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Przecież to lewik jestTutaj znalazłem taką promocję :
Moje pytanie ; czy można zainstalować wyłącznie Avast SecureLine VPN ? - nie chciałbym instalować antyvirusa,gdyż już mam na swoim PC.
Jest opcja : Your code is valid for multiple subscriptions.
Dziwna ta propozycja : kod ważny ...58 lat))
ABSOLUTELY FREE during the Covid-19 crisis period. Stay Home and Work Safe!
K7 Security
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Now, you can install our award-winning and advanced security product, Total Security, and use it with no payment till April 30th, 2020. We hope, by that time, we will have emerged out of this challenge, stronger and safer. However, if this outbreak continues beyond April, we will try our best to support you by extending this over till this outbreak ends and lockdown is lifted.
We all want to keep our kids safer online, so we’re doing our part. That’s why we’re giving away 6 months of Norton Family to help supervise your kids’ online activities, and help keep them away from websites with unsuitable content and more.
Get 6 months of Norton Family for free. Offer ends May 31, 2020.
To support the business community in this time of crisis, during the month of April, we will donate a FREE 1 Year License of ESET Internet Security to all SMBs with an ABN to protect their employee's while working remotely or from home. Enter your or your employee's details to receive a unique activation code via email.