Total Commander - wersje rozwojowe


Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 1
Fixed: Tab height was still changing in classic theme when creating first tab on both sides with multi-line tabs disabled (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when showing wait to close dialog, fixed by creating dialog without its own class, and setting icon manually (32/64)
Fixed: F4, Shift+F4, Enter in archive -> wait to close dialog wasn't shown any more even with EditWaitTime>0 (32/64)
Fixed: Go back in history: Restore history position if reconnecting to ftp server fails (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Adjust height of color comboboxes also when moving dialog between screens of different dpi (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog boxes like search were no longer scaled after using some internal commands like OPENLANGUAGEFILE (64)
Fixed: Crash trying to unpack file from 7z or rar file to path longer than 259 characters - problem with wrapping long names in dialog box (32/64)
Fixed: SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime crashes on Windows XP for times beyond the year 2559 -> Limit displayed time to 2559 (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button [E#-#]: Placeholder was added to the name instead of the extension field when using option "Use [first,last]" (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button [E#-#]: Nothing was added when choosing option "Measure last character from the end". Same problem with [P#-#] and others from the dropdown list (32/64)
Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string, e.g. !test.txt -> \!test.txt, otherwise nothing will be found because '!' means 'not' (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Templates can now be given either as ANSI (current system encoding) or UTF-8 for UTF-8 servers (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Comboboxes not high enough on high DPI screens (32)
Fixed: FTP: Templates didn't work with UTF-8 encoding if the month name contained an accent (32/64)
Fixed: Internal associations: Quick toggle on/off by clicking on initial * character -> also toggle multiple extensions, e.g. *.c *.cpp <-> -.c -.cpp (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstop: After clicking on "Default", the "Ext" column was too narrow when using non-standard size format for file lists (32/64)
Fixed: Set size of the directory history and hotlist button icons depending on the main window font size, not the dialog box scaling (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
25 Grudnia 2012
Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 1

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Ano właśnie miałem napisać... :) Tłumacząc na nasze za
  • Dodano obsługę systemu Windows 10 Fall Creators Update;
  • Dodano obsługę wielu ekranów o różnym zagęszczeniu DPI w systemie Windows 10;
  • Dodano możliwość ustawiania jakości czcionki (w tym włączenie / wyłączenie antialiasingu);
  • Dodano wsparcie dla nowych pseudo zmiennych środowiskowych (
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  • Od teraz Nowy folder (F7) może wykorzystywać te same zamienniki, które używane są w narzędziu wielokrotnej zamiany oraz tworzyć wiele katalogów w pierwszym kroku;
  • Od teraz Nowy plik tekstowy (Shift+F4) obsługuje te same zamienniki, które używane są w narzędziu wielokrotnej zamiany;
  • Od teraz Nowy plik tekstowy (Shift+F4) działa w archiwach na serwerach FTP i we wtyczkach systemu plików;
  • Dodano możliwość użycia narzędzia Everything w obliczaniu przestrzeni dyskowej (Alt+Shift+Enter/Spacja);
  • Od teraz wbudowane narzędzie do rozpakowywania archiwów w formacie 7ZIP wspiera rozpakowywanie plików w tle;
  • Dodano możliwość zaznaczania tekstu w trakcie jego przewijania na ekranach dotykowych;
  • Dodano wsparcie dla nazw Unicode podczas ładowania obrazów przez przeglądarkę graficzną IrfanView;
  • Dodano możliwość ustawiania szerokości w trybie binarnym dla 8, 16, 24 lub 32-bitów;
  • Dodano nowe zamienniki do wstawiania aktualnej daty + czasu.


Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 2 (32/64)
Fixed: Disable per screen scaling on Windows 10 if the user changed the scaling of the primary screen, resulting in faulty scaling until the user logged out and back in (32/64)
Fixed: Go back in history: When a path isn't accessible and the user doesn't pick a different drive, remaining in the same directory, then swap the current and previous path in the history (32/64)
Fixed: Increased maximum stack size from 512k to 640k due to a stack exhaustion error (0xC00000FD) one user had (32)
Fixed: F5 - F2 or add files to queue: Use message above WM_USER to send names to the dialog instead of WM_COMMAND (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar: couldn't set icon size smaller than 16x16 any longer (32/64)
Fixed: Go back in history: When a network path isn't accessible and the user picks a different drive, replace the network path with that drive in the history (32/64)
Fixed: Go back in history: When using a (separate) tree, update it with the real directory if we couldn't go to the dir in the history (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Couldn't load images via Irfanview when started as a standalone program with /S=L parameter (64)
Fixed: Lister: Window size could change when switching between files with 'n' and 'p' keys (64)
Fixed: Lister: No horizontal scrollbar for images larger than the window (64)
Fixed: History and hotlist buttons were sometimes (partially or fully) hidden after switching button bars with different lines (64)
Fixed: Hints for history and hotlist were interchanged after recent fix regarding hint font size (64)
Fixed: Option autocompletetab>0 not working in 64-bit version only (64)
Fixed: Auto-complete no longer worked in Shift+F4 (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows no longer stopped at dots in names in F7 or Shift+F4 (32/64)
Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string with double quotes instead of a backslash, e.g. !test.txt -> "!"test.txt, otherwise the text will not be found in the middle of a name (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 3 (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10 Creators Update and Fall Creators Update: when changing scaling (e.g. 100%->150%) in Windows, limit window size to current screen user area (32/64)
Fixed: Abort sorting manually by custom column with ESC if it hangs for more than 2 seconds (32/64)
Fixed: The option QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 didn't work in the 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: Dialog boxes wouldn't correctly restore their position on Windows 10 Creators Update after the user changed the scaling of the primary screen (without logging out and back in) (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
9 Październik 2012
Total Commander 9.12 RC3 wydany (2017-11-10)
09.11.17 Fixed: Help file: Removed redundant references to history.txt from "what's new" section (32/64)
09.11.17 Fixed: Do not clear selection after right clicking on F8 button or drive buttons (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Re-apply view modes to current panels for commands cm_Exchange and cm_ExchangeWithTabs (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Icons on tabs were lost after cm_ExchangeWithTabs command (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: Division by zero error when printing RTF file in Lister (64)
08.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: Window position not loaded correctly on third screen with this arrangement: 1:125%, 2:100%, 3:125%, because 1 and 3 have the same scale factor (32/64)
07.11.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows in F7 now works again as in TC 9.0a (no stop at dots, but stops at some braces) (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Clicking in the 'Show' section (not on a button) only refreshed the results in the 32-bit version (64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Do not call SetFileAttributes after renaming when user has set option SetArchiveBitOnRename=0. Also ignore all errors in SetFileAttributes (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Don't react to Ctrl+F3 hotkey on lines with directories (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: 64-bit: Prevent plugins writting in Lazarus from crashing by changing the name for GetProp/SetProp to store control data from 'WinControl' to 'WinControlTC'. Changed plugin interface version reported by ListSetDefaultParams to 2.11 (64)
03.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 2 (32/64)

02.11.17 Fixed: Call extra invalidate function for main window and listboxes when moving between windows with different DPI (32/64)
02.11.17 Fixed: Changed version from 9.11 to 9.12, for obvious reasons (9/11) (32/64)
02.11.17 Fixed: Get icon for file system plugin from uwfx file if wfx file is missing (32)
01.11.17 Fixed: Do not move window to saved position when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message but the display size didn't actually change (32/64)
01.11.17 Fixed: Do not dim regular overlays like link overlay, cloud overlays or tortoise svn overlays on hidden files/folders (32/64)
01.11.17 Fixed: Do not draw two icon overlays on file system links, prefer the overlay from Windows when available (32/64)
01.11.17 Fixed: The "!" icon overlay wasn't dimmed when icons for hidden files/folders were set to dimmed in the configuration (32/64)
31.10.17 Fixed: Search function, find files in archive, edit with F4 -> file not repacked when changed, or deleted when unchanged, when file in archive subdirectory (32/64)
