KonkursPZD / GiveawayPZD | ChemTable Reg Organizer, Soft Organizer, Files Inspector Giveaway



Bardzo aktywny
25 Czerwiec 2017
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We at ProgramyZaDarmo would like to thank ChemTable for this exclusive giveaway

ProgramyZaDarmo Reg Organizer Giveaway


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Reg Organizer

Reg Organizer is a set of efficient tools to tweak, optimize, and clean Windows, designed to effortlessly free up system resources and rev performance to the max.

Reg Organizer is a feature-packed program that provides integrated services for Microsoft Windows. The software speeds up and optimizes your operating system, freeing up additional system resources.

The utility allows you to remove unwanted programs from the system and search for traces of the uninstalled program. If there are “heavy” programs that run automatically on start-up in your Windows operating system, disabling them in an advanced startup manager can in some cases speed up the boot time and operation of your operating system. The disk cleanup feature frees up space on your system disk. And this is only part of features in the utility.

Features at a glance

Express Check:
Quick checking of the system state
System Cleanup: Freeing disk space and correcting problems
Private Data Cleanup: Cleaning data, such as browsing history
Registry Optimization: Defragmenting and compressing
Startup Applications: Processes that run on Windows startup
Applications: Install, update, or uninstall (
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technology) software
Registry Editor: Registry editing and searching in it
Important Registry Parts: Important registry parts displaying
Tweaks: Undocumented Windows settings
Registry Snapshots: Comparing the two registry states

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What's new

A Fast Startup Without Additional Windows

Previously, we implemented the registry editor quick start in Reg Organizer via the rrr command. This mechanism has now been upgraded – you can run the utility using a shortcut on the desktop without the UAC (User Account Control) window. To do this, tick the “Skip the User Account Control warning” checkbox in the program settings. After that, a double click on the application icon on the Desktop will immediately run Reg Organizer.

Progress On the Taskbar — Visible Progress, Even With the Window Minimized

Some processes in Reg Organizer may take long. In order not to wait for the end of the process, you can minimize the application and attend to other things. The progress will be visible directly on the utility icon (a green translucent strip) on the Windows taskbar.

System And Private Data Cleanup Has Been Improved

We have also added tabs for the Opera browser data cleanup, which our users asked for, to the system and private data cleanup tabs. Besides, new tabs were added for Chromium-based browsers (for example, GPUCache and ShaderCache).

| Why Reg Organizer |

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  • Using Reg Organizer to uninstall programs and remove its traces will help remove unwanted applications and their traces, thereby preventing littering up the registry and computer disks. This is very useful because not all programs delete their leftover and configuration files in the system registry after removal. This feature is powered by the
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    technology, developed by our experts.

  • Advanced Startup Manager will help you control applications that automatically run with whenever your operating system is started. This would enable you to free up valuable resources for other purposes and in some cases speed up the boot time and operation of your Windows operating system.

  • With the automatic cleanup feature, you can delete large amount of unnecessary information and free up space on the system disk. It can also enable you to remove unwanted updates, old Windows versions and much more.

  • Ability to change many undocumented Windows settings (tweaks). In particular, it can accelerate the work of your system by sending the system a command to increase cache memory size or by unloading unused libraries, etc.

  • Advanced Registry Editor in Reg Organizer allows you to perform various operations with the system registry – you'll be able to export, import, copy key values and do much more. The Registry Editor has much more features than the Registry Editor found in Windows.

  • Search & Replace in the registry allows you to find the keys related to the application in question and delete them if necessary. This is useful, for example, in the case where an application does not have an uninstall tool and after it has been "manually" deleted, unwanted files remain in the registry, which can affect other applications. At the same time, Reg Organizer makes a deeper search and often allows you to find even those keys associated with this application that can’t be found by other similar programs.

  • Defragmenting and compressing the registry: Increase the performance of the registry and consequently the overall performance of your system.

  • The registry file editor is designed to edit keys and parameters, and to add and delete the content of.reg files. It is a very useful tool for transferring program settings from one computer to another. Unlike Windows Registry Editor (regedit), this registry file editor can create modular reg files containing various branches of registry keys.

  • Viewing registry files (*.reg) before importing their contents will enable you to examine the data before importing. When you view a reg file that you want to import, its contents are displayed as a tree in Reg Organizer. This allows you to visualize all the keys that will be imported into the registry.

  • Tracking registry keys will help monitor the actions of any program and see all changes made to the registry in detail.

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ChemTable Reg Organizer Giveaway

03 Reg Organizer
01 Soft Organizer
01 Files Inspector
Lifetime Usage Licenses
11 Months Free Updates

Just post your comments to enter the giveaway (Required)
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Reg Organizer on their social networks (Optional)
Share the giveaway on social media, forums, etc (Optional)
PM me within 3 days of winners selection to claim the win

Giveaway Ends 19 March 2020

Good luck

If you don't want to participate in the giveaway, then don't post in this thread

Do wygrania
3 licencje Reg Organizer
1 Soft Organizer
1 Files Inspector

Zasady konkursu:
1.(Wymagane) Napisz komentarz.
2.(Opcjonalnie czyli jeśli chcesz) Polub profil producenta w serwisie społecznościowym Twitter i Facebook.
3.(Opcjonalnie czyli jeśli chcesz) Podziel się informacją o konkursie w serwisach społecznościowych, na innych forach internetowych itp.

Użytkownicy którzy wygrają muszą w ciągu 3 dni potwierdzić wygraną wysyłając prywatną wiadomość do użytkownika @khanyash :)
Konkurs kończy się 19 marca 2020 roku.

Powodzenia :)

Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
Jeden z lepszych programów do optymalizacji "tego" czy "tamtego". Używam od kilku lat i nie sprawia problemów. Nie jest to demon szybkości, ale to nie oto chodzi. Program niezawodny chociaż dawniej lubił się wywalić przy zaznaczonej opcji czyszczenia "Nieużywanych plików aktualizacji Windows", teraz dla pewności mam tą opcję odznaczoną. Proszę mnie liczyć do konkursu :)


Bardzo aktywny
21 Wrzesień 2010
chcę wygrać REG Organizer poniewarz jest bardzo dobry soft do optymalizacji systemu.
mozna nim usunąc nie chciane programy, wyczyscic rejestr ,usunac pliki tymczasowe,wylączyc programy które nie powinny startowac z systemem i wiele wiecej.
posiada duzo funkcji. program ten nie sprawia zadnych problemów.
uzywam go od długiego czasu i nie mam z nim zadnych problemów.
dzieki za konkurs i mozliwosc wygrania go.
Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
9 Sierpień 2010
Program używam w starszej wersji pozyskanej z promocji darmowej stąd moja opinia z jego użytkowania, i właśnie również dlatego chciałbym ten program w pełnej wersji jaką ten konkurs oferuje.Reg Organizer po konfiguracji do moich potrzeb i wymagań spisuje się bezproblemowo mimo że program potrafi głęboko ingerować w system nie zaliczyłem kłopotów z jego pracą. Program dokładnie usuwa zbędne śmieci z komputera co w efekcie pozwala na utrzymanie systemu w dobrej kondycji.Posiada dodatkowo narzędzia do pracy z rejestrem,dość dokładne możliwości odinstalowania niepotrzebnych aplikacji czy opcje zrządzania autostartem.

Zawisza Czarny

Bardzo aktywny
22 Lipiec 2010
Program bardzo mi się spodobał. Bardzo przypadła mi do gustu w nim funkcja deinstalatora.


Bardzo aktywny
25 Czerwiec 2017
A little change in the giveaway.
Previously it was 05 licenses of Reg Organizer.
Now it is 03 licenses of Reg Organizer, 01 license of Soft Organizer, 01 license of Files Inspector.

A little change in the giveaway rules too.
Previously it was "Write in a few sentences why you want to win a license."
Now it is "Just post your comments to enter the giveaway."

And I have removed the rule "IMPORTANT — Participants must have at least 10 Reaction score to participate in this giveaway."

I have informed the admin @OXYGEN THIEF of the change and reason for it.
Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
29 Marzec 2016
Thanks a lot for another great giveaway @khanyash
I am entering the giveaway only for Reg Organizer for which I have an expired old version 7.30 purchased license. :)
I would like to win a license in order to update the soft and enjoy the latest updates which I am sure are all beneficial to us, the users.
I liked and followed them on social media.

My share below:
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Bardzo aktywny
5 Styczeń 2017
I really like the effectiveness of all the programs in doing the job they do. Regorganiser is a great tool for fixing the registry errors/optimization of registry which is the nervous sysytem of the PC. Softorganiser is one of the best uninstallers with accurate removal and compete uninstall of the programs. FilesInspector is a great app to find unnecessary/large files and remove them for optiization. Thanks!


19 Styczeń 2019
Thanks a lot for the opportunity to win amazing softwares from ChemTable Software, @khanyash! :)

Reg Organizer is indispensable utility for running automatic or manual registry cleanups that will find and removed invalid registry entries, which includes an uninstaller tool for removing applications. I'm using a old version 8.29 and would like to win for an upgrade. I'd also like to take part in giveaways for other ChemTable Softwares, Soft Organizer and Files Inspector Pro to manage and free up disk space and gain improved system performance for my PC. Count me in please! :)

Like and Following Reg Organizer in social media.


Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Thanks a so much for giveaway @khanyash.

I had not used Reg Organizer yet
But seeing this post, I was encouraged to test it
I am always interested in the speed and efficiency of a computer
Excessive files and incorrect settings cause performance loss.
And this program helps me get the best out of it.

Like &Followed Twitter :ok


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Dość często ingeruję w rejestr systemowy, więc przydałby mi się taki program jak Reg Organizer. Zbiera on bardzo pochlebne opinie, więc warto byłoby go przez dłuższy czas przetestować i przekonać się, ile naprawdę jest wart. Tak więc dopisuję się do lisy uczestników konkursu.

Thanks @khanyash for this giveaway :ok :piwek


Bardzo aktywny
24 Wrzesień 2014
Chciałbym wygrać Reg Organizer, ponieważ korzystam z niego od kliku lat. Spełnia swoje zadania jako soft do instalacji/odinstalowywania programów, optymalizacji systemu oraz czyszczenia rejestru. Co prawda spolszczenie pozostawia wiele do życzenia, ale program jest prosty w obsłudze.
Dziękuję za konkurs.


Bardzo aktywny
2 Listopad 2013
Thanks for the Giveaway of this great ChemTable softwares!
Reg Organizer is an advanced tool to manage and optimize the Windows registry. It can also be used to run automatic or manual registry cleanups that will find and removed invalid registry entries.
Soft Organizer is a utility that can help you completely remove programs from your computer, even if the provided uninstaller leaves traces behind. It can also can detect many common installation programs and will automatically prompt you to start tracing when you start the install.
Files Inspector is a tool that allows you to inspect the data on your disks and delete or uninstall the obsolete ones, thus freeing up space and improving the performance of your system at the same time.

I have no particular one to choose if lucky enough to win in this giveaway !
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