Total Commander - wersje rozwojowe


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 8.51 RC 2

Fixed: Very slow extraction of icons or overlay icons could hang opening of Lister (F3) -> use different critical section when loading plugins (32/64)
Fixed: Unpack password-protected RAR with Alt+F9 -> parent of password dialog wasn't set to the progress dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Memory leak in Compare by content - Recompare from here (only if a file was changed) (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content - "Resync comparison from here" not working correctly if one of the files (or both) was saved just before using the function (32/64)
Fixed: Do not try to draw updated icon (loaded in background) before the actual line has been drawn (e.g. multiple files with same extension) (32/64)
Fixed: Icon of focused item in inactive panel could sometimes get cursor background from active panel (32/64)

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 8.51 RC 3

Fixed: Button bar: Deleting a button via right click (moving the rest to the left) didn't support long parameters >259 characters (64)
Fixed: Compare, re-sync from here: Keep track separately whether the file was changed since the last save, and whether it was changed since it was opened, to avoid unnecessary "The file was changed" dialogs (32/64)
Fixed: FTP upload: When using dynamic upload block size, start with a size of 2048 bytes (instead of 512) to get faster more quickly (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Text refresh was disabled when pasting a line to an UTF-8 file where the UTF-16 length was shorter than 1024 characters, but the UTF-8 length (in bytes) was longer (32/64)
Fixed: Open archive in already running instance (via /O switch) only placed cursor on archive, even without /A switch (previous fix was only applied to 32-bit) (64)
Fixed: Lister's menu was missing hotkeys 1,2,3,4 etc. when opening menu with mouse (since TC 8.0!) (64)
Fixed: Caret rectangle could be lost over the icon when it is loaded from the background thread (except when using inverted cursor) (32)

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 8.52 Beta 1

Fixed: Windows 10: Loading drive buttonbar hanging on some devices (e.g. Surface Pro 3) when SD-Card was in internal card reader (problem with floppy disk check function) (32/64)
Fixed: Main icon didn't include 24x24 pixel image, which is the new default size in the Windows 10 task bar (but unfortunately Windows 10 seems to ignore the 24x24 icon for now) (32/64)
Fixed: Pack selected folders to separate archives, do not store base directory name -> skip empty dirs, show warning at end (32/64)
Fixed: Search history: Put saved string in double quotes when saving also when string starts or ends with a TAB (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: BACKSPACE in target panel during drag now switches to parent in target panel (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: BACKSPACE in source panel switched dir to parent, broke drag because source dir was changed (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: ENTER on subdir in target panel during drag switched to subdir, but drag cursor was lost (64)
Fixed: Long names from TAR not handled if additional 'x' header was between the name ('L' header) and the actual file (32/64)
Fixed: Noclose.exe: Put entire parameter to cmd /K in double quotes (32/64)
Fixed: ZIP packer: Add zip64 central directory record if number of files >= 2^16 (65536), otherwise Explorer wouldn't show all the files (32/64)
Fixed: FTP over SSL, remote copy with Shift+F5: Make sure we login securely also to the second connection (32/64)
Fixed: Lister plugins: WM_MEASUREITEM message wasn't passed to Lister by the library, so Lister couldn't pass it to the plugin (64)
Fixed: The following command from cmd.exe would cause TC to hang: TCFS2 /ef "tcd(`|*`)" (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes: Could not change timestamp of symbolic links/reparse points (directly or via 'tc' plugin). Instead, the link target timestamp was changed (32/64)
Fixed: Remove right to left markers from file names (used almost exclusively by viruses/worms) before displaying them in file lists (32/64)
Fixed: Hint window text is sometimes not fitting in the hint, because DrawText(..,DT_CALCRECT) returns 1 pixel less than required by theme.DrawText (problem in Lazarus library) (64)
Fixed: FTP, upload: Treat code 4xx as an error, e.g. 452 Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system. (32/64)
Fixed: Could not load selection from clipboard or file when the name started with Chinese character "one" (horizontal line) because the first byte is a 0 (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Prevent crash when Windows reports 0 for average character width (32/64)
Fixed: Show error message if QueryContextMenu causes access violation (32/64)
Fixed: Crash opening recycle bin virtual folder, GetDisplayNameOf can sometimes return null pointer (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+F - Edit connection, second tab: Encoding wasn't displayed when using language other than Endlish and encoding 1250 or below in the list (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar containing button which opens the _same_ bar as a menu -> icons were displaced by 1 because the link to itself was removed (32/64)
Fixed: Run tcmadmin.exe with current directory set to TC program dir, not the current panel directory (XP) or drive c (after XP) (32/64)
Fixed: Linux: GetCurrentDirectory returns UNC/server/share instead of //server/share for UNC paths linked under ~/.wine/dosdevices/unc (32/64)
Fixed: Command line parameter FTPOPEN:Connection_name only worked for left panel, not for right panel (e.g. via /R=) (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Replace characters (received from plugins) with code restore previous view mode for new tab (e.g. brief view) (32/64)
Fixed: Date/Time picker in "Change attributes": Time wrong by 1 hour if the date to be set is in daylight saving time and the current date isn't, or vice versa (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Remove timeout for FxP (server to server) data transfers, so large files can be sent too (32/64)
Fixed: Crash/hang when showing tooltip window with very long lines (problem with automatic line breaking code) (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu texts not visible to screen reader in 64-bit version only (64)
Fixed: Pack dialog (Alt+F5): Packer prefix lost when packing to same dir and clicking on "Create separate archives" for packer with 5 or more characters (e.g. bzip2) (32/64)
Fixed: Compatibility flags for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 in manifest (32/64)
Fixed: Delete function: Do not count files in file system links (reparse points, hard links, soft links) within the selected subdirs (32/64)
Fixed: Newest unrar.dll not running on Windows 2000 -> use unrar9x.dll on Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000 (32)
Fixed: Alt+F7 search on FTP server, change search start path manually -> current dir was there after closing search dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Clear result list when user aborts search for duplicate files (otherwise non-dupes may be in the list) (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F8, go to old command line, press right arrow -> command line was selected by mistake only while in brief view (64)
Fixed: Lister: Recognize html tags , and without a space before the slash (32/64)
Fixed: TC 32-bit was preventing screen saver from starting (32)
Fixed: When unpacking archives with Alt+F9 and no target path is given, unpack to the directory of the archive also in branch view and search - feed to listbox (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop from virtual folders like the desktop to external programs not working any more (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Load names in external editor would sometimes not pass all names to the editor with many files and characters from different codepage in one of them (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy: CopyAllTimes=1 not working with names longer than 259 characters when using default copy method (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Result list not updated when: Typing first letters of saved rename string, pressing Alt+Down, Enter (reason: changed event not sent by Windows) (32/64)
Fixed: Memory leak in Uniscribe number draw function (32/64)
Fixed: RDP drive (tsclient) was not selected in combobox when changing it via drive buttonbar (upper/lowercase problem) (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS was no longer detected, so the option to upload file timestamp was no longer shown (32/64)


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Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 8.52 RC 1

Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker "" couldn't be stored in search history (32/64)
Fixed: drag&drop from file system plugin to archive subdirectory failed with error (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy from file system plugin to archive subdirectory packed to root of ZIP (32/64)
Fixed: FTP download from list, http links, target already exists -> TC was hanging when "Rename" was chosen (32/64)
Fixed: Branch view, pack files to plugin with option "Create separate archives" -> no backslash was appended to the path passed to the plugin (32/64)
Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Show target name with correct upper-/lowercase also if it differs from the source name (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Creation of upper-/lowercase extension wasn't correct. Only use uppercase if all characters of the original name were uppercase and contained at least one character (32/64)
Fixed: Wrong version number in EXE properties (version resources) (32)
Fixed: Combined 32+64bit installer could not terminate already running 64-bit version of TC (because GetModuleFileNameEx didn't work for 64-bit programs from 32-bit installer) (32/64)
Fixed: Commands - System information didn't show Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32/64)


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Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 9.0 Beta 1

Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1011/1012 to get index of first file in list (-1 if there are no files) (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1009/1010 to get index of first item (0 if there is no updir, 1 otherwise) (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1007/1008 to get index of current item (caret) (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1005/1006 to get total number of selected items (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1003/1004 to get total number of items (including those hidden by quick filter (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1001/1002 to get number of items in left/right list (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1000 to get active panel: 1=left, 2=right (32/
Added: Ctrl+Q: Only enable viewing of readme files in archives which have default extensions (e.g. .zip): wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickViewUnzipReadMe=-1 (32/64)
Added: Compatibility with TWinkey plugin: Turn off tab icons in Configuration - Options - Folder tabs if you want to use the tab coloring from TWinkey (32/64)
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam=1..29 -> returns window handle of control. Controls are: 1=leftlist, 2=rightlist, 3=active list, 4=inactive list, 5=leftheader, 6=rightheader, 7=leftsize, 8=rightsize, 9=leftpath, 10=rightpath, 11=leftinfo, 12=rightinfo, 13=leftdrives, 14=rightdrives, 15=leftpanel, 16=rightpanel, 17=bottompanel, 18=lefttree, 19=righttree, 20=cmdline, 21=curdirpanel, 22=inplaceedit, 23=splitpanel, 24=leftdrivepanel, 25=rightdrivepanel, 26=lefttabs, 27=righttabs, 28=buttonbar, 29=buttonbarvertical (32/64)
Added: Synchronize dirs: Press SPACE or Shift+SPACE when multiple files are selected -> works as if it was pressed for each file separately (32/64)
Added: New internal command cm_UpdateQuickView to force reload the quick view panel or separate quick view (32/64)
Added: Search files, duplicate file finder: use MD5 function from crypto API for quicker MD5 calculation (32/64)
Added: Dialog box to choose default icon library for button bar and main menu, also supports third party libraries (32/64)
Fixed: No more icons shown for Computer, Documents, Nethood on Windows 9x/ME (32)
Fixed: Search for updates not working on some computers because WSAStartup wasn't called (32/64)
Fixed: Reload button bar when a different version of the wcmicons.dll is detected, and the dll is used in a button bar (32/64)
Fixed: Changing separator between left and right panel sometimes didn't update the position of the vertical buttonbar (32/64)
Added: Warn user when entering a virtual folder (e.g. a phone via MTP) where extensions are hidden, and let the user enable them (32/64)
Added: Configure extra space above/below and to the left/right of the icons via Configuration - Options - Icons. Default is 2 and 1 pixel (32/64)
Fixed: Better default column widths for higher resolutions (32/64)
Fixed: Better default window size adapted also to high DPI screens (32/64)
Added: Default font is now "Segoe UI regular", no longer "Segoe UI semibold" (32/64)
Fixed: 64-bit TC8.52a and older couldn't be closed by installer with MinimizeOnClose set (64)
Fixed: ZIP packer, progress dialog: Name on second line was wrong when packing names as UTF-8 (32/64)
Added: Unzip: Use NTFS timestamp from extra header if available, e.g. for ZIPs created with WinRAR (32/64)
Added: Unzip: Use timestamp from central directory and not from local header when unpacking (32/64)
Fixed: Automatic mode change: Sort order and additional sort orders were not set (32/64)
Added: Speed up hash check of MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 by using Microsoft Crypto API functions (if PROV_RSA_AES is available) (32/64)
Fixed: Detect TAR files with UTF-8 encoding (created on Linux system with default UTF-8 encoding), they don't have any UTF-8 headers (32/64)
Added: New internal command cm_EditFileMenu to show 'New' submenu from the right click context menu, to create new files other than plain text (32/64)
Added: New internal commands to open separate quick view window: cm_SeparateQuickView, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly (32/64)
Fixed: Search result, feed in listbox, Ctrl+Q quick view, delete file(s) -> quick view wasn't updated (32/64)
Fixed: Unpacker, invalid names in archive: Replace tab by space, other characters below space like line breaks by underscore '_' (32/64)
Added: Verify and create additional checksum types: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512, code from (32/64)
Added: New internal command cm_GoToFirstEntry place cursor on first folder or file in the list (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Deleting files (not folders!) from multiple subdirs seems to work now on Windows 7 without deleting other files, need test on other Windows versions too (32/
Fixed: F8 delete to recycle bin: re-use delete thread(s) for VistaDelete function, because it could hang on close on some Windows 10 systems (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu: Open menu item with Alt+Letter, cycle through main menu with cursor left -> focus was not removed from older items (64)
Fixed: Search while on tab with directory changes allowed, feed to listbox, switch to different tab and back -> F3 no longer worked, because base dir was changed back to locked tab (32/64)
Fixed: F5, Shift+5, new combobox: Neither ESC nor ENTER worked to close dropdown list (32)
Added: Lister, HTML-Viewer: Support '&ldquo' and '&bdquo', translate to normal double quotes: " (32/64)
Added: FTPOPEN sessionname|*/subdir opens session in active panel, even if a different panel is set as the default ftp side (32/64)
Fixed: FTPOPEN sessionname|/subdir changes to /subdir if session is already open, otherwise connects to sessionname and then goes to /subdir (in preferred ftp side) (32/64)
Fixed: Progress dialog (e.g. for F5 copy) wasn't correctly centered over main window (64)
Added: Main menu: Submenu in "Show" menu to configure and manually switch view modes (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool, click on [N#-#]: Show preview of selected range in lower left (32/64)
Fixed: ZIP packer: Problems storing files containing characters ‹›«» which are not part of the OEM charset. Do not store them as because the Explorer cannot see them (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Compare by content with md5 or sha checksums failed if the server returned both the checksum and the file name, and the name was too long (32/64)
Fixed: F4 in search results (in search dialog directly) on file in subdir, save, re-upload, same for file in base dir -> file re-uploaded to wrong folder (32/64)
Fixed: Directory history: Problems with remembering position in file list when using "go back" (Alt+Cursor left) (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OpenUrls=0 turns off new feature to follow .url files to folders with TC (32/64)
Added: Follow .url files pointing to directrories within Total Commander. Format: [InternetShortcut]URL=file://c:/path or URL=c:\path (32/64)
Added: Custom columns view, sort by custom column: Do not pre-load fields for directories when sorting by a column, but directories are sorted by name (32/64)
Fixed: Drive dropdown list: Re-open with new drive when drive is added while the list is open (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10: Hide drive letters like "X:" on desktop (in file list, tree, breadcrumb bar etc) (32/64)
Fixed: Do not actively close HTML help (.chm) when closing TC, it crashes on Vista/8/8.1/10 when user chooses "Close group". Windows closes the window by itself (32/64)
Fixed: Unpack files with F5 from ZIP, option 'Unpack path names if stored with files'' NOT checked -> only unpack files, not the empty folders themselves (32/64)
Fixed: Internal associations: Allow to override also internal unpackers with **packerplugin, e.g. for 7z, not only define additional extensions (32/64)
Fixed: English version: Replaced "Less rules" by "Fewer rules" (grammar error) in search dialog, also "Fewer attributes" in attributes dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Connection progress dialog: Limit size of this dialog to the size of the main Total Commander window (32/64)
Fixed: Connection progress dialog: Lines too low for large text when using OverrideDpi (32)
Added: New internal commands cm_FocusLeftTree, cm_FocusRightTree, cm_FocusSrcTree, cm_FocusTrgTree to focus separate tree. Does nothing if no tree is visible (32/64)
Added: New internal commands cm_FocusSrc and cm_FocusTrg to put cursor in source/target panel (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RenameUpDown=0 turns off jumping to previous/next file in the list with cursor up/down while renaming (32/64)
Fixed: Auto view-mode switch: always reload view mode when TC is restarted, even when user has set view mode manually (32/64)
Added: Lister, HTML viewer: Detect UTF-8 encoding also with this tag: (32/64)
