
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Swiss File Knife 1.8.7


Swiss File Knife (SFK) - jest przydatnym programem narzędziowym. Zawiera kilkaset funkcji rozszerzających funkcjonalność systemu operacyjnego o dodatkowe operacje. Całość to tylko jeden plik wykonywalny o rozmiarze około megabajta, natomiast obsługa sprowadza się do wywoływania odpowiednich komend w linii poleceń. Aplikacja może być z powodzeniem skopiowana na przykład na nośnik optyczny bądź pamięć USB i przenoszona w dowolne miejsce.

Funkcjonalność Swiss File Knife jest dosyć rozbudowana, niemniej warto wymienić następujące narzędzia:
- tworzenie listy plików i folderów,
- wyszukiwanie danych według nazwy i zawartości,
- usuwanie, kopiowanie i przenoszenie katalogów,
- dzielenie i łączenie plików,
- rozmaite konwersje (zmiana tabulacji na spacje, tworzenie plików binarnych),
- wyświetlanie podglądu danych tekstowych,
- wstawianie fragmentów tekstu na początku/końcu,
- sortowanie,
- generowanie sum kontrolnych MD5 i ich weryfikacja,
- porównywanie zawartości plików,
- prosty serwer HTTP,
- prosty serwer FTP,
- łączenie się z lokacjami FTP,
- pobieranie plików z sieci oraz wysyłanie zapytań HTTP,
- szybkie sprawdzanie aktualnego adresu IP przypisanego do komputera,
- podgląd połączeń sieciowych,
- kopiowanie i wczytywanie komend do schowka,
- przeszukiwanie zmiennych środowiskowych,
- wyświetlanie wersji plików wykonywalnych,
- tworzenie plików z losową zawartością,
- zmiana koloru tekstu w wierszu poleceń,
- szybkie generowanie domyślnych kodów źródłowych popularnych języków programowania,
- proste narzędzia pozwalające na automatyzację przeprowadzanych operacji.

Program jest bardzo prosty w obsłudze i może się przydać nawet mniej zaawansowanym użytkownikom komputera. Wszystkie dostępne komendy są jasno nazwane oraz bardzo dobrze udokumentowane. Narzędzie zapewnia bieżące podpowiedzi, sugerując przykładowe sposoby użycia.

Aplikacja jest całkowicie darmowa, także do zastosowań komercyjnych. Projekt posiada otwarty kod źródłowy oraz skompilowane wersje działające na systemach z rodziny Microsoft Windows i Linux.

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Swiss File Knife 1.8.8
- rel: 04.09.2017,
Major Update - sum: added new GUI tool to display status infos by several lights in the system tray. added sfk status command to control these lights. added more flexible rename for files and folders. - add: sfk xrename, a flexible rename for files and folder names, supporting full SFK Simple Expressions and many patterns per command. - add: sfk status, send a colored status to the SFKTray Windows GUI tool for display. - fix: fromnet: when used with command chaining it called following commands endless even with no input at all. now e.g. fromnet +filter ... will block until actual input data is received. use new option -nowait for old behaviour. - fix: sfk web: input conflict error after some commands like setvar. - chg: web download limit default is now 30 mb. - add: sfk if: warning on "rc = 0" comparison which should be "rc=0". - chg: syntax change: stat: further command name chars like "sfk statistics" are no longer supported. - doc: sfk rename: -spat example and xrename reference. Source: readme, updated 2017-09-05
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Swiss File Knife
Revision 2: - rel: 21.09.2017, Minor Update - sum: improved scripting with perline and getvar commands. - add: perline: option -setvar x to put whole line text into variable x, for easy call of sub functions without parameters. - add: getvar: option -line to extract first line matching a pattern. allows fast table lookups by a unique id if text is in a variable. - add: hexdump: option -nolf for -pure format. - doc: touch: how to touch a single dir. - doc: filetime: how to list a single dir. Initial Release: - rel: 04.09.2017, Major Update - sum: added new GUI tool to display status infos by several lights in the system tray. added sfk status command to control these lights. added more flexible rename for files and folders. - add: sfk xrename, a flexible rename for files and folder names, supporting full SFK Simple Expressions and many patterns per command. - add: sfk status, send a colored status to the SFKTray Windows GUI tool for display. - fix: fromnet: when used with command chaining it called following commands endless even with no input at all. now e.g. fromnet +filter ... will block until actual input data is received. use new option -nowait for old behaviour. - fix: sfk web: input conflict error after some commands like setvar. - chg: web download limit default is now 30 mb. - add: sfk if: warning on "rc = 0" comparison which should be "rc=0". - chg: syntax change: stat: further command name chars like "sfk statistics" are no longer supported. - doc: sfk rename: -spat example and xrename reference.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Swiss File Knife 1.8.9
rel: 06.12.2017, Major Update - sum: improved scripting with if begin ... endif. better display of windows filenames with more codepages. sfk rand to create random numbers. sfk prompt to allow user input. fixed xex return code handling and stop of script after sfk status. - chg: windows: improved display of european filenames using non latin characters in the own codepage. - chg: sfk batch tmp.bat: the example is now a short number game with status lights. - add: scripting: +if expr +begin ... +endif to execute multiple commands as one block if given expression is true. - add: scripting: easy check if a variable text contains a phrase by: if "#(contains(mystr,'text'))" - add: if: support for if "rc<>1" to check if command rc is different to a value. - add: sfk rand to create a random number. - add: sfk prompt to ask for user input. - chg: sfk status: no longer requires protocol version. - fix: xex: return code was always 1 if previous command set it, no matter if xex found data. - fix: fixfile: option -dewide displayed invalid date 1900... in simulation preview. - fix: possible crash on setvar with empty value. - fix: status: silent stop of command chain with some following commands like +list - chg: windows OSE compile support for MSVC 14. - chg: chaining from +tell to other commands like +setvar no longer requires +then. - chg: improved tracing of variable expansion by -debug like +tell -debug "#(strlen(a))" - doc: xex: how to check if a variable contains a word. - doc: help var: how to search a variable in a variable.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Swiss File Knife
Revision 2: - rel: 10.01.2018, Minor Update - sum: improved scripting error messages. better rename support in scripts. added filter option to skip first lines. - add: sfk renfile, rename just a single file, for use in sfk scripts. - add: filter -skipfirst=n to skip first n lines. - chg: -nocol given locally at a command no longer changes the global color mode. - chg: scripts: every command given like +cmdname can now be used in a script, no longer producing the error "does not support input chaining". - add: sfk ren, xren: option -quiet to print nothing. - add: sfk ren, xren: now tells number of changed files. option -[no]stat to show or hide statistics. - add: sfk rmtree: option -quiet to print nothing, option -stat to show statistics with -quiet. - fix: scripts: unknown commands were ignored silently, they now produce an error "unknown command". - fix: -memlimit=3000 did not work. - fix: sfk prompt help text. - doc: improved prompt example.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Swiss File Knife 1.9.2
Version: 1.9.2

