Process Lasso / Process Lasso Pro Beta



Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Process Lasso beta:

(11) GUI: Remove CPU use bar graph from Active Processes listview
(11) GUI: Adjust default ordering of Active Processes listview
(9) Localization: [beta2beta] Refine and test Crowdin integration
(7) Localization: Integration with Crowdin (translation platform)
(5) Core: Enforce SmartTrim exclusions when only basename given
(5) GUI: When when adding SmartTrim exclusion by context menu use basename if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Check 'Induce Performance Mode' context menu item when appropriate even if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Add menu item for direct access to SmartTrim exclusions
(3) GUI: Add code to enable asynchronous listview updates
(1) GUI: Further increase multi-threadedness of display updates
(1) GUI: On config save error, show error message and offer to elevate
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Process Lasso Beta
December 16, 2020
  • Core: Add registry setting to control max CSV log file size before rotate (HKLMSoftwareProcessLassoMaxCSVLogFileSize)
  • Core: Add registry setting to control max log file size before rotate (HKLMSoftwareProcessLassoMaxLogFileSize)
  • Core: Add rotation capability to optional side-by-side emitted CSV of log
  • Core: Tweak default log file size limit
  • GUI: Update several languages

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Process Lasso Beta

(25) Core: [beta2beta] Fixes to prior betas
(23) Core: [beta2beta] Add session ID and formatted datetime to sampling CSV
(23) GUI: Minor menu caption changes
(19) Core: Add periodic process sampling function (emits to CSV)
(19) GUI: Add new menu item 'Options / Log / Configure sampling ...' to open sampling configuration dialog
(19) GUI: Remove 'settings' text from 'Log' and 'General' menu item captions
(19) Core: For process creation log events, remove 'UNKNOWN PARENT' text when parent doesn't or isn't applicable (now empty string)
(17) Core: Add registry setting to control max CSV log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxCSVLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add registry setting to control max log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add rotation capability to optional side-by-side emitted CSV of log
(17) Core: Tweak default log file size limit
(17) GUI: Update several languages
(15) GUI: Integrate more languages to Crowdin
(15) GUI: Update Chinese Simplified
(13) GUI: [beta2beta] Fix possible GUI hang in prior betas
(11) GUI: Remove CPU use bar graph from Active Processes listview
(11) GUI: Adjust default column ordering of Active Processes listview
(7) Localization: Integration with Crowdin (translation platform)
(5) Core: Enforce SmartTrim exclusions when only basename given
(5) GUI: When when adding SmartTrim exclusion by context menu use basename if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Check 'Induce Performance Mode' context menu item when appropriate even if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Add menu item for direct access to SmartTrim exclusions
(3) GUI: Add code to enable asynchronous listview updates
(1) GUI: Further increase multi-threadedness of display updates
(1) GUI: On config save error, show error message and offer to elevate
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Process Lasso Beta
(31) GUI: [beta2beta] Revert some menu text changes
(29) Core: [beta2beta] Adjustment to "Strip unavailable CPUs from CPU affinity prior to their application to handle system config change to CPU count"
(27) Core: Strip unavailable CPUs from CPU affinity prior to their application to handle system config change to CPU count
(23) GUI: Minor menu caption changes
(19) Core: Add periodic process sampling function (emits to CSV)
(19) GUI: Add new menu item 'Options / Log / Configure sampling ...' to open sampling configuration dialog
(19) Core: For process creation log events, remove 'UNKNOWN PARENT' text when parent doesn't or isn't applicable (now empty string)
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max CSV log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxCSVLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add rotation capability to optional side-by-side emitted CSV of log
(17) Core: Tweak default log file size limit
(17) GUI: Update several languages
(15) GUI: Integrate more languages to Crowdin
(11) GUI: Remove CPU use bar graph from Active Processes listview
(11) GUI: Adjust default column ordering of Active Processes listview
(7) Localization: Integration with Crowdin (translation platform)
(5) Core: Enforce SmartTrim exclusions when only basename given
(5) GUI: When when adding SmartTrim exclusion by context menu use basename if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Check 'Induce Performance Mode' context menu item when appropriate even if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Add menu item for direct access to SmartTrim exclusions
(3) GUI: Add code to enable asynchronous listview updates
(1) GUI: Further increase multi-threadedness of display updates
(1) GUI: On config save error, show error message and offer to elevate