Added: New internal commands: cm_Select, cm_Unselect, cm_Reverse: Select/Remove selection/Invert selection of current file, jump to next (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_ListOnly: view single file with plugins/multimedia, cm_ListMulti: same but for selected files (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_ListInternalMulti like cm_ListInternalOnly: view selected files without plugins/multimedia (32/64)
Added: New internal commands: cm_EditNewFile (ask for name, create new text file, open in editor), cm_EditExistingFile (open file under cursor in editor) (32/64)
Fixed: Archive browser: Use also creation time to detect when an archive was changed, not only size and modification time (32/64)
Fixed: The first FTP connection button had wrong tooltip "CD-ROM" if drive P: was a CD-ROM drive (32/64)
Fixed: Ignore Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X in file system plugins and on ftp servers, otherwise there may be an OLE error (32/64)
Fixed: Do not switch to invisible panel (separator moved to the far left/right) on Tab, problem was only in 64-bit version (64)
Added: FTP via HTTP proxy: Send both "Pragma: no-cache" and "Cache-Control: no-cache" headers for HTTP 1.1 and 1.0 (32/64)
Fixed: FTP via HTTP proxy: Send "no cache" header also after deleting a file (32/64)
Fixed: Support recycle bin on drives created with SUBST command (32/64)
Fixed: Unzip: unpack trailing spaces in directory names, otherwise files inside them cannot be unpacked (32/64)
Fixed: Adjust panels to tab control height after setting/removing tab icon (32/64)
Added: New internal plugin option [=tc.decode html characters (utf-16)] to replace UTF-16 encoded html strings by characters (32/64)
Added: New internal plugin option [=tc.decode html characters (utf-8)] to replace UTF-8 encoded html strings by characters (32/64)
Added: New internal plugin option [=tc.decode html characters (text)] to replace html strings by characters, e.g. by a space etc. (32/64)
Added: Compare by content, edit mode: triple click now selects entire line, just as in Lister (32/64)
Added: Compare by content, show only differences: Support copy+paste, jump to next/previous difference (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: edit text even when showing only differences, with some restrictions (no modifications across hidden text) (32/64)
Fixed: Do not show exception error when closing down (e.g. because Semaphore object was deleted) (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: Show only differences even after modifying the file(s) (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: Option to show only differences (with 2 additional lines above and below the difference) (32/64)
Added: Use Windows certificate stores "ROOT" and "CA" to verify purchased server certificates without wincmd.pem file (32/64)
Added: Connections via https/ftps: Send server name to host for servers with multiple names per IP address (Server Name Indication, SNI) (32/64)
Fixed: Various problems with view modes and folder tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Tab locked with dir changes allowed, go to different dir with other view mode, close and re-open program -> view mode was wrong (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content, left file is ACE archive, right side any archive -> progress dialog didn't close after comparing (32/64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Changed command to sleep for x milliseconds from sleep x to sleep: x. Reason: it prevented download of files starting with "sleep". Note: "sleep: x" already worked in older versions (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors: Choose custom color from dropdown combo, then change via >> button changed color only in preview, not in combobox (64)
Added: Adjust view modes using custom columns when moving or deleting custom columns configurations (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when using quick search filter in network neighborhood, and notification about new server came in (32/64)
Added: GUI to auto-switch view modes by directory, type of directory, or files (32/64)
Fixed: OpenSSL dlls 1.0.2g and newer could no longer be used because the function SSLv2_client_method wasn't exported any more (32/64)
Fixed: Locked tab with dir changes allowed: Go to different dir with other view mode, switch to different tab and back -> view mode was wrong (32/64)
Fixed: Disconnect from FTP -> panel colors were not restored if FTP had a custom background color (32/64)
Fixed: Connect to FTP -> panel colors were not restored if FTP had a custom background color (32/64)
Added: Set view modes by directory, type of directory, or files (32/64)
Fixed: Switch away from locked tab -> we need to update the icon of the tab because the folder is reverted to the locked folder (32/64)
Fixed: cm_dirmatch is now much faster when comparing directories with several 1000 files each (32/64)
Fixed: cm_comparedirswithsubdirs and cm_comparedirs are now much faster when comparing directories with several 1000 files each (32/64)
Fixed: Inplace rename: Do not react to single click on file after changing directories or tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Prevent stack overflow when user holds down ENTER keys on certain file types (e.g. OpenOffice) which take long to load (32/64)
Fixed: There was no progress dialog when unpacking folder timestamps from ZIP at the end of the unpack operation (32/64)
Fixed: Unpacking folder timestamps from ZIP slow when there are many folders (32/64)
Fixed: Open certain ZIP archives >4GB created on MacOS with invalid headers (all size fields are the rest when dividing by 4G) (32/64)
Fixed: Increased width around separator in sorting header where it is possible to resize the header, mainly for high DPI devices (32/64)
Fixed: Support recycle bin on network drives (with drive letter) if enabled via registry. Search for "{9147E464-33A6-48E2-A3C9-361EFD417DEF}" to get instructions (32/64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Line height in Listbox wasn't updated when changing font in Configuration - Options - Fonts. Note: DPI settings have no effect on this dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Line height in Listbox was wrong on Windows 10 with old style high DPI settings (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 were not supported (Note: The openssl libs in the libcurl package do not support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2) (32/64)
Fixed: Delete to recycle bin using new method (VistaDelete): Close thread with delay, it could prevent hang for some users on Windows 10 (32/64)
Fixed: Unzip: Show progress bar also for files where the packed size isn't stored in the local ZIP header (use unpacked size from central directory) (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_ShrinkSelectionCurrentExt: Show "Unselect files" dialog, pre-load extension of file under cursor (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_SpreadSelectionCurrentExt: Show "Select files" dialog, pre-load extension of file under cursor (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SizeStyle1000=1 Show sizes with 1k=1000 byes, 1M=1000k etc. instead of 1k=1024b, 1M=1024k etc. Note: This doesn't affect the Properties dialog (Alt+Enter) because it's created by Explorer (32/64)
Added: 4 new modes to show numbers: k/M/G/T add Terabytes. There are also two new modes to show 2 digits after the decimal point, e.g. 101.52 M (32/64)
Added: Disable overwrite confirmation in sync: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0 (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+Q: Return focus to Total Commander if separate Lister window steals it, e.g. when loading a plugin (32/64)
Added: Ctrl+Shift+Q: Opens Quick View in separate Lister window, updates contents when going to other file (32/64)
Added: Set scaling of dialog boxes (OverrideDPI) via main settings - fonts (32/64)
Added: New environment variable %COMMANDER_INSTANCE% set to the number shown in the TC title bar (first running=1) (32/64)
Added: Automatic update check (experimental): wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheck=1 (all updates, or 2: no beta versions) (32/64)
Added: Manual update check via menu Help - Check for updates now, using DNS lookup (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: Move dropdown combobox list (saved settings) to the left if it would not fully fit on the screen (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: Dialog box to select range of characters now allows to return character positions from the end of the string, and selection length (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New button to add range of characters from other default fields (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New button to add other default fields like parent directory name [P] (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: do not try to show preview of names with plugin fields in a virtual folder (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: If there are duplicate names, or names that already exist, offer to auto-rename to "name (2).ext", "name (3).ext" etc. (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu parameters �..�: Selected files Nr. 3..9, empty if not as many selected (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu parameters �, �: Same as �, �, but with alternate 8.3 paths and names (DOS names) (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu parameters �, �: Compare parameters as in "Compare by content": First two selected files (with full path), or selected in source+target panel, or source file+same name in target panel (32/64)
Added: Shift+F4: Suggest user-defined name when cursor stands on a folder: wincmd.ini [Configuration] EditNewName= (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] NoPluginFileTypes=*.jpg *.avi Do not load the specified file types with a plugin, except when explictily choosing Options - 4 (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] NoMediaFileTypes=*.jpg *.avi Do not load the specified file types as video, audio, image, or with plugin, except when explictily choosing Options - 4 (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MediaRemote=-1 ignore keys received via WM_APPCOMMAND, even the browser buttons backward, forward, refresh, stop, favorites (32/64)
Added: Shift+F5/F5 Copy/Move in place: Show combobox with all open tabs and all subdirectories in the source panel (32/64)
Added: F5 Copy/F6 Move: Show combobox with all open tabs and all subdirectories in the target panel (32/64)
Added: Ctrl+B in search result now works like Ctrl+B while in branch view: Go to directory of file under cursor (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Status bar showed & characters as underlines when unpacking to temp (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't read multiple comments from descript.ion files with Unix style line breaks (32/64)
Added: Configure whether to see the 3 external devices: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowExtraDrives=4 in addition to 1 (My Computer) and 2 (My Documents) (32/64)
Added: Show up to 3 external devices without drive letter (e.g. Android or Windows Phone) in Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown list (32/64)
Added: Support screen readers in dialogs "Change start menu" and Directory hotlist - "Configure" (32/64)
Added: Read virtual folders like the Network Neighborhood with "async" option, so we get a list of known folders more quickly (32/64)
Added: Main settings: Let the user choose the preferred encoding for descript.ion files. Default is plain text, with UTF-16 Unicode if needed (32/64)
Added: Convert plain text to Unicode (UTF-16le, UTF-16be and UTF-8) descript.ion files depending on the user's preferences if the file name or comments contains Unicode (32/64)
Added: Create Unicode (UTF-16le, UTF-16be and UTF-8) descript.ion files depending on the user's preferences (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't unpack AES-encrypted ZIP archives created by TC for Android directly on external SD (inclomplete header) (32/64)
Added: Read comments from Unicode (UTF-16le, UTF-16be and UTF-8) descript.ion files (32/64)
Fixed: CAB unpacker: Couldn't abort request for next archive (function expected 64-bit return value) (64)
Fixed: FTP, file system plugins: Move (Shift+F6) multiple files -> change entered string from .. to ../*.*, ../ to ../*.* too (32/64)
Fixed: File system plugins: Couldn't move multiple files with Shift+F6 to other directories, e.g. to the parent with ..\*.* (32/64)
Fixed: Switching from a plugin to html view could switch to UTF-8 view instead, if the html files was detected as bing utf-8 encided (32/64)
Fixed: Unicode text encoded as UTF-8 couldn't be loaded from ini files converted from ANSI to UTF-16, except in Western locale. It cannot work in multi-byte locales like Korean (32/64)
Fixed: Unicode text from different code page was incorrectly saved in UTF16 ini files (with UTF8 BOM) (32/64)
Fixed: Search function, list of stored searches: Preview below the list incorrect for Unicode stored in ANSI file (32)
Fixed: When deleting to recycle bin, the progress would sometimes show twice the number of files than are really deleted (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu: Put ** in front of program name to launch as different user on Windows Vista or newer (32/64)
Added: Properties of packed files: Show compression strength (AES128, AES192, AES256, ZIP20) and actual compression used, e.g. AES256, deflated (32/64)
Added: Scale FTP toolbar (only shown during FTP connections) to higher DPI screens (32/64)
Added: Use larger icons for directory history and hotlist (bookmarks) on high DPI devices (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Crash trying to copy text from invalid UTF-8 text (partial UTF-8 code at the end of the selection) (32/64)
Fixed: Copy in background (F5-F2) could sometimes not be aborted when copying many small files (32/64)
Fixed: 32-bit version crashed when passing command line parameter longer than 255 characters (bug in system.pas unit) (32)
Fixed: Shift+Enter on a program not working on Windows 9x/ME (32)
Fixed: UnRAR: Do not delete target file when overwriting, to preserve special attributes and streams (32/64)
Fixed: Copy file system links (Junctions, hard links) with option CopyLinks=2 (adjust link target) sometimes created invalid target links (32/64)
Added: Re-use threads to load hints and ID-Lists if possible (32/64)
Fixed: Could not unpack ZIP files created by cloud service due to invalid ZIP header (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: If connection is lost when using "keep alive" ('Offline' appears in log), trying to change directory will go to wrong subdirectory (32/64)
Fixed: Search in an archive, feed to listbox, unpack a file from search results to other panel -> search results were lost (32/64)
Fixed: Catch crash when printer=null, reason unknown (32/64)
Fixed: Search function (not maximized): Click on "Drives", move to far left, close, maximize search dialog, click on "Drives" -> Drives dialog was off screen (32/64)
Fixed: TC switched from network drive to c:\ when a USB disk was attached or removed, and the user couldn't access the root of that drive (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: On 64-bit Windows, read/write both 32-bit and 64-bit branch of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from both installers (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content was hanging on Linux/Wine when file was changed outside of the compare tool (32/64)
Fixed: TC switched from network drive to c:\ when launching, and the user couldn't access the root of that drive (32/64)
Fixed: Handle crash in FindFirstFile function, could lead to hanging directory read function (32/64)
Fixed: "Connecting" dialog not removed when: Testing big RAR (Alt+Shift+F9), Background, switch to currently inaccessible drive (e.g. network), RAR test ends after "Connecting" dialog appears (32/64)
Fixed: Didn't use abs() when calculating timeouts from GetTickCount() in some places, might cause problems after 25 days of uptime (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Close running Total Commander also when we cannot determine its path (32)
Fixed: Button bar: put parameter %P%N in double quotes not only when the name contains a space, but also for '&' (needed for cmd.exe) (32/64)
Fixed: cm_FocusCmdLine didn't show the command line if it was hidden via settings (64)
Fixed: 32-bit uninstaller was shown as "Remove TC 64-bit" (German only) (32)
Fixed: Handle invalid ZIP files where the attribute flags are set to 255, so all files appear as folders (32/64)
Fixed: Crash unpacking ZIPs packed with LZMA compression (wrong tcmdlzma.dll included) (32)
Fixed: Crash when entering more than ~300 characters in Files - Change attributes - "time" field, may be a possible security hole (32/64)
Fixed: Crash caused by invalid TC start menu item OPENCUSTOMVIEW1 somename (note the '1' at the end) (32)
Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker couldn't be stored in search history when using Cyrillic or other non-Latin locale (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker couldn't be stored in search history (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy from file system plugin to archive subdirectory packed to root of ZIP (32/64)
Fixed: FTP download from list, http links, target already exists -> TC was hanging when "Rename" was chosen (32/64)
Fixed: Branch view, pack files to plugin with option "Create separate archives" -> no backslash was appended to the path passed to the plugin (32/64)
Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Show target name with correct upper-/lowercase also if it differs from the source name (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Creation of upper-/lowercase extension wasn't correct. Only use uppercase if all characters of the original name were uppercase and contained at least one character (32/64)
Fixed: Combined 32+64bit installer could not terminate already running 64-bit version of TC (because GetModuleFileNameEx didn't work for 64-bit programs from 32-bit installer) (32/64)
Fixed: Commands - System information didn't show Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32/64)