chg: Syntax Change: sfk zip: no longer adds .zip to output filename if it contains any dot '.'. this allows to create zip files with any extension, like .odt or .jar. use option -zipext for the old behaviour.
- add: checkzip: option -md5 to show md5 checksums of zip file contents

- add: general option -more to pause output per page.

- add: xhexfind: option -context=n to show n bytes of context around results.

- add: sfk for: now supports counting down, negative start/end values, and optional step size.

- add: sfk zip: option -rel to strip top level folder name of filenames within zip.

- add: sfk xed: option -write to rewrite a given file with changed output.

- fix: sfk if: now supports expression starting with plus like: if "+a = +a" ...

- fix: perline: context and options were not fully reset between two lines, e.g. load files.txt +perline "list #qtext" -yes produced wrong output.

- add: sfk move: move files between two folders.

- add: sfk mkdir: option -forfile to create dir tree for a given filename

- add: scripts: #(substr(s,o,l)) now also supports variable (names) for o and l.

- add: scripts: #(rsubstr(s,o,l)) to get substring from the right side in left direction.

- add: sfk getcol, tabcol to get one column from whitespace or tab separated text. alias of sfk filter.

- add: sfk ping: option -every to ping every n sec.

- add: make-random-file: output folder creation.

- add: sfk times, alias for sfk list -times.

- add: list: now also accepts -times with 's'.

- add: sfk getvar: option -numline=n to get a line by number.

- add: zip/unzip: option -offtime to support file times which are one hour off.

- fix: xtext: with -to out\$file it produced error -4 during simulation.

- fix: xtext: -to out\$file no longer writes :file headers into output files.

- fix: rand: missing range check.

- fix: ifexist file stop -all ... was not possible.

- fix: windows mingw g++ compile.

- chg: sfk if: improved "need a command" error info.

- doc: list: example how to keep only existing filenames from a list of filenames

- doc: count: example for filter/setvar/count.

- doc: copy: reference to move.

- doc: xtext: how to extract text starting at a line.

- doc: help var: new (r)substr behaviour.

- doc: addcr: example for current folder.

- doc: sfk times example.

- doc: sfk zip: example to unzip/zip an .odt file.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Swiss File Knife

- add: sfk base: optional installation when running sfk by double click from windows explorer.
- CHG: Data Change: sfk index, name under windows no longer use files directly within C:\ but only in a folder C:\zz-index, to avoid user local storage in a VirtualStore folder. use sfk name -useold to read old index files. the new behaviour allows one C:\\ index file for all users on the same windows machine.

- add: predefined variable: sys.sfkver for sfk version

- add: predefined variable: sys.numcols for number of columns available in console

- fix: getcol, tabcol: caused unexpected double execution of following chain commands.

