info put into the log file would have saved a bit of time.
5. Updated help file.

v1.43 - March 8, 2020
1. Code signing certificate changed to a SHA256 one issued by Sectigo. Old one was a SHA1 issued by Digicert.
2. Added Caps Lock check to some of the password input boxes if passwords are hidden.
3. Added Windows version info to "About" box. (For Windows 10.)
4. Updated help file.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Network Drive Control 1.49
What's new in Network Drive Control 1.49
October 1, 2020
  • Logging improved.
  • Message encoding improved.
  • Fixed code bug in "Export NDC Settings" menu selection that enabled a functionality that was not intended to be enabled (which didn't affect anything as I didn't try to use that functionality, but I'd rather it not have been enabled at all). That enabling also didn't create any type of security issue.
  • Option under the help menu to use INI file. If this option is set in the menu, then upon exiting NDC will save it's Registry Settings as an encapsulated Registry BLOB in the user's "DocumentsNDC Logs" folder as "Network_Drive_Control.INI". When NDC is started, it will check whether the INI file exists & is valid, and if so, will map it back on to the System Registry. In this way, one can make NDC portable. The INI file is not editable, and is not interchangeable with a setting export file. (User requested feature.)
  • Fixed minor installer bug. Fortunately, NDC has enough self checks & recovery routines that it functioned correctly despite this installer bug.
  • Fixed bug where a mapping with a null password could sometimes display random data when console set to display passwords. (User reported bug.)
  • Updated help file.
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