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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Process Lasso Beta
(33) GUI: [beta2beta] Don't allow empty sampling CSV output file path
(33) Core: [beta2beta] Add more process info to new sampling feature
(31) GUI: [beta2beta] Revert some menu text changes
(29) Core: [beta2beta] Adjustment to "Strip unavailable CPUs from CPU affinity prior to their application to handle system config change to CPU count"
(27) Core: Strip unavailable CPUs from CPU affinity prior to their application to handle system config change to CPU count
(23) GUI: Minor menu caption changes
(19) Core: Add periodic process sampling function (emits to CSV)
(19) GUI: Add new menu item 'Options / Log / Configure sampling ...' to open sampling configuration dialog
(19) Core: For process creation log events, remove 'UNKNOWN PARENT' text when parent doesn't or isn't applicable (now empty string)
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max CSV log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxCSVLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add rotation capability to optional side-by-side emitted CSV of log
(17) Core: Tweak default log file size limit
(17) GUI: Update several languages
(15) GUI: Integrate more languages to Crowdin
(11) GUI: Remove CPU use bar graph from Active Processes listview
(11) GUI: Adjust default column ordering of Active Processes listview
(7) Localization: Integration with Crowdin (translation platform)
(5) Core: Enforce SmartTrim exclusions when only basename given
(5) GUI: When when adding SmartTrim exclusion by context menu use basename if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Check 'Induce Performance Mode' context menu item when appropriate even if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Add menu item for direct access to SmartTrim exclusions
(3) GUI: Add code to enable asynchronous listview updates
(1) GUI: Further increase multi-threadedness of display updates
(1) GUI: On config save error, show error message and offer to elevate
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Process Lasso Beta
January 6, 2021
  • GUI: Change 'Also emit CSV verison of log' menu item caption to 'Emit CSV'
  • Core: Default log CSV emission to ON (reset existing option)
  • Core: [beta2beta] Further sampling refinement
  • Core: Fix SmartTrim log entry possible integer underflow on RAM freed
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Process Lasso Beta
9.8.8 beta:

(57) GUI/Core: Standardize all CSV output files as UTF-8 encoding /W BOM
(55) Core: [beta2beta] Sampling CSV output is now UTF-8 encoding /w BOM
(53) GUI: Improve CSV formatting of data copied to cliboard from listview selections
(51) GUI: Switch to 'KB' suffix on memory metrics to standardize
(49) GUI: Show 'Update not available' message box on same monitor as application
(49) GUI: Try to set critical level I/O priorities despite being reserved for system paging operations. Add info message stating such.
(49) GUI: About dialog: Add 'Help Translate Process Lasso' syslink
(49) GUI: About dialog: Remove 'translated by'
(47) GUI: Add 'View / Graph components / Show power profile' to toggle power profile text on graph
(45) GUI: [beta2beta] Left-align CPU utilization visual in active processes tab
(43) GUI: Replace active processes listview embedded CPU utilization visual with text (unicode blocks) based representation
(43) GUI: Support Dark Mode for Win10 build 21286
(41) GUI: Change 'Also emit CSV verison of log' menu item caption to 'Emit CSV'
(41) Core: Default log CSV emission to ON (reset existing option)
(41) Core: Fix SmartTrim log entry possible integer underflow on RAM freed display
(39) GUI: Add 't' rule character for SmartTrim exclusion
(27) Core: Strip unavailable CPUs from CPU affinity prior to their application to handle system config change to CPU count
(23) GUI: Minor menu caption changes
(19) Core: Add periodic process sampling function (emits to CSV)
(19) GUI: Add new menu item 'Options / Log / Configure sampling ...' to open sampling configuration dialog
(19) Core: For process creation log events, remove 'UNKNOWN PARENT' text when parent doesn't or isn't applicable (now empty string)
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max CSV log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxCSVLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add registry setting for max log file size before rotate (HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\MaxLogFileSize)
(17) Core: Add rotation capability to optional side-by-side emitted CSV of log
(17) Core: Tweak default log file size limit
(17) GUI: Update several languages
(15) GUI: Integrate more languages to Crowdin
(11) GUI: Remove CPU use bar graph from Active Processes listview
(11) GUI: Adjust default column ordering of Active Processes listview
(7) Localization: Integration with Crowdin (translation platform)
(5) Core: Enforce SmartTrim exclusions when only basename given
(5) GUI: When when adding SmartTrim exclusion by context menu use basename if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Check 'Induce Performance Mode' context menu item when appropriate even if no pathname available
(5) GUI: Add menu item for direct access to SmartTrim exclusions
(3) GUI: Add code to enable asynchronous listview updates
(1) GUI: Further increase multi-threadedness of display updates

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