- add: clipsrc: -h help option

- del: clipxml: does not work, no longer documented. Initial Release:

- chg: Syntax Change: command chaining no longer allows data tunneling through non consuming commands. in a chain like cmd1 +cmd2 +cmd3 +cmd4 +cmd5 it is no longer possible to send data from cmd1 to cmd3/4/5 if cmd2 uses no chain data (e.g. if, tell). this tunneling was inconsistent and caused endless conflicts by unwanted chain data in cmd3/4/5. use -keepdata or SET SFK_CONFIG=keepdata for the old behaviour which was inconsistent and worked only sometimes.

- chg: Syntax Change: sfk if: no longer passes through any chain data, as this behaviour was ambiguous and caused endless unwanted chain input. this means combinations like +xed /a/b/ +if ... +xed /b/c/ are no longer possible. use '+tif' instead, or global option -keepdata.

- add: sfk ... +tif for conditional execution requesting text and stream data explicitely.

- add: sfk ... +tgoto to jump to a label passing text and stream data explicitely.

- chg: Syntax Change: sfk md5: now only prints the checksum without filename if only a single filename is given. use option -name for the old behaviour.

- chg: Data Change: sfk getvar -line no longer appends CR or LF at extracted line.

- chg: Data Change: web: no longer produces shell return code 9 on error, but 1, to be consistent with command chaining rc.

- FIX: linux: case insensitive pattern match and text extraction did not work, esp. with xed or xex.

- CHG: improved scripting: combinations like sfk echo foo +setvar a=text sfk echo foo +setvar a +if ... setvar b=text sfk echo foo +xex ... +setvar b=1 no longer require 'then' in many cases.

- add: Simple Expressions: tag [skip] at the start of a pattern now skips this text completely and does not count it as a hit.

- chg: archive file extensions: extended the list of archive files recognized by -[q]arc by more office file extensions. for full details type: sfk help opt

- chg: no longer activating archive file read implicitely with most functions. use -[q]arc instead.

- fix: ftpserv, httpserv: unwanted listing of zip file contents instead of zip file itself.

- add: sfk addtovar, append text as lines to a variable

- add: variables: #(strpos(a,b)) and #(contains(a,b)) now searches content of variable b within text of variable a.

- add: variables: #(begins(a,'word')) now tells if text of variable a starts with word.

- chg: scripts: #(rsubstr(s,o,l)) now also supports offset/length beyond string length, producing an empty string instead of error.

- fix: scripts: #(substr(a,n)) with n beyond length of a stopped the script with "invalid variable expression". now it evaluates to an empty string.

- add: sfk variables: function #(numlines(a)) to tell number of lines in variable a.

- add: sfk md5var, create md5 hash from sfk variable content.

- add: sfk difflines, show text lines that differ between two text files or variables

- add: sfk crc, crcgento, crccheck to create and verify crc32 checksums (the same as used in zip files).

- add: sfk list: now sets return code if any matching files or dirs were found.

- add: sfk web: now sets return code 1 on any error.

- add: sfk sft: now sets return code if any files were sent.

- add: del[tree] now sets return code on failure

- add: deltree now retries a failed folder deletion 2 times with a 100 msec wait inbetween.

- add: del[tree] option -stoponerr to stop chain execution if deletion fails

- chg: del[tree] now produces a warning if deletion is incomplete.

- fix: ftp client: 30 second wait after listing of directory or file download with some servers.

- fix: run: -printcmd was ignored.

- chg: zip reading: invalid zip file now produces a warning instead of an error.

- fix: xfind, replace functions, xrename: variables were not expanded for dir parameters.

- chg: sfk run: now shows a notice if no filenames are processed on chaining.

- chg: xed, xrename now ignore empty pattern parameters instead of stopping with an error. useful for scripting with optional parms.

- chg: command chaining: -verbose now shows a notice "chaining stops before ...: no data" if execution stops due to no data.

- chg: command chaining: no longer showing "chaining stops ...: no filenames" unless -verbose is given.

- chg: sfk batch out.sh under linux: added exit after sfk call.

- chg: sfk sft cput: if no files are sent then -quiet no longer tells anything.

- add: copy -flat2 to copy all files of a dir tree to an output folder with relative names.

- add: make-random-file -lock option, to keep a file locked for testing.

- fix: xfind with -justrc: chaining to if was not possible if nothing was found.

- fix: xfind -showrc produced an error.

- add: ifnotexist, check if a file does not exist.

- add: swap, reverse chain text character order

- add: Windows: sfk clock: pressing enter now resets the relative time.

- add: Windows: sfk clock3 shows overall start time and, when pressing Enter, relative time since overall start in a second column.

- add: sfk clock2 to show just a relative time.

- add: sft client: multi file send: now showing total mb info.

- add: xed: option -tolines to force line output.

- fix: xed: listing of mem leaks if given filename cannot be read, or input too large.

- doc: end: xed -tolines reference

- doc: tofile: addtovar reference

- doc: sft: upload loop example.

- doc: index: reworked linux examples.

- doc: xfind: -showrc removed, wrong context.

- doc: filter: difflines reference.

- doc: help opt: new list of archive extensions and -qarc info

- doc: xed: reference to sfk swap

- doc: sfk help chain: data tunneling notice.
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