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Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 9.0 Beta 2

Fixed: Show own overlay icon for shared folders because windows is hiding its own (32/64)
Fixed: Create checksums: New SHA3 and SHA2-224 could sometimes return wrong checksum (for 0 byte file) when creating a lot of checksums (32/64)
Fixed: Add or remove custom view mode(s) -> list of view modes in main menu wasn't updated until the program was restarted (32/64)
Fixed: Access violation after copying a lot of files with "Verify" option (64)
Fixed: FTP Upload/Download confirmation dialog: Tab from edit box to first checkbox sometimes not working (64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Dropdown list of configured hotkey didn't support Unicode (32/64)
Fixed: Hotkeys not working in various locations of the main settings dialog, where options changed (32/64)
Added: Command cm_SearchForInCurdir opens search with directory under cursor. Accepts drive letter as parameter to search on that drive. Use the character code for scripting, e.g. A=65 (32/64)
Added: The following internal commands now support a drive letter (A-Z) or /=root, .=parent, [=nethood as parameter: CM_SRCOPENDRIVES , CM_LEFTOPENDRIVES , CM_RIGHTOPENDRIVES. Use the character code for scripting, e.g. A=65 (32/64)
Added: Show state for commands cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusLeftTree, cm_FocusRightTree, cm_FocusSrcTree, cm_FocusTrgTree. Also update button state when entering tree panel (32/64)
Added: Configuration - Options, left list panel: Show "Auto swich mode" more to the right than "View modes" (32/64)
Added: Commands with numerical parameters like CM_SELECT now support ? or ?number as parameter, to get dialog box with value request (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool, "#" button submenu: New entry [?#-#] to open plugins dialog and let user choose range from sample plugin field (32/64)
Added: Support environment variables like %commander_path% in paths for auto-switch view modes (32/64)
Fixed: Some problems with high DPI devices: Files - Associate dialog much too small; Icon picker in Associate - Edit type - Change icon was wrapping icons to 2 lines (32/64)
Fixed: Icons on folder tabs: Draw icon on active tab 2 pixels higher than the other icons, since the offset of the text cannot be determined (32/64)
Fixed: View mode configuration: Do not switch to changed view mode in main window when clicking "Apply" (32/64)
Fixed: In completely empty file list (e.g. after search - feed to listbox - delete all) the top item in the list and footer were completely black (32/64)
Fixed: Unpacker: Also offer "Retry" when the target file exists and is locked by another program (32/64)
Fixed: Reduced list of commands supporting a numeric parameter (32/64)
Fixed: cm_leftswitchtothiscustomview/cm_rightswitchtothiscustomview missing from Commands are used for scripting, set lparam=custom columns view, 1 based (32/64)
Fixed: Search for new field ft_fulltextw not fully working, especially with longer texts (32/64)
Added: Use icon from zipfldr.dll for archives if available (32/64)
Fixed: No icons for devices without drive letter when disabling the new drive icons via OldDriveIcons=1/2 (32/64)
Fixed: Load Toolhelp functions dynamically because Thread32First seems to be missing on Windows NT4 (32)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment in Unicode descript.ion file: comments could be lost when changing/deleting existing comments due to incorrect file size calculation (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F1/Alt+F2 drive list: Hotkeys '.' and ',' for second/third USB device (e.g. smartphone) were not working (32/64)
Fixed: Themed text cursor disabled by default if user had set inverse cursor in previous version. Can still be enabled together manually (32/64)
Fixed: Draw themed text cursor with style LVGH_CLOSESELECTEDHOT instead of LVGH_OPENSELECTEDHOT, better visible (32/64)
Fixed: Command line parameters: Accept path+file name longer than 259 characters (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration: View mode - "Auto-run commands": Put * in front of commands to execute them on each directory change, not only when view mode changes (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration: View mode - "Auto-run commands" wasn't implemented yet. Supports cm_x and em_y commands only (32/64)
Fixed: Error unpacking RAR archives with subdirs. Reason: Incomplete implementation of deduplicated file unpacking (32/64)
Fixed: User may get "Configure custom columns view" at program start when using a view mode where the view is set to "unchanged" (32/64)
Fixed: When rubberband selection ended, inplace rename would sometimes start (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection couldn't be fully disabled, it still worked when starting it below the name list (32/64)
Fixed: Lister or Ctrl+Q could sometimes lock image files, so they couldn't be deleted (32/64)
Fixed: Reading network neighborhood was slow when using NethoodStyle=2 (32/64)
Fixed: Alternate icon library wasn't used for the main menu (64)
Fixed: Configuration, view modes: Color and icon settings must be disabled for default view mode (64)
Fixed: Configuration dialog: Slight misalignment of new option to set DPI (64)
Fixed: cm_CheckForUpdates was missing in (32/64)
Fixed: Custom columns configuration, choose plugin field -> "]" at the end wasn't cut off when creating column title (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F1/Alt+F2 drive dropdown combobox: Do not handle Num+"-" for selection, it's used to switch to devices without drive letters (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool, range picker dialog: Range was lost when closing dialog with ENTER (64)
Fixed: cm_visButtonbar2 didn't have a checkmark in main menu / pressed button in horizontal buttonbar when vertical bar was visible (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: Start selecting below last file while some files were already selected -> selection wasn't removed (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: Full view, moving mouse cursor sideways out of panel -> rubberband still drawn, but nothing more selected (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: Number of selected files/folders (footer) wasn't updated (32/64)
Fixed: Find files, second tab, "Older than" edit box was enabled even when checkbox wasn't (32/64)
Fixed: Auto-switch view modes to comments view not working if comment view was already active (would turn it off) (32/64)
Fixed: "Show admin shares" was no longer working (32/64)
Fixed: Sometimes it wasn't possible to return from search results (feed to listbox) to normal view via ".." or "" buttons (32/64)
Fixed: View modes: Show background of file list (where there are no files) with user-defined color, except in thumbs mode (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Binary compare showed extra dark lines when using "show only differences" with 0 extra lines (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Binary compare didn't always work with "show only differences" (32/64)
Fixed: Automatically uncheck "Use themed cursor" when user changes the cursor color (32/64)
Fixed: cm_ConfigViewModes and cm_ConfigViewModeSwitch were not working (incorrectly defined in (32/64)
Fixed: View modes: Options were not saved when only changing the colors via dropdown combobox (64)
Fixed: View modes: Internal commands to switch view modes were defined incorrectly in (wrong numbers) (32/64)
Fixed: View modes: The default view mode was set by default to "brief view" instead of "unchanged" (32/64)
Fixed: View modes: Couldn't apply just different sort order without setting the view mode (brief, full etc) too (32/64)
Fixed: Triple click on text in compare by content didn't always select the entire line (32/64)
Fixed: Remove flickering of main window when closing search dialog with ESC or Cancel button (64)
Fixed: File listboxes had no border when disabling all elements above them (32/64)
Fixed: Inplace rename, use up/down to go to previous/next file: delay re-loading directory until rename is closed (32/64)
Added: Use drive icons from TC 8.x and older: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OldDriveIcons=2 Note: this disables drive icons in the tab titles (32/64)
Fixed: Folder icons and default file icons didn't have overlay icons when using the icons from Explorer (32/64)
Fixed: No help was opened for Settings pages "View modes" and "Auto switch mode" (64)
Fixed: Command cm_Confirmation (open configuration with last page) causing error/crash due to insufficient items in category list (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Define colors by file type: Dialog sometimes had wrong background colors (32/64)
Fixed: Vertical button bar: Context menu for entire bar was shown at the wrong position (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Changed checkbox "Reversed" to "Descending" (32/64)
Fixed: File context menu (Shift+F10): Hotkeys were missing "+", e.g. between "Ctrl" and "F8", when using English language only (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: Stop selecting when switching away from program with Alt+Tab (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: Don't show inactive title of main window when selection starts (32/64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: Listbox didn't auto-scroll when moving cursor above/below the list (64)
Fixed: Rubberband selection: An additional icon appeared in the taskbar during selection -> we need to set a window parent (32/64)
Fixed: "Function not implemented" was shown when creating new view mode with fresh wincmd.ini (32/64)
Fixed: Set default font size to 9, not 8 (32/64)
Fixed: Changed German translation of view mode in main menu (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't disable vertical button bar via right click menu, 64-bit only (64)
Added: New commands OPENBAR1 and OPENBAR2 to open new button bar file in horizontal/vertical button bar. OPENBAR opens the file in the current bar if called from within a button bar (32/64)
Fixed: Search with "Everything" was hanging TC when TC was run as administrator -> call ChangeWindowMessageFilter to allow WM_COPYDATA to search window (it's only used for "everything") (32/64)
Fixed: Search with "Everything" wasn't working, because Everything32.dll/Everything64.dll wasn't included (32/64)
Fixed: New command cm_UpdateQuickView was missing in 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: Internal "tc" content plugin. Commands "decode html characters (x)" couldn't be translated (32/64)

Total Commander 9.0 Beta 3

Fixed: Rename file with Shift+F6, go to next with cursor up/down, then just press ENTER (no change) -> list was not sorted as it should be (32/64)
Added: Run "Everything" when the user checks the checkbox and it's not running but located in the Total Commander directory, e.g. for portable applications (32/64)
Fixed: Fixed alignment of controls with and without themes, and with and without flat interface (32/64)
Fixed: Re-added listbox borders when themes are disabled (32/64)
Fixed: Separate tree has sometimes getting the background color from the current view mode (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Should no longer ask for next disk/zip part when unpacking single part ZIP files (32/64)
Fixed: Changed panel separator menu from "Edit.." to "Show vertical button bar" (32/64)
Fixed: Auto view mode switch: Option "at least 50% match" didn't always work correctly due to rounding errors (32/64)
Fixed: Lines in tree were almost invisible with some background colors. Note that the custom color can always be set via [Colors] TreeLineColor (32/64)
Fixed: Execute multiple commands, e.g. from a button: Use SendMessage to execute them, otherwise they can get out of order when mixing with em_xx commands (32/64)
Fixed: Tabstop header (name, ext. etc.): Moved to the left by 1 pixel when switching from full to custom columns view or back (64)
Fixed: Custom Columns Editor: the width of the "name" column changed incorrectly on "Apply" (32/64)
Fixed: OPENBAR command didn't resize button bar if the new bar had more/less lines than the previous bar (64)
Fixed: View modes: Allow to set the secondary background color (the one on even line numbers) even when the primary color is set to "default" (32/64)
Fixed: Auto switch mode: "AND" and "OR" were not translated (32/64)
Fixed: cm_reloadBarIcons switched back to main button bar when a subbar was shown (32/64)
Fixed: Plugin field selection dialog: Sample wasn't updated when going to next/previous field with cursor keys while cursor in quick search (32/64)
Fixed: Plugin field selection dialog: Crash when scrolling with cursor from plugin "tc" up to "All" and back to "tc" very quickly (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F1 drive dropdown list showed wrong icons and hints when DriveTipDelay was set (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10: Alt+F1 drive dropdown list showed extra multimedia devices in addition to the (wanted) USB devices like phones (32/64)
Fixed: Old drive icons were not loaded correctly on high dpi devices (64)
Fixed: Auto-switch view modes: Switch from thumbs view to brief view -> columns were too narrow (32/64)
Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Changing to plugin quickly after opening nethood could show servers in the plugin by mistake (32/64)
Fixed: Auto view mode change didn't work when a directory currently shown in TC was deleted, causing a directory change (32/64)
Fixed: Inplace edit of current path: Prevent cursor up/down to jump into the file list (32/64)
Fixed: SAVETABS2R didn't work (32/64)
Added: Use WM_COPYDATA to also send cm_commands with parameters to TC, with command used to send em_commands (32/64)
Fixed: Run view mode command with a delay (via PostMessage), so TC can change directory first (32/64)
Fixed: Show different message when user choose new button bar file and saves it (32/64)
Added: New internal commands cm_SrcViewModeList, cm_LeftViewModeList, cm_RightViewModeList to open list of available view modes (32/64)
Fixed: Hidden files were still shown dimmed in 64-bit version even when using external icon library (64)
Fixed: Shared folder overlays were not shown in 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: Hotkey not working in multi-rename - select character range (32/64)
Fixed: View modes: Color of left file panel was also used in drive dropdown combobox by mistake (32/64)
Fixed: Show translated text when deleting to recycle bin (title and changed body) (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, define two modes with tab colors set to a color NOT in the standard list -> switching between the two mode configurations didn't update the colors until hovering over it with the mouse (64)
Added: Included latest unrar.dll from
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Added: Network Neighborhood: Open context menu for virtual folders which cannot be entered, like DLNA servers (32/64)
Fixed: Thumbnails view: 48x48 icons were not sharp (scaled up from32x32) even if the icon file contained 48x48 or larger icon images (32/64)
Fixed: Do not load any network servers in nethood when using NethoodStyle=2 (32/64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb dropdown list (Alt+F11/F11, cursor down): used new folder icons even when iconlib=some.dll was set. Note that this list always used the Windows drive icons. (32/64)
Fixed: Internal "tc" content plugin: Commands "decode html characters (x)" still not translated (32/64)
Fixed: Hotkeys in file context menu: Remove extra space before "+" (32/64)
Fixed: Added cm_FocusLeftTree and cm_FocusRightTree to same radio button group as cm_FocusLeft/cm_FocusRight, to see a dot instead of checkmark in main menu (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F3 external viewer associations no longer working when the path contained spaces and wasn't correctly quoted (32/64)
Added: Update checker: Allow to disable automatic update checks via "Check for updates now" dialog when there are no updates (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: Hotkey "1" for "1x" option (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: No help in range picker dialog, open multi-rename tool page (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog title of dialog to change default icon library couldn't be translated (32/64)
Added: Update checker: Use DNS TXT record if available, lookup of A record only if TXT record lookup fails (32/64)
Fixed: TC was starting with Microsoft Sans Serif 9 instead of 8 by mistake in older installations (32/64)
Fixed: TC was starting with black inverted text cursor instead of themed cursor with fresh wincmd.ini (32/64)


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Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 9.0 Beta 5

Experimental, not yet documented in help: Pass search parameters directly to "Everything" with prefix ev:, e.g. ev: *.mp3 Note: All other search parameters except for the path field will still be applied to the results
Search function, search text in plugins: Incorrect results with "whole words" and any other encoding that "Unicode UTF16" checked
Windows classic theme: Use unified color (button shadow) for lines above function buttons and command line - overdraw lower tab delimiter
Shift+F6 on [..] (change current path): Confirmation button appeared only for a short time, then disappeared (Tab background redraw problem)
Allow inplace rename also by clicking behind file name even when using rubberband selection, unless the selection has already selected something
Folder tabs: Show correct drive icons in tabs also when using OldDriveIcons=1 or 2, or DriveLib=dllname
Folder tabs: Default Zip icon was shown on tabs for archives with read only, hidden, or system attribute
ZIP packer: Don't pack each file to TEMP when packing to RAM disks, only when packing to removable disks and CD-RW
Unrar multi-part RAR archive when first part not available -> wrong file content unpacked (due to partial file at start), only affects beta version
When "Open files and directories with a single click" was set, the cursor could move after choosing a command from a dropdown buttonbar menu, but before the command was executed
Auto view mode change configuration: when adding a new ruleset, do not preset the mode to be set. Instead, open the combobox when the user forgets to set the mode and goes elsewhere
Draw shared folder overlay also on custom folder icons defined via desktop.ini when not using an external icon file
Configuration dialog didn't have an icon in the title bar
Right click on folder tabs: Only show view modes when right clicking on the current tab, not on inactive tabs
Multi-rename tool: No accents shown in popup menu for "+" and "#" buttons when using Windows Classic theme
Tab key stopped working in comboboxes which used auto-complete after 7 combobox creations in some dialogs, e.g. Shift+F5 (problem with subclassing)
Hotkeys (via &) were not removed from strings Strg+, Alt+ etc. when used in popup menu
Multi-rename tool: Click on [N#-#], then on OK without changing anything inserted [N1] instead of the default range
File size "Dynamic x k/M" was wrong in 64-bit only
Network Neighborhood: Empty on XP with NethoodStyle=2 (fix also removed German Entire network title)
Network Neighborhood: Do not show "Refresh.lnk" entry on Windows XP or older
wciconex.dll was ignored even when DefaultLib wasn't set in wincmd.ini. Will be used if DefaultLib empty or DefaultLib=wcmicons.dll
Allow to define a tab icon for the default view mode
Synchronize dirs: Show different confirmation when user tries to delete to recycle bin, warn if the file would be deleted directly
"Do you really want to delete the selected element?" wasn't used in 64-bit version
When deleting to recycle bin and a file can only be deleted directly, warn the user and let him choose to delete it directly or not
Separate search dialog: Search in selected files/folders in file system plugins didn't work
Configuration - Auto mode change: UNC path: Server was missing a backslash
Icon was drawn over focus rectangle with themed or inverted cursor disabled when it was loaded in the background
Vertical button bar: Overflow button was drawn as pressed when moving the mouse over it, or when the item which should be there was pressed too
Vertical button bar: Crash when hovering over overflow button (when bar is too long) with some bar settings
wcx_ftp.ini [General] VerifyCerts=1 control verification of certificates: VerifyCerts=1 on, VerifyCerts=0 off, VerifyCerts=-1 only when wincmd.pem exists, VerifyCerts=-2: like -1, but do not user windows cert store (like older TC versions)
FTPS: Always verify certificates now, even when wincmd.pem is missing, since we use the root certs from Internet Explorer now
tcmdx32.exe had invalid manifest resource since beta 4
Standalone synchronize dirs: Crash in overwrite dialog if preview was enabled
Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were not updated
Configuration - Custom columns: View modes with no title were not shown in the combobox
Everything.exe wasn't started with -startup parameter in 64-bit version

Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 9.0 Beta 6

Fixed: Re-apply auto-switch view mode filters after Ctrl+U, but do not swap view modes themselves (32/64)
Added: Set color of currently active tab, overrides any view mode tab colors: wincmdini [Colors] ActiveTabColor=RGB value (32/64)
Fixed: Duplicate folder tab via right click menu -> copy also view mode, icon, and colors (32/64)
Fixed: Button with command other than exe (eg vbs) and parameter %S not working with spaces in the program name (reason: CreateProcess used instead of ShellExecuteEx, to allow longer command line) (32/64)
Fixed: Icons in folder tabs (to which the user switches) are lost after using cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch while no view mode switch rules are defined (32/64)
Fixed: Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were still not updated in 64-bit only (64)
Fixed: Search with "ev:" prefix: ignore results in the form "c:", "c:", "\server", "\servershare" (32/64)
Fixed: When reading from a network directory, do not refresh the file list when TC loses focus when wait dialog is up, and user switches back when reading complete (32/64)
Fixed: Don't pack each file to TEMP when TEMP folder is on the same drive as target folder (32/64)
Fixed: Search via 'Everything': When not using the ev: prefix, call Everything_SetMatchPath(true); Everything_SetMatchCase(false); Everything_SetMatchWholeWord(false); before each search to get correct results (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to Text+UTF-8, and a plain text comment file with line breaks n exists, and user enters Unicode comment, the comment extra info wasn't handled correctly when codepage wasn't Western (1252) (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to UTF-8, make sure the comment isn't cut in the middle of an UTF-8 multi-byte character when it is too long (32/64)
Fixed: Slightly increased with for text Search - Plugins tab - "Combine with" (32/64)
Fixed: Content plugin, full unicode text field, text search: Results wrong in 64-bit due to wrong buffer size reported to plugins (64)
Fixed: Network Neighborhood, Windows XP or older: Total number of files/folders in footer was wrong (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view, edit file, save it -> file list was updated, but quick view wasn't (32/64)
Fixed: Menu "Start": User-defined hotkeys were not translated, also not in "Change start menu" dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Right click on current tab in inactive panel -> wrong current view mode was checked, and chosen mode was applied to active panel instead (32/64)
Added: Configuration dialog: When clicking OK or Apply while on "View modes" page, and automatic view mode changes are off, apply the current view mode to the file lists (32/64)
Fixed: CopyLinks>0 -> comments of hard links/junctions were not copied with the links (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, execute commands: When starting TC, we need to set the current panel to the target when executing a command there like cm_dirbranch Otherwise it would be executed in the wrong panel (32/64)
Fixed: Remove hotkey (&) from string 6402 in second location in server type definition dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Show description in "Set default icon library" also for file wcmicon2dll (32/64)
Fixed: Help, SizeFooter description was not updated to the new 2 digit and terabyte styles (32/64)
Fixed: Manifest resource in 64-bit installer (64)
Fixed: Edit box for "File types" in "Auto mode change" was too wide (32/64)

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 9.0 Beta 7

Fixed: If a plugin shows a MessageBox while the 1-2-3-nag dialog is up, bring the MessageBox to the foreground so the user can close it
Added: Don't reset view mode when loading locked tabs (also with directory changes allowed)
Fixed: Folder tabs: When using tabs of same width, the text and icon could overlap (but only in the right tab header!)
Fixed: * in front of commands in View mode (execute in each dir, not just when the mode changes) didn't work any more
Fixed: Crash/malfunction using button parameter �-� or higher
Fixed: When adding a tab with Ctrl+T when no tabs are shown, the buttons for history and bookmarks could be shown too high with some themes like Windows 10
Added: Windows 10: re-added separator between tab headers and file list because it's missing from the theme
Fixed: Folder tabs layout of right panel could be wrong (e.g. path panel too high, top of hotlist+history list too high) with certain themes and fonts
Fixed: descript.ion file with line breaks converted incorrectly from OEM/DOS font to Unicode (line breaks were lost)
Fixed: Buttons in button bar were not centered vertically between upper and lower line when using flat or themed buttons
Fixed: Switch theme off (classic theme) or on (default theme) -> Tab key stopped working, couldn't focus other panel
Fixed: ActiveTabColor could become sticky on tabs when not using automatic view mode changes (Note: To remove color, set view mode to default via right click on the tab)
Fixed: USB devices like phones didn't have an icon when using drivelib=some dll
Added: Configuration - Options - Auto switch mode: Show & and | instead of |& and ||
Fixed: User-chosen view mode could be reset after renaming when using auto view mode change
Fixed: Files - Split File, Files - Encode File: Textbox with file name could wrap to 2 or more lines for long names, adjust dialog box accordingly (the width will not be adjusted)
Fixed: No tooltips from Explorer were shown when not using "All+EXE/LNK" and/or overlay icons (because the idlist for the directory wasn't loaded)
Added: When using external icon library with iconlib= option, use separated "shared folder" overlay icons on folders with special icons (desktop.ini)
Fixed: Update checker was broken, will take until beta 8 to work again
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Font: 64-bit version showed different examples (with Latin accents) than 32-bit version
Fixed: Always try to load newer unrar.dll. Only try unrar9x.dll when the former fails
Fixed: Thumbnail view: Folder icon with shared icon overlay: Folder icon was shown wrong (16x16 icon scaled up to 48x48)
Fixed: Shift+F6 on [..]: Change icon to OK sign before displaying the button (for slow screens)
Fixed: Everything search: Everything_SetMatchPath must be set to false, not true, otherwise strings like name*.ext will not be found
Fixed: Crash trying to set ANSI comment in Unicode comment file (or vice versa) if the old comment had no line breaks
Fixed: Crash trying to read description from UTF-16 Unicode descript.ion file >64kBytes
Fixed: Different Icons in Drive Buttons and Drive Combobox for USB harddisks - try to update icons later
Fixed: Show - Vertical arrangement: Bottom drive buttonbar was overlapping with vertical buttonbar
Fixed: Double click on splitter panel not always working when using vertical arrangement, because the control sizes have changed
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Custom columns: Top combobox didn't support accents in user-defined plugin names

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Total Commander 9.0 Beta 8

Fixed: ZIP packer: Accented characters were not shown correctly in progress dialog when packing names as plain text (not Unicode) (32/64)
Fixed: If a plugin shows a MessageBox while the 1-2-3-nag dialog is up, try closing it directly (64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Second percent bar wasn't reset to 0 once copying was done (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Do not use auto-rename to "name (1).ext" if the old and new name are the same or differ only in upper/lowercase (32/64)
Fixed: Comment editor (Ctrl+Z): Comment shown incorrectly from UTF-8-encoded descript.ion file if "DOS charset" was also checked (32/64)
Fixed: Right to left languages: Auto view mode switch configuration, list of rules must not be mirrored! (32/64)
Fixed: Right to left languages: View mode configuration, button for choosing icon was overlapping button to choose color (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu and Lister menu not shown correctly when using right to left languages (note: due to a bug in Windows, only single line right to left menu works) (64)
Fixed: Initial compare by content (progress bar in main TC) was aborted by ESC in Lister (32/64)
Added: Support Shift+Home/End in cm_commandbrowser (32/64)
Fixed: No overlay icon was shown for .lnk files in virtual folders pointing to files with no association, and to folders with default folder icon (32/64)
Fixed: Show .lnk files pointing to files without association as files, not folders (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameter � wasn't same as in compare by content when there was 1 file selected in the source, and the cursor was on another file (32/64)
Fixed: Using icons >48x48 in file lists could result in tiny 16x16 icons in upper left of the icon (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Could not remove user-defined hotkeys via "X" button after choosing them from dropdown list (64)
Fixed: Still different Icons in Drive Buttons and Drive Combobox for USB harddisks under special conditions: Fresh ini, OldDriveIcons=1 or 2 (32/64)
Fixed: Show - Vertical arrangement: Bottom drive buttonbar was overlapping with vertical buttonbar after inserting new (USB) drive (32/64)
Fixed: Vertical button bar: Fixed redrawing of buttons on XP with themes enabled, and tooltips partially obscure the buttons (32/64)
Added: One more parameter added to installer: /K installs wincmd.key file located in same directory as the installer. Note: All parameters MUST be passed in one group after a single slash (32/64)
Added: Installer now accepts the following parameters /AHLMGDU A=Auto, H=Hidden, L=Language number, M=Multi-language, G=Create group, D=Create desktop icon, U=Update if target exists. All options accept parameters 1 or 0, e.g. G0 or G1. L accepts language Nr. from install.inf, e.g. L18=Romanian (32/64)
Added: Installer: new key [Auto] Update=1 perform update installation if target already exists: Do not change language and other ini settings, do not create desktop ans start menu icons (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Copyright sign not shown in some languages like Korean (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: removed "(default)" from Windows directory option, it's no longer the default (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, right click on button: Menu item "cd c:path of exe" missing when * was put in front of the command (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, additional sort orders: '2' was added twice to the context menu (32/64)

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.0 beta 9

Total Commander 9.0 beta 9 is available now!

You can download it from
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This is a public pre-release version! Please be careful!

This time there are also some new functions:
- Multi-rename tool: Up to 20 rename operations can be undone now (configurable)
- Auto mode change: Option "L" now allows to specify one or more drive types, e.g. 2=USB stick
- View modes: Option to give the icon priority over all other icons, e.g. loaded from desktop.ini
- Show hidden and system files with exclamation mark overlay (configurable)

Please report bugs here in the TC 9.0 beta bug report forum, ONE BUG PER MESSAGE! If you reported a bug for beta 1/2, please check whether it has been fixed! There should be a hint in the readme.

IMPORTANT: Currently the new functions are available only in English and German. More languages will be added soon.

Here is a list of the most important additions:
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A list of all corrections, also for previous versions, can be found in the history file.

As usual, the update is free for all registered users.

Christian Ghisler

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.00 beta 10:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:21 pm Post subject: Total Commander 9.0 beta 10 available Reply with quote
Total Commander 9.0 beta 10 is available now!

You can download it from
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This is a public pre-release version! Please be careful!

This time there are also some new functions:
- Cofigure drive icons, default file/folder icons, '!' overlay and dimmed hidden icons via main configuration dialog
- Detect when a drive is locked by bitlocker, and offer to unlock it

Please report bugs here in the TC 9.0 beta bug report forum, ONE BUG PER MESSAGE! If you reported a bug for beta 1/2, please check whether it has been fixed! There should be a hint in the readme.

IMPORTANT: Currently the new functions are available only in English and German. More languages will be added soon.

Here is a list of the most important additions:
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A list of all corrections, also for previous versions, can be found in the history file.

As usual, the update is free for all registered users.

Christian Ghisler

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.00 beta 11

24.08.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 11 (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: "Priority" checkbox could overlap with tab icon preview on higher DPI devices (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: Show dimmed icons by default only on Windows XP or newer, they look ugly on older Windows versions (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: When themes are disabled, icons in the current tab context menu need to be scaled down to the actual menu size (usually 15x15) because the menu isn't enlarged for larger icons (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: Re-added line between sorting header and listbox when using themes, but TabHeaderThemed=0 was set under [Layout] (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: The installer could not install over TC 64-bit if the 64-bit standalone help window or other standalone dialogs were open (64)
24.08.16 Fixed: Dialog with 1-3 checkboxes could sometimes be too small when using larger font (32)
24.08.16 Added: Alt+F10 tree: Changed static text "F2 re-scan" to speed button, so it can be used with a mouse too (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: Search dialog: Move 'Everything' checkbox to the right of the packer checkbox if it doesn't have enough space (32/64)
24.08.16 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: The dropdown folder list wasn't closed when switching away (Alt+Tab) from TC (64)
23.08.16 Added: Show view mode tab colors and icons in main menu - Show - Custom View Modes (with same icon size as on folder tabs) (32/64)
23.08.16 Added: Show view mode tab colors and icons in current tab context menu (32/64)
23.08.16 Added: When user changes the view mode manually while automatic view mode switching is enabled, keep that view mode until the directory changes to a location with a different view mode rule>0 (32/64)
23.08.16 Fixed: When using external icon library (via iconlib=) for files/folders, do not use '!' overlay (from TC) if the icon library does not contain any '!' overlay. Use method from TC 8.x instead: separate icon for hidden/system (32/64)
21.08.16 Fixed: Windows 10 anniversary update bug: Double click on inaccessible share (e.g. DVD drive with no disk) would hang forever. Must call in background thread (32/64)
19.08.16 Fixed: Show legacy file folder icons with '!' when checking "Show '!' on hidden/system" and using icon library or old internal icons. Show '!' overlay for files/folders with special icon (32/64)
19.08.16 Fixed: Do not show any icons with "!" (not even default icons) when unchecking "Show '!' on hidden/system" (32/64)
19.08.16 Fixed: Use internal function to convert from ANSI to Unicode for codepage 1252 (Western), for users who replace C_1252.NLS (e.g. to use Cyrillic in Western only programs) (32/64)
19.08.16 Fixed: Icons from internal associations disappeared when changing from/to file/folder icons from Explorer (32/64

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.00 beta 12

31.08.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 12 (32/64)
31.08.16 Fixed: Ignore keyboard input sent to TC while a modal dialog is up, e.g. F5 copy dialog. Workaround to Windows bug where TC can get focus while disabled (hover over taskbar icon until preview shows up, right click on preview) (32/64)
31.08.16 Fixed: Refresh only active panel after deleting file via right click context menu, and the other panel showed a different drive (32/64)
31.08.16 Fixed: The line between listbox and status bar wasn't drawn in brief view (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: Some resized icons would appear too dark when using a custom icon size (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: Increased text height in background transfer manager and background progress dialog slightly to handle 10pt fonts (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: Drive combobox could be too narrow on higher DPI devices using larger icon size (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: Increased textbox height in dialog which appears when editing multiple files from ZIP with F4 with multiple document editor (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: F5-F6 repeatedly doesn't work any more with CHS file names (32)
30.08.16 Fixed: Thumbnails view: View mode background wasn't used. Note that thumbnails view only uses the first background color (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: Configuration, click "Apply": Do not try to apply auto view mode change rules unless they were actually changed, just apply the changed view mode (32/64)
30.08.16 Fixed: Sorting headers (Name/Ext. etc.): Removed extra line on the left when using HeaderThemed=0 (64)
30.08.16 Fixed: View mode and view mode switch configurations: Comboboxes were not translated when changing languages and clicking Apply without closing the dialog (32/64)
30.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CountMarkedBackground=0 disables second progress bar in background transfer manager (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: Exit button was too far to the right (only beta 11) (32)
28.08.16 Fixed: When the user changed the view mode manually while auto view mode changes were enabled, it was not preserved when not using tabs (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: Update bitlocker drive icon in drive bar and drive dropdown combobox when unlocking bitlocker drive from within TC (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: After unlocking a bitlocker drive, trying to switch to it may return a different error while the drive is unlocked but not yet accessible (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: Do not show green open arrow overlay when using old archive icons (32/64)
28.08.16 Added: Also show old archive icon when unchecking "Show default folder/file icons from Explorer" (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: When an external icon library (via iconlib=) contains separate "!" overlay icons, use these always instead of the dedicated file+! and folder+! icons (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: Crash trying to enter directory longer than 1023 characters (Reason: directory history storing both path+name under cursor) (32/64)
28.08.16 Fixed: Search dialog: Only handle F4 for edit when the focus is not in a combobox, because F4 is already used by Windows to open a dropdown combobox (32/64)
26.08.16 Fixed: When using drive icons from Explorer, re-read network drive icon when switching from elsewhere to it, to remove red 'x' if the drive was reconnected (32/64)
26.08.16 Fixed: Menu bar theme background wasn't drawn when maximized on secondary screen, AND that screen ended with x-coordinate 0 (shown to the left of the main screen) (64)
26.08.16 Fixed: 24x24 icon in 32-bit version was replaced by a resized 32x32 icon by mistake (32)

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.0 beta 13

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:40 pm Post subject: Total Commander 9.0 beta 13 available Reply with quote

Total Commander 9.0 beta 13 is available now!

You can download it from
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This is a public pre-release version! Please be careful!

This time there are also some new functions:
- Instead of the Windows Photo App (tile app), open the Windows Photo Viewer (desktop program) when double clicking an image file. Can be disabled (ReplacePhotoApp=0).
- Do not disable main window while reading long dirs, instead handle Windows messages, but ignore all user input except for ESC key.

Please report bugs here in the TC 9.0 beta bug report forum, ONE BUG PER MESSAGE! If you reported a bug for beta 1/2, please check whether it has been fixed! There should be a hint in the readme.

IMPORTANT: Currently the new functions are available only in English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian. More languages will be added soon.

Here is a list of the most important additions:
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A list of all corrections, also for previous versions, can be found in the history file.

As usual, the update is free for all registered users.

Christian Ghisler

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