31.10.17 Fixed: wincmd.ini, resolution-specific section: FontSizeTip was ignored on Windows 10 creators update (64)
31.10.17 Fixed: Search function, start search: The search window was expanded only minimally the first time it was used (position not stored yet) (32/64)
31.10.17 Fixed: Open archive, ENTER, "Unpack all and execute" -> "OK" button in wait dialog changed to Cancel. Reason: Apparently the buttonID changes from IDOK to IDCANCEL (!) (32/64)

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
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Fixed: Close and restart Total Commander when starting remote desktop session causing Windows 10 main menu bug (local PC is set to custom scale factor) (64)
Fixed: 7zip: Partial support for 7zip archives with different password for file names and file content. Multiple files with different content passwords can only be unpacked separately, though (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10: Lister opening with caret (text cursor) visible, move cursor with keyboard -> cursor bar also remained in top left position (64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack dialog: "Encrypt" checkbox wasn't disabled when opening the dialog with a plugin as default packer which doesn't report encrypt option in packer capabilities (64)
Fixed: Windows 10 terminal server session to other Windows 10, local PC is set to custom scale factor, e.g. 120% -> Windows bug in displaying menus -> disable dpi per screen scaling when starting (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheckBeta=1: If set together with AutoUpdateCheck=1, new beta versions will be reported even when using a final version (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RestoreSize=0 prevents TC from restoring to saved size when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE or WM_DPICHANGED message (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: mp4 video would play outside of Lister window, unless DpiPerScreen=0 was set (reason: it was creating a playback window in a separate thread) (32/64)
Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker didn't show 'e' in attributes column for encrypted files (32/64)
Fixed: Search in office xml files would sometimes fail (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] useshellconnect=-1 uses own user name and password dialogs for PCs where WNetAddConnection3 crashes (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.20 beta 1
This update fixes a few problems found after the release of Total Commander 9.12.
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There are also some new functions:
  • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer's recent dirs, use
    cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
  • Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
  • Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar)
  • wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead
  • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
  • FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.20 beta 2
The update to 9.20 fixes a few problems found after the release of Total Commander 9.12.
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There are also some new functions:
  • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer's recent dirs, use
    cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
  • Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
  • Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar)
  • wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead
  • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
  • FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.20 beta 3
The following was changed in beta 3:
  • Compare by content: Select all with Ctrl+A
  • Multi-rename tool: Option to convert to uppercase like in English titles (certain words like a, the, of... lowercase)
  • Bugfixes

There are also some new functions since beta 1:
  • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer's recent dirs, use
    cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
  • Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
  • Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar)
  • wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead
  • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
  • FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.20 beta 4
The following was changed in beta 4:

23.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 4 (32/64)
23.05.18 Fixed: TC main window didn't flash when clicking on it when a dialog box was open (32)
23.05.18 Fixed: Update of OneDrive overlay icon (cloud) for files available only online didn't always work (64)
22.05.18 Fixed: Compare by content: After clicking on "Next difference" in binary mode, restore status bar to "X differences found" (32/64)
22.05.18 Fixed: Wrong icon was shown for files with no chosen associated program: Instead of "PerceivedType", use first entry from "OpenWithProgIDs" subkey (32/64)
22.05.18 Fixed: New string "Invalid input!" in attributes dialog wasn't used with internal English language (32/64)
22.05.18 Added: FTP: Allow to choose connection method via prefix: ftpes:// forces explicit ssl (AUTH TLS), while ftpis:// fources implicit ssl (encrypted from the start) (32/64)
22.05.18 Fixed: Command line edit control: cd path\filename didn't place cursor on file, but showed read error instead with IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
21.05.18 Added: Use Shift+F7 to create directory in target panel, using the name under the cursor from the source panel as the default (32/64)
21.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Couldn't enter a time with 59 minutes, e.g. 23:59 (32/64)
21.05.18 Fixed: When copying/moving/renaming a file, show "Invalid name" error when Windows reports an invalid name or path (error 123 or 161) (32/64)
20.05.18 Fixed: Incorrect decoding of multi-part MIME file where the individual file header "Content-Transfer-Encoding" came before the header "Content-Type" (32/64)
20.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Also report a time like 24:30 as an error. Allowed are 00:00:00-23:59:59 plus 5:00a/p or am/pm (am/pm is ignored for times >=13:00) (32/64)
18.05.18 Added: Multi-rename tool: Include [f] option also in dropdown list (Alt+"+") (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Translation of "English in Titles" wasn't changed when changing language, only after restarting TC (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: FTP, edit two or more text files (with F4) from two or more different directories, save all within less than 1 second -> sometimes one was still re-uploaded to wrong directory, with error that server is busy (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: Create CRC checksums, no options checked: CRC for existing checksum file wasn't created when the user changed the name in the overwrite confirmation dialog (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: No overwrite confirmation when copying a file which can only be read as administrator (elevated) from a directory which can be read without admin rights (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: cm_RenameOnly would rename the file under the cursor instead of the selection when only a single file was selected (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Load from target file could only be invoked via hotkey, not via click on the button (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.20 beta 5
30.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 5 (32/64)
30.05.18 Added: Recognize .t7z extension as internal packer extension, show with archive icon (32/64)
30.05.18 Fixed: "Auto-rename copied" option not working properly when copying a file which can only be read as administrator (elevated) from a directory which can be read without admin rights (32/64)
30.05.18 Fixed: Drive selection dialog in search function, Plugin field picker in multi-rename tool: Disable minimize button when the parent dialog was maximized (64)
29.05.18 Fixed: Maximize, minimize, restore dialog -> dialog was no longer maximized: Custom Columns, FTP connection progress, Multi-rename tool, Plugin field picker, Print preview, Drive selection dialog, Configure file system/lister/content plugins (64)
29.05.18 Added: Decoding of MIME files where the name wasn't given -> use .txt extension for TEXT/PLAIN fields, and .htm for TEXT/HTML instead of .bin (32/64)
29.05.18 Fixed: Changed how the Drive selection dialog in the search function was minimized (32/64)
29.05.18 Fixed: Do not open 32-bit version when 64-bit version is already running and option "Allow only 1 copy of Total Commander at a time" was set (32)
29.05.18 Fixed: Disabled or removed some options like 'Everything' on older Windows versions when not available (32)
28.05.18 Fixed: crash when comma is used after cm_command with parameter, e.g. "cm_SrcByDateTime 1," -> detect it as an error (32/64)
28.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Don't show error for default date/time field placeholders, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy, when the user didn't change them (32/64)
28.05.18 Added: Support Unicode in names of saved searches when the wincmd.ini (or the redirected ini for [searches] section) is stored with Unicode UTF-16 (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: Changed all URLs to to https, e.g. when using the auto update check, or Help - Vistit Totalcmd's Web site (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: Internal 7zip unpacker: Open .t7z archives where the file name wasn't stored in the 7z file header, set name of file inside to archivename.tar (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: When going to the root of a drive or share, e.g. via Ctrl+< or "\" button, place cursor on the directory which was part of the path, e.g. go to root from c:\Windows\System32 -> put cursor on "Windows" (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Rename with Shift+F6 or Shift+Click on F6 button (invoking cm_renmov): If a single file is selected, rename that file instead of the file under the cursor (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Other windows didn't flash when clicking on their parent, e.g. in Lister, main settings while a dialog box was open etc. (32)
27.05.18 Fixed: Auto-update check: Do not show Update information while TC is minimized or in the background, to not interfere with installing a new version (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: Couldn't unpack .tar.7z archives where the file name wasn't stored in the 7z file header. Use base name from archive, e.g. test.tar.7z -> test.tar (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Error dialog didn't correctly display invalid Unicode input in date/time fields (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: With option CtrlArrowOpenArchive=4, TC was still looking for packer plugins which could open the file (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: Shift+F7 new folder in target panel: Return to source panel when the user cancels the input of the new name (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: F7/Shift+F7 new folder: Show dialog box over the panel where the directory will be created (32/64)
25.05.18 Fixed: No smart screen warning was shown for files protected by Windows smart screen filter in Windows 10 Spring creators update (2018), worked fine in older versions (reason: flag SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI) (32/64)
24.05.18 Added: F7 new folder/Shift+F4 new file: Include [f] option also in dropdown list (Alt+"+") (32/64)
24.05.18 Added: Pass parameter FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS to FormatMessage for errors when starting a program fails (32/64)

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.20 beta 6
06.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 6 (32/64)
06.06.18 Fixed: Couldn't create more archives of type .tar.plugin if files with that extension already existed, and "Create separate archives..." was checked (32/64)
06.06.18 Fixed: Auto-complete/Auto-append in Shift+F4: do not use auto-append here even if it's enabled by the user - only use auto-complete dropdown (32/64)
05.06.18 Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox (32/64)
05.06.18 Fixed: Update file/folder list in virtual folder "Computer" when a drive is removed (32/64)
05.06.18 Fixed: Launch programs/open files: Use GetLastError for FormatMessage error instead of error returned in hInstApp when showing launch error (32/64)
04.06.18 Fixed: Change Attributes dialog: Button placement wrong for right to left languages (32/64)
04.06.18 Fixed: Made Change Attributes dialog a bit larger to give more room for Russian and other languages (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: Decoding of MIME files: Detect multi-line names and named with different encodings, e.g. name*0*=UTF-8''part1 name*1*=part2.txt -> part1part2.txt (32/64)
03.06.18 Added: Option to show/hide speed info in background thread: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundSpeed=2 : 0=name, 1=speed when available, 2=alternating (32/64)
03.06.18 Added: Option to disable the centering of the F7/Shift+F7 dialog over the active panel: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewFolderOverPanel=0 (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: F7/Shift+F7 dialog: Center dialog over top/bottom file panel when using vertical arrangement (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes, "Load from file under cursor": Couldn't read attributes from file with access denied like c:\pagefile.sys (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: Automatic log rotation by date no longer worked (due to the fix for log files >4GB) (32/64)
31.05.18 Fixed: Multiple chained cm_xyz commands, e.g. cm_selectall,cm_copy on a button -> the last command was no longer executed (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 1 for Windows available!
13.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 1 (32/64)
13.06.18 Fixed: Windows 10, main menu: Change screen scaling from 100% to 125% and back -> icons were too big (24x24 instead of 16x16) (32/64)
13.06.18 Fixed: Switch from search result (from "feed to listbox") to Network Neighborhood or other virtual folder -> the tab title still displayed "Search result:" (32/64)
13.06.18 Fixed: Search: Show "Search path not found!" not just for first invalid search location, but for all locations (up to 20), also when using list file (32/64)
13.06.18 Added: Windows XP and newer: Restore stored per monitor window size also when dragging Total Commander between monitors (32/64)
12.06.18 Added: Windows 7 and newer: restore saved position on Win+Shift+Cursor left/right, can be prevented with RestoreSize=0 (32/64)
12.06.18 Added: Windows XP and newer: save position separately for each monitor and dpi, in the form: monitor(x,y,w,h,dpi)=x,y,w,h (the last saved position remains the default) (32/64)
12.06.18 Fixed: Search: When specifying multiple search locations, the search was aborted when the first location couldn't be accessed, e.g. z:\;c:\ (32/64)
12.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Ignore leading and trailing spaces in date and time fields (32/64)
12.06.18 Fixed: FTP couldn't connect with implicit SSL via sChannel when the server sent a long banner message (32/64)
11.06.18 Fixed: Open files: Replace %1 with file name (if available) in FormatMessage error when available (32/64)
11.06.18 Fixed: Virtual folder "Computer" wasn't always updated when a drive was removed, e.g. for mounted ISO files (32/64)
11.06.18 Fixed: Don't inform user about new version twice if he checked manually immediately after starting TC with auto update checks enabled (32/64)
10.06.18 Fixed: Configuration-Options-View mode: too many custom columns listed in "Columns view" when the page "Custom columns" wasn't opened before (32/64)
10.06.18 Fixed: Reload theme data also when receiving WM_DPICHANGED, otherwise buttons in button bar may have black background until they are reloaded (32/64)
10.06.18 Fixed: Reduce redrawing of main window/flickering when receiving WM_THEMECHANGED message after WM_DPICHANGED (the theme wasn't actually changed) (32/64)
10.06.18 Fixed: Changed background color of parent/root buttons to button face color also on folder tabs (64)
08.06.18 Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, and switching to a drive via drive bar or dropdown list, and a directory cannot be opened (e.g. because it was deleted), go to parent until the drive root (32/64)
06.06.18 Fixed: Auto-complete/Auto-append in Shift+F4: auto-append was only changed to auto-complete when auto-complete itself was turned off (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 2 for Windows available!
20.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 2 (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Client certificates: For the chosen certificate, store the SHA1 digest in addition to the serial number, because the latter isn't unique (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Prevent thread watching for directory changes (Configuration-Options-Refresh-Auto-refresh when the file system changes) from hanging the main thread (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Prevent blinking when opening main configuration dialog (caused by LockWindowUpdate) (32)
20.06.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc, hotkey dropdown combobox: Handling of ENTER, ESC and TAB keys was different in 32-bit and 64-bit (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: WM_DEVICECHANGE: Also react to DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED notification to get correct drive icons (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Ctrl+Q didn't work in virtual folders for files in the file system where the parent folder wasn't a file system directory, e.g. in libraries (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Lister: Set new optimized default position and size on Windows XP or newer: Right aligned, width enough to show at least 84 characters (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Windows 10 developer preview, build 17686: Open the windows for Lister, Verify Checksums, and Compare by Content in separate windows, not on extra tabs (32/64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: %t now also inserts the URL of the directory for FTP connections, just like %p (32/64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Lister: Switching between view options 4 and 5 could switch focus to main TC when using Alt+Letters for quick search (64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Moving to the previous/next file with cursor up/down could leave parts of the apply button on the previous line, e.g. on Windows XP (32)
18.06.18 Fixed: Removed error beep when user right clicked on drive button while context menu for folder tab or sorting header was already open (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: Do not re-load file lists showing custom columns when moving window between screens with different DPI. Instead, only adjust the column widths (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: New per monitor window sizes not used when using option ResolutionSpecific=0 in wincmd.ini (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, switching to non-existent parent directory didn't work by double clicking on [..] entry (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Date conversion only supported lowercase am/pm (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Search function, find files in archive: "Search path not found" was shown by mistake (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameters %T and %t contained 0: prefix when the target directory was an FTP connection (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameters %M and %m contained full path when the target directory was an FTP connection (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Prevent beep when using hotkey for "Load from file under cursor" groupbox (32)
15.06.18 Fixed: Lister, RTF view: Prevent crash when trying to print when the chosen printer is invalid (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Load old searches from wincmd.ini: Not all searches were loaded from ANSI ini file if the total size of the names was >4095 characters (32/64)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 3 for Windows available!
27.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 3 (32/64)
27.06.18 Fixed: Skip internal associations in virtual folders where we can't get a local path for the file, e.g. a phone connected via MTP (32/64)
26.06.18 Fixed: DrivesShowUpcase=0 was ignored in %t parameter, always used uppercase drive letter (32/64)
25.06.18 Fixed: Prevent crash when reloading list of shared folders (e.g. to show shared overlay) (32/64)
24.06.18 Fixed: Lister crash on Windows 8.1 64-bit only, happened after opening Lister multiple times (solution: keep hidden Lister open in the background) (64)
22.06.18 Fixed: Moving separator between main panels wrong when showing two separate tree panels (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Directory handle leaking in watchdir thread, preventing the ejection of USB sticks, and sometimes the closing of the program (32/64)
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Important note for users of release candidate 2 (RC2): If you cannot install RC3 over RC2, you will have to reboot your PC to remove RC2 from memory, due to a bug in RC